David Miller update
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the Tribune…
It’s really good to know he’s OK. Those were some very scary moments last night.
Madigan, Cullerton address members after reelections
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Michael Madigan spoke today after being elected to his 14th term as House Speaker. He talked about the past and the future. Madigan said the last session had been one of the most controversial, contentious and successful sessions in history. He said that the “national economic collapse” had resulted in tax receipts declines of 25 percent, leading to the need for new revenues. And here’s what he said about the next two years… * Quotes…
* Senate President Cullerton also delivered his acceptance speech after being reelected today… “We could not overcome this challenge just with cuts alone,” he said of the budget crisis. Cullerton defended the tax hike as “a measure that will guarantee payment to all that are owed money [and] provide enough funds to maintain basic government services as our economy improves and as our resources increase.” “We have to immediately address substantial education reforms,” Cullerton said, adding, like Madigan that he wanted reforms to make it easier to remove bad teachers. He also, like Madigan, pledged to continue pushing for workers compensation reforms. The Senate President said the state must now “reexamine the need for so many units of local government that result in higher taxes and less efficiency.” Thoughts? * Related…
[Thanks to BlueRoomStream.com for the Cullerton video and Illinois Statehouse News for the Madigan vids.]
Quinn: Talks with lenders led to bigger tax hike than promised
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn talked to reporters this morning in his ceremonial Statehouse office. Watch the whole thing… Thanks to BlueRoomStream.com for the video. * Quinn was asked about breaking his campaign promise to not raise the income tax by more than a point. He essentially said Wall Street made him do it…
And it appears to have worked…
Lots of suckers lost money on credit default swaps today. I have a hard time feeling sorry for those mopes. * But, the governor was asked, after promising only a one-point hike, why did he originally back a 2.25-point tax increase?…
* The governor was also asked about the new Wisconsin governor’s joke about relaunching the old “Escape to Wisconsin” TV ads to attract Illinois business. “Well, lots of luck to them, but that’s not gonna happen,” Quinn said. “Facts are stubborn things. This past year we’ve created more jobs, far more jobs, than Indiana and Wisconsin,” he said. The governor added: “We’re after [rail car manufacturer] Talgo, which [the Wisconsin governor] decided to kick in the shins when he didn’t want to support the high speed rail in Wisconsin. I think you’ll see that’ll be a big mistake.” But Indiana’s governor downright mocked Illinois yesterday…
* Related…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Clueless Rod… And clueless Daley
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Convicted liar Rod Blagojevich went on WLS Radio this morning to criticize the General Assembly for passing a tax hike. Then he said this…
How completely clueless can one man be? Seriously, the mind boggles. He did nothing to prepare the state for the steep “ramp” in future pension payments. Instead, he did a pension bond program and then “drew down” many of the longterm savings right away. That was just one example of his countless one-off revenue “fixes,” which, when added to his numerous unfunded program expansions, fatally wounded Illinois’ budget as the economy began to dive into the ditch. He proposed the single largest tax increase in the history of the state - actually, in the history of any state. He claimed this wasn’t a tax hike on “people,” but the Gross Receipts Tax would’ve hit business incredibly hard. If you think corporations are upset with this current tax hike, imagine what they would’ve done if the GA had passed Blagojevich’s. We’d be empty by now. And he “stood up” to Madigan by engaging in a needless, endless war which stopped all progress on literally everything while the national economy nosedived. Yeah. He was “Mr. Responsible” alright. What a freaking crock. * Mayor Daley has also refused to make any really tough choices about his own budget, which is why he’s leaving city finances in such incredibly sorry shape as he slinks into the history books…
Daley doesn’t like tax hikes, and I agree with him. There will definitely be some upset corporations in this state and undoubtedly millions of unhappy residents. But what Daley prefers instead is one-time revenue pops like selling off assets, including parking meters, and then spending all the money right away. He, like Rod Blagojevich, is leaving his successor with a truly gigantic budgetary mess, which will require deep cuts and almost assuredly some new taxes that Daley refused to raise. *** UPDATE *** From a Carol Moseley Braun press release…
It’s understandable that local governments are not happy with being cut out of the pie. But a bigger tax hike to get them a “fair share” would’ve been very, very tough, if not impossible. And if the tax hike didn’t pass, they would’ve been in danger of losing some, most or maybe even all of their current revenue share cash. The Tribune editorial board has repeatedly demanded that current revenue sharing be cut in half. The locals will now be paid in a more timely matter. That chronic lateness was causing a lot of hardships. They should feel fortunate to get what they’re getting, frankly.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve been working all night and I need some rest before the new General Assembly is sworn in today. You’ll find all you need to know in the posts below, including links to relevant news stories. I’ll post some other stuff later today. The governor is planning a 10:30 am press conference, so hopefully we’ll have some video of that as well. * The Question: If you were the governor, how would you sell this income tax hike to the citizenry? Try to avoid snark. I know many of you are upset about this, but a fact is a fact. The bill is passed and it will soon be the law of the land. Stick to the question, please. Thanks.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Senate approves tax hike - Passes pension bond - Quinn talks to press
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:20 am - The Senate passed the tax increase bill with 30 votes. During his closing remarks, Senate President John Cullerton promised the Republicans that he would close any loophole in the expenditure cap that they might find. Republicans had suggested the bill would allow the governor to skip pension payments. Democrats countered with intent language that declared this was not the case. * 1:25 am - The Senate passed the pension bond biill with 42 votes. Republicans had vowed to oppose the bill. They apparently changed their minds. * 1:48 am - Gov. Pat Quinn has not talked to the Statehouse press corps since the passage of the civil unions bill. But we caught up to him behind the Senate chambers after his visit with Democrats who voted for the tax hike bill. Nobody thought to hold an elevator for him, so there was a welcomed delay for us as we tried to get him to answer questions. He didn’t say a whole lot, promising to talk to us tomorrow. Notice the last little bit in the video. I couldn’t resist… * Roundup…
***UPDATED x1 *** Rep. David Miller collapses
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:02 am - Rep David Miller collapsed onto the floor of the Senate chambers tonight during debate on the tax bill. Witnesses say he is conscious. Paramedics have arrived. * 1:09 am - Rep. Miller was taken out of the building by paramedics. He appeared to be conversing with them and was wearing a neck brace. He fell very hard, causing a loud thump. * 2:18 am - From a friend of David’s…