Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Koehler may run for Congress *** Careful what you wish for
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*** UPDATED x2 - Koehler may run for Congress *** Careful what you wish for

Thursday, Jun 2, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Will County types are not happy with the new congressional map

The map drawn and approved by Democrats in the state legislature creates congressional districts that look like floodplains stretching out from Lake Michigan, starting in relatively small sections of Chicago before stretching over vast tracts of land in the suburbs and across farm fields.

“It’s the most blatant example of gerrymandering I’ve ever seen,” said Will County Republican Party Chairman Richard Kavanagh, one of a chorus of Republicans likely to raise ever louder complaints of the remap that would reduce their numbers in Congress.

But the map does something else, Kavanagh said.

“It gives Chicago control over Will County and brings Cook County politics into Will County,” he said.

* But, in a way, they kinda brought it on themselves

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Chicago) picked up territory throughout eastern Will County where he supports construction of an airport outside Peotone. The strategic move gives him more credibility on the project because he can no longer be criticized for engaging on an issue outside his district. Jackson’s opponents during election time often urged him to mind his own district, not the airport. Now he can do both.

It wasn’t just Jackson’s political opponents who told him to mind his own business. Will County leaders did the same. So, now the airport is his business.


* Meanwhile, Lynn Sweet talked to US Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman, and came up with these district rankings

† Eight safe Democratic seats: 1. Bobby Rush; 2. Jesse Jackson Jr.; 3. Dan Lipinski; 4. Luis Gutierrez; 5. Mike Quigley; 7. Danny Davis; 9. Jan Schakowsky, and 12. Jerry Costello.

† Five competitive or swing seats: 8. Considered open, now held by Walsh; 10. Dold; 11. Open; 13. Tim Johnson; 17. Schilling.

† Five Republican lean to GOP safe: 6. Peter Roskam; 14. Hultgren; 15. John Shimkus; 16. Don Manzullo; 18. Aaron Schock.

Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.) left homeless in the Democratic map, may run from the open 11th; Kinzinger is likely to head to the Manzullo district; Walsh may switch to the 14th.

* Politico has the DC mood

Both in Springfield and in Washington, the GOP reaction to the grim reality of the state’s new congressional map is downright funereal, with some Republicans shaking their heads and marveling at the evil genius behind a gerrymander that could end up costing the GOP as many as five House seats.

* And Crain’s reports on GOP opposition

A group of Republican business leaders and former members of Congress from Illinois is gearing up to challenge the state Legislature’s new congressional redistricting map, which heavily favors Democrats.

Led by former U.S. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and former U.S. Rep. Thomas Ewing, fundraising by the Committee for a Fair and Balanced Map has been quietly under way for months, anticipating that Republicans would not fare well in a process steered by a Democratic-controlled Legislature and a Democratic governor. […]

“Now that we’ve got a map that’s not fair, it will probably take off,” said Ronald Gidwitz, a Chicago investor and former CEO of Helene Curtis Industries Inc., who has contributed to the committee but is not otherwise involved.

Others on the committee are former Rockford Congresswoman and Labor Secretary Lynn Martin, North Star Investments President Alexander “Sandy” Stuart of Lake Forest and Don Wilson, CEO of DRW Trading Group, a derivatives trading firm in Chicago. Also involved is Mayer Brown LLP partner Ty Fahner, who represented Illinois GOP members of Congress in redistricting litigation 10 years ago and a decade before that.

* And freshman Adam Kinzinger is picking up some support for a bid against fellow Republican Don Manzullo

According to published reports and indications from two northern Illinois Republican leaders, Kinzinger, R-Manteno, may now be in the early planning stages of organizing a re-election campaign in the newly-drawn 16th Congressional District — territory now represented by U.S. Rep. Don Manzullo, R-Rockford.

Even though Kinzinger placed his name on a blanket statement the Illinois Republican Congressional delegation issued Friday condemning the new boundaries, the freshman legislator has yet to make any official public comment regarding the Democratic-drawn maps. […]

Susan Thornton, La Salle County Republican Central Committee chairwoman, told The Times last week she remains optimistic about the upcoming boundary changes on the local level for Kinzinger.

“Adam’s numbers were very strong in last November’s elections and I think voters in new and expanded areas of the 16th will find him well-equipped to represent them in both the rural counties and up north through Rockford,” said Thornton.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the Champaign News-Gazette

Republican state Rep. Jason Barickman will announce Thursday that he is running for a seat in the Illinois Senate from the new 53rd district, according to an announcement from his office.

Barickman, a lawyer and chairman of the Champaign County Republican Party, currently represents the 105th District in the Illinois House of Representatives.

He has scheduled announcements Thursday in five communities within the new 53rd District: Bloomington-Normal, Paxton, Watseka, Pontiac and Eureka.

Under the newly drawn Illinois House and Senate legislative maps, Barickman would be running in the same district that includes current state Sen. Shane Cultra, a Republican from Iroquois County. Cultra has not yet announced his intentions, but Barickman’s office indicated he will run whatever Cultra decides.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Peoria Pundit

I’ve just head from a very reliable source that State Sen. Dave Koehler, D-Peoria, will run for Congress in the 17th District. He would face freshman U.S. Rep. Bobby Schilling, R-Colona. Schilling, a Tea Party candidate, defeated Phil Hare in 2010.

“You will not see Koehler make the same mistakes Hare made,” my source said. “Hare shot from the hip too often, Koehler is more in control of his emotions.”

Koehler says he’s talked to a number of people, so that’s why the word is getting out. He said he’ll make an announcement in the next several days.


  1. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:18 am:

    Judy Biggert vs. Foster might be interesting.

  2. - Spliff - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:46 am:

    Hare shot from the hip too often but Koehler will never go for the throat …He should take a few lessons from Mike Jacobs in that regard before he steps out of his cozy little district.

  3. - Jeeves the Cat - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:47 am:

    The “evil genius” line had me picturing Dr. Evil and his hairless cat hole-up in a room with Wile E. Coyote at the Blackstone Hotel - maps trown everywhere. Suddenly, the cat tips over a glass on to a map of the Chicago metro, and as the liquid spreads out from the lakefront, Dr. Evil looks up and says “Hey, you might have something there!”.

  4. - Not my area - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:56 am:

    Don’t know Koehler as he’s outside my area. Just curious how he voted on death penalty, civil unions and the tax hike?

  5. - Montrose - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:59 am:

    -Just curious how he voted on death penalty, civil unions and the tax hike?-

    He votes to abolish the death penalty, was the lead sponsor in the Senate on civil unions, and voted for the tax hike. Quite the contrast to Schilling.

  6. - just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:04 am:

    Dennis Hastert has got some nerve to be challening any map. The one he drew 10 yrs ago is the most gerrymandered thing ever.

  7. - anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:06 am:

    Koehler will do a great job representing the QC. Just glad Schilling will be a one termer. The guy has done has done nothing, but vote strictly party line. Typically against the interest of the 17th. The medicare vote wont play well.

  8. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:12 am:

    –Led by former U.S. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and former U.S. Rep. Thomas Ewing, fundraising by the Committee for a Fair and Balanced Map has been quietly under way for months,–

    That’ll make some lawyers happy, I guess. But it’s all over but the crying.

  9. - Ahoy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:19 am:

    Schilling is in trouble if Dave get’s in. I think the tea party is going to have a difficult time explaining to non-right wing voters why they voted to take away healthcare from grandma and to give taxpayer money to oil companies making record profits in the same week. 2012 will be a different political environment than 2010 and they haven’t figured that out yet.

  10. - Racing to Racine - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:27 am:

    Denny and Tom Ewing do everything “quietly” these days.

  11. - reformer - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:48 am:

    I hear former state Rep. Mike Boland is also looking at the 17th CD. Sounds as if there will be a primary contest for the Democratic nomination.

  12. - cjs - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:59 am:

    Does anyone have a memo or some kind of document that gives the highlights of the state senate’s and GA’s new map? Anything that explains what was added/combined/eliminated?

  13. - too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:03 am:

    More sour grapes from washed up old Republicans who have failed their party for years.

    Why would any Republican sue over this map? What, are they afraid that all the new Democrats who get in won’t abandon Republican principles fast enough?

  14. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:09 am:

    I’ll take Jason Barickman as my new state senator rather than Shane Cultra any day.

    With the carving up of Blm-Normal, I won’t be in Bill Brady’s senatorial district any longer. But, trading Brady for Cultra? Yes, one should be careful what they wish for in Illinois politics.

  15. - Anonym - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:46 am:

    Looks like the DCCC isn’t going to look at the 14th - perhaps the Dems only shot is if Rep. Franks decides to give it a go.

  16. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:07 pm:

    What did Denny Hastert and Tom Ewing have to say when Texas redistricted in between Census counts?

    The Republicans should get their day in court on the Voting Rights Act issue.

    But the whining about redistricting is almost entirely sour grapes from sore losers.

    If Republicans are so concerned about Latinos being under represented, why aren’t any Republicans willing to support immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship?

  17. - I mean really - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:08 pm:

    Nearly Normal…I’m in that district, and I’ll choose “D”–none of the above. Brady hasn’t done any work for the district in the past 6 years (if ever), Cultra likes the title but seems to shy away from real work, and Barickman is a Brady Bunch member who got his position the old fashioned way.

    Central Illinois politics is becoming less about substance and in turn less effective every year. I guess I’d just like to see some effective representatives. Wishful thinking…

  18. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:29 pm:

    @ just sayin’: I think you speak from great ignorance in calling the 2000 congressional map a product of gerrymandering by Congressman Hastert. The 2000 map was the result of a compromise achieved by both Democrats and Republicans on the Illinois congressional delegation, a compromise perhaps achievable due to the presence of so many heavyweights in the delegation, like Hastert, then House Speaker, Henry Hyde, and others. The compromise was fashioned to protect the incumbent congressmen of both parties and generally kept the district lines created in 1990, which I recall was not an example of extreme Republican gerrymandering and not the result of Hastert machinations. So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  19. - dave - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:53 pm:

    Looks like the DCCC isn’t going to look at the 14th - perhaps the Dems only shot is if Rep. Franks decides to give it a go.

    Sigh. Not sure how that would be a win for the Dems.

  20. - formerpolitico - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:54 pm:

    They are raising money for some big law firm to profit from a lawsuit?!? Who is the lawyer? A federal suit against the map borders on the frivolous - just like last time. And the GOP lawyering on the 2001 lawsuit was third-rate, in my opinion. They argued the standing issue and didn’t have time to argue the merits at all. Can’t Fahner and these other fat cats find a buddy to file it pro bono? People should not waste their money on this!

  21. - Anonym - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:48 pm:

    “Sigh. Not sure how that would be a win for the Dems.”

    A win is a win? He’s not Joe Walsh?

  22. - Leaving Soon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:35 pm:

    During the next redistricting, we will lose at least two more seats because most TAXPAYERS will abandon this state. So next time, if the Dems are in charge, they will have to find a way to do this again. JJ will be representing Springfield by then!

  23. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:38 pm:

    Leaving Soon, where are you going? Where’s that grass greener?

  24. - Anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:01 pm:

    Wait, so let’s get this straight…

    - Koehler out of Peoria is running
    - Boland, Andy Rowe (fmr Hare staffer), Schweibert (fmr Rock Island Mayor), and possibly Hare are running out of the Quad Cities
    - State’s Atty Joe Bruscato is running out of Rockford

    This is going to be a full house on the Dem’s side…

    Notably, Boland did win almost every county in the new 17th CD (except Peoria and Winnebago, both #2) when he ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2010.

    Nobody knows Koehler outside of his district… Schweibert is irrelevant… Andy who? I don’t know much about Bruscato… Hare couldn’t win dog catcher if he promised to provide his own leash…. and Boland didn’t raise any money when he ran for Lieutenant Governor.

    Interesting race. Let’s see who can raise dollars or get their name out there and it’ll be easier to see. I’d say Hare, Rowe, and Schweibert should get out now before they look stupid. The other three could be a race.

  25. - just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:12 pm:

    Good lord Conservative Republican, just stop. You say it yourself how 2001 was all about protecting incumbents. You’re right about that. But you think that’s a good thing? That should be the goal? Look at the current map boundaries and tell me the new one is worse. Look at the crazy lines through and around Springfield and tell me that’s better than the new one. Sheesh.

  26. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:43 pm:

    –Notably, Boland did win almost every county in the new 17th CD (except Peoria and Winnebago, both #2) when he ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2010.–

    Winning counties is important, as Gov. Brady will tell you.

  27. - Not a Newcomer - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:18 pm:

    I don’t see how you can blame people not from Chicago for not wanting a Chicago politician to try and control them.

  28. - joesixpack - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:43 pm:

    “Boland didn’t raise any money when he ran for Lieutenant Governor.”
    read: boland didn’t raise a single dime and completely self-funded his own campaign for LTGov.

    i think sen. koehler will sweep the floor with mike boland.. at least he’s jumping in. boland has been “thinking” about it since like january or something (whenever it was reported). boland needs a consultant or something… or he needs to listen to consultants, or something.. because “thinking” about running for six months isn’t the same as “fundraising” for six months or even the same as “running” for six months.

  29. - ISEwe - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:09 pm:

    I hope Shane Cultra goes away. He doesn’t know anything about McLean County or Bloomington-Normal. He’s a bump on a log. Bring on Barickman!

  30. - Anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:18 pm:

    With a 77%D district, Kinzinger had better run somewhere else. Against Manzullo? Good luck… haha.

    Kinzinger: One term.

  31. - Texas Tea - Friday, Jun 3, 11 @ 12:26 am:

    Boo hoo to republicans. Their party has done the same thing in Texas and their last gerrymandered map was all upheld in federal court in Texas. Say goodbye to 5 of your Illinois congressman.

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