Questionable headlines
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Illinois Review gets Drudgian… ![]() Absolutely nothing in the SJ-R story has anything close to such a reference about Quinn being compared to God. It’s about the governor’s annual prayer breakfast, for crying out loud…
* From the Bloomington Pantagraph… ![]() I try to use the two-letter abbreviation for Illinois whenever I shorten the name. I don’t care for the “Ill.” because it can have another meaning, although in this case, it may not be far off. * Crain’s… ![]() And who are these people?…
Trump’s casino business has filed for bankruptcy three times. Also, his airline never turned a profit. I suppose that qualifies him. ![]() And why does state Rep. Jason Barickman (R-Champaign) believe it has failed?…
Actually, the tax hike was sold as a way of eliminating the state’s structural deficit. Part of the tax hike was supposed to be used to pay borrowing costs which would’ve paid off the state’s past-due debts, but the Republicans as a whole as well as some Democrats are against that. * No, the Illinois State Museum does not appear to be doing a Mark Kirk retrospective… ![]() * What a crock… ![]() From the AP story…
It’s the same thing. …Adding… From my father comes this pic of a sign in front of a Moline office development… ![]() Some developer really needs to catch up on his work.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:28 pm:
We don’t get all this Iphone location stuff.
As our mother used to say if you going somewhere you are not proud to admit then you should not do it.
- JN - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:32 pm:
iPhones store their location?
Got news for ya.
allPhones store their location. If they didn’t track signal strength from nearby towers, they would be unusable.
Whether they store it in physical memory or permanent storage doesn’t really matter. Permanent storage just means it will be faster to reconnect to nearby towers if they reboot.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:38 pm:
=== Whether they store it in physical memory or permanent storage doesn’t really matter. Permanent storage just means it will be faster to reconnect to nearby towers if they reboot. ===
They’ve been storing the information for a year and downloading onto users’ PCs. A year??
C’mon. You’ve got to have a better explanation than that.
- shore - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:45 pm:
things must really be slow if you’re doing headlines.
No one cares about the resume misunderstandings.
After what we’ve had in Illinois, could trump really do worse?
- Blackhawks down - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:49 pm:
The IL vs Ill thing is alive and well in Carbondale. The kids going to SIU proudly wear shirts that say SO ILL
- JN - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 1:57 pm:
“The company said there’s no need to store data for more than seven days, and a software update in the next few weeks will limit the amount of data in that file.”
Software developers make mistakes, like Mountain Dew. In the grand scope of privacy-infringing bugs, this is unimportant tbh.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:09 pm:
Apple’s iPhones merely store the location of the users’ phones.
– MrJM
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:12 pm:
@JN - Two words: Warrantless wiretaps.
If Americans don’t have alot of faith in the phone companies when it comes to protecting our privacy, it’s with good reason.
- soccermom - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:16 pm:
Love the typo in Crain’s headline. I assume they meant to say “Daft Trump campaign…”
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:36 pm:
After the season finale of The Apprentice, Trump will announce he has decided not to run. The finale will have the highest rating of any show on NBC this year.
Repeat after me:
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:45 pm:
I found myself standing behind Trump at a Knicks game a couple of years ago at Madison Square Garden. The man is not of this Earth.
From behind, it’s evident he only has one actual lock of hair that was been twirled around and around like cotton candy on a stick, then locked down in place by some outlawed industrial chemicals.
The dude’s coloring can only be described as unnatural.
Shore, you’ve found your man. Didn’t Kirk bring him back from his secret mission to Mars for the intergalactic conference with the Klingons?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 2:51 pm:
–They are Eric Johnson, an attorney and former Young Republicans activist who currently is DeKalb Township supervisor in the Rockford area,–
How is one a DeKalb Township supervisor in the Rockford area? It’s fifty miles and a couple of counties over.
- Not It - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 3:07 pm:
I see your point, Rich, but “Ill.” is the official AP style. The official post office abreviations are too confusing for the 5th-grade level reader. (ie: is “AK” Alaska or Arkansas?)
- Elmhurst - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 3:26 pm:
I’m guess the young men of Draft Trump are inspired by the man’s ability to spout conspiracy theories from a couple years ago, his ability to create the illusion of wealth and success, and his Karashian-like love of attention.
- Dr Kilovolt - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 4:37 pm:
Draft Trump, huh. Well, declaring unsavory political beliefs can have consequences. Does anyone know what restaurants are operated by “Q Restaurant Group” so I can be sure to never eat in one? A little Google search turns up “Q BBQ” and Roly Poly, both in La Grange, for starters.
- Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 6:25 pm:
Seems like just a few years ago that lawmakers were trying to require cell phone companies to be able to locate users so 9-1-1 would work.
One person’s public safety is another’s conspiracy.
- I don't want to know, I already gave up - Wednesday, Apr 27, 11 @ 9:51 pm:
—Some developer really needs to catch up on his work—
No, this developer jumped into the delorian with me and we went back in time to early 2009, you know, when there was no obvious pension criss, inflation was non existant, and Pat Quinn was a lame duck….good times. 2009 was awesome and epic.