A note to blog readers and a question
Thursday, Feb 17, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * I received an e-mail from a stunned higher-up at Scribble Live yesterday. He told me no independent website has ever before produced the sort of traffic we did yesterday during the budget address live-blog. Kinda cool, eh? * I did make one promise yesterday that I couldn’t fulfill. I forgot that Scribble Live doesn’t offer live video. I actually had another program set up for that and forgot to post the code on the blog. By the time I remembered, it was too late to do anything about it. Next time. Promise. The Scribble Live program also allows comments, but since we have comment space here, I turned them off. We can also have guest-bloggers helping out in the future. This is one heckuva program, campers. * Anyway, what were your thoughts on our little live-blog experiment yesterday? Suggestions are always appreciated.
- Montrose - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 9:32 am:
I thought is was very cool. I think integrating comments into ScribbleLive is a good idea. Having two separate streams - one that automatically refreshes and one that does not - was difficult.
I also have a hunch that at this point pretty much any widget you add to a high-profile cap fax post will be that widget’s highest traffic to date.
Well done.
- I'm Just Saying - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 9:39 am:
I liked it, I thought it was really cool and provided up to the second info….
- David Aubrey - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 9:52 am:
Congratulations. That’s very cool!
- Obamarama - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:36 am:
My only complaint would be the snide and childish remarks by the SGOP during the budget address. What was that all about?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:38 am:
Obamarama, the program allows me to automatically include Tweets. I thought it would be helpful to include the SGOP’s Tweets. Some didn’t. Oh, well.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:47 am:
I thought it was kind of hard to tell who was tweeting. Maybe next time you can preface it by telling us who we might expect to see posting in the Scribble Live feed. The icons helped a bit, but in real time, I had almost no idea who was saying what.
A minor quibble, to be sure. Otherwise, well done.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:51 am:
===Maybe next time you can preface it by telling us who we might expect to see posting in the Scribble Live feed.===
Good idea.
- Me - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:07 am:
Congratulations Rich. I think one of the reasons people come to your web site is because you have integrity. People trust that they can post info and not be revealed to the powerful. You also have a high standard for postings. Every time you have removed one of mine, after reflection, I understood what line a I had crossed. This gives reader a lot of confidence in your blog.
- amalia - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:27 am:
Congratulations Rich. I’m not too tech savy, so I just participated in this way, but it is nice to have a place for people to “talk” rationally.
- LG - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:34 am:
The live feed was terrific. And yes, keep the tweets! Unfortunately I’m working in another state this week and wasn’t able to join in the fun as much as I would have liked. Thanks, Rich, for keeping all of us on the cutting edge!
- amalia - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:34 am:
oh, yes, and what you and Montrose said, two different threads so some might not read the comments and that is where us oldies post. linking us all as one would also inform newbies about rational dialogue. and remind the rest of us of that too….I know I’ve gotten edgy so I’ll plead guilty in general for the group.
- mokenavince - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 12:42 pm:
Congratulations Rich . It’s sure nice to be part of history. The comments are all great even if we disagree.
- Irish - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 1:05 pm:
I liked it. I thought the live tweets were especially interesting and rather telling on the mood of some of the folks in the chamber. It added oerspective that we wouldn’t ordinarily get.
Excellant addition Rich! Congrats
- G. Willickers - Friday, Feb 18, 11 @ 2:56 am:
“Obamarama, the program allows me to automatically include Tweets. I thought it would be helpful to include the SGOP’s Tweets. Some didn’t. Oh, well.”
I was wondering how the program picked up the posts it picked up.
Did you have specify beforehand or was any of it automatically fed in Scribble through some function on Scribble’s end?
Maybe in addition to prefacing it by noting who to expect you could also have nominations and votes on who to include.
It did seem weird that it was so heavily GOP-leaning.
Did no Dems, lefty-bloggers or progressive organizations (ie, Progress Illinois) have anything to say?
A cool feature nonetheless. Just wish it had been more well-rounded.