Is Gordon’s nomination in trouble?
Thursday, Feb 17, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* As you’ll recall, Rep. Careen Gordon voted for Gov. Pat Quinn’s tax hike and then soon after was given a spot on the Prisoner Review Board. The nomination caused an uproar because Gordon had not been a pro-tax Democrat during her losing race last year and the whole thing looked a bit fishy.
Yesterday, the Senate took a pass on Gordon’s nomination…
An Illinois Senate committee approved the nomination of three University of Illinois trustees and several agency heads, but postponed acting on the appointment of a former state representative to an $86,000 position on the state Prisoner Review Board.
Former state Rep. Careen Gordon, a Democrat, sat in the front row of the committee hearing room, but her nomination was never called and apparently will be put off at least a week.
Senate Republicans are prepared to vote down Gordon’s appointment, according to Sen. Dale Righter, R-Charleston. They oppose Gordon’s nomination because after losing her race for re-election last fall, she returned to Springfield and voted for an income tax increase after telling constituents she opposed it.
Days later, she was nominated for the Prisoner Review Board position by Gov. Pat Quinn, who had pushed for the tax increase.
I want to stress again that proving a quid pro quo on this would be next to impossible. This was almost assuredly not a crime. It was simply a maneuver which completely ignored public perceptions. So it’s no mystery why the Republicans would be looking to make some political hay out of this.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:53 am:
I bet a few Democrats would rather not have to make that vote as well.
- Fed-Up - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:57 am:
It was a boneheaded move by the governor to make the nomination so close to the vote. In the end she will be approved because she was a member of the club.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:59 am:
There were foot soldiers that went door to door for candidates like Gordon and Kevin McCarthy telling voters they were against a tax increase only to have the reps vote for the increase weeks later.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:09 am:
Her actions and repeated promises call into question her honesty. Regardless of political spin, honesty is important for any political appointment. She runs for office based on appearance. She is having an appearance problem here.
She is appearing either confused, spineless or dishonest. Which one of those qualities is Quinn seeking for this position?
Sometimes politics makes for poor choices. As a politician she should understand her current situation. I wonder if she would give someone in her spot a break similar to the one she is seeking with us.
This should be questioned.
- Responsa - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:10 am:
It would be both gracious and smart for Careen to withdraw from consideration. She could come up with a really classy statement that would save her reputation and set her in sight for a future state job down the road. Ignoring public perception on this–no matter how innocent she believes she is– will leave her tainted for a long time. She still has an opportunity to fix this problem by declining the nomination.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:10 am:
I agree. Candidates that completely disrespect and turn their backs on supporters should not be rewarded. Her former constituency and donors should be incensed by her actions.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:14 am:
Gordon was on record as early as last summer saying that she could not support a tax increase unless certain conditions — backed by Republicans — were met.
Those conditions were met, and so it should come as a surprise to no one that Gordon voted for the tax increase.
In response to Anon, I didn’t have your ground-eye view of the race, but it sounds like you’re claiming that the majority of voters in her district rejected an anti-tax candidate.
- amalia - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:29 am:
it does not feel good. Quinn should withdraw the nomination and put up someone with lots of criminal justice experience.
- Louis Howe - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:32 am:
Election promises are conditional on getting elected. She lost the election and voted her conscience, which obviously Quinn influenced. She’ll be appointed after Quinn gives in on a couple other Senate suggested priorities.
- Renaldo - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:34 am:
Careen is considered to be “poison ivy” by many of her fellow Democrats that were lucky enough to have survived the last election. The last message that they want to send back home to their constituents is that “she belongs to my club so I will support her because the club’s Grand Pooh-Pah said to do so”.
In Careen’s home district, she had been wading through a cess pool of allegations back prior to the November election. She was lucky to get the number of votes that she did. Many of the surviving Democrats in Springfield are not about to grab a paint brush so they can paint their own bulls-eye on their shirt. Pat Quinn (fearless leader or not) isn’t worth offering themselves up as sacrificial lambs just to cover up for another of his bone-headed moves with Careen. Their voters back home are just waiting to see “who has the guts to go against Quinn’s and Cullerton’s orders” regarding supporting Careen. As Bob Dylan said, “The times are a changin.” If Democrats and Republicans want Independents (and their own GOP or Dem Party’s) votes, they had better stand tall and vote as though they disn’t owe “anybody” anything. Careen is “toast” (once again) as well she should be. Now, she might have to look for “a real job”.
- girlawyer - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:36 am:
It’s interesting that no one is even talking about whether she has appropriate qualifications for this important job. Traditionally, members of the PRB have been people who were well connected, not always well qualified. Many have had no training or experience that would be appropriate to deciding conditions of release for prisoners or whether parole should be granted to the old-timers still in prison under the old indeterminate sentences. I have no idea what her qualifications, if any, are. Wouldn’t it be something if qualifications determined who was appointed to this kind of position?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:36 am:
Maybe Gordon needs to work the committee and other members to make them feel comfortable. One on One meetings can go a long way …
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:42 am:
===I have no idea what her qualifications===
You ever hear of the Google?
She’s a former prosecutor. A real one, not a Blagojevich type.
- piling on - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:45 am:
Ever met Gordon in person? That strategy would ensure her nomination is DOOMED.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 11:48 am:
piling on …
Thanks for the lesson, I think my post can stand on its own.
- anon - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 12:13 pm:
Piling on is right
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 12:15 pm:
She is qualified - and that’s what makes this stink when it doesn’t need to smell rotten.
But I’m also sure she could find a nice partner gig at a prominent law firm.
- Jasper - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 12:49 pm:
I think most here are overlooking a real issue — $86,000 for basically a part time job?
- Renaldo - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 1:33 pm:
Another “real issue” or concern is “if the rumor is true that she exchanged her vote for a price”, what is to say that she won’t do the same thing when offered something while serving on the Prisoner Review Board? There was major disatisfaction with her “coincidentally” changing her vote (after losing her re-election) on an increased state income tax in Grundy County. Now, there have been allegations and charges leveled against the former Democrat Grundy County Board Chairman for irregularities regarding his compensation. These allegations (currently under investigation) against Careen’s Democrat friend may not be true but it has managed to create a political firestorm in Grundy County politics. Time (and an ongoing special investigation) will tell if “where there is smoke–there is fire” or whether it is simply “political patisanship at it’s worst.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 2:08 pm:
Renaldo: Your allegations are vague at best. If you have credible evidence that Careen Gordon is guilty of some sort of malfeasance, please share it. If not, please keep your allusions to yourself.
Rep. Gordon may not the most personable politician in Springfield, but she does have appropriate qualifications for this position. She should go around to members of the committee to talk about her qualifications. If some Senators want to vote “no,” they should explain why she is not qualified. If they start talking about vote-trading, I suspect a quick review of their own records would reveal the hypocrisy in short order.
- fed up - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 2:17 pm:
Maybe if the Latin Kings want one of thier members out of Jail they could promise some future considerations to Gordan. I know she would never let the idea of future employment making more money influence her right. I bet thats what she would say just like she said she was against the tax increase. HMMMM
- JT - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 2:43 pm:
Well, if she promised not to vote for the tax increase, and she was defeated, that must mean that the voters in her district were in favor of the tax increase. Her change to a a yes vote simply reflected the wishes of her constituents.
- fed up - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 2:53 pm:
JT she lost to a Republican that was against the tax increase and would actually vote the way she campaigned
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 3:02 pm:
She lost, the voters tossed her out, I’m not clear to whom a promise was broken. Nor can you prove she would have voted differently had she been re-elected. The “she broke her promise to get a job” argument can continue ad infinitum, but there is no way to prove or disprove the assertion. It’s a waste of time unless you simply want to vent your support for or dislike of Ms. Gordon.
Is she qualified for the position? Pretty much.
Is it a waste of time and a distraction to argue about this? Pretty much.
- Dave Neal - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 4:33 pm:
Careen Gordon is a former Assistant State’s Attorney and a former Assistant Attorney General. Careen certainly has the necessary qualifications to perform the functions of a member of the Prisoner Review Board. Flipfloppery may be fairgame for ululating bloggers; but, may not be fair reason to disqualify the qualified.
- Secret Square - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 4:34 pm:
In other news, the federal jury in Peoria has ruled in favor of the 16 IDOT workers who claimed they were fired for political reasons under the Blago administration. They are now entitled to be reinstated with back pay and benefits.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 4:59 pm:
Senate Democrats overwhelmingly backed the tax increase.
It would be pretty odd for them to toss Gordon under the bus for helping pass their legislative agenda.
- pingu - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 5:48 pm:
Team Sleep - A cushy law firm job is easy to land for an out-going politician like Jim Thompson. A minor Rep who lost an election? Not so much.
- amalia - Thursday, Feb 17, 11 @ 10:58 pm:
she graduated law school in 1998. has not been a lawyer very long.