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*** UPDATED x1 - Oops *** Question of the day

Friday, May 13, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House passed the human services appropriations bill today, which cuts hundreds of millions of dollars from this year’s spending. The vote was 83-25-2.

The House has now finished passing its budget bills, and Speaker Madigan congratulated his chamber this afternoon for taking on the very difficult task of handling these budget cuts on their own, without the usual end-of-session, back-room negotiations between the leaders and the governor. As Madigan pointed out, this is the first time a budget has been crafted by the approp committees since 1991. Before that, one chamber would handle half the budget and the other chamber would take on the rest. Watch

As I write this, the Senate is voting on its approp bills as well. No Republicans are voting for the bills, complaining that the legislation hasn’t been heard in committee. They make a valid point, but it’s not like they were going to vote “Yes” anyway.

* The Question: Do you think Speaker Madigan is training his members to act on their own because he might be planning to retire? Or, do you think Madigan is doing it this way for the first time ever because he knew he couldn’t negotiate a spending-cut budget with Gov. Quinn and President Cullerton and then convince his more liberal members to accept it? Or is it something else? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

*** UPDATE *** Sorry. I screwed up the code and had to dump the poll. You may also have to clear your browser cache because when I did the new poll, I kinda screwed it up as well. Sheesh. Friday the 13th. Vote again, please


  1. - Zero - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 1:44 pm:

    If there’s one thing Madigan knows how to do it’s play the game. This was a move to get these bills passed. I don’t think he’s ever going to retire.

  2. - John Bambenek - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 1:45 pm:

    Maybe someone poisoned his apple?

  3. - Not It - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 1:47 pm:

    I’ve been quietly telling all my friends for the past year that this will be “The Speaker’s” last full General Assembly. He wants to stay long enough to re-draw a new map and leave the Attorney General in a good position to be Governor in 2012, and leave on top. He has seen too many politicians stay just a little too long and doesn’t want to go down in that manner.

  4. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:02 pm:

    It’s a smart way to pass the budget, everybody has a stake in it. I thought the discussion before the House passed the Education funding bill yesterday was pretty telling.

    Plus, I imagine doing the back-room thing with Quinn must be near impossible since he cannot seem to settle on anything.

    The Senate should have followed the House model a bit more closely; the House seems to have had Republicans more involved in the process. I thought there might be group hugs with all the rhetorical back-slapping on the floor.

  5. - Ahoy - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:02 pm:

    I think it could be a little of both. I don’t think his retirement is eminent though. I think there is also another reason that no one but a few in Madigan’s inner circle know.

  6. - Nikoli - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:04 pm:

    He knew he couldn’t work with Cullerton or Quinn to get the budget he needed passed. Also, this way he has brought the Republicans to the table so that they can’t use the tired old line of “We weren’t invited to budget negotiations”.
    By bringing the GOP to the table, he made them part of the cuts. Now they’re just as culpable as the Dems when the social services folks and schools come crying for more money.

  7. - 47th Ward - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:10 pm:

    It’s a two-fer. It’s a good tactic to get a budget passed, and if his daughter really wants to be governor, he of all people knows that he can’t stay in power.

    I don’t think that means his departure is imminent, just that he’s preparing for that day to come. 40 years is a long time for anyone doing anything. He knows when it’s time, and this is a signal to his caucus that they need to step up their game.

  8. - mokenavince - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:12 pm:

    Madigan knew Quinn was usless,so he manned up and
    did his bit to pass some bills.Plus he will retire once Lisa is takes Quinns job.

  9. - MOON - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:20 pm:

    Only God and Madigan knows when he is retiring. My guess is he has no plans regarding retirement.

    I think he used this tactic to get the budget passed in the House and to get Gop support. His approach sends a message to Quinn that in the House they have the votes to over ride a veto. It also sends a message to the Senate Dems that in conference the votes of the GOP in the House and Senate will result in a budget that cuts the excess proposed spending contemplated by the Dems in the Senate.

  10. - vole - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:21 pm:

    After passing the tax hike he had to do something other than dumping it all on Quinn like they did last year.

  11. - MOON - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:34 pm:

    One last thought. There is much speculation that Lisa Madigan may run for Governor in 2014 and therefore the Speaker will retire in order to make it easier for her to win.

    I disagree with that idea. If Quinn decides to run again in 2014 Lisa will not run against him. In fact I doubt she will ever run for Governor. The State is in real financial trouble. Lisa as well as the Speaker know that the problems are so severe that nothing would be gained by being Governor.Its a thankless job! Under current circumstances and recognizing the “temporary” income tax raise is up for reconsideration in 2014 Lisa will not run.

    I believe she will eventually sit on the State Supreme Court.

  12. - zatoichi - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:39 pm:

    The budget needs to get passed and all the fingers need to be in the action. Pushing the Budget off as a block to Quinn for his decisions provides too much hiding room. Making sure/forcing the sides to at least be at the table to make a vote and make on the record adjustments keeps ownership responsibility spread wide when the heat comes from all the parties effected.

    Retirement? Why leave before a serious rebuilding effort is in motion that he can get credit for?

  13. - Jason Voorhees - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:45 pm:

    Taactic ….he ain’t ready to go no where what he don’t wanna go.

  14. - Jason - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 2:55 pm:

    Regarding the debate in the Senate on the approp bills…..yes the R’s may have always intended to vote “no” but there are some very legit points being made by that side of the aisle. Supreme Court Historic Preservation Office chief gets paid more that the head of State Police? Please.

  15. - Time Keeps on Ticking, Ticking - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:10 pm:

    Little off topic, but what is up with the Senate Republicans?

  16. - railrat - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:11 pm:

    I think smart tactic and I have this feeling LM wants a Judgeship vs. Gov. plus MM has a hobby and thats Politics hes not ready to leave. And dont we want to see Mr. Madigan and the Rahmster spar some ???!!!

  17. - Wensicia - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:26 pm:

    I don’t think it’s about retirement, just a tactic to get the budget cuts. Besides, he doesn’t want full credit for cuts that are going to make a lot of people in this state very unhappy.

  18. - Cincinnatus - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:35 pm:

    I believe Madigan is actually making a good faith attempt to bang the budget into fiscal shape. He is doing so not because it is good policy, and not because he hasn’t been one of the major movers and shakers in creating the nightmare and now feels guilty. I believe his primary motivation is to leave the state in better shape a few years from now so that Lisa won’t have to deal with this problem during her campaign and tenure as governor.

  19. - Ben Gazzara - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:44 pm:

    I think it is all about having the GOP and panderers in his own party sign on to budget cuts—nothing more, nothing less.

    And Keyser Soze will never retire. If he did, he and his people would be forced to realize the ugly truth that the state of Illinois can in fact function without him.

  20. - dupage dan - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 3:45 pm:

    Wow, Cincy, how very Tri-Lateral Commission of you (snark).

    Actually, yours is as good an explanation as any. I voted something else only because my brain isn’t working too well today. That we may benefit from his machinations is something we’ll just have accept.

  21. - Cincinnatus - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:05 pm:

    dupage dan,

    I won stock in this:

  22. - wordslinger - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:05 pm:

    –I believe she will eventually sit on the State Supreme Court.–

    I think you have to crank it up a click.

    She’s got an old pal who’s going to have something to say about that for a few years. And can you imagine the lovefest Senate hearings? Nice female fighting Irish AG with a couple of young kids?

    Now, that’s a job worth waiting for.

    I believe he’s going to retire. He’s always been the smartest guy in the room, and as such, at some point, you say enough. After 40-plus years, who needs it? Let Andy Shaw, Bruce Dold, John Kass, et. al chase their tails til they pass out.

  23. - Colossus - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:05 pm:

    Cincinnatus, I was almost with you. I don’t think this is anything too mysterious. MM pulled in the maximum number of players to distribute any blame and shore up his House against whatever the hell is happening in the Senate and against a potential veto.

    I doubt he’s planning for retirement, but an opportunity arose to do the right thing for the state and give his members some experience that will be necessary for when he does retire. Now he won’t be the only name/face being attacked by the losers in this budget.

    I think all the Lisa for Gov talk is just wishful thinking. She is damn effective at her job and I just dont see her putting up with the pointlessness of the political fights she would be put in just running for Gov, let alone BEING the Gov. We just had an election, guys. Lots will happen in the next two years before things heat up again.

  24. - Cincinnatus - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:05 pm:


  25. - cassiopia - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:09 pm:

    I think Madigan is just being a responsible adult and doing the right thing.

  26. - dupage dan - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:09 pm:

    Thanks, Cincy - I just placed my 1st order. ;)

  27. - CLJ - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:18 pm:

    I want to think he’s up to something. It’s more fun that way. It’s all a consipiracy involving the maps, elections, Blagojevich, Daley’s retirement and the Chinese.

  28. - downhereforyears - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:31 pm:

    I honestly believe he recognizes how terrible our fiscal condition is and believes the only way to begin repairing it is to take this kind of action. I also believes he wants Illinois to be in much better shape 4 years from now.

  29. - Bill - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:37 pm:

    I think he is going to bolt before July 1,2012 when his pension benefit will be diminished and impaired.

  30. - wordslinger - Friday, May 13, 11 @ 4:52 pm:

    –I want to think he’s up to something. It’s more fun that way. It’s all a consipiracy involving the maps, elections, Blagojevich, Daley’s retirement and the Chinese.–

    Opus Dei and the Hong Kong Triads have been conspicuously quite lately. I’m sure Shaw and Kass are on it.

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