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Question of the day

Friday, Mar 4, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Umm

A dugout scuffle between Carlos Silva and Aramis Ramirez occurred Wednesday after the Cubs gave up six first-inning runs in an exhibition game vs. Milwaukee.

The fight was quickly broken up by players and coaches and order was restored. It began when Silva gave up six runs and watched his teammates commit three errors behind him, including one by Ramirez.

“You’ve got two ticked off people,” manager Mike Quade said. “It was a brutal first inning. Plenty of blame to go around. Maybe it’s what we freaking need — maybe we need to get ticked off. It’s Day Four of spring training. I’ve got no business getting all fired up on four days of work, but today was really tough to watch, and it hasn’t been fun to begin with.”

I got news for you, Quade. Managing that minor league team won’t ever be fun. You’re doomed.

* The Question: How good will the White Sox be this year? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

Go Sox.


  1. - radio guy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 5:41 am:

    Thanks for reminding us that baseball is right around the corner, and with it, true Illinois partisanship. I can already smell the fresh cut snark.

  2. - foster brooks - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 6:04 am:

    gonna b 103 years

  3. - Roadiepig - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 6:33 am:

    You forgot one option for the poll- miss the playoffs and disappoint us once again

  4. - Cubs - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 6:45 am:

    As a long time suffering Cubs fan (and a Sox fan except when they play the Cubs), I guess this could work…the Sox will make a great run and then lose to the Cubs in the World Series!

  5. - South Side Mike - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 7:08 am:


    I know that the AL East thinks they have a monopoly on the Wild Card, but how about a fourth choice of Wild Card and a fifth (so the Cub fans have something to click for spite) saying they miss the playoffs altogether?

    I’m intrigued by the Sox this year. The starting pitching should quietly be one of the better rotations in baseball, but I’m not as confident in the depth of the bullpen and the consistency of the hitting. I think they will compete, but winning the AL Central will be tough.

    However, I see the Wild Card as more open. The Yankees are going to fail this year with no pitching, and the Rays may have cut too much talent in order to save money. The AL West will be a joke again. So, I see the most open path for the Sox to be the Wild Card.

    As for the Cubs, well, I would say 6 runs and 3 errors means they’re in mid-season form!

  6. - Wensicia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 7:18 am:

    White Sox aren’t going to win anything. Which is why many will try to focus attention on Cubs’ mishaps, as we see above.

  7. - bored now - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 7:36 am:

    rich, i can’t vote in this poll. while i’d like for the sox to win the division and beyond, and the sox have an exciting lineup, they’re in a tough division and i don’t know enough about the twins’ lineup this year. if the sox weren’t aging, i’d be more hopeful. still of the opinion that champsionship teams are the ones who are healthy at the end of the season (which is exactly why i oppose the nfl expansion to 18 regular season games — not that i think there will be an nfl season this year)…

  8. - Richard Afflis - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 7:38 am:

    The Sox will adapt. They will overcome. They will get it done!!!! The Sox are going ALL THE WAY!!!
    They have the bats. They have the arms. They have the greatest mind in baseball!! They can do it! They WILL do it!!!!!!

  9. - Where'e Mike? - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:20 am:

    Where’s the fourth choice?

    - Fail like the Cubs.

  10. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:23 am:

    Rich, why is it that Sox fans can resist the temptation to bash the Cubs? You could have just run a straight story on your team, but you had to preface it with the latest Cubs debacle. Thanks for rubbing it in.

    Speaking of debacles, has the White Sox scout who was convicted of ripping off the team and its young recruits from the DR been sentenced yet? Why don’t you do a poll on how many tweets it will take Ozzie and/or Oney to get Ozzie fired?

    See? There is plenty of material for you to write about the Sox without ever needing to bring up the Cubs.

  11. - Elmhurst - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:26 am:

    You can’t really characterize the White Sox as aging anymore than most teams. AJ is the only everyday guy clearly in the decline phase. I pretty much expect Konerko to hit that point this year as well, though I wouldn’t expect his decline to be precipitous.

    Most of the regulars are in a good place age-wise: Beckham, Sale, and Morel are on the upside of their careers, Alexei, Rios, and Quentin, Danks, Floyd, and Jackson are in their peak performance years. Pierre, Dunn and Thornton are at ages where they still give strong value. And Buehrle is basically in the Seattle years of Jamie Moyer right now.

  12. - Richard Afflis - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:27 am:

    The cubs don’t need to be bashed. The last time they won a world series, the Tsar was still ruling Russia.
    Yes, the scout was wrong. Ozzie has not been fired because he is the best manager in the majors!

  13. - Deep South - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:36 am:

    ===without ever needing to bring up the Cubs===

    Yeah, why bring up the Cubs? Different year, same story.

  14. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:43 am:

    If Peavy’s recovery continues as it has and he can deliver 24-30 starts, this team is substantially stronger than the Tigers and Twins. Adam Dunn is a huge boost to the offense as a needed lefty slugger who can walk. No idea how they will do in the postseason, but they should get there.

  15. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:46 am:

    Don’t make the poll biased or anything. Your Cub loathing gets old. Find a hobby.

  16. - Davey Boy Smithe - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 8:47 am:

    I think this year may be very similar to last year, but think the Sox will edge the Twins this time. Dunn is a huge upgrade over the stiffs they used at DH last season. The starting pitching should be solid even if Peavy isn’t healthy for the first month or two. I expect a tight race going into September with the Sox taking the Central in the final two weeks.

  17. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:00 am:

    Chicago baseball teams in the playoffs this season? A stretch.

  18. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:01 am:

    I like the Sox to win the division. Dunn is the rbi guy they missed last year and having Sale the full year will make the bullpen that much stronger.

    The rotation is solid 1-4, but I wouldn’t count on much from Peavy. I think he’s done. He was a risk to begin with.

    Ozzie needs to keep his dopey sons away from the clubhouse. They’re bad news.

    The Twins will struggle as, sadly, it seems Morneau’s career might be in real trouble from that concussion. Mauer found out how hard it is maintain power batting numbers when you have to catch outside every day in the elements.

    Still, the AL pennant favorite has to be the Red Sox. They were a good team that loaded up in the off-season with Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez plus Bobby Jenks as a setup man.

  19. - Easy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:07 am:

    I was unable to complete the poll since “miss the playoffs” was not an option. Must be using the same pollster as Braun.

    The whole line up is filled with inconsistency, with the exception of Dunn, Pierzynski and Konerko. Rios can either be on or off, same with Beckham, Quentin, etc. Plus Konerko, Pierzynski and Dunn aren’t getting younger. Morel is completely unproven.

    I look for a resurgent Tigers and Twins with a healthy Morneau to compete for the title with Indians finishing above the Sox also.

  20. - 47th Ward GOP Guy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:08 am:

    my beloved White Sox will win the AL Central. But if they don’t, the franchise is in deep doo for a long time…high payroll, and the great Kenny Williams has raped the farm system.

    meantime, if the Cubs finish .500 its denizens of loyal fans should rejoice. but I am intrigued by one thing: attendance at Coob games last September really fell off..if the Coob start slow, will the Coob still sell out in the summer or will fans finally tell Ricketts to get a hint?

  21. - BigDoggie - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:10 am:

    Rich - boy that was just a textbook example of Sox fan obsession with the Cubs in going with the Cub swipe lead-in to a Sox poll question! Nice!

    As for the poll question, you need the option “It depends on how well the new manager handles the team after June 1″. This will become necessary after the May 30 - June 1 series at Boston results in an unprecedented player-manager brawl on the field when Ozzie just can’t resist provoking Bobby Jenks into an all-out donnybrook before the White Sox can get out of town. Oney proceeds to tweet mercilessly in the wake of the fight, and Kenny has no choice but to give Ozzie his walking papers and try to make that difficult mid-season hire. Steve Stone declines the job without it being offered to him and the Sox have to settle for pulling Tom Trebelhorn up from the minor league ranks and his job managing the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes. Good luck with that!

  22. - Red Ranger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:17 am:

    As Jake Peavy goes, so goes the Sox season. IMHO.

  23. - Double D - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:20 am:

    Sorry Rich, but the answer is…None of the Above.

  24. - shore - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:23 am:

    $1 billion spent and counting from the white sox for one title and one alcs in an off year for the al east. call us back when you can get past the twins.

  25. - Been There - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:23 am:

    I am going all out and picking the Sox to win the World Series this year. Elmhurst and Word above pretty well sum up the expectations for this team. I like the mix of young, old and in their prime line up. And I agree with Word not to expect much of anything from Peavy. That will be gravy if we do. I was watching that game when he threw his arm out. The way he winced you just knew he was toast for awhile if not his career.

  26. - heet101 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:32 am:

    I didn’t vote because I’m a cubs fan. But, I did laugh out loud at your post. “You’re doomed.” haha.

  27. - Guru of Greatness - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:35 am:

    I’m a Cubs fan, and I can proudly say I never get tired of Rich’s Cubs bashing. I think trolling is the greatest form of Internet communication ever.

    What’s the fun of sports if you can’t give your friends, or in this case readers, some grief? It adds to the entertainment.

  28. - Jim - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:36 am:

    they will go to the Series. I hope they gt a big start and then draw big numbers. Reinsdorf has spent the money, I hope the fans reward him by attending. But alas, Sox fans aren’t north side lemmings, but if they do get off to a good start I hope they average 30,000/game.

  29. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:37 am:

    === Your Cub loathing gets old ===

    No it doesn’t.

    Sox win division behind Triple A - Adam, Alex and Alexei.

    Cubs win prelim bout behind Aramis.

  30. - anon - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:38 am:

    In some alternate universe, Mich Riller is asking readers how good his team the Chicago Cubs will be this year. I need to find that alternate universe. I’ll bet that Mich Riller is probably just finishing up a workout and is preparing for a slice of whole grain toast and tea with lemon and honey.

  31. - bored now - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:39 am:

    so it’s ok to bash the rival green bay packers (even though there are a ton of packer fans around), but not the cubs? is this a whiff of hypocrisy???

    ftr, since i’m not a baseball fan, i watch and root for both teams equally — whenever they happen to be on tv and i’m bored. but we go to sox games, because they make it easy for us to go (they are closer, too). it doesn’t hurt that my wife switched from being a cubs fan to a sox fan when the tribune started bashing democrats all the time…

  32. - Wumpus - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:49 am:

    Rich, the poll is flawed. I don’t think they will win anything. They will finish 5 GB. Cubs will finish 12 GB.

  33. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 9:53 am:

    The White Sox will win the World Series this year.

  34. - 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:06 am:

    The Sox should at least wind the AL Central.

    Today Peavy pitches.

    I am so glad to be a Sox fan. Smart move on the Cubs have Mike Quade as Manager. They might as well save money where they can. I was by Wrigley a couple of months ago and a lot of the Roof Top venues seem to be spending a lot of money on renovations. Let’s hope Quinn a Sox fan does not let Ricketts get a lot of money they are asking for to improve Wrigley.

    Also for the first time in a long time the City of Chicago will have a Mayor that is a Cub Fan.
    At least the President and Governor are Sox fans.

  35. - Bitterman - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:08 am:

    Faulty polling premise….feels like Rasmussen is in the house. Sox are smelly in 2011. Ozziefest comes to sad ending. Jenks keeps spilling the beans in Beantown. Cubs battle on field and in clubhouse to take the NL Central with 74 wins…lose to Padres after going up 2 games to none.

  36. - amalia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:22 am:

    AL Central win as far as I’m willing to speculate. 2005 was nice and tethered me down for a while, but I’m back to disappointment if I predict more than what the good pitching and added bat of Dunn should get us, a Twinkie topping.

  37. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:22 am:

    –$1 billion spent and counting from the white sox for one title and one alcs in an off year for the al east.–

    Shore, have you been talking to Mark Kirk, again? $1 billion when and where? They have their highest payroll ever this year at about $120 million.

  38. - dupage dan - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:23 am:

    The Cubs lost their chance at greatness by passing over Ryne Sandberg. Not just a great player and a pretty face, but a proven coach with the Cubs minor league team.

    Fights in the dugout during the exhibition season? It’s gonna be a longggggg year.

  39. - PaGo (also a Cubs fan) - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:25 am:

    Rich, hating makes you a hater.

    I don’t see either Chicago teams doing very well this year. Other teams are just better. But the Sox have a better post-season chance than the Cubs.

  40. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:30 am:

    Not fair to run the poll BEFORE Peavy pitches for the first time, Rich. That being said, with the players they currently have I love the team’s chances to get at least to the league championship game this year. I sense they “want it” badly. And, it’s gonna be fun to watch Sale progress. Thankfully, with the quality group they have it is nearly impossible to imagine dugout skirmishes akin to what is becoming commonplace for the other team on the north side.

    As to the Cubs, I more feel sorry for them than dislike them. On a recent This Week in Review episode on WTTW, the sports guy Lester Munson said” The most interesting thing about the Cubs this year is that they have four players named Carlos. And I am a Cubs fan.”

  41. - Robert - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:34 am:

    Sox finish .500 - Dunn helps, but Pierre and Alexei disappoint. Cubs finish with one fewer win than the Sox.

  42. - OldSmoky2 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:36 am:

    Sox will be much better with Dunn there and Jenks gone, though I don’t want to bash Bobby. He was a hero in 2005, good again in 2006, but downhill since. He cost Sox several games last year and it was obvious then he was no longer on the same page as Cooper and Guillen on some things. That said, Sox fortunately have some good options to replace him. I’m not that worried about the pen with Thornton, Crain, Sale and Santos. The lineup will be much better with Dunn, with Beckham past his sophomore adjustments (look at his second half last year, not his first half) and especially if Quentin stays healthy. And the starting pitching is the envy of most teams. I’m really optimistic about this team.

  43. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:41 am:

    Guru (9:35), you’re right. If it wasn’t done incredibly routinely. Rich is like the annoying guy from your college dorm that just kept telling the same joke to everyone on the floor, day after day for the whole semester, and still thought it was funny. We know by now that he’s a huge White Sox fan…you know, him and the other 5 million that came out after their short World Series drought ended.

  44. - overcooked - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:43 am:

    The Sox will win the Al Central in a close race with the Twins and Tigers. I like the Sox chances in the Al Championship because they match up well with the Yankees and Red Sox. Sox beat Phillies in a World Series with great pitching duels.

  45. - amalia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:45 am:

    anon at 10:41, short World Series drought ended? are you calling
    the 9 year difference between the Cubs and the Sox in 2005 a short drought? have a good time with Silva and Zambrano……

  46. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:53 am:

    –Thankfully, with the quality group they have it is nearly impossible to imagine dugout skirmishes akin to what is becoming commonplace for the other team on the north side.–


    The joke of the radio is that when AJ got his speeding ticket the other day, his teammates took up a collection — to pay the cop to Tase him.

    The stories I’ve heard in the past are that whenever AJ started to revert to his bad-guy-in-the-clubhouse ways, Jim Thome let him know that if he was looking for trouble, he could start with him.

    AJ took it to heart, based on the incident where Thome tossed him out on his ear from a downtown steakhouse for berating a waitress.

  47. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:56 am:

    ==Also for the first time in a long time the City of Chicago will have a Mayor that is a Cub Fan.
    At least the President and Governor are Sox fans.==

    I saw Rahm in the stands at a Cubs game a few years back and he seemed to be really into it and enjoying it. I hate to say it, but I kind of think Rahm is probably a more true and invested Cubs fan than our president is a Sox fan, although it is nice when he wears a Sox cap in photos.

  48. - OneMan - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 10:56 am:

    PaGo (also a Cubs fan)

    You griping about it makes you a Cubs fan….

  49. - Thoughts... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 11:10 am:

    So the worst option for the Sox is “win the AL Central”?

    Counting chickens, man…that’s a bad idea

  50. - Masters Phil - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 11:13 am:

    @Bigdoggie-Well done. That was funny.

    Though I am a Cub fan and have zero optimism this year (to me, the recipe for them somehow actually being good) I do think the Sox have a pretty tough road. The AL Central is pretty stacked and the league overall is really tough. My beloved Cub only have to deal with and injury-riddled Cardinals and a Dusty Baker managed team to somehow squak in at just over .500.

  51. - Queequeg - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 11:18 am:

    Awfully chirpy, Rich, for a team with 1) no set closer, 2) aging, molasses-slow, strikeout & slump-prone middle of the order hitters, 3) the Carlos Quentin Headcase Experiment in right field, and 4) as always, the Ozzie and Kenny Show.

    Those are just four concerns I’d have were I a die hard Sox fan. Not to mention Juan Pierre’s uselessness when he’s slumping, the Brett Morel/Mark Teahan/Omar Vizquel question, Alex Rios coming off a career year, and, you know, the Minnesota Twins.

    Aaaaawfully chirpy.

  52. - PaGo (also a Cubs fan) - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 11:42 am:

    No gripe here. I love his hate. I know my team sucks. Beer is cold though.

  53. - Stones - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 11:51 am:

    Sox will win the division and lose in the playoffs. They can slug it out with anyone but I still have doubts about their lack of speed and defense. Their pitching should be good enough to win once Santos is mature enough to take over as their closer. It will be fun to watch.

  54. - formerpolitico - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:11 pm:

    I want one of those 2008 “It’s Gonna Happen” signs that the deluded Cubs fans waved every game! They were right: it happened (again) to the Cubs that year! Three and out to the Dodgers. Sox should win the division this year - they are due to beat the Twins head-to-head for once (Twins and Sox played dead even last year except for those games). Assume Peavy will never be the same, or will re-injure himself. Anything at all from him is gravy.

  55. - mokenavince - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:14 pm:

    Lets face it the Cubbies are a Great Triple A team, therefore are managed by A Triple A manager. The noble White Sox are a true major league team, and will win thier division. With good defense up the middle, and pretty good pitching staff Plus Don Cooper . Their hitters are all proven,with the execption of Morel. Adam Dunn was a great addition to the line up.Add Kenny making some kind of a trade, to suprise us I think we could win a World Series.For the Cubbies it will be at least wait til next decade.

  56. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:17 pm:

    Ten-man baseball. Who cares?

  57. - Homewood Hal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:21 pm:

    Division. I don’t trust the bullpen beyond that.

  58. - Jake Utler - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:23 pm:

    Still find the Little Brother Syndrome of the Chicago White Sox fan to be so cute.

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:27 pm:

    Where’s the “Choke Again” button?

  60. - Edge of the 14th Ward - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 12:34 pm:

    The Sox have enough talent to win the division, and even compete for the pennant in the weak American League. I like the fact that Peavy has something to prove, but I’m worried about Quentin’s inconsistency and Pierre’s inability to draw walks. The Sox have been outperformed by plenty of less talented Twins teams over the years.

    As for the Cubs, they have an opening in their division with the injury to Wainwright. Their pitching should be solid, and might even be spectacular if Garza takes well to National League hitters. Can they score runs? Can they avoid stupid mistakes? Time will tell.

    Honestly, I can’t see either the Cubs or the Sox beating the Phillies in a seven-game series.

  61. - Irish - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:08 pm:

    I think the Sox will do great. They have a great coach and a very good general manager who isn’t afraid to go out and get what they need.

    I am afraid that the Cubs will always be what they are until the owners do the same with them as the Sox did. Quade might be good and evidently he is a good guy the players like. But they need more. Until the Cubs, and the Bears, go out and get a top tier coach and a general manager to back him up they will both be also rans. Talent will get you just so far, then you need someone that is able to get them to play as a team and make them believe they can win.

    When the Cubs came so close in 2003, a good coach would have found a reason to stop the game long enough to settle his players down and get them focused. there was no reason for them to just blow up after the fan interefered.

    Look what the Blackhawks have done with their GM and Coach Q.

    It is nice to hire good guys and bring up people from inside the organization, but when your organization has the track record that the Cubs organization has, why perpetuate it?

  62. - Lt Guv - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:14 pm:

    Rich, you forgot a vital element. Even if the Sox win the WS they’re still a AAAA team. Any team from that league that cheats fails to play major league baseball. Yes, I admit, given their record over the past - well forever - the same can be said about the Cubs. At least they play by the rules (except for caring enought to take steriods, cork bats, let George Bell pump gas in the Dominican, etc.).

  63. - Bitterman - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:35 pm:

    wordslinger, I knew I liked Thome. Now even more.

  64. - laborguy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:51 pm:

    You Cub fans are beyond ridiculous. Over the past several decades the Sox have consistently fielded a far superior product than the Cubs. The Cubs have one of the highest payrolls in baseball and have little to show for it. The new owners are crying poor and demanding public assistance. And the players are already punching one another out in spring training. It is time to face the facts. The Cubs suck! The Sox will go to the World Series this year (as long as their pitching holds up) and the Cubs will finish a distant third in their pathetic division. Wait til next year boys…..yet again.

  65. - David W. Aubrey - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:54 pm:


    I’m ALL IN. I can’t wait for Adam Dunn to hit 40 home runs & for Alexei to win the Golden Glove. The big gap right now is whether Peavy can start so that Sale can join the bull pen. That said, I think this will be a big year for the White Sox!!

  66. - amalia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:21 pm:

    “Peavy Surgery” first inning report. Strike Out, Walk, DP. Re meet
    the Peaver!

  67. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:26 pm:

    amalia, that guy really concerns me.

  68. - Tom Smith - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:26 pm:

    As long as thet get pasr the twinns it’s smooth sailing

  69. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:34 pm:

    And of course, no option of missing the playoffs — injuries happen, ask Wainwright.

    A poll created by a true Sox fan.

  70. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===A poll created by a true Sox fan. ===


    Look, Cub fannies, I have to be fair everywhere else on this blog. But when it comes to the White Sox, I’m Fox News. Deal with it.

  71. - Black Ivy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:53 pm:

    The WHITE SOX are b-a-a-a-c-k! My fave baseball team amde som great off-season picks and I peg them at definitely winning the Division and would appreciate it if I didn’t have to eat my words.

    GO SOX!!!

  72. - jerry 101 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:09 pm:

    World Series Champs, Baby!

    Just because I said so.

  73. - spring - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:28 pm:

    sox in 94 games and the central, playoffs and world series are to hard to predict
    cubs lose 100 games

  74. - radio guy - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:38 pm:

    It’s going to be a long August.

  75. - amalia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:33 pm:

    @ Rich Miller….I hear ya. it’s like waiting to watch his arm rip out again. but, that said, we were the team with Tommy John, and his surgery uses his name to this day. the surgery has been done before, but Jake is the first pitcher to have the procedure. maybe it will hold and years from now we will call it the Jake Peavy surgery. Dunn looks nice in the Sox uni.

  76. - Capitol View - Sunday, Mar 6, 11 @ 5:10 pm:

    I heard a good joke about the Cubs at a benefit Comedy Club performance recently -

    the Cubs should change their field from grass to paper — because the Cubs always look good on paper, and lousy on grass.

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