AARP Opposes ComEd’s Attempt at Automatic Annual Rate Increases.
Thursday, Feb 17, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] ComEd claims that their Infrastructure Modernization Act will create jobs and ensure reliable utility service through more advanced technologies. Here is what the legislation really means: • Higher rates for Illinois consumers at a time when they can least afford it. • Less oversight as utility companies will no longer be subject to a full review by the Illinois Commerce Commission before raising rates. • Placing all the risks associated with modernization, including smart grid investments, directly on the backs of Illinois consumers. AARP strongly opposes House Bill 14. Illinois’ regulatory framework exists to balance the interest of utilities with those of the residential and business customers they serve. ComEd’s legislation would render a system that’s been in place for nearly 100 years useless, and would leave millions of residential and business consumers without a voice and at the mercy of utility companies.