Monday, Jan 3, 2011 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Why does front group STOP tell Illinois legislators one thing while Exelon CEO John Rowe tells investors a completely different story? In Illinois, STOP lobbyist (and one-time Exelon consultant) Dr. Phil O’Connor says legislators should vote no on Tenaska’s Taylorville Energy Center (SB 2485). “We don’t need any new baseload. The speculation on the closure of baseload plants is just that, it’s speculation.”
Funny, but that’s not what Exelon CEO John Rowe told investors on a July 22, 2010 investor call. “The upside to Exelon is unmistakable.”
The EPA’s Utility Men, Wall Street Journal Editorial December 23, 2010 “EPA regulations will affect both capacity and energy markets, and will do so sooner than many think.” Mr. Rowe made Exelon’s motivation for killing projects like Taylorville clear: “a $5 per megawatt-hour increase in energy prices would be $700 million to $800 million of incremental revenue to Exelon.” Taylorville Energy Center opponents like Exelon have billions of good reasons for spreading so much disinformation about SB 2485 and hiding the truth from Illinois legislators – they don’t want competition in baseload generation. Remember Economics 101. Decreasing electricity supply and rising demand means higher prices for everyone in Illinois. The math is simple. STOP COALITION MISLEADS + EXELON PROFITS = ILLINOIS PAYS. Learn the facts! Vote yes on SB 2485!