STOP Senate Bill 2485 – TENASKA OFFERS ALL PAIN and almost NO gain!
Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Recently, Tenaska has been waging a scare campaign about available energy in Illinois and how desperately we need the power from the Taylorville Energy Center. What they don’t tell you is this: The available Illinois power pool is 304,000 MW. Tenaska would contribute 544 MW to that pool. That’s two-tenths of one percent - like pouring a coffee cup into a bathtub. Which would be perfectly fine – should even be encouraged – if it didn’t come with a special deal, above market price tag on consumers. These are the facts:
• The hit to Illinois consumers: $286 Million per year, every year, for 30 years. Tenaska describes this increase as small, says it won’t kill a single job statewide. You be the judge: * The Chicago Public Schools will pay $1 million more every year in higher electricity costs because of this plant.