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This just in… Monken in, Illinois lauded

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:15 pm - If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again

It took two years, but Jonathon Monken finally got approval from the Illinois Senate to be director of a state agency. But he’ll be in charge of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, not the Illinois State Police.

The West Point graduate’s nomination, sponsored by state Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, sailed through the committee Tuesday on a unanimous vote, with no questions from the committee members. It later passed 52-1 in the full Senate, making the appointment official.

“You’re going to do good in your new position,” Sen. Antonio Munoz, D-Chicago, the committee’s chariman, told Monken.

Sen. Munoz was one of those who held up Monken’s nomination for State Police Director. Nobody thought the war hero Monken was a bad guy. They just didn’t believe a non-cop should be running the ISP.

Discuss, but try to avoid petty, personal attacks. I really don’t like it when state employees do that, and I don’t have time to, um, police you this afternoon.

* Meanwhile, Illinois did well in a recent Site Selection magazine ranking. From a press release…

The state of Illinois and Chicago today were named among the top 10 locations for new and expanded corporate facilities. Illinois ranked eighth among states and Chicago first in the metropolitan areas category in the annual analysis by Site Selection magazine, one of the nation’s premiere corporate real estate and economic development publications. […]

In 2010, Illinois had 205 corporate facilities locate or expand in the state. Illinois joins Texas, Ohio, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Georgia on the list of the top ten states with the most locations and expansions. With 184 projects, the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet metro area topped the list of cities in the tier one, top ten metropolitan areas list. Illinois companies that have relocated or seen significant expansions this year include Navistar, Chrysler, Mitsubishi, Ford and Groupon, among others.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

Legislation that two Elgin police officers helped draft will come before state lawmakers later this week.

Lt. Jeff Adam and Officer Chris Jensen are the force behind House Bill 1258, which, on top of other penalties associated with such crimes, would fine those convicted or placed on supervision for delivering or manufacturing cannabis, controlled substances or methamphetamine for costs associated with their arrest.

Jensen said such drug arrests can cost cities such as Elgin thousands of dollars in labor-related expenses, including overtime. .

Illinois has a similar law allowing locals to recoup DUI arrests after convictions.

* The Question: Should the Illinois General Assembly approve this bill which allows the police to recover costs for drug arrests? Take the poll and then explain your answer in coments. Thanks…

*** UPDATE *** I’m adding a second poll question at the suggestion of some commenters…

Have at it.


Quinn’s latest diversion: Chief DGA fundraiser

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Just what Illinois needs right now, another distraction for Gov. Pat Quinn

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is the new finance chair of the Democratic Governors Association, I’m told, responsible for raising millions of dollars from across the country to help bankroll upcoming governor contests.

Quinn was tapped for what is his first big national political role by DGA chairman Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley. Taking on the finance chair chores means Quinn will travel more around the country to raise Democratic cash.

At one-time seen as reluctant to be involved in major fund-raising, Quinn stepped up to the plate when it came to his battle to win election on his own in 2010, after becoming governor after Rod Blagojevich was impeached in 2009. Quinn raised $23 million in what was a brutal Democratic primary and general election campaign against Illinois State Sen. Bill Brady.

There are four governor contests in 2011: Republicans are governor in Mississippi and Louisiana and Democrats hold the seats in Kentucky and West Virginia.

He really needs to finish fixing some of the bigger problems at home before taking on these added, partisan responsibilities. But, he’s tight with public employee unions, which contributed heavily to his campaign last year. And he’s spoken vigorously on their behalf during the Wisconsin/Indiana turmoils. For instance

“It’s a war on workers: You know, the people who teach our kids, who plow the snow off our interstates,” Quinn Monday said on MSNBC. “Those are working men and women and they deserve a decent pay and decent retirement. They’ve already given up concessions in that area.

“The right to have a union and collectively bargain – about your conditions, working conditions – that’s a fundamental American right,” he said. “So what Governor Scott Walker’s doing in Wisconsin is just plain wrong. and I think he’s going to realize it. The people of America are not on his side.

“He didn’t show up at our governors’ conference here in Washington,” Quinn continued. “I think that he knows even Republican governors – many of them know – that he’s on the wrong track and he’s not going to help working people and middle class people retain a good job in America.” […]

“We’re not going to give in and roll over here,” Quinn said. “The governor of Wisconsin is just plain wrong. I noticed today – this past couple days – many other Republican governors are not buying into this trying to bash unions, and bust unions, and hurt working people. That’s not what America is all about. We believe in hard work and rewarding that with decent pay and a decent retirement.”

Those unions have big bucks and the DGA will likely use Quinn to get their cash for Democratic candidates.

Also, it’s a bit of an irony that the DGA is tapping Quinn to raise money now, after having to run TV ads for him last summer because his campaign apparatus was stuck in low gear.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Today’s charts and graphs

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Census folks, here’s the population shift by county…

The interactive map is here. [Hat tip: IAR Buzz]

* State population changes by race…

*** UPDATE *** I meant to post this below the census data and forgot. Charlie Cook’s team gamed out a possible new IL congressional district map. Click the pic for a larger version…

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* The Sun-Times ran a story this week about how the horse racing industry is dying. The paper’s charts paint a dismal picture…

* Scott Stantis’ recent cartoon contained a chart with graphs…



AARP Supports Repeal of Discriminatory Unemployment Law

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

AARP strongly supports House Bill 96 and Senate Bill 144. These bills would repeal a discriminatory unemployment law in Illinois that unfairly penalizes laid-off workers who receive Social Security benefits. It is called the Social Security unemployment “offset” and Illinois is now one of only two states in the nation (along with Louisiana) that has never taken action to repeal the law.

People who receive Social Security work because their Social Security payment is decidedly not enough to live on. To further penalize these workers by unfairly reducing their unemployment benefits is simply wrong. These are individuals who have worked and fueled the Illinois economy, but then become victims of both age and economic discrimination when they lose their jobs.

These bipartisan bills would repeal the unemployment law in Illinois that classifies one-half of an older adult’s Social Security payment as disqualifying income for purposes of receiving unemployment benefits.
AARP, on behalf of its 1.7 million Illinois members, is urging lawmakers to support these bills.

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Blagojevich flak defends speech to kids

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod Blagojevich’s PR guy responds to questions about the convicted felon’s invitation to speak to a national group of high school kids

The governor has many supporters who admire his courage to take on the system and challenge the allegations with all he’s got. He’s spent a career fighting duplicitous politicians and for government transparency. He has passionately pursued issues that impact ordinary, hard-working people.

His tenacity both as a politician and as a man earned him a spot to address the JSA regional conference and he’s looking forward to speaking to the youngsters.

So, he intends to lie. No surprise.

* In comments yesterday, a few members of the student group took umbrage with criticism of their invitation

Blagojevich is one of the most well-known politicians of our time. We have to learn from the actions of the corrupt. We can’t shelter ourselves from reality. If we want to end corruption, we have to learn from the corrupt.

The man is an accomplished snake charmer. There’s not much to “learn” from him except not to do what he did. And you don’t need to invite him to appear at a conference to know that. A half an hour on the Internet would suffice.

* It’s obvious from the PR flak’s statements that Blagojevich intends to offer up a full-throated self defense on the eve of his second trial. Take a look at Blagojevich’s website to see how he promotes himself

Since his controversial ousting from office, Rod Blagojevich has refused to be silent.

The twice elected former governor of Illinois has insisted he is innocent of all charges since his arrest in December, 2008.

(View Rod’s accomplishments as governor.)

Now he continues his mission to prove to the world he did not betray his family, friends and the Illinois voters.

His crusade for justice and his uncanny ability to deal with adversity has made him an in-demand public speaker where he consistently draws huge crowds.

The kids are being used as props. Period.


Will Quinn sign the death penalty abolition bill this week?

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kurt Erickson believes that Gov. Pat Quinn will sign the death penalty abolition bill this week

Look for Quinn to sign off [this] week on legislation to abolish the death penalty.

Quinn telegraphed his support for the proposal during a chat with reporters Wednesday.

Supporters of the abolition effort began hearing inklings of a news event surrounding the signing last week. The likely location: Northwestern University, home of the Center on Wrongful Convictions.

* Meanwhile, former Gov. George Ryan talked about his decision to empty death row during a just released deposition. Some excerpts

* “The families of the victims were just brutal. They threw stuff at me when I stood on the podium and swore at me and, you know, called me all kinds of names when I hadn’t really made up my mind about what I was going to do and told them that,” Ryan said of family members related to victims of crimes.

* At one point Ryan admitted spending as little as 10 minutes on petitions but at another point he said he burned the midnight oil pondering decisions.

* ”How can governors say we’re going to kill these people and then ask a state employee to go down and pull the switch. Who are those people to make that determination?” Ryan says.

* Ryan said he made pardon decisions based on evidence and discussions with staff. “When there was evidence there, I weighed the evidence and came up with what I thought was the best response to that evidence. I never dealt in hypothetical cases, and I don’t want to do it here.” […]

# Ryan said what propelled him to clear out Death Row and offer a slew of pardons before he left office stemmed from the case of Andrew Porter, who was wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years. “I turned to my wife, and I said, how the hell does that happen?” Ryan said of watching the events on the TV news. “How does an innocent man sit on death row for 15 years and gets no relief except for the students of journalism, not law students, students of journalism at Northwestern University? Tell me how that happens. And that piqued my interest, Anthony Porter. And I followed that case right through to commutation of 167 guys. I thought it was 177. Whatever it was. And that’s what triggered me. I still can’t believe it.”


He appeared to blow up when the city attorney linked the timing of Ryan’s moratorium on the death penalty to when the governor was first questioned by authorities concerning the federal probe. […]

But Ryan couldn’t keep quiet. “You’re here to talk to me about the Walden pardon,” he said. “What the hell does my indictment got to do with it?”

A short time later, when the attorney asked again about the criminal investigation, Ryan threatened to leave.

“I’m about ready to walk out of here, and you can do what the hell ever you want to do,” he said. “Send me to jail if you want. I’m not going to put up with that. If that’s — if that’s what you’re here for, and I’m starting to believe that it is.”



Let’s see your cuts

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Champaign News-Gazette

Indeed, Illinois residents would gladly trade positions with the people of Wisconsin.

Yeah. OK. And pay higher income taxes, live in a cultural desert and endure massive social unrest and a Republican governor who makes Bill Brady look like Dawn Clark Netsch? Gotcha. Right. Check. That’ll go over extremely well. [/Snark]

* The reason the News-Gazette claims we’d all like to trade positions with the Cheeseheads is that our state has a bigger budget deficit than they do.

But what I’d really like to know from the paper is what major state spending they’d like to see reduced in their own area. What U of I schools should be shuttered? What community college campuses should be closed? How much should class sizes grow in area K-12 schools? Which local families should lose their Medicaid, and which doctors, hospitals and nursing homes should be paid less? Which Champaign-Urbana domestic violence shelters, substance abuse centers and childcare programs should be closed? What newspaper industry tax breaks - on everything from ink, to newsprint to machinery - will the News-Gazette give up?

* This is the sort of empty rhetoric we see all the time from newspaper editorial boards. But none ever offers to sacrifice themselves. In fact, there’s a huge push on right now to block a bill in the General Assembly that would kill off a sacred government subsidy. From the Illinois Press Association

Industry must rally against Public Notice bill

The introduction of HB 1869 in the Illinois House of Representatives has created a rumble through the Illinois newspaper industry that could be equated to kicking a hornet’s nest. The subsequent response from Illinois publishers to the IPA’s “call to action” has been tremendous and it appears certain that response will not calm down until this bill is defeated.

In short, HB 1869 would remove full-text publication of public notices from newspapers and allow government entities to post them on their own websites. The coalition behind this bill —eight groups comprised of elected officials from townships, school boards, county officials, etc. — are claiming this is a cost-cutting move necessitated by their tight operating budgets. They also claim circulation has decreased so significantly to the point of newspapers being obsolete and, also, that the Internet is now the better and preferred place for public notices.

Several newspapers have published editorials blasting the proposal since the IPA cranked up the opposition. But state and local governments spend a ton of cash on these notices, and few papers put the notices online. Since fewer and fewer people are reading dead tree editions, they won’t see the public notices.

It’s the same old story. “Cuts for thee, but not for me.”

* Related…

* Wis. Gov Scott Walker warns time is running out

* Police block access to Wisconsin Capitol

* Gov. Quinn: Walker Waging War on Workers

* Capitol Chaos: Democrats Likely to Remain in Illinois

* Indiana lawmakers not ready for compromise

* Daniels radio ad calls Dems home


* Pension Funds Strained, States Look at 401(k) Plans

* Senate president weighs in on consolidation

* Top Democrat: School consolidation shouldn’t be forced

* District 128 officials oppose Gov. Quinn’s proposal to consolidate schools

* Quinn’s school proposals raise concerns

* Mayor: School mergers can be costly - Durflinger tells Washington districts that consolidation study will shed light on issue


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois corn yield decreases 10 percent: U.S. reserves of corn have hit their lowest level in more than 15 years, reflecting tighter supplies that will lead to higher food prices in 2011. Increasing demand for corn from the ethanol industry is a major reason for the decline.

* Morgan County wins $1.3 billion FutureGen clean coal project

* Illinois requests federal aid for winter storm costs

* Strike avoided as Caterpillar, UAW reach tentative deal

* New Metra CEO outlines reforms - Pagano’s successor vows ‘zero tolerance’ for ethics violations

* Trains will travel through stations during boarding: A policy preventing trains from rolling past a station while another train is boarding passengers will end Tuesday at some stations on Metra’s Union Pacific West Line.

* Daley, Emanuel talk about mayoral transition

* Wanted: The suburbanization of Chicago

* Daley Wants Weis, Weis Wants Contract

* Daley wants Weis to stay on a while

* Daley on whether he voted for Rahm: ‘Have you been around?’

* Details, details: Sneed hears rumbles Loop lawyer Matthew Hynes, a brother of former state Comptroller Dan Hynes and member of a politically powerful Southwest Side family, heads the list to become Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel’s chief of staff.

* ABC7 talks to man behind MayorEmanuel Twitter

* Poor Showings Leave Black Candidates Blaming Media in Chicago Mayoral Race

* Rhymefest’s raps become campaign fodder in aldermanic race: In his songs, Grammy-winner Che “Rhymefest” Smith spits and stutters curse words, homophobic slurs and the N-word. He sometimes busts rhymes about shooting guns and selling drugs. In his song, “Chicago” — a tale of his hometown where he’s running for 20th Ward alderman — Rhymefest raps, “Ain’t sorry that I did it/ I’m sorry I got caught.”

* Special Segment: High-Level Heliport

* Institute discusses budget, elections

* Defense calls prosecution ‘incredibly reckless’: McHenry County State’s Attorney Lou Bianchi is free on his own recognizance after being indicted for a second time along with two of his investigators.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a Statehouse roundup

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* IEMA, DoIT directors depart
* Sen. Durbin's dangerous idea could worsen the problem he wants to solve
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
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* Isabel’s morning briefing
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