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Cullerton: Replace video poker with cigarette tax hike

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this earlier today

Democratic Senate President John Cullerton on Tuesday intends to call for $1-a-pack increase in the state cigarette tax to avoid missing a road construction season as Illinois’ major public works program hangs in limbo.

The call by Cullerton, D-Chicago, comes after a state appellate court in January tossed out the law that authorized the $31 billion construction package and with it the liquor tax increase and video poker legalization that were to pay for it all.

The judges ruled lawmakers bundled too many topics in one piece of legislation to pass constitutional muster. The ruling is on hold while the Illinois Supreme Court hears the case filed by Rocky Wirtz, the owner of a liquor empire and the Blackhawks hockey team. Wirtz opposed the higher liquor tax.

Aides said Cullerton remains confident the high court will overturn the ruling, but doesn’t want to wait and risk missing a construction season that could put people to work.


The state’s 98-cent-a-pack cigarette tax has been in place since 2002, and Illinois rests in the middle of the pack nationally among states with cigarette taxes. New York has the highest state cigarette tax in the country at $4.35 a pack.

A cigarette tax increase in Illinois is no sure legislative bet, however. Attempts to raise the cigarette tax by $1.01 a pack in January stalled in the House by a 51-66 vote. Sixty votes were needed for passage. […]

The video-poker component that would have placed the electronic gambling machines in bars and restaurants throughout the state has been a virtual non-starter since it was imposed in 2009.

Chicago has refused to permit the machines in the city while more than 60 other local governments have voted to opt out of the controversial program.

* A recent poll by the Paul Simon Institute found that a large majority of southern Illinoisans supports the buck a pack tax hike

The poll, taken Feb. 14-22, showed 60.3 percent of registered voters in the state’s southernmost 18 counties favor a $1 per pack increase in the cigarette tax. There were 36 percent opposed. The rest were undecided.

But when asked about raising other taxes, such as the sales tax or the income tax, southern Illinoisans were opposed and said they favored cuts to spending to plug the state’s budget deficit. The inaugural Southern Illinois Poll, conducted last year, found similar opposition.



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a big Statehouse roundup

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* People are mostly keeping their tempers in check in comments, so let’s try one more of these.

Another front in the battle over concealed carry is what to do about college campuses. The schools want to be completely exempted from having to allow concealed carry. Several establishments are already exempt, including sports stadiums, taverns, schools, casinos, child care facilities, etc. Proponents like sponsoring Rep. Brandon Phelps and the NRA are willing to talk about a compromise: Exempt buildings within college campuses, but not the campuses themselves

Phelps said the debate over colleges and universities is whether to ban weapons within the boundaries of college campus or just in individual buildings on a campus.

He favors barring guns from buildings.

“What would happen if you’re dropping somebody off or picking somebody up on campus and you have your gun with you?” Phelps said.

Laws regarding concealed weapons vary by state. A 2008 study by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities found that 26 states prohibit guns on public college campuses, while 23 allow the schools to determine their own weapons policies. […]

Todd Vandermyde, lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, says banning concealed weapons from an entire campus is impractical because many universities are spread across large areas of a community and often straddle busy state thoroughfares.

Vandermyde told Lee Newspapers that the NRA will “not accept” a total campus ban.

* The Question: Should concealed carry be forbidden on entire university campuses or just in campus buildings? Take the poll and then make sure to explain your answer in comments. Thanks…

* In case you were wondering, 61.9 percent of you said yesterday that businesses should not have to face liability if they ban concealed carry on their premises and a concealed carry permit holder is injured during a crime.


Building a 21st Century Electric Grid Requires a 21st Century Regulatory System

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Most agree that Illinois needs to modernize its electric grid to meet the demands of the digital age. Forty-four states ─ and even Guam ─ have some type of Smart Grid investment program in process. But Illinois is stalled. To stay economically competitive, we must catch up.

But grid modernization in Illinois is stalled by an outmoded regulatory process that discourages exactly the kind of long-term, comprehensive planning that’s needed to get modernization done.

The Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act (HB 14) proposes a better system for setting utility rates. It provides even more transparency and accountability than current regulation with more frequent regulatory review and new performance metrics to keep utilities accountable.

Some have suggested that modifying regulatory oversight is synonymous with reducing regulatory oversight. That’s simply not true. HB14 is not about less regulation it’s about smarter regulation.

Every resident and business in Illinois will benefit if lawmakers, regulators, utilities and consumer groups can come together over the next few weeks to develop a policy path that drives modernization of our grid, while protecting consumers as strongly as ever.

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Today’s charts

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The National Alliance on Mental Illness released a study this week showing that Illinois was in the top ten for mental health cuts in Fiscal Years 2009-2011

* Click the pic for a larger version of this chart…

That would be 850,000 marijuana arrests in 2007.



Are Illinois nuke plants safe?

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve seen several of these stories crop up this week since the Japan disaster. Are Illinois nuke plants safe?

“We are on a slippery slope,” says Mary Olson, director of the Southeast Office of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, a networking center founded in 1978 for activists and environmentalists concerned about nuclear power. She notes that Illinois is in the seismic zone of the New Madrid fault that some say is overdue for a major earthquake, is prone to tornadoes and has 11 nuclear reactors, a handful of which are of the same 1970s design as the troubled reactors in Japan.

But Farmer said the age of the reactors wasn’t a factor in the disaster caused by the “double whammy” of a record earthquake and historic tsunami.

And a statement released Monday from John Rowe, chairman and CEO of Exelon Corp., the parent of Warrenville-based Exelon Nuclear, one of the major owners and operators of U.S. nuclear plants, says, ”Our plants are safe, particularly given the different seismic patterns in our regions and the absence of tsunami-type events where we have operations.”

He says the plants are protected against earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, but “still we watch, we learn, and we will work with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other policymakers, as well as industry colleagues, on what, if anything, should be done to apply what can be learned from this unprecedented situation.”

* Our oldest four reactors have the same design as the failed Japanese nukes

Four of the Illinois reactors have the same design and manufacturer as the first reactor to fail Saturday at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant northeast of Tokyo, said the Nuclear Energy Institute, the U.S. trade group for the industry.

Those reactors, produced by General Electric Co. and with the model name Mark I, also are in place at Exelon’s two reactors at Dresden, near Joliet, and at its two Quad Cities reactors.

* Exelon’s claims that the plants are safe ring hollow to some

Some residents who live near the power plant in Braidwood re-evaluated their confidence in Exelon when they discovered in 2006 that the company had allowed water contaminated with radioactive tritium to leach outside the plant boundaries toward neighboring homes.

* And the IEPA has had its troubles as well

Kraft also referred to an Illinois auditor general’s report last month that found the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency missed quarterly inspections at two nuclear plants in each of the last two fiscal years.


* So, what about it. Are they safe? Well, the biggest earthquake fault line is pretty far from the nearest nuke plant

Kraft told the Beacon that the impact of earthquake on the Japanese reactors can give experts “a rough idea of how these reactors would respond to, say, the New Madrid fault” if a major earthquake would strike the region. Even though the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-12 struck mainly in southwestern Illinois and southeastern Missouri — relatively far from the sites of the four Mark I reactors — Kraft contended that, because quakes inside continents can cause “soil liquification,” that can impact wider areas.

That’s true. That big New Madrid quake rang church bells in Boston and reversed the flow of the Mississippi River.

* And Exelon’s Rowe isn’t the only person I’ve seen say the tsunami, not the earthquake itself, is what did the biggest damage to the Japanese plants…

Damage to Tokyo Electric’s nuclear stations in Fukushima prefecture was primarily from the tsunami, not the earthquake, Exelon Chief Executive Officer John Rowe said today in a statement.

“Our plants are safe, particularly given the different seismic patterns in our regions and the absence of tsunami-type events where we operate,” Rowe said.

From the New York Times

Critics of nuclear energy have long questioned the viability of nuclear power in earthquake-prone regions like Japan. Reactors have been designed with such concerns in mind, but preliminary assessments of the Fukushima Daiichi accidents suggested that too little attention was paid to the threat of tsunami. It appeared that the reactors withstood the powerful earthquake, but the ocean waves damaged generators and backup systems, harming the ability to cool the reactors.

* Still. the Japanese crisis is having an impact on Wall Street

On Monday, Exelon’s stock fell 27 cents, or 0.63%, to $42.89 on three times its average volume. The stock was down about 2% earlier in the day before recovering most of its loss.

And in DC

In a letter Monday afternoon ,Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush, ranking member of the House Energy and Power Subcommittee, asked for hearings on nuclear plant risks, saying, that “we should not accept the industry’s assurances without conducting our own independent evaluation.”

And at the Illinois Statehouse

A chief sponsor of legislation lifting the 1987 ban [on nuclear plant construction] said Monday the effort is on indefinite hold after the catastrophic events at a nuclear power station in Japan. But state Rep. JoAnn Osmond said the question remains of how to best meet future energy demands. […]

Osmond said she was inclined to leave the bill in committee this year over the issue of nuclear-waste storage, even before the events in Japan.

“We’ve had many discussions, and the big thing is waste and how do we establish a (storage) facility. We’re looking for a better angle on that,” said Osmond. “We have to learn from Japan and look at things that we could do better.”

Waste is my biggest concern. But these power companies have been running their plants at very high levels since the industry was revamped here. They’re doing everything they can to squeeze every last bit of juice out of those nukes, so it’s something to think about.


Paving the highway with good intentions

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The leadership contribution cap idea is taken as a given by editorial writers and pundits who believe that the reform would vastly improve the Springfield climate. I’m not so sure

For a political system that is supposed to operate with checks and balances, Illinois has too many big money checks and not enough balance.

We’re referring to a loophole in campaign finance reform enacted last year that limits private donations and primary-election spending, but that lets state parties and legislative leaders dole out all the money they want to favored candidates in general elections. […]

Ideally, support for candidates in a state legislative race should come from people living in the district. But as the law now stands, only the state parties and legislative leaders —through their political action committees —may donate unlimited amounts. Everyone else is relegated to the sidelines in what amounts to proxy wars between the state’s top politicians.

That’s why the Legislature should advance two bills supported by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform — one in the Senate and one in the House — that would cap donations from political parties and legislative leaders in general elections. The limits would be set at $300,000 for a statewide race and $85,000 for individual House and Senate candidates. House Minority Leader Tom Cross is backing a separate bill that would set even lower limits.

Less money from leaders to candidates would necessarily mean less influence by leaders, right? Well, yeah, but this won’t accomplish that at all.

Instead of focusing on pie in the sky fantasies about how things maybe should be run, let’s look at how things actually do run.

Most of the money spent in these races is on direct mail and TV. Almost all the direct mail sent out by House and Senate Democratic candidates is funneled through the Democratic Party of Illinois account in order to obtain a substantial postage discount. The Republicans do the same thing through the Illinois Republican Party. The caucus leaders also spend a lot of TV dollars on behalf of candidates.

Take, for instance, Sen. John Mulroe (D-Chicago). Mulroe “raised” $364K in cash and received another $385K in in-kind contributions during the last six months of 2010. Most of those in-kinds were from DPI and the Senate Democratic Victory Fund. The mailers said “Paid for by the Democratic Party of Illinois” and the cable TV ads said they were “Paid for by the Senate Democratic Victory Fund.”

You could legally cap the in-kind cash spent by parties and caucus leaders. But you cannot legally cap the cash they can spend on behalf of their candidates via what are known as “independent expenditures.”

Look at what happens in federal races. The big dogs swoop down and spend loads of cash on TV, radio and mail via independent expenditures. Candidates are prohibited by law from even knowing about that spending. Candidates cannot, by law, control the message. On one hand, it gives them an easy way out if the DC types go way over the top. But on the other hand, they have literally no say in how money is being spent on their behalf.

Do you see what I’m getting at here?

If Illinois caps leader and party contributions, then rank and file candidates will - by force of law - have even less input on their races than they do now (and they don’t have a whole lot of input now). The leaders won’t stop spending money. The DC model already proves that. They’ll just spend money without consulting the candidates whatsoever, because they’ll be barred by law from doing so. In-kind expenditures with messages like “Paid for by DPI,” will simply be replaced by independent expenditures with messages like “Paid for by DPI,” and few in the voting public will ever notice the difference.

I’m figuring that Leader Cross is well aware of this reality. Kudos to him for recognizing a very easy press pop. But his idea won’t reform a thing. If anything, leadership power will only become more concentrated.

Everybody wants an easy solution. There are none. Remember the Cutback Amendment? It was supposed to be an easy way of breaking up the Statehouse power institutions. Instead, it built the career of the longest-serving House Speaker in US history.

Money and power will always find a way.

* Speaking of independent expenditures, I told subscribers about this weeks ago

On Jan. 31, three co-chairmen of Ms. Braun’s campaign finance committee — Elzie Higginbottom, Cecil Butler and Leon Finney Jr. — formed a political group called United Communities of Chicago Inc. The group soon reported accepting checks from donors who already had given the maximum amount permitted under the new law to the Carol for Chicago fund, Ms. Braun’s campaign committee, according to state records.

Mr. Finney and another prominent Braun supporter, John W. Rogers Jr., head of Ariel Investments, had contributed $5,000 each to Carol for Chicago on Jan. 19. Mr. Rogers gave another $5,000 to United Communities of Chicago on Feb. 8, and Mr. Finney donated a total of $8,500 to the group before the election.

The Braun campaign isn’t required to report this to the state because it’s an independent expenditure, so, legally, she can have no role in it. How three members of Carol Moseley Braun’s campaign finance committee could do this “independently” is another question, however. But even the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform wasn’t sure whether it was a violation or not when I checked with them last month.

* Also, contribution bundling is done all the time at the federal level, so it’s no big surprise that it’s now happening under our new DC-modeled campaign reform law

The Puigs, longtime masonry contractors, pooled $30,000 for Mr. Chico’s ultimately unsuccessful campaign in one day in early February, writing $5,000 checks in the names of six separately incorporated, family-owned businesses, state and city records show. […]

Another situation that arose in the mayoral race involved 10 people affiliated with the Jimmy John’s restaurant chain, each of whom contributed $5,000 to Rahm Emanuel’s campaign less than two weeks before Mr. Emanuel won the election. When Crain’s Chicago Business asked Mr. Emanuel’s aides about those donations, a spokesman for the campaign said the $50,000 from those donors had been returned “out of an abundance of caution and to avoid even the suggestion of impropriety.”

Direct corporate contributions are prohibited under federal law, so that first item about the Puig family wouldn’t happen at the DC level, probably for that very reason. But banning corporate contributions wouldn’t be easy here. And, frankly, they could just write checks from individual family members to get around a ban if it was ever enacted.

Also, I’m betting that the Jimmy John’s contributions were more likely returned because of the owner’s threat to move his corporate headquarters out of Illinois than any worry over a legal violation. As long as it was their own cash, that bundling was perfectly legal under our new law.

* And speaking of good intentions, while this has nothing to do with campaign reform, it’s a reform that appears to be backfiring. The Chicago Public Schools is feeding more breakfasts to more children, but they’re now doing it during classroom hours, instead of before school

So chew on this: children are losing, perhaps, 20 minutes each day. That’s 57 hours over 170 school days, or more than 10 days — of instructional time.

* Related…

* Legislative Leaders and Parties Pay for 63% of Spending in Hot Races

* Chart: 2010 Targeted Legislative Races Total Expenditures and Leader/Party Support

* Appointments lag to State Board of Elections

* Let the sun shine in


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
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