Sanchez gets two and a half years
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Former Streets and San boss Al Sanchez was looking at 12-15 years in prison, but got 30 months instead. And he wasn’t exactly silent today…
Just one more knock on Daley in a week of hard knocks. * Sanchez also claimed the problems on Lake Shore Drive Tuesday night wouldn’t have happened under his watch…
* Meanwhile, Mayor Daley was back to his usual nonsensical self…
…Adding… Daley Q&A with reporters…
Caption Contest!
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yes, that would be Rahm Emanuel pushing a police car… ![]()
Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Let’s go the post-blizzard route: What does your neighborhood and drive to work look like today? Any big problems? Explain.
Wacky legislators
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * State Sen. Shane Cultra was interviewed by the East Peoria Times Courier the other day…
Reality is reality, Senator. Try it sometime. You might like it. * US Sen. Mark Kirk has gone completely political…
So, apparently, the merits of the issue don’t matter to Kirk because Al Gore got in trouble with a “massage therapist.” Thoughtful guy, that. * State Rep. Mary Flowers wants to create a new state agency…
Um, OK. I don’t get how this cuts state spending at all. * Related…
Not much of a visionary
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Banking analyst Meredith Whitney boldly predicted “50 to 100 sizable defaults” by states and municipalities amounting to “hundreds of billions of dollars” when she was on 60 Minutes in December. The prediction set off a firestorm, with billions withdrawn from muni funds since then. But as I told subscribers yesterday, Bloomberg News has completely undercut Whitney’s claims by using her own research. The news service got ahold of a copy of Meredith’s publication (annual subscription rate: $100,000) upon which her claims to 60 Minutes were based…
* 60 Minutes billed Whitney as a visionary, but her record is unimpressive…
She was also far from the first bank analyst to predict doom for Citigroup, contrary to the 60 Minutes profile. In other words, move along, nothing to see here.
Snowpocalypse Roundup
Thursday, Feb 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * This little-discussed factoid is getting lost in the mega-uproar about the thousand or so cars stranded on Lake Shore Drive Tuesday night…
One can only wonder how many times those stubborn dolts were offered assistance before they had to be ordered out of their precious automobiles by cold, exhausted firefighters. That’s time which could’ve been far better spent helping others truly in need. Only a fraction of the thousands of cars on LSD Tuesday night actually got stuck, and nobody was seriously hurt. Closing the Drive early would have undoubtedly caused nightmarish problems on arterial roads. We don’t know if the situation would’ve been worse, but those same cars would’ve been much more spread out than they were Tuesday, and, therefore, more difficult to reach…
* Apparently, the guy in charge Tuesday was not Mayor Daley but hizzoner’s chief of staff, who was quickly fed to the angry hordes yesterday…
But that won’t stop the political recriminations…
Lake Shore Drive has been reopened, by the way * The cost to the city’s budget is going to be astronomical. $100 million is the number being tossed around…
And that’s just for Chicago. Lots of suburban and Downstate communities are gonna be in much worse fiscal shape by the time this thing is over. * More stuff…