Quinn would commute death penalty cases
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor Following up an article from last week regarding LaSalle County State’s Attorney Brian Towne’s promise to pursue the death penalty…
Comments got really heated today. I’m willing to leave them open, but will be in no mood to moderate posts that are below what CapFax commenters usually provide if it continues.
So many problems, so many solutions; construction under construction
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor The state’s problems are many. High tuition costs and overcrowded prisons were just a few mentioned over the weekend. The fact that the Senate Republicans put together budget cut proposals has been well received despite concerns over what would be cut…
Not to brush aside the proposed Medicaid or education cuts, but this was an interesting proposal…
* Meanwhile, communities are starting to miss the capital construction projects held-up by litigation now before the Illinois Supreme Court…
As you know, there has been an effort to come up with some Plan Bs in case the Court tosses the projects package out, but the QC Times editorial board doesn’t want it to include gaming…
* O’Hare, on the other hand, apparently has a whole new set of problems…
Caterpillar: Letter never meant for public
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor A leaked letter from Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman to Gov. Pat Quinn about the manufacturing giant being courted to leave Illinois certainly made its way around over the weekend. But a CAT spokesperson told ABC 7 that was the last thing they wanted to happen…
But in the very next paragraph of the story…
You got me. * Also over the weekend….
Somewhat related…
Parents, population shift affects welfare benefits: Sun-Times
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor Columnist Sue Ontiveros writes about a lobbying effort put together by the Latino Policy Forum meant to press legislators to vote against human services cuts…
Choosing the latter could also mean an increase in deadbeat parents paying for child support, which has become quite the problem as this Sun-Times research project shows us…
That is of course if communities, mainly suburbs, are prepared to handle the shift in population that relies on government assistance in the first place…
Party leaders go down swinging and a political round-up
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor The Sun-Times credited the State Journal-Register, but it was the Alton Telegraph that got it first…
Now what the Telegraph didn’t have was this little tid-bit…
I’ll bet Rich might have more on this one. (On a similar ISPD investigation note, the department will review the CPD’s handling of its 2004 David Koschman homicide investigation. Koschman reportedly died after he was struck by Richard Vanecko, one of Mayor Daley’s and W.H. Chief of Staff William Daley’s nephews.)
* Bill Cellini’s name has been absent from a lot of the Blagojevich trial coverage until now. Once a player always a players, as Bernie points out this week…
* Meanwhile, the Daily Herald today says Congressman Peter Roskam is experiencing a growth in popularity…
* Senate Democrats today will host their first public input hearings on this year’s redistricting - an issue Kurt Erickson devoted his weekly column to…
* And in other political news…
Question of the Day
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor One thing I miss about living in Springfield is the local scene. Maybe growing up outside of a small farming village in McLean County lowers the expectations, but the ‘field is one of my favorites to regularly visit. (Rich’s posts about the city’s great musicians and local joints makes me feel a bit better about my expectations.) Perhaps some of the regular Hilton occupants out there are aware, but for the rest of us…
Question: What, if anything, is Springfield missing from its social scene?
A few things for today
Monday, Mar 28, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor Rich is traveling home today, so you are stuck with me for one more day. For those of you who didn’t join us last week, I do not have access to the Capitol Fax email account (capitolfax@aol.com). If you need to contact me I can be reached at: Facebook: www.facebook.com/barton.lorimor Twitter: www.twitter.com/bartonlorimor LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bartonlorimor SUBSCRIBERS: If you need to access previous Subscribers Only material, the password has not changed since last week.