AARP Supports Repeal of Discriminatory Unemployment Law
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] AARP strongly supports House Bill 96 and Senate Bill 144. These bills would repeal a discriminatory unemployment law in Illinois that unfairly penalizes laid-off workers who receive Social Security benefits. It is called the Social Security unemployment “offset” and Illinois is now one of only two states in the nation (along with Louisiana) that has never taken action to repeal the law. People who receive Social Security work because their Social Security payment is decidedly not enough to live on. To further penalize these workers by unfairly reducing their unemployment benefits is simply wrong. These are individuals who have worked and fueled the Illinois economy, but then become victims of both age and economic discrimination when they lose their jobs. These bipartisan bills would repeal the unemployment law in Illinois that classifies one-half of an older adult’s Social Security payment as disqualifying income for purposes of receiving unemployment benefits.