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You’re gonna pay one way or another

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Eric Zorn reprints a fact sheet from the governor’s office

While the corporate income tax in Illinois will rise to 7% on a temporary basis, companies that do business in the state of Illinois are taxed on profits from the location of their customers – not the physical location of the business. Moving across the state border will not affect a business’s Illinois income tax bill. For example:

· The only way for the company to avoid paying Illinois corporate tax is for the company to cease selling their product to Illinoisans; relocating out of Illinois will have no effect on the amount of money paid by a company to the State of Illinois.

· A company that has $1 million in profits from $10 million in sales – $4 million of which was generated by sales in Illinois – will pay the same amount in income taxes ($28,000 under the 7% rate) whether they are located in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, or even Montana. [Emphasis added.]

So much for my secret plan to re-incorporate in South Beach.


The propaganda continues

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been perusing the online letters to the editor sections of Illinois newspapers lately so you don’t have to. It’s never a fun thing to do. The amount of misinformation and weirdness that newspapers allow into their publications is truly beyond the pale. Here’s one theme that I see everywhere these days

Dear Governor Quinn:

When you get a chance, you might want to call a guy named Chris Christie in New Jersey. He has some interesting ideas on actually cutting taxes and reducing spending - the key words being cutting and reducing

There’s been a huge amount of hype about Gov. Christie, but what has he really done? New Jersey’s deficit for the current fiscal year was projected at $10.7 billion last spring. The state’s deficit for next fiscal year is now projected at around $10.5 billion. At that rate, his budget will be balanced in about 53 years.

Either the bottom has completely fallen out in New Jersey, or Christie didn’t actually cut much at all, or some of both. He claims to have balanced the budget, but how could he do that and still be facing a $10.5 billion deficit? Color me skeptical.

And after skipping last year’s $3 billion pension payment, Christie plans to skip $2.5 billion of the state’s payment next fiscal year.

In other words, so far he’s been all talk. Yes, he has “ideas,” but they haven’t actually made a dent in his real life deficit.

* And, of course, there’s the Indiana hype

I live in Indiana, the state to the east of Illinois. I’m sorry about the financial mess your politicians left you in, but not so sorry for the outcome.

You see, in Indiana we elect politicians who realize we don’t want them to spend us broke, or they don’t get re-elected. It has worked well lately, because we’re in the black, and our taxes are lower then yours.

Actually, no. Indiana increased taxes in 2008. That’s a big reason why they have been able to weather the storm. And some of their counties levy as much as a 3 percent corporate income tax. It ain’t all roses over there. Their unemployment rate is higher than ours as well. So much for the miracle.

* Some of the letters oozed with barely concealed racism or, at the very least, class resentment

“We were wondering how a sad sack like Pat Quinn could get elected governor. We found some of the answer in the $250 million hand off he gave to the Black Caucus. He’s taking the money out of you and your friends’ pockets to repay them.”


I have a suggestion for our esteemed leaders in Springfield/Chicago regarding the income tax increase in Illinois. Another way to raise money for the state is to reduce welfare benefits by 2 percent. Fair is fair.

That $250 million was for education funding, not for black people, but whatever. And the state’s Department of Human Services Budget was cut by over 14 percent this fiscal year alone.

* And, of course, there were the illiterate screeds about Chicago

All this could be solved with one simple solution: Let Chicago succeed from Illinois. Chicago is a cesspool of spending abuse and corruption that threatens to take down the entire state.

The word is “secede,” you moron moran.


We had a chance to put a real conservative into the governor’s seat (Bill Brady) and thanks to Chicago, we blew it. Had enough yet?

I took a look at Cook County totals for Democratic governors over the past three cycles…

* 2010 Quinn: 900,838

* 2006 Blagojevich: 854,133

* 2002 Blagojevich: 905,188

In other words, there was nothing particularly extraordinary about the Cook County vote last year except that Republicans completely failed to do whatever it took to make inroads during their greatest year since 1994. Back then, their gubernatorial candidate (Jim Edgar) actually won the county.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he’s looking for ideas for a wager with Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn on the NFC Championship Game [between the Bears and the Packers]. […]

Walker wants to broker a bet with Quinn on the outcome. He says he’s thinking about offering beer, sausage or cheese, but would like get more creative. He’s looking for suggestions from the public through his Twitter account.

* The Question: Suggestions?

Snark is heavily encouraged, of course.


Stupid human tricks

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Of all the dumb things to do, this ranks right up there

During her final days in office, former state Rep. Careen Gordon scored a lucrative state job after casting an important vote that helped pass Gov. Quinn’s controversial 67 percent income tax increase.

Gordon (D-Morris) and a spokeswoman for the governor said there wasn’t any deal to trade Gordon’s vote for the $85,886-a-year seat on the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.

“There was no quid pro quo,” Quinn spokeswoman Annie Thompson said Saturday. “Bottom line, she was appointed because of her extensive background in criminal justice. . . . She was just the ideal candidate.” […]

“There was no deal. That’s untrue,” she said. “My background is a perfect match for someone on the Prisoner Review Board. I’m done talking about it. I’m done being called a liar.”


Gordon said she and Quinn discussed the tax increase when she approached him about the appointment in November, but he didn’t ask for her vote.

This appointment could have, and should have, waited. I, for one, don’t think there was a direct, absolute quid pro quo here. You can get around that pretty easily. In politics, some things are just left unsaid. And the way the “Honest Services Fraud” law has been diluted by the Supreme Court, you’d have to prove a direct bribe to bring any charges, so that’s not gonna happen.

But giving Gordon a job this soon certainly makes it look like something fishy is going on. Stupid, stupid move, governor. Truly.

* And stuff like that only fuels stuff like this

Lame ducks would be dead ducks, under a Constitutional amendment some Downstate Republicans want Illinois voters to decide.

The income tax hike which passed the legislature in the final hours of the 96th General Assembly — Tuesday night in the House and in the wee hours Wednesday in the Senate — got the minimum votes needed to pass: sixty in the House and thirty in the Senate. Of those voting Yes, twelve representatives and one senator were not coming back when the 97th General Assembly was sworn in at midday Wednesday.

Representatives led by Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) want to change that. Rose has filed a Constitutional amendment which, if the legislature and governor approve, would allow voters to decide that the outgoing General Assembly could not convene between an election and the inauguration of the new one.

The proposal, discussed at news conferences in Champaign and Decatur Friday, comes in light of not just the tax increase, but also the death penalty repeal and civil unions, also approved during the post-election veto session or the January lame duck session.

* To the Wayback Machine, Sherman! Decatur Herald & Review, January 13, 1997…

Democrats took control of the Illinois House last week as a result of the swearing-in of legislators elected in November.
Republicans were unable to give up control of state government without a final show of power.

Their actions included redistricting the Illinois Supreme Court to give the 4-3 Democratic body a 4-3 Republican split, ending straight-party voting, and imposing enormous new paperwork burdens on the Cook County assessor.

It was the straight-party campaign, run by Cook County Assessor Tom Hynes, that resulted in Democrats winning back the House. “They were obviously acts of retribution,'’ said state Rep. Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago, who became speaker the day after the Republican efforts.

State Rep. Lee A. Daniels, R-Elmhurst, who relinquished the speakership to Madigan, was fairly candid in his last hours of power. It could, Daniels acknowledged, be labeled “a partisan last day, obviously with some justification.'’

There is little new under the Statehouse dome.

* Statehouse roundup…

* Senate lawyer: Monken out as Illinois State Police director

* New bill would impose pension 
reforms on existing participants [fixed link]

* Third-act twists

* Area legislators clash on state’s income tax hike

* Backlash expected from tax hike vote

* Topinka sounds off on tax hike

* Moffitt Optimistic for Bi-Partisanship

* Flood to keep Senate GOP out of their office for two weeks

* Southland senators: Lou gone, Toi on way up

* Unpaid rent, bills add up as legislator, CPS feud

* Tax credit is incentive to hire temporary workers

* Gun pointed at Rep. Acevedo: A van pulled up to him and an occupant pointed a gun at him, but did not fire it. Acevedo loudly announced his office and the van “took off,’’ police said.

* Illinois death penalty decision leaves uncertainty

* Free rides for seniors now up to Quinn

* Up in smoke: A medical marijuana supporter shares his pain

* Jim Nowlan: Can Illinois make ‘clean’ coal pay off?

* New lieutenant governor ’still just Sheila’


*** UPDATED x1 *** A politically dangerous, but accurate way of looking at the tax hike

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is probably something that the Democrats neglected to properly consider when they raised taxes

Annually, the increase will equate to whole paychecks they’ll be handing over to the state.

Two percent of one’s income is, indeed, about equal to a week’s wages. Gov. Pat Quinn and the Democrats better worry that nobody else picks up on this theme. It could be extremely powerful. And quite dangerous. Nevermind that the total state income tax burden prior to this was only about one and a half weeks’ worth of wages. This new one week of pay taken away and given to the brain trust running our ever-so-competent government is something that people can very easily understand.

* But in the meantime, we’ll just have to endure false propaganda like this from the Heartland Institute

Land of Lincoln? Land of Larceny. […]

The legislation does include a spending “cap,” but it allows spending to grow 18 percent from fiscal 2011 levels over the next four years – and they’ll likely ignore the cap, just as they’ve ignored the state’s balanced budget requirement and a 1995 law requiring proper funding of pensions.

The reason spending appears to be growing from this fiscal year is because we currently can’t pay our bills.

* And the Tribune recklessly printed this Cal Thomas screed, which starts with Illinois as an example and then goes national

Suppose there was a groundswell of taxpayers who announced they will no longer pay for government and, in fact, will start reducing payments to government if politicians won’t significantly cut spending? That would get their attention.

There aren’t enough prisons to house thousands, perhaps millions, of taxpayers who cry “enough” and demand that Washington live within its means. It’s time to starve the beast. If Dracula doesn’t get blood, he dies. If Washington can’t suck more money out of us and must stop borrowing, it will be forced to cut back, like so many Americans have done in this recession.

So much for toning down the rhetoric.

* Northwest Herald executive editor Chris Krug listed those who voted for Pat Quinn, including

Idiots, buffoons and the terminally stupid.


* But James Warren includes a wake-up call for the warring Midwestern states over Illinois’ new tax hike

But a cautionary note came from [Rich Neimand, a Washington media and political strategist]: Economic health involves more than competitive tax rates and cheap land; it involves thinking far beyond Racine, Prairie du Chien, Carbondale and Elgin.

“Both governors should note that the weather is a lot sunnier in Mexico, the local officials infinitely more generous, the environmental regulations more lax and the gang violence probably no worse than Chicago or Milwaukee,” Mr. Neimand said.

So ridicule Illinoisans picnicking in the Dells, Badgers. But realize that it’s folks around the world who are really eating your lunch, Mr. Walker, and ours.

True dat.

* And Doug Finke dumps cold water over the complainers’ heads

What were the alternatives to a tax hike? The state could have kept limping along as it is, with bills piling up and getting paid later and later, if ever. That means the vendors and local service organizations that do business with the state would have paid the price for their association with Illinois. Some people might call that unfair.

There is the stubborn belief that cuts alone - just the waste, mind you, not the good stuff - will solve the problem, despite repeated assurances from all sorts of budget experts that those kinds of cuts are a fantasy, that the numbers involved are just too big. You’re talking about wholesale elimination of about half of Illinois government.

Of course, no one likes paying higher taxes. In the end, though, there were no other reasonable alternatives.

* As does former Gov. Jim Thompson

He does not necessarily buy into the assumption by many that the tax hike, which raises individual income taxes from 3 percent to 5 percent and the corporate rate from 4.8 percent to 7 percent, will not be temporary. The tax is scheduled to drop to 3.75 percent in 2015.

Thompson signed a law that temporarily increased the tax from 2.5 percent to 3 percent. That increase took effect on Jan. 1, 1983, and went back to 2.5 percent on June 30, 1984.

“I went through and the people of Illinois went through in 1982-1983 the second-worst recession in American history,” Thompson said. “(The tax increase) wasn’t renewed, and so it can be done.”

The key to not continuing this year’s tax increase, according to Thompson, will be budget cuts and a better economy.

*** UPDATE *** Not that I usually care what they think, but I forgot to include this editorial from the New York Times

For years, Illinois, like so many states, pretended that it had not fallen off a budgetary cliff. It was spending too much and taking in too little revenue, but every year it would kick its problems into the next. Unable to pay its bills, it finally accepted reality last week and raised taxes on incomes and businesses — a first step toward getting its house in order.

The action was immediately ridiculed by several governors around the nation who are still pretending that they can cut their way out of the enormous shortfalls they face, without raising taxes. Wisconsin and Indiana predicted a windfall of angry corporations and residents would head their way from Illinois. Even Gov. Chris Christie, the New Jersey Republican, vowed to fly to Illinois to invite businesses there to defect to his state.

That makes great political theater. But businesses and voters in Illinois, and around the country, should take a closer look at the facts and figures, including their own. […]

With federal stimulus aid ending, states are in for their worst year in generations, and they cannot get out of it by either cutting or taxing alone. Illinois is figuring that out, finally. Too many other states are still in denial.

* Related…

* Legislators defend tax increase - State was facing imminent insolvency, Alton Democrats say

* Don’t follow Illinois’ lead: “The idea of competing on state tax rates is … hopelessly out of date,” said Ed Morrison, economic policy adviser for the Purdue Center for Regional Development.

* Illinois moving up the tax charts - But increase is unlikely to turn state into the highest taxed: Even with the tax increase passed last week by Illinois lawmakers and signed by Gov. Pat Quinn, Illinois’ tax burden won’t be among the country’s heaviest. But it is nothing to sneeze at, said Joseph Henchman, director of state projects for the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Foundation.

* Tax hikes will prove to be an onerous burden, local business people say: To make matters worse, Poe doesn’t know how she’ll be able to afford the additional taxes, given that the state owes her business money that hasn’t been paid. She has no idea what happened to some of the expenses for which she asked for reimbursement and has been resubmitting claims to no avail. “Many of the bills are eight months out that need to be paid,” Poe said. “We just got payment recently for something in 2009. I have no idea if they just went into a black hole because we’re not getting payment on them.”

* Companies: Tax hike will hurt recruiting

* Mike Lawrence: More revenue just 1 aspect of fixing state’s finances

* Who won, and who lost, in Springfield?

* Gambling expansion still up for grabs

* R&R courtesy of good government: It was Illinois Sen. Paul Douglas who led the long battle a half-century ago to set aside the precious [Indiana] dunescapes. Business interests put up a stiff fight, but in the end a compromise set aside land for steel mills — and jobs — while preserving much of the rest.


Don’t kid yourself, Republicans like it, too

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column takes a look at the recent tax hike

Whether they admitted it or not, a large majority of Statehouse denizens was relieved last week when the General Assembly approved the income tax hike.

Ironically enough, Republicans may have been the happiest. The state’s horrific structural deficit was finally addressed, which is good news all around. And since they didn’t put any votes on the tax hike bill, the Republicans now get to use it as a wicked political hammer against the Democrats.

Their silent, but tacit consent came late in the evening when several Republicans, including the Senate GOP Leader, joined the Senate Democrats to support a borrowing plan to make the state’s pension payments this year. The Republicans wouldn’t put votes on the bill last spring until they got some budget reforms. But now that the $3.7 billion borrowing plan was paid for with a tax hike, they explained they could now go along.

House Republicans offered up their own version of tacit acceptance shortly before the tax hike was approved in their chamber. They took what amounted to a rare “caucus position” against putting any votes on Gov. Pat Quinn’s $14 billion bond program to pay off old debts, but afterward privately said they would likely agree to the plan down the road, as soon as they could extract some concessions from Democrats. The tax hike proposal, of course, includes designated cash to pay off those $14 billion in bonds.

And while there was relief and even elation in the building after the tax hike finally passed, the tax hike is definitely causing an uproar amongst the general populace.

It is, in a way, a bit like the federal healthcare legislation. Like President Obama, Gov. Quinn would’ve been badly hobbled at the Statehouse if his tax hike had failed (undoubtedly even worse, since no new revenues would’ve resulted in catastrophic budget cuts).

But also like Obama, Quinn and legislative Democrats will pay a steep political price for passing a very big plan without a clear popular mandate. Again, it will likely be worse for Illinois Democrats because most people tell pollsters they actually like individual pieces of that federal healthcare law. Not many are gonna love any part of this tax hike.

History may eventually look kindly on what the Democrats did last week. But the foreseeable future is going to be absolutely brutal.

There has also been much consternation about the “temporary” nature of this tax hike. For some reason or another, Illinois memories only go back to 1989, when the last “temporary” income tax increase was approved. That one never went away, goes the reasoning, and neither will this one.

That previous temporary tax hike was made permanent after the 1990 election. Republican Jim Edgar campaigned for governor on a pledge to make it permanent. Democrat Neil Hartigan said he would kill off the income tax hike. Edgar won and he got what he, and the voters, wanted.

But income taxes were also raised temporarily in 1983, during a deep, dark recession. That tax increase was even more controversial than this one because it came after an election when Republican Governor Jim Thompson had promised not to raise the income tax at all. It was allowed to expire on its own.

There is no doubt that the planned 2015 expiration of most of this tax hike will be the prime focus of the 2014 governor’s race. It’s probably a good bet that the permanency of the increase will likely be decided by whoever wins the next governor’s race. Just like it was in 1990.

Even so, voters last year thought they were electing a guy who backed just a one-point tax hike. Gov. Quinn said last week that conversations over the past couple of months with financial institutions that lend the state money led him to break his campaign promise on taxes. The state’s ability to borrow was about to be eclipsed, Quinn said.

Last summer, Quinn promised not to sign any tax hike above one percentage point. He made that pledge after his top budget aides were caught on video telling an out-of-state financial reporter that a 2 percentage point increase would likely be passed in January to deal with the structural deficit. It’s hardly believable, therefore, that the governor came to this realization just since the election.

If Quinn runs again, he’ll probably have to put his house up as collateral against his new promises.



Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mayoral debate: Kids’ questions more revealing than pols’ answers

* Chicago mayoral candidates address childhood bullying at student forum - 3 mayoral hopefuls say they were bullied as a child

* Students question candidates for mayor

* In Mayoral Forum, It’s the Students Who Impress

* Debate strategy for mayoral rivals: Go after Rahm Emanuel: Braun replied, “No. Tampons. Let’s talk about Tampons. I don’t go to the NRA. This isn’t about guns. This is about Tampons and how women would feel about somebody who said that in the workplace.”

* Braun, Walls Spar at Mayoral Forum: Braun: “You have run for mayor, you have run for senate … No body knows what you’re doing. Let’s get some honesty.” Walls: “State the facts, state the facts. You got ran out of office.”

* Moseley Braun, Walls exchange heated words

* VIDEO: Carol Moseley Braun & Dock Wall heat up

* Poll: Transit Is A Major Mayoral Issue

* Black wards adding more voters, while Hispanic wards lag behind: In just 10 weeks since the November midterm elections, every ward in the city showed a jump in the number of registered voters, indicating a high level of interest in the upcoming mayoral contest.

* A New Beginning For 29th Ward

* Blagojevich trial hangs over Rahm’s campaign: Another mayoral candidate, Gery Chico, had his own Blagojevich issue. The Sun-Times has reported that Chico hosted a fund-raiser for Blagojevich the night before he was arrested. Chico told the Sun-Times he is a Democrat so it is not surprising he would host a fund-raiser for the state’s Democratic governor.

* Bill Clinton in Chicago to campaign for Emanuel

* Ethical questions arise about county ethics board

* Oak Lawn petition full of forgeries, officials say - 84 percent of signatures to eliminate village manager’s post might be invalid

* The theoretical half-life of Bill Foster’s political career

* Lipinski tells Southwest to pick up the pace

* Illinois disciplinary flaws highlighted in doctor’s sex case - State missed convicted physician’s admission of at least 3 sexual relationships with patients

* Champaign considers natural gas tax

* 13 fewer deputies on the job after layoffs: On the day 13 St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department deputies were laid off because of a budget impasse, a lawyer for the Fraternal Order of Police said no negotiations are scheduled to try to get them back on the beat.

* Workers get big boost from overtime

* The Alton Telegraph: 175 Years of Service

* Springfield inexpensive place to live, studies show: Using 100 as the national average, Springfield rated an 86. The figures for other Illinois communities were: Chicago, 113; Kankakee, 100; Peoria, 100; Champaign-Urban, 98; Bloomington-Normal, 97; Decatur, 93; Rockford, 91; Danville, 89; and East St. Louis area, 87. According to local economic development groups and the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce, the relatively low cost of electricity from City, Water Light and Power is a major factor in the Springfield figure.

* Fix is in for Capitol offices: Senate Republicans are flooded out of their third-floor Capitol offices for the next two weeks, even as senators and staff are gearing up for the start of a new session. About two dozen GOP staff members will have to be relocated to other areas of the Capitol complex while workers dry out offices soaked by a sprinkler system pipe that broke last week.

* Chef creates ‘invasivore‘ dinner, but experts say that’s not the way to halt finned intruders


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