Still awaiting Quinn action on death penalty bill
Friday, Mar 4, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:32 pm - It’s late Friday afternoon and Gov. Pat Quinn’s office just sent out a list of bills he’s signed. The death penalty repeal bill is not one of them. I’m told nothing is planned by the governor’s office on that issue today. We’d been hearing that Quinn would likely do a bill signing at Northwestern University, the home of the Center on Wrongful Convictions. But Northwestern, of course, has a freaking gigantic national PR headache on its hands right now, so an event there might not be prudent. I seriously doubt the governor would want to answer awkward questions about a live sex act performed for NW students after he signed such an historic bill. The deadline for deciding what to do about the death penalty repeal measure is March 18th. Supposedly, we can expect Quinn to take action sometime next week. Perhaps in the middle of the week. * Roundup…