Note to commenters
Friday, Mar 11, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Things have been heating up lately in comments, so it’s time to issue another warning: Stop with the nastiness, the drive-by one-liner sloganeering, the violent imagery and the over the top insults. Most of these problematic comments have dealt with three issues: Guns, the death penalty and the fleeing Wisconsin/Indiana Dems. Those posts have attracted a lot of outsiders to the blog and comments have degenerated as a result. Unfortunately, one idiot can bring a whole thread down. I’ve tried to keep up, but it’s not always possible because I do have other work to do. But my message should be crystal clear: Elevate yourselves or leave. Simple as that. And if you won’t leave on your own, i’ll ban you for life. And if you go too far over the top, I’ll track you down and do something to you. I’ve done it before, so don’t test me. * All that being said, even with the over the top nonsense our comment section is far superior to anyone else’s. But that’s not good enough and y’all know it. We are better than this. Start acting like it or the hammer is coming down hard. Thanks.