Question of the day
Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * What are the latest developments in your local (non-Chicago) mayor’s race or aldermanic (including Chicago) race? Fill us in as best you can, and tell us whom you are backing. Let’s avoid the Chicago mayor’s race. We’ve had plenty of posts on that already. Thanks.
- WRMNpolitics - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:00 pm:
Elgin is seeing its first truly contested mayors race in the past 10 yrs. The current Mayor, Ed Schock who has been in office since 1999, is being challenged by a current city council member Dave Kaptain. The field of council candidates has two incumbents facing eight challengers in one of the weakest fields in the past 10 years. One major issue will be whether the city continues to elect its council at large or changes to a ward or modified ward system. Elgin is one of the last large cities in Illinois to still elect at large. So far this has been one of the slowest election cycles in recent city history, with a low voter turnout a strong possibility.
- Living In Oklahoma - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:04 pm:
In the Carbondale Mayors race the 8 year incumbent Brad Cole is not running for another term. It has opened up a field of 5 candidates for Mayor (which will be trimmed to 4 in the primary on February 22nd). It has also brought to the table 16 candidates for City Council with only 4 open seats available.
I am supporting Steven Haynes for Mayor. He is a 8 year city councilman and lifelong Carbondale resident. He is also one of few African American conservatives in the area who was also the president of the local chapter of the NAACP.
Other Candidates in the race include former SIUC Chancellor Sam Goldman and local hospital administrator George Maroney. It will be interesting who comes out on top of this race, as there isn’t a clear favorite at this point.
- tubbfan - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:11 pm:
Joliet is wide open and a run-off election is likely. Our long standing mayor chose not to run and three council persons have stepped up to fill the void. There are also a number of other candidates. I’m struck by the lack of available information about the various candidates, but its still early. The main issues will be municipal finance and future development.
- parlimentary boy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:11 pm:
In the 45th Ward, Pat Levar’s handpicked successor, Marina Faz Huppert, has been caught red-handed lying to voters about when she moved into the ward (which was only sixteen months or so ago).
- 50 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:19 pm:
Lots of union and other volunteers helping Debra Silverstein in the 50th Ward…I don’t remember this much activity around here in a long time. Go Debra!
- Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:30 pm:
In my town, I am backing (I guess) the unchallenged incumbent, Rex the Plumber. He does a good job as mayor and my kitchen faucets don’t leak. In a more interesting neighboring race, I am backing a friend who is the only female candidate. She is in the middle of the pack but has a chance to make the runoff, at which point bets are off. As voters learn more about the candidates, the order of preference is liable to change pretty fast. Anyway, fun for the whole family.
- Ray del Camino - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:31 pm:
Carbondale will be interesting indeed, as Cole bowed out because (rumor has it) he was in for a gig with the new Brady Administration. Oh well. I’m backing Councilman Joel Fritzler, a university research-department employee, a technocrat, and a reasonable person. Maroney and Goldman are retired guys looking for a new hobby. Of those two, I’d pick Goldman.
- Midge - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:33 pm:
In Cihcago’s 19th Ward, the assumed succession to the Aldermanic slot has a strong, organized challenger in Dr. Anne Schiable. Her thoughtful positions, creative ideas, and lifelong committment to the ward would bring welcome new energy.
- If It's Fun, It's In Downtown Joliet. - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:34 pm:
== Joliet is wide open and a run-off election is likely. ==
My understanding is that Joliet has no run-off, with the only election April 5th. This certainly opens the door for some less than favorable candidate’s becoming Mayor.
It is also true and unfortunate that there isn’t much information available about the candidates. Only a handful of the candidates have websites, and any press coverage will predominantly be limited to the mayoral race and to the incumbent members current council business. The Herald News will have most of the coverage, but don’t forget to check The Times Weekly and WJOL online.
I worked in Joliet until recently and got to know Richard Rodriguez( who is running in the 3rd District. He’s got an excellent chance of winning and will muster a strong ground game. He’s facing off against a former council member, and a recently appointed member who previously served on the Will County Board.
He’s grabbed some press with his pledge and petition ( to eliminate the free lifetime health care afforded to retired council members and mayors. City council is considered a part-time gig, and they’re eligible for free lifetime health insurance after serving two terms. The city’s in dire straights w/ it’s finances and Rich is touting the pledge as ‘leading by example’ as the city cuts and slashes it’s budget.
- View from the Cheap Seats - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:37 pm:
Fioretti is sending a lot of mail.
- A Real Soy Boy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:47 pm:
After Adam Brown defeated Bob Flider for State Rep., Brown resigned his Decatur City Council seat. The timing of his resignation resulted in appointment of a temporary successor until his permanent successor can be elected in March. Since the deadline to file nominating petitions had already passed, the only way to get on the ballot is to run as a write-in. Six candidates filed statements of candidacy, triggering the need for a primary. The primary ballot will list the name of no candidate, and votes presumably must be hand counted. The top four will advance to the consolidated election in March. By law a person cannot serve on a City Council if that person is a convicted felon. One of the “candidates” has admitted publicly that he is a convicted felon.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:48 pm:
Highland Park has a contested mayor’s race. So far all the candidates are stressing fiscal conservatism. Usually in Highland Park they gloss over fiscal issues. The local High School has a $100 million plus referendum that has a lot of folks up in arms, both pro and con.
- Jasper - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:55 pm:
NEVER give Bob Fioretti your business card. Ever. Hypothetically, if you run into him (or if he stops by your table) while you are having lunch, don’t give him that card. Claim that you forget them. Claim that new ones are being printed and you will get one over to him when they are in. Say anthing. Just don’t give him that card.
Unless, of course, you want your e-mail filled with requests for campaign funds.
- Old Shepherd - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:56 pm:
I’m interested in how the Cook County State’s Attorneys race ends up. One would have to give Peter Florrick the edge, but Glenn Childs and Wendy Scott-Carr will give him a run for his money.
- Robert - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 1:57 pm:
re: 45th Ward (Northwest Side-Jefferson Park is in the center of the ward), Faz-Huppert has significant funds from her labor supporters (she herself works for one of the unions), so she has to be considered a leading contender.
Michael Fitzgerald Ward, a restauranteur-turned commodites trader, is her main competition. he is the only one who can compete with her fundraising-wise, and apparently some of Levar’s committeemen are defecting from Levar’s backing of Faz-Huppert to support him. Ward is a budget hawk, a supporter of Civic Federation/Inspector General budget cut and pension reform commendations.
Neither are well known in the ward, so it likely will come down to name recognition.
They aren’t the only candidates; John Arena, a progressive with the Six Corners Neighborhood Association, received the Sun-Times endorsement but may not have the funds to compete on name recognition, and has the ballot name downside of having a name that sounds like another candidate, John Garrido, who is the only Republican in the race.
- persnickety - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:04 pm:
Re: 41st Ward - all the following are running for the aldermanic seat: Maurita E. Gavin, Richard Gonzalez, Michael B Hannon, Daniel T. Lapinski, Thomas Patrick Murphey, Mary O’Connor, John Joseph Quinn, James J. Schamne, George Banna, Barbara Ateca, Jim Mullen, Brock Merck - personally I’m pulling for Maurita Gavin; after 14 years of being Brian Doherty’s right hand she knows her stuff.
- Kielbassa King - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:06 pm:
In the 32nd Ward I am supporting Wagueuspack. He has sent me two pieces of mail, voted against the parking meter lease, is calling for greater TIF accountability and is responsive when I call his office about problems I see in the ward. David Pavlik is just a kid anyone who has ties to Dick Mell and anyone with ties to Dick Mell can’t be trusted to work in the public interest. I think Lynch is an attorney who operates in real estate issues ( no conflicts of interest there) and while Gorman is a nice guy and has worked on a lot of progressive issue, Waguespack hasn’t done anything to warrant him getting the boot.
- Because I say so - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:06 pm:
Tonight’s aldermanic candidates forum in the 19th Ward is still scheduled to take place. In an effort to actually say what he stands for, the heir apparent and front runner Matt O’Shea is being blamed for the timing of the blizzard.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:07 pm:
In Oak Park, the K-8 teacher’s union voted overwhelmingly to take a one-year pay freeze (they had a raise coming in their contract) in the runup to an April property tax increase referendum. Big cuts and layoffs coming if the referendum doesn’t pass.
- 32nd Ward - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:19 pm:
== In the 32nd Ward I am supporting Wagueuspack. ==
Didn’t know that about Pavlik/Mell, interesting. I think Waguespack get’s a bad rap from his opponents. They seem to like to perpetuate a notion that his constituent service is lacking.
I like having an alderman with a voice bigger than his own ward, and frankly I think there are just as many pot holes in my ward as there are in any other ward (again, contrary to his opponent’s messaging)
- Always Thinking - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:20 pm:
In Chicago’s 2nd ward, Fioretti may be mailing a lot but challenger Genita Robinson seems to be everywhere in person. She’s impressive - smart and informed; articulate and dedicated. I saw she got the Sun-Times endorsement and the Chamber of Commerce. That Chamber one has to sting Fioretti. There are some other challengers but I don’t think they’re going to be relevant.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:22 pm:
On January 16, Jon Langford (Waco Brothers, Mekons, etc) performed an acoustic concert with Skull Orchard in a fundraiser to benefit John Arena’s campaign for 45th Ward alderman.
So I guess we now know who has Chicago’s Welsh, punk-rock, cowboy band vote in the bag!
– MrJM
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:23 pm:
== In the 32nd Ward I am supporting Wagueuspack. ==
The guy that Kass said scared Daley out of the race actually has an opponent? Shocking.
- levois - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:25 pm:
My neighborhood is full of signs for both Ald. Lyle and Richard Wooten. Makes me wonder who will really make this a race here in Chicago’s 6th Ward. I’m not prepared to say who I’m backing. Haven’t heard much from the other Aldermanic candidates including Roderick Sawyer who is the son of a late former Mayor. Can’t believe we’re already less than a month away from the municipal elections.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:26 pm:
Just got my property tax bill.
- Kielbassa King - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:37 pm:
@ 32nd Ward
-Didn’t know that about Pavlik/Mell, interesting.-
Here is a link to an article about the Pavlik/Mell connection. It has got to be nice to know that three years out of undergrad, you too can get a job being a Deputy Director in a State Agency.
- Indeedy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 2:43 pm:
In 39 Mary Hunter gets my vote. Good head. Held up through a punishing series of BOE hearings, more than even Rahm, and is running against Ald. Laurino the old-fashioned way: door to door.
- Northsider - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 3:00 pm:
In Chicago’s 49th Ward, incumbent Joe Moore has a stronger-than-usual challenger in Bryan White. I’m backing Joe, as he’s been very attentive to the ward since 2007, when he was forced into a runoff after the foie gras debacle. He learned his lesson, and has earned another term.
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 3:33 pm:
In the 49th Brian White was head of some non profit fighting for the RIF, a TIF over most of the ward that sends tax revenues to landlords under the condition they don’t raise rent.
Joe Moore was apprehensive and didn’t act quickly enough to fund the expensive required feasibility studies so White ran. Moore has since come out in opposition. Looking closely at the race there has been quite a bit of drama, including a mini “wikileaks” style email leak. Brian claimed he had certain groups supporting him when he did not, and has had muddled answers when questioned about the costs of an eligibility study ($400,000+).
Moore has improved his image, is at most events, and started the revolutionary participatory budgeting. He’s got more money and more endorsements. Brian white is basically broke.
- Highland Park Pride - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 4:14 pm:
Even though the election isn’t until April, Paul Frank, city council candidate has been working the train stations and even knocked on my door. Great ideas for improving our community.
- Deep South - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 4:19 pm:
Ray, I’d take Haynes over Friztler…not sure the city needs a technocrat, although Joel is a reasonable person. I think Haynes would serve the ENTIRE city and is a very thoughtful guy. Of course, I don’t live the city, so I’m kinda on the outside, looking in. I do agree with your assessment of Goldman and Maroney…in every way.
- Keith - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 4:20 pm:
In the 16th Ward, there are 9 candidates. None stand out except Hal Baskin who has over 30 years of service to the community. Unfortunately this ward has been underserved so long, the people seemed to have given up. Yet Hal still continue to fight for the people. He has a fabulous website He also has interesting ideas in regards to generating revenue that could help the city’s budget crunch.
- Roscoe Village - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 4:57 pm:
Agree with @Keilbassa King. Wife and I also voting for Waguespack.
At the candidate forum we attended, Pavlik sounded like he was running for high school student council. Gorman seemed sincere but offered no specifics. When giving a second chance to answer a question he ducked, he ducked again and the audience just groaned. Lynch seemed to be chomping at the bit to start upzoning the 32nd Ward (like former-Ald. Ted Matlak did in exchange for campaign contributions). No surprise that Lynch was a Matlak precinct captain.
Waguespack’s the only alderman to publish his zoning guidelines and principles and put them on his website.
We think he’s done a good job and deserves to be re-elected.
- Roscoe Village - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 5:04 pm:
Oh, part of Roscoe Village is also in Gene Schulter’s 47th Ward. EVERYONE I know in 47 is VERY angry at Schulter for dropping out the other week to back some machine lifer. Schulter wanted to succeed Berrios on the Board of Appeals but his friendship with Evans must not have been as strong as he thought. Schulter didn’t get the seat. Now 47 has three weak candidates and Ameya Pawar — a good guy with a tough name and not a lot of recognition — running to succeed Schulter.
Schulter loses. 47th Ward residents lose. It’s just kinda ugly.
- Indeedy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 5:14 pm:
@RV–O’Donnell has to overcome that anger because he is Schulter’s designated driver. You gotta believe they worked out some contingency plan months ago, ‘Ok, if THIS happens, you drop out but if THAT happens, I drop out, got it?” If voter anger actually causes voters to do their homework, your candidate might not be as disadvantaged as you think.
- Roscoe Village - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 5:34 pm:
@Indeedy - I agree, but voters doing their homework seems a pretty big “If” these days.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 5:54 pm:
The 6th ward has 6 candidates but i ave seen reltive few signs out there. Lyle has severla of those now, plus billboards and Public Access TV interviews. Wooten has put out flyers at people’s homes, Sawyer has had some signs in businesses. Brian Sleet has 800+ Facebook followers.
However, it’s hard to gauge the support out here. Check out blog for updates and perspectives=
Just a brief view in Uptown (46th; drove by the other day)…there are 11 candidates, but very few signs out there.
Befkadu Retta & Emily Stewart have signs in minority-frequented businesses like City Sports & Wilson Optical. Seems strange that James Cappleman (or anyone else) has tried to reach out to those groups
- JP Paulus - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 5:55 pm:
(Sorry — previosu comment got posted without info. Please delete if needed)
The 6th ward has 6 candidates but i ave seen reltive few signs out there. Lyle has severla of those now, plus billboards and Public Access TV interviews. Wooten has put out flyers at people’s homes, Sawyer has had some signs in businesses. Brian Sleet has 800+ Facebook followers.
However, it’s hard to gauge the support out here. Check out blog for updates and perspectives=
Just a brief view in Uptown (46th; drove by the other day)…there are 11 candidates, but very few signs out there.
Befkadu Retta & Emily Stewart have signs in minority-frequented businesses like City Sports & Wilson Optical. Seems strange that James Cappleman (or anyone else) has tried to reach out to those groups
- 41st Ward citizen - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 6:01 pm:
For information about the 41st Ward Aldermanic election
- Anon3 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 6:58 pm:
Sheila Stocks-Smith I think, she answered each and every question in the SJR Sunday. Over all her answers were well thought out and clear. I was disappointed in the candidate I had been planing on voting for.
- anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 9:17 pm:
In the 49th ward, I’m actually seeing a ton of signs out for Brian White. If he’s broke, he’s doing a good job spending his money. I don’t know about the whole RIF thing. It’s about as confusing as all the other TIF crap. I’m more interested to hear what either of them have to say about the city’s budget mess. Moore’s been there for a long time. Maybe it’s time for a change.
- 49er - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 9:52 pm:
49th WARD:
I think there is plenty of reason to question the comment of “Northsider” who claims Brian White is a stronger than usual challenger. He is doing much less and is much less active than Gordon was in 2007. A few signs and standing by himself passing lit at the Red Line is not a strong campaign.
- Barton Lorimor - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:02 pm:
I’m chiming in on the Carbondale race.
Right now it’s a full house of candidates. As it’s been said in previous comments, incumbent Brad Cole is not seeking a third term. In the race to replace him are former SIUC Chancellor Sam Goldman, City Councilmen Joel Fritzler and Steven Haynes, former Memorial Hospital director George Maroney and Brent Ritzel, director of the Holistic Wellness Center. Haynes and Ritzel are having trouble mustering any support outside of their niche. Fritzler and Goldman seem to be splitting the liberal support down here (although Fritzler’s base — local home owners — have posted strong turnout for him in the past). That situation is creating a situation for Maroney, a conservative, to walk right between them and winning the race. It’s doubtful the primary will change that since only one of the candidates, likely Ritzel or Haynes, will be eliminated.
Three City Council seats are up. Former Assistant City Manager Don Monty and Jane Adams, a ranking member of a home owners association, seem to be shoe-ins. No way of knowing whose in line to take the third seat.
- Also in 49 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 11 @ 11:06 pm:
I see a lot of Brian White signs too up here in 49. NYTimes had an interesting piece where Moore came off as hypocritical and paranoid, and why not? He has voted in favor of many TIFs, including 3 in this ward that have not benefited the community, and he voted for the parking meters and the Olympics. Moore got a VERY tepid endorsement from the Sun Times saying he needs to get more done (instead of crying about how Daley is always against him).
- uvresident - Thursday, Feb 3, 11 @ 4:02 pm:
@32 - voting for Dave Pavlik. Waguespack is not as concerned about the Ward as he is in raising his own profile in the city. At this base level of municipal politics, the first priority is and should be the Ward. Not overly concerned with Pavlik’s ties to Mell - his constituents seem to like the guy enough to keep him around, probably because he looks after their interests (much like Pavlik promises to do).
And Waguespack isn’t as pure and independent as some might make him out to be. Even he has some “developer” skeletons in his closet -
- Roscoe Village - Thursday, Feb 3, 11 @ 4:46 pm:
@uvresident — Just read the medill article. $3,500 in four years? That’s pretty small potatoes.
Waguespack’s point on the bigger city issues is that the corruption involved with those costs us keenly at the ward level . . . and it does.
- Concerned For the 45th - Monday, Feb 14, 11 @ 4:50 pm:
John Garrido is running for Alderman in the 45th Ward as a republican, but won’t share his republican agenda with voters. Why is that John?
For information on John’s history as a republican, visit:
Or, let John tell you himself: