CMB: I didn’t want to look like a wimp
Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Carol Moseley Braun was on Fox Chicago last night and said she went on the attack against Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins because she feared being portrayed as a “wimp.” I kid you not. Watch… Carol Moseley Braun Addresses Crack Comment Controversy: Braun is planning a press conference today at 1 o’clock. Should be fun. * The universal reaction related by the media was one of disgust and anger…
I don’t know if I quite believe yet that this incident knocks Braun out of second place. We’ll just have to wait and see. The “killer” snow storm, civil unions, Egypt, etc. are all big stories right now, so it’s competing with a lot of other stuff. I don’t completely agree with this assessment…
Keeping Rahm Emanuel below 50 percent is Braun’s best bet for getting into the runoff. All she’s doing with this craziness is pushing voters to him. Ignoring Watkins would’ve been the smart play. What Braun may have done, if anything, is help Emanuel avoid the runoff.
Last time I checked, Watkins was polling at close to zero. So at least when it comes to black candidates, African-American voters do seem pretty unified. * Notice, however, that the media has not even touched on Braun’s other claim. Here’s her full comment…
What’s this about a cult? I received a bulk e-mail yesterday with some iffy stuff in it alleging that Watkins’ church is a “cult.” Apparently, Braun believes that, too.
- Esquire - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:26 am:
Consider the location of the candidates forum where the flap between Braun and Watkins occurred: The Trinity United Church of Christ.
It’s not like there has ever been any controversial or inflammatory political rhetoric delivered from that tranquil and serene location.
- Jasper - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:33 am:
People were rowdy and out of control, and she responded to that behavior by calling their candidate a crack addict?
She viewed that as an effective means to calm the crowd?
- Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:34 am:
roll the neck??
- NotRMiller - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:35 am:
More to the point: I think the outburst hurt CMB in the one area she really needed help. I think her rant and crackhead comment hurt yer with North Lakefront liberal women. CMB needed to grab a percentage of the lakefront women vote, and I believe her comments turned them off and over to Rahm
- shore - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:38 am:
I think it says more about gery chico not passing the smell test that he can’t move beyond braun. At this point I think the key number is not Emanuel versus braun or chico but emanuel total versus total of all others combined in a question of do we have a runoff or not.
For the people that passed on the race waguespeck, dart, hynes ect, I hope they have plans for the next several years because they passed on perhaps a once in a generation moment to run for this office.
- Seriously??? - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:41 am:
CMB should be ashamed of herself. Her excuse is laughable at best and a bold faced lie at worst. She would have been better off apologizing and moving on.
- Obamarama - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:42 am:
Can someone please offer Carol a job so the rest of us don’t have to deal with her anymore?
Shore: Waguespack will continue to serve on the council, Dart will continue as Sheriff and Hynes just started commuting out here to Oak Brook–something about pensions or shopping.
- Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:43 am:
Is the press conference inside or outside? If the latter, maybe she’s planning on getting all the media swept away by the storm, making it impossible for anyone to report bad news on her through the rest of the campaign.
It wouldn’t be her dumbest idea this week.
- Big D - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:49 am:
Watkins deserves a lot of credit for keeping her cool and composure. This “incident” makes Watkins seem very favorable.
Watkins comes off as the victim and she now has much needed media attention to get her story out. Also, the fact that she was doing drugs 2 decades ago in the projects and has turned her life around will play very favorably with many people.
CMB tried to hurt Watkins with the comment but it backfired.
- NotRMiller - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:49 am:
I think her campaign staff is finding out how difficult CMB is to manage during an election cycle. Some people have short memories.
- Aldyth - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:51 am:
When you think CMB can’t possibly say anything more self-defeating, she opens her mouth again.
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:52 am:
If CMB slips up like that for someone with apparently little support, what does she do when the heavyweight political fights come later?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:53 am:
Whole lot of karma coming around for CMB.
Old Al Hofeld spent a fortune to put her in the Senate; Clinton set her up as an ambassador.
She frittered away the prestige and earning power of those two gifts. Now she’s well on her way to clown status.
- D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:54 am:
to coin a phrase–”What was she thinking??”
Thank God for the new civility in politics!
How much have the odds increased that Rahm can get over 50%?
- Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:57 am:
So instead of looking like a wimp, she looks like a lunatic. Stay klassy, Carol.
- Esquire - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:09 pm:
I saw Braun once in Springfield outside of the State Board of Elections office. She was in line filing for re-election (she lost to Fitzgerald later that year). Someone wanted to hand her a business card and she directed the person to hand it to one of her staffers. A business card. Can you spell “D-I-V-A?”
I feel for her campaign staff. Mike Noonan, what were you thinking?
- Irish - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:10 pm:
I watched Alan Krashesky interview Watkins a couple of days ago and was impressed with her comments on consensus candidates with regards to her goal of being a consensus candidate for all Chicagoans rather than trying to be a consensus candidate for black voters. She was not saying she was a consensus candidate but whoever would be mayor should be a mayor for all Chicagoans.
I felt she came across much more professional and poised than CMB ever has. And as far as CMB’s comments, isn’t this exactly what one would expect from her? I really don’t know what the group at Rainbow Push was thinking. I know Danny Davis isn’t the most popular and he isn’t a woman, which maybe they were trying to get that group also, but he is much less of a lightning rod than CMB. I mean if the other candidates wanted to pull out skeletons they could have a field day.
- matty - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:14 pm:
Of al of the African American candidates (even before they all died and rallied around CMB), Watkins seemed like the most reasonable. Frankly, I think she is more likeable than most who are still in the race. Whatever, I don’t live in Chicago and wont be voting.
Rich, could you provide any more information on this “cult”? I think the readers here would be interested in some of the content in that email you got yesterday. thanks
- tired of press - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:18 pm:
It is so arbitrary that Watkins has been excluded from the media, and therefore from building support. Most people who hear her see someone more energetic and smart than (obviously Braun) but also the other progressives. It is a real shame because she adds a lot to the dialogue, especially about crime prevention.
Now that she has gotten this press, I think reporters are unfairly characterizing Watkins as part of a cat-fight. She didn’t do anything unprofessional in saying that Braun has not been active and engaged in the community (after all, Watkins has). “I didn’t even know she still lived in Chicago” is a good line. You just can’t compare that to what CMB said.
- One of the 35 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:18 pm:
CMB admitted during the interview that she did not know the details of her opponents drug problem yet she still asserted that she “was on crack”. Typical of CMB; just blurt someting out without any knowledge of the facts.
- Honest Abe - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:20 pm:
@ CMB: It has to be tough to defend your record when you have held a succession of important elected offices and never really accomplished too much in any of these positions.
Watching the entire video clip, was anyone surprised at how deferential Robin Robinson appeared to be towards CMB?
This flap seems to reinforce the notion that Braun is too kooky to be mayor.
- jayhawk97 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:21 pm:
Favorite part is around the 3:11 mark where she says “Don’t you think that people have a right to know (about her drug problem)? It’s not my job to tell them.”
Says a lot about how she views the situation. Its all about her.
- Northsider - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:37 pm:
Matty @ 12:14: Maybe Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins is a Pastafarian?
Honest Abe @ 12:20: That idea didn’t need much reinforcement, even before this kerfuffle.
- tired of press - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:38 pm:
Does anyone know what it would take for the black leadership to disassociate with CMB? After all, their credibility is going down with this ship.
Irish, I do admire Watkins for shunning the concept that people of one “race” need their own candidate. And ironically, she actually does work to strengthen communities and she is on state commissions on crime prevention and prisoner reentry.
- Bill - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:39 pm:
Argh, who cares. Everybody knows Carol doesn’t stand a chance, including Carol. She’s probably paying her expenses from her campaign fund which probably beats peddling that energy drink she sells. She’s been in the media every day by doing something stupid, lots of free air time. Maybe that will get her a few more votes. She can’t afford to go up for money. In the meantime Ralph Emmanuel just keeps on pluggin.
We’re screwed!
- Objective Dem - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:41 pm:
I agree with your observation that the media never addressed the second part of the comment regarding being in a cult. It was odd to me because it was part of the same short sound bite and adds to the sense of CMB throwing out wild allegations.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 12:49 pm:
@Northsider - We are not a cult
– MrJM
- Northsider - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:00 pm:
@ MrJM: As an Orthodox Culinarian myself, I certainly don’t consider you such. Still, used the term as a way to highlight Carol Moseley-Braun’s ignorance … orzo I intended.
- Loop Lady - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:19 pm:
Those who fail to learn from their mis-steps are bound to mis-step again, right Carol?
Could it be the African American leadership fielded Carol for a reason like they knew their candidate had little hope of winning? Is Carol wearing the jacket with something in it for her later? Hmmmm…
- tired of press - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:25 pm:
Loop Lady, maybe I’m too dense, but I do not understand what scheme you are trying to propose.
Are you saying that Jesse Jackson, Danny Davis, et al decided that for Rahm’s sake they would pick a terrible candidate in order to secretly help Rahm? And that later she would pitch her vast African-Americans support to Rahm and then be rewarded in the new Rahm administration? Somehow I don’t think so.
- Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:42 pm:
PVPW knocked my socks off first time I heard her. Talks about “evidence based” policy making. Stands up for our out-of-towner Police superintendant. And now I see she is not afraid to mix it up with knuckleheads.
She is pulling in this non-African-American, non-woman voter.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:08 pm:
What church/cult does Watkins belong to? And is her involvement any worse than Davis and the Moonies?
- Because I say so - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:13 pm:
=Could it be the African American leadership fielded Carol for a reason like they knew their candidate had little hope of winning? Is Carol wearing the jacket with something in it for her later? Hmmmm…=
I have felt this way all along. The African Amer leaders HAD to have known she would be the weakest candidate.
As for Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins, I think she asked some very ligit questions about where and what has CMB been doing these last several years.
- tired of press - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:17 pm:
I think the “cult” allegation is because Watkins raised more money than CMB, and that was largely because of a large contributions from her minister. I’m sure someone else knows more about this, but I remember the CMB people attacking her for this. If Meeks were in the race, CMB might have accused him of the same thing.
- ZC - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:27 pm:
My one observation of CMB directly, in 1998, at Democrats’ Day in Springfield.
Elderly African American man approaches Carol Moseley-Braun, as she’s leaving an event. He humbly asks if he could get her autograph.
“I’m sorry, hon, but I’ve got to get to the cameras,” Mosely-Braun says as she strides right past him down the hill.
- good stuff - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:37 pm:
CMB keep making Northwestern proud . . . just like Rod!
- Mark S. Allen - Wednesday, Feb 2, 11 @ 2:44 am:
Carol like Harold will overcome her negatives and be elected after Rahm and Chico split their bases just as Harold did when Byrne and Daley split their base in 1983. Carol is still polling at 20% and STILL can close in on Rahm to win of to runoff. The big money didn’t beat Harold and the big money today will lose to Carol.
We fall down, but we get up again. Carol has just went through her acceptance of a mistake, her forgiveness and redemption and the next 21 days are about turnout.