Quinn won’t back away from school consolidation plan
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The uproar over Gov. Pat Quinn’s proposal to force consolidation of local school districts continues unabated, even though passage of such laws has been rare in the past. Quinn defended his plan yesterday…
* Senate President John Cullerton thinks that the state should offer more financial incentives to prompt schools to consolidate, rather than apply force…
* Quinn spoke about the bill yesterday. Watch… * But wait until the school advocates get fully riled up about this bill which isn’t going anywhere…
* Related…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The Question: Should the growing of industrial hemp - which is bred in a way that minimizes THC content - be legalized in Illinois? Take the poll and then, please, explain your answer in comments. I’ve noticed we’ve been getting fewer comments when I run these polls, so I’m not sure I will continue posting these things if that trend continues… *** UPDATE *** I know it’s late in the day, but here’s the video of the industrial hemp debate in committee yesterday… Thanks to BlueRoomStream.com for the video.
Talking past each other
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s recent ruling that names of FOID card holders must be made public might’ve been calculated as a compromise, of sorts. Just the names would be released, not addresses. The Associated Press likely demanded the list to find out if the cards were being given to people who shouldn’t have them, which is not unreasonable considering reporting in other states…
* And the AG’s office believed that the public interest outweighed minor privacy concerns…
* The Sun-Times agrees…
* But as we saw yesterday in comments, the backlash is intense…
* An attempt yesterday to nullify Madigan’s ruling failed in the Illinois House…
* Sensing an opportunity, the Illinois GOP is trying to make hay out of the volatile issue…
* Reporters look at this issue as government refusing to make information public. It’s not all that different from, say, the Chicago Police Department’s refusal to release its files on David Koschman’s death…
* Gun owners and their supporters, on the other hand, view the AG’s order as a potentially dangerous government intrusion on their own personal privacy rights…
I just don’t see how these two completely different world views can be reconciled. Do you?
Casino/Racino bill in the works?
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Could a casino/slots at tracks deal be for real this time? Greg Hinz notes that the Duchossois family (of Arlington International Racecourse fame) gave $46,000 to Rahm Emanuel’s campaign late in the game. Greg also checked around…
Keep in mind that the governor has been opposed to a major gaming expansion, but if the incoming mayor wants this, the leaders could use the opportunity to give him a nice house-warming present. Then again, these things tend to die of their own weight. * In other city/state news, Bernie Schoenburg has a piece today about how Republican Congressman Aaron Schock contributed $10,000 via his two campaign committees to Democrat Susana Mendoza’s Chicago city clerk campaign…
Mendoza appeared in a TV ad for Schock when he first ran for Congress in 2008.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a Statehouse roundup
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Mar 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller