*** UPDATE 1 *** I talked to Sen. Tim Bivins this morning. Bivins saw the fracas and says he say Sen. Jacobs make “what looked like a fist” and then heard a “thud” as Sen. McCarter was “knocked backward.” Bivins then helped separate the two and got a “huge bruise” in the process when he accidentally slammed into a desk.
Sen. Syverson saw something different…
State Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Rockford, said he saw the exchange.
“He (Jacobs) pushed him or poked him in some way,” Syverson said.
Sen. Bivins sits next to McCarter, however, so he probably had the better view. Syverson sits one row behind McCarter and to one side.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Matt Murphy sits next to Bivins. Murphy told me he saw Jacobs “punch” McCarter. However, Murphy said, “I don’t know whether it was his open hand or a closed fist.”
*** UPDATE 3 *** Hmm. An interesting statement from Joe Dominguez, Senate Sergeant-At-Arms…
The Senate Sergeant-At-Arms is charged with preserving the rules of decorum and orderly behavior in the Senate chamber. While incidents of disorderly conduct are rare, they are not tolerated on the Senate floor.
On Tuesday, immediately following the alleged confrontation between Senator Mike Jacobs and Senator Kyle McCarter, I approached Senator McCarter to inquire whether he wished to file a complaint. Senator McCarter responded that he did not. [Emphasis added]
Joe is top notch, by the way.
[ *** End Of Updates *** ]
* Sen. Kyle McCarter says he will ask the Sangamon County State’s Attorney to file a criminal complaint against Sen. Mike Jacobs. McCarter says Jacobs punched him in the chest with his fist…
State Sen. Kyle McCarter said Wednesday he wants charges filed against a fellow senator he accused of punching him following a contentious, end-of-session debate over a rate hike for utilities.
“I plan on pressing charges against Sen. Jacobs,” McCarter said. […]
McCarter said Sen. Darin LaHood, R-Peoria, and Sen. Tim Bivins, R-Dixon, pulled Jacobs away. Bivins served as Lee County sheriff for 20 years. “Sen. Bivins and Sen. LaHood have given statements to the Capitol police, verifying what happened,” McCarter said.
* From a Tribune editorial…
McCarter observed aloud [during a Senate floor debate on the ComEd bill] that Jacobs, chairman of the Senate Energy Committee and sponsor of a controversial utility-backed bill, is the son of former Sen. Denny Jacobs, a ComEd lobbyist. The 150-page bill came up for a vote in the last hours of the session after a six-minute committee hearing, McCarter said.
Jacobs’ statesmanlike response was to walk across the aisle and punch McCarter in the chest. He accused McCarter of attacking his family and violating Senate rules about civil debate. […]
Jacobs said his constituents are aware of the relationship and can make up their own minds about whether he has a conflict of interest. Give us a break. A lawmaker who carries the water on a bill pushed by his lobbyist father is going to hear about it, over and over. Better get used to defending yourself with something besides your fists.
* Legislators engaging in fisticuffs on the floor is a rare event, but not unheard of…
The last time two lawmakers got into a similar public confrontation on the floor of either legislative chamber came when former state Rep. Bill Black (R-Danville) got into a shoving match with former Rep. Terry Parke (R-Hoffman Estates) in a 1992 school-funding dispute.
Even President Barack Obama was involved in shoving match with another legislator, former Sen. Rickey Hendon (D-Chicago). That altercation came during former Gov. George Ryan’s stint in office and occurred in the rear of the Senate chamber out of public view, Hendon wrote.
I was in the House press box when Parke shoved Black, and I was in the Senate box when the altercation began between Obama and Hendon. From Hendon’s book…

Nobody in either of those fights pressed any sort of charges. What do you think about McCarter’s announced move?
- Anonymous Coward - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:31 am:
Handbags at dawn!
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:36 am:
1) Obama never struck Rickey.
2) The shoving match could fall under the rule of “mutual combat.”
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:38 am:
Not really sure, but I do find it ironic that you complain about debate not being civil and then go and allegedly punch a guy
- Cassiopeia - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:39 am:
McCarter is a wimp. This was no big deal. Sure Jacobs was wrong but to press charges will make McCarter look bad.
He must have led a sheltered childhood if he is this worked up over a minor altercation.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:42 am:
No blood, no foul! Let it go.
- Can't quite remember - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:45 am:
Didn’t Jacobs get into it in a meeting with Rod several years ago, when threats of punches were made?
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:46 am:
But shouldn’t there be some consequences to a legislator hitting another legislator on the floor. This wasn’t at a bar someplace or even it a coat room.
I also give McCarter a bit of credit for not punching him back. I am looking forward to Jacobs ad on this. I was willing to punch a guy so ComEd could charge more.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:48 am:
Jacobs was in the wrong. McCarter is a woose…..they both need to grow up!
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:48 am:
No blood no foul!!! Act like adults (which for some legislators when they are in Springfield is hard.)
- Stones - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:49 am:
This reminds me of the remap in 1980 when Leroy Lemke and Mark Rhodes went at it on the Senate floor. There was no physical contact at the time but it was darn close!
- Ray del Camino - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:49 am:
It’s like running to the teacher after a schoolyard tussle. Makes McCarter look like a whiny baby. I’m with the others. Let it go, man.
- Cindy Lou - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:51 am:
I can understand the frustrated heat of the moment temper flaring, but physical contact should just be a no-no. I’m not above telling someone exactly what I think, but I guess I was taught to be assertive not aggressive…keep my hands to myself. On the floor of the Senate is not the place to call someone out, reporters/cameras present or not.
With that said, turning what was said to be a ‘poke’ into a ‘punch’ is a bit overdramatic. No pokes, no punches, no shoving/pushing…learn to get your point across without one’s hands involved. Sincerely spit out and accept the necessary I’m sorry and work at conducting self in a more productive manner.
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:52 am:
Ricky would have kicked Barack’s butt.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:53 am:
A formal censure or expulsion by the Senate would probably head off an arrest, I would think. Failing that, were I McCarter, I’d press charges.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:54 am:
Well if the roles were reversed would Jacobs ‘let it go’?
- :-) - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:54 am:
Rich said “I was in the House press box when Parke shoved Black, and I was in the Senate box when the altercation began between Obama and Hendon.”
I think that it perhaps has something to do with you!
- just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:56 am:
Silly. Physical violence is never the answer. But I think McCarter is being a big baby. And his own reputation for a hot temper is well known.
It’s also beyond hypocritical for McCarter to try and single out Jacobs. For crying out loud, a big chunk of the Rs in both the senate and house voted for the ComEd bill rate increase, and some pushed it at least as hard as Jacobs.
And McCarter wants to pretend he’s worried about conflicts yet he won’t say anything about the ComEd contributions his fellow Rs get. He himself may very well be the beneficiary of any contributions going to the senate repub pac.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:59 am:
There is a difference between a temper and physical contact.
If this is a ‘let it go’ then where is that line. Is it a harder punch? A punch to the face? Blood being drawn?
If a guy punched you at work, someone you didn’t get along with, would you just let it go (especially if you employer couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything about it?)
- Joe from Joliet - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:02 am:
===I was willing to punch a guy so ComEd could charge more.===
And make my daddy happy.
- annon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:04 am:
If someone hits you than hit them back! Geez, both of these guys need to grow up!
- Ahoy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:10 am:
McCarter needs to be a man and let it go. Did he need medical care after the punch? Will it count as assault? He’s just trying to make campaign fodder and looking stupid at doing it. (As if passing your daddy’s rate hike bill isn’t going to be trouble enough for him).
- Jaded - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:10 am:
Personally, I think they both need a good butt kickin, both physically and electorally!
Charges are silly. Let it go Kyle you big sissy
As for Jacobs, what a goof. What is he doing sponsoring that bill at the same time he talking about running for Congress? Old sayings about the sharpest knife in the drawyer keep popping into my mind.
I hope they both just go away.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:11 am:
McCarter is a First Class Weasel …. Jacobs is a first Class Buffoon. Are we legislators, or are we 3rd graders who “fight” so the adults can “See” the fight and then both parties whine and want the other sent to the Principal’s Office.
McCarter - Seriously? “So …(snicker, snicker) … Sorry, …so … Senator (snicker, snicker) … Sorry!, trying to stop … Senator, tell the nice police officer here what happened …”
Jacobs - “So, then he said somthin’ about my Dad, and stuff, and I got SO MAD, like when in WWE Hulk Hogan became bad and stuff … man, I threw a HUGE tantrum and I punched this guy who had a “bad” Hulk Hogan shirt on at school …”
That is what the Illinois Senate has been reduced to? We hit AND we “tattle”?
I dunno what to think about how it all went down, but I do know that the average voter is only going to hear “buffoon threw a punch” and “… then the Weasel pressed charges” …
Perception …
- Old Milwaukee - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:12 am:
There is no room for punching at work, period. Yes, Jacobs threatened to punch Blagojevich. He is apparently a puncher. It makes you wonder where else he flies off the handle and punches people. Maybe having charges filed will stop the punching.
That said, does it really matter when a punk punches a jerk, even if it’s in the senate?
- Liberal Lady - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:14 am:
Instead of charges, which don’t benefit anyone, why doesn’t McCarter take the opportunity to be the bigger person and say he’ll drop the issue if Jacobs admits he was wrong, apologizes and donates to some type of energy cost relief charity?
- John Galt - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:17 am:
One stark difference I see between the current situation and the two others cited: D vs R as opposed to R vs R and D vs D. Those were intra-party scuffles where the caucus leaders had the ability & incentive to dish out some informal punishment off the record. That’s less likely to happen here.
Jones needs to suffer some type of consequence for his action if only to serve as an example to others that this behavior is unacceptable. Some type of official censure & a written letter of apology should be read aloud. However, if Cullerton isn’t willing to push that, then filing charges would be appropriate.
It shouldn’t be the first option. Yes, it might make McCarter look a bit whimpy. But to do absolutley nothing would be worse as it’d teach people that there’s no consequences to roughing up fellow legislators.
- just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:18 am:
You don’t hit anyone, but you also don’t bring someone’s father into a personal attack on the floor like McCarter did. That was disgraceful. And if you heard it, McCarter got really nasty. Jacobs shouldn’t have made it physical, but I don’t blame him for being outraged at McCarter’s personal shots about a father. And again, this was all on a bill that lots of McCarter’s fellow Republicans with cozy relationships with ComEd also supported.
McCarter deserved no punching, of course not. But he behaved in a very immature way and little boys do need spankings from time to time. McCarter needs to grow up.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:19 am:
If I were McCarter, I would either let it go or take my own shot off the Senate floor.
It’s a dude thing. You don’t look good calling the cops because you got popped once in the chest by a 50-year-old man.
- Alexander cut the knot. - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:20 am:
You can’t “let it go” with a bully, and the Senate President should enforce the rules against both of them if McCarter did indeed break Senate rules, although stating a fact hardly seems a violation of the rules.
- D - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:20 am:
- Stones - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:49 am:
This reminds me of the remap in 1980 when Leroy Lemke and Mark Rhodes went at it on the Senate floor.
It was in 1981, with President Rock in the Chair and the senate was about to vote on the Republican map and Rock passed over the bill. Rhoads(bill’s sponsor) then rushed the Chair only to be decked by State Senator Sam Vadalabene with a right to the jaw.
- Racing to Racine - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:20 am:
Interesting that both other incidents occurred between members of the same party. Their leadership and fellow caucus members would not have been happy about someone pressing charges.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:24 am:
I did hear that Jacob’s Sensei told him to sweep the leg … “Fear does not exist in this Chamber …”
Mr. Miyagi told McCarter, “Fighting leads to nothing. The best way to defend a punch is to not be there …” That is what the police report said.
- Southern Illinois Democrat - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:26 am:
McCarter is my state senator and his reaction to this incident makes me ashamed to say that. Jacobs wasnt in the right either but McCarter needs to stop being a cry baby and move on. Geez…like we dont have more important things to worry about in Springfield.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:27 am:
–Jones needs to suffer some type of consequence for his action if only to serve as an example to others that this behavior is unacceptable. –
See? A couple of white guys go at it, and the brother gets blamed, lol.
- langhorne - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:28 am:
jacobs should have been immediately and privately lectured by cullerton as to the inappropriateness of his actions. jacobs should have then apologized to mccarter and the body publicly. mccarter looks foolish pressing charges.
- just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:31 am:
Maybe it’s a good analogy to the 2012 election and remap. The Republicans aren’t going to stand and fight like men.
They’re just going to cry and go to court, and try to get someone else to fight their battles. LOL
- MrJM - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:33 am:
A court room is no place to resolve this dispute. A conflict this serious can only be settled in one place — the unforgiving confines of a steel cage!
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:38 am:
snark …
“McCarter Pressing ‘More’ Charges
AP - Springfield, Sen. Kyle McCarter who filed charges against fellow Senator Mike Jacobs, is continuing his litigation ways, filing charges against the old woman who took ‘his’ parking space at the grocery store this week, and the 7th grade Girl Scout who ‘violently’ grabbed his arm to get his attention about the cookies she was selling.
‘I have found that pressing charges against hooligans like a senate colleague, or a senior citizen, or even a Girl Scout, makes the world a better place, so if I can clear up all three slights to me, then I am making the world a better place.’
Sangamon County Sherriff’s Department had no comment.”
- reformer - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:39 am:
Given Jacobs’ unrepentant attitude, I say hold him fully accountable. And I’m a Democrat.
Besides, it’s a poor precedent when any legislator can get away with punching a colleague.
- Mr. J - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:40 am:
McCarter needs to grow up and move on. Things got heated and thats what happens when you put yourself and your emotions into your job. Grow UP! What are you planning to get done with “Filing a Criminal Complaint”? It makes you look like a baby, meanwhile Jacobs knows he got to you. Next time, GROW UP and move on!
- Old Shepherd - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:41 am:
Marquess of Queensberry Rules!
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:44 am:
To pay for his defense against the charges brought against him by Sen. Kyle McCarter, Sen. Jacobs has set up shop outside the senate chamber, selling t-shirts that read…
‘My Dad can Out-Lobby your Dad’
- Louis Howe - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:45 am:
They both need to grow up. McCarter looks like a crybaby and Jacobs like a clueless goon.
- Are Ya Kiddin' Me - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:47 am:
Makes McCarter look like a cry baby….wa wa I got picked on…I’m going to the State’s Attorney….wa wa wa….
- One of the 35 - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:49 am:
Speaking of floor fisticuffs, and to show you how old I am, does anybody else remember the infamous John Leinbaugh Knuppel?
- Old School - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:54 am:
I remember the soup incident with Knuppel.
- John Galt - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:56 am:
Good catch. Reminds me of my own days in gradeschool. I was the kid who got blamed for everything even if it wasn’t my fault…
Still…it shouldn’t get to the point where McCarter has to even threaten to file charges. Cullerton should be seeing to this in a way that’s satisfactory. It’s absurd to expect the R’s to get rolled the entire session & then just quietly sit back as their guy gets physically assaulted without any consequences. As I said earlier, filing charges should be a move of last resort. But if Cullerton doesn’t lift a finger it means: a) he can’t control his caucus or b) is implicitly supporting Jacobs’ bahavior. In either case, McCarter would be entirely reasonble to press charges as it’s his only legal avenue of self-help at that point.
- Shemp - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:58 am:
Charges for a punch to the chest are a bit iffy, but it is chargeable no less. I’d say press charges and see if the General Assembly takes action. If the GA acts to reprimand appropriately, then drop the charges.
- x ace - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:58 am:
Should be No Charge - but unfortunately there are a lot of low profile folks charged everyday in situations no worse. It has gone way overboard.
No Charge. Lock them in a room and don’t let em out until it’s resolved
- Socrates - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:02 am:
McCarter has a history of blowing things out of proportion. Good to see he’s consistent.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:05 am:
McCarty is acting like a five year old. And Jacobs actions were unprofessional. Maybe voters should send them both home permanently next election.
As for States Attorney’s action that is just foolish. He should ignore this and get on to more serious matters in Sangamon County, and I hope he dismisses this complaint quickly.
- Justica O ! - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:19 am:
I think Jacobs should be held accountable. This sets a bad example to students, childern and others who still believe our government works for them and civil discourse , not bullying is how problems are solved.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:22 am:
Are partisan Republican senators reliable witnesses against a Democratic senator?
McCarter really comes off like a whiny wimp in all of this. If you’re going to press charges, shut up and do it an quit informing the press of your every step.
As for Jacobs, I guess he won’t fit under the politicians-have-no-spines-and-are-wimps label.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:25 am:
Reading these posts, I notice that most are heaping scorn on McCarter while ignoring or downplaying Jacobs criminal assault. Would you all be doing the same if Jacobs punched his wife or daughter? Would you call them whiny and say they deserved it? How about if the rolls were reversed and McCarter smacked Jacobs? The howls of outrage from Springfield would be heard in Chicago.
Barring any official action by Cullerton, and the lack of any negative statements by jacob’s peers, we can now conclude that the action is being approved by the Democrat caucus. From the blog posts, we can conclude that the elites here on this blog approve of violence against Republicans, and are hypocritical and uneven in their statements about violence.
I don’t care if McCarter is a wuss, a whiner, or even if he deserved it. Jacobs threw a punch, folks. You either believe it is right, in which case the blog posts displays your opinion, are a hypocrite because of your partisan beliefs, or you think violence is wrong and should be punished.
- Bonsaso - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:27 am:
If there is a rule about no food allowed in the Chambers there should be a rule dealing with physical abuse and repurcussions.
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:28 am:
McCarter went after Jacobs’ dad in a floor diatribe.
How would McCarter like it if someone brought up his teacher wife and tried to say that’s why McCarter votes against school vouchers and other reforms public school teachers don’t like?
Them’s fightin’ words he would probably reasonably say.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:28 am:
–Would you all be doing the same if Jacobs punched his wife or daughter?–
If you can’t see the difference, I can’t help you.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:35 am:
Yes, Word. You are the final arbiter of wrong and right.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:40 am:
I hope you weren’t really serious with your comments because they are ridiculous. Really? Partisanship? Please. I think Jacobs should suffer some sort of punishment dished out by the Senate but McCarter is wrong to push this and to press charges. He should be working with Cullerton to come up with an appropriate response to Jacobs’ actions. Jacobs looked like a jackass during this event. McCarter looks like a crybaby in pressing charges.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:43 am:
No they are not ‘fighting words’, do we let kids in school get away with hitting someone because the other person said something about the other kids mom?
At work do you get to punch someone without consequences if they give you a hard time and/or insult you or say something about your mom?
Seriously guys, at what point does this not get ‘ignored’ is it when a black eye happens? Perhaps it is a function of my size or something (I am a big guy) but punching someone is crossing the Rubicon in my mind. You don’t do it, period.
- Because I say so - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:44 am:
was it really a punch or a shove? Initial reports made it sound like a shove. They both are acting like little boys.
- Lil Enchilada - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:49 am:
My local newspaper said it was a poke or a push, quote from a republican Senator who witnessed it.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:49 am:
Why should McCarter work with Cullerton, should not Cullerton, in his role as Senate President take action on his own? As I said yesterday, an in my first comment above, I think the whole issue can be ended by strong Senate action, but so far we have seen nada from the Democrats, either their leaders or the caucus. The only thing we have seen thus far is Jacobs calling for an apology after assaulting McCarter.
I am incredibly serious about this. I have a zero tolerance policy on per on-to-person violence (also on protection of personal property). I believe our elected officials should at least be held to the same standards as the rest of us, and, while not necessarily supporting it, understand fully the argument that they should be held to a higher standard. I am sure if McCarter defended himself, we would not only see criminal charges in one direction, but in the other.
The only other thing I see, Demoralized, is posters on this blog, with a wink and a nod, back the assaulter, and insult the assaulted.
- sad - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:55 am:
Lol. These posts are funny. Half of you are as ignorant as jacobs is. in fact I bet jacobs wrote half the posts above. McCarter had every right in the world to point out who jacobs’ dad is and what he does. Good for McCarter for pointing out the TRUTH, guess that makes people uncomfortable sometimes. When mccarter pointed out Ameren has given over $70,000 to leaders alone in the month of May, that was even better. Good for him. That one even made radogno wince. Jacobs then crossed the line and mccarter is fully within his rights to handle the situation however he would like to. Have no idea who the genius was at com ed that wanted mike clueless jacobs to carry their bill for them. Truly though this is cullerton’s fault, the fact that jacobs is still chairman of the energy committee really says a lot about cullerton”s leadership.
- jeff - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:56 am:
For us working stiffs if you strike someone at work, you would be walked out the door. End of story. I think charges filed is exactly right. I don’t expect any convictions but I do think it might deter Sen Jacobs in the future.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:01 am:
I think he should press charges. How dare McCarter upset the apple cart and question a senator pushing for rate hikes for a company that pays his father to lobby for them!! I guess McCarter is supposed to be a good little subservient downstate Republican and keep his mouth shut? Jacobs is trying to be a schoolyard bully, and he needs to face some consequences.
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:02 am:
“….do we let kids in school get away with hitting someone because the other person said something about the other kids mom?”
So OneMan, now you’re suggesting that we bring in the state police when there’s a little tussle between kids at day care? Arrest the insitgator and give the little tyke a criminal record?
When kids get in a physical fight they are put in a corner or grounded or whatever. No one goes crying to the cops.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:04 am:
I’m not defending Jacobs behavior, but McCarter wasn’t injured. There has been worse altercations on the Senate floor. If charges had been filed, the venerable Sam Vadalabene would’ve found himself in a pickle. I couldn’t envision Sam in prison issued orange.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:09 am:
===I guess McCarter is supposed to be a good little subservient downstate Republican and keep his mouth shut===
Nobody says he should keep his mouth shut. The question is whether he should press charges. Big difference. Take a breath.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:10 am:
Lil Enchilada, if you have a link, post it. I’ve talked to a witness who said it was a punch.
- Montrose - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:11 am:
1)Are some people on here really defending Jacobs physically accosting another Senator?
2)McCarter has every right to press charges, but as soon as he did it, the story became about him as much as it is about Jacobs. The comments on here clearly illustrate that. That makes it a bad move.
3)Cullerton needs to do something – I don’t know what, but something – to censure/punish Jacobs. Something real. A line should be drawn that clearly demonstrates that such actions are unacceptable.
4)McCarter probably should think twice before he pulls family into a floor speech again.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:13 am:
–When kids get in a physical fight they are put in a corner or grounded or whatever. No one goes crying to the cops.–
Once they become adults, they are turned over to the authorities, so your analogy makes no sense. If Jacobs wants to act like a child, then maybe he should relinquish his senate seat, because he’s not mature enough to handle it. I know this is Illinois and all, but I don’t want to tolerate this type of behavior on the senate floor.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:14 am:
===Once they become adults, they are turned over to the authorities===
I broke up a fight Tuesday night. Nobody called the cops.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:15 am:
–4)McCarter probably should think twice before he pulls family into a floor speech again. –
4) (corrected) Jacobs should probably think twice before sponsoring a bill to benefit a company that his father is paid to lobby for. Or at least not get upset when this fact is pointed out on the floor.
- Montrose - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:17 am:
-4) (corrected) Jacobs should probably think twice before sponsoring a bill to benefit a company that his father is paid to lobby for. Or at least not get upset when this fact is pointed out on the floor.-
I think both your 4 and my 4 are good advice.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:17 am:
–I broke up a fight Tuesday night. Nobody called the cops. –
Were there cops or lawmakers there to witness the fight? Or, if one of the people involved decided to press charges, would he/she be wrong or foolish?
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:23 am:
==I broke up a fight Tuesday night==
Now there’s a switch. lol
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:23 am:
===would he/she be wrong or foolish? ===
Yes. Absolutely. Sometimes, men fight.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:28 am:
I guess if you look at what happened between two senate colleagues that has gone so ridiculously wrong as EXACTLY the same as someone involved in a bar fight, domestic dispute, or neighbor versus neighbor issue, then you will never get the mocking no matter how many posts are up.
It is a Weasel-y thing to do, MCCarter threatening to file a ploice report. It is a Muscle-Head, Buffoon move to “touch” another member of the General Assemby, a colleague, in a threating, violent manner as Jacobs “allegedly” did.
All true.
But, in the prism of who they are and where they are, McCarter looks more Dopey.
- Stones - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:28 am:
- Speaking of floor fisticuffs, and to show you how old I am, does anybody else remember the infamous John Leinbaugh Knuppel? -
I recall the soup incident with Knuppel as well. If I am not mistaken it happened in the Judiciary Committee. No doubt one of the more interesting characters in GA history. He had to have a special chair so that he wouldn’t tip over and cause a heart attack.
- Stones……
It was in 1981, with President Rock in the Chair and the senate was about to vote on the Republican map and Rock passed over the bill. Rhoads(bill’s sponsor) then rushed the Chair only to be decked by State Senator Sam Vadalabene with a right to the jaw. -
Thank you D. My recollection might be a bit fuzzy now. I just don’t think of Senator Sam as being much of a fighter. I do recall Lemke and Rhodes having words on the floor. I also recall an incident when Lemke actually pulled the mic cord from the voting box while it was still plugged in! LOL
- Lil Enchilada - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:31 am:
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:31 am:
Also, Robin Kelly didn’t file charges against Rickey Hendon.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:32 am:
Thanks, LE.
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:35 am:
Bottom line, McCarter wants to dish it out, but can’t take it.
Yes, Jacobs should be reprimanded or whatever. But bringing in the cops is weak and unnecesary.
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:36 am:
Thanks for posting the Hendon excerpt. Amusing first person account. I might just purchase the book if the local library doesn’t have it.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:38 am:
–Bottom line, McCarter wants to dish it out, but can’t take it.–
I have no doubt in my mind that McCarter would whoop Jacobs’ a**, but decided to act like an adult on the senate floor. I think he’s pressing charges to stick it to Jacobs and further some embarrassment for him, which I think Jacobs deserves.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:40 am:
I’m not backing Jacobs. Like I said, I think he acted like a jackass. But filing charges is silly. Like Rich said, sometimes men fight. Keep the consequences within the realm of the Senate. And yes, McCarter should talk to Cullerton. He’s talking to the police, so I think he can talk to the Senate President.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:42 am:
===I think he’s pressing charges to stick it to Jacobs and further some embarrassment for him,===
You have the wrong “him” … McCarter is really embarrassing himself, and making Jacobs less accountable had McCarter taken the high road.
Sometimes being a Man, means walking away, not whining like a wuss and HOPING you are seen as a Man.
- Responsa - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:42 am:
Step back, friends. This was totally misplayed by Jacobs. Instead of protecting his father he outed his father. An immediate apology from Jacobs would have tamped down the incident and it would have barely been news outside the statehouse. By not apologizing and then blaming the victim, McCarter, for getting hit, Jacobs made it news. Hard to blame McCarter for taking advantage of a situation. Whether he ultimately presses charges or not, the threat to press charges made the news cycle and opened the story to a larger audience.
I can assure you that outside the bubble most Illinoisans had zero idea Jacob’s father was a big time lobbyist for a powerful company with business before the state senate though a bill that Jacobs the younger was sponsoring. We all do know now.
- anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:45 am:
The guys that ought to press charges are the COM-Ed executives against their lobbyists. Can you imagine handing a bill like this over to a member who’s dad is on the payroll–incredibily stupid. Not to mention the Jacobs’ faction has been fighting the Quinn guys for years in the Quads. The Com-Ed lobsters get so wrapped up in the legislative side of things they forget about that other little branch of government called the executive.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:47 am:
–..then rushed the Chair only to be decked by State Senator Sam Vadalabene with a right to the jaw. –
Was Sen. Sam standing on a desk? That’s would have been quite a reach for him to hit anyone in the jaw.
I remember Mike Tate having to be held back (while others egged him on) from charging Greiman in the Speaker’s chair after Greiman blew off his motion for a verified roll call on something or another (probably insurance related; it was a “tort reform” session).
Tate was so wound up, kept yelling for a couple of minutes, that Cullerton moved for adjournment and Greiman gaveled the House out for the night on a “voice vote. ”
Didn’t Doug Kane (maybe another Sangamon County Dem), tear up the House Rule Book and toss it in the general direction of whoever was in the chair over some alleged slight?
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:59 am:
“I have no doubt in my mind that McCarter would whoop Jacobs’ a**, but decided to act like an adult on the senate floor.”
If you think McCarter was “acting like an adult” you obviously didn’t hear the nasty way McCarter was going after Jacobs’ dad and implying a corrupt relationship. Again, this was all on a bill that many of McCarter’s fellow R senators were backing just as strongly.
- LINK - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 11:59 am:
What hits me the most is that in my world where I work there is a zero tolerance for violence and I read this is the same for our schools. That being said, its sad that it happened and the authority in the Senate did nothing. Poor example for what we teach our children all around…
- Officer McNulty - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:07 pm:
McCarter is right to press charges, unless there is serious action taken by Cullerton, which there won’t be. Jacobs needs to suffer some consequences for getting physical on the Senate floor. At the very least, he should be stripped of his chairmanship, that’s an appropriate privilege to take away for physical violence. But ComEd isn’t going to let that happen, and they can withhold the campaign dough if Cullerton takes away his position. I mean, why else is he chair of that committee?
And McCarter wasn’t just getting “personal” by bring up Denny’s position, his comments went right to the heart of the problem in Illinois: the corruption, the cronyism, the fact that the son of a former senator and current ComEd lobbyist is now the chair of the Energy Committee.
We’ve all seen how he runs that committee, he’s got no problem cutting off the AG’s office and even the ICC Chair just to jam through ComEd’s top priority legislation. It’s so transparent it almost goes without saying. Might as well just put John Rowe up there and call it a day.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:07 pm:
Well too obvious, I expect state senators to behave better than the 6-10 year olds in my cub scout pack. I may be asking a bit much, but all the same I expect State Senators on the Floor Of The State Senate to behave better.
When our kids go at it scouting (or schools for that matter) there are immediate consequences. I suspect at your work place if someone did something like this there would be immediate consequences.
It seems the basic defense here is either ‘boys will be boys’ or McCarter is a bad guy.
Where is the consequence for McCarter? Will it take him hitting a female colleague? Since it appears the senate and senate president is doing nothing about this, I understand the logic of making Jacobs stew a bit.
Also I was always told in a situation like this if you even think the other guy is going to go to the cops, you want to go first.
I get the over-reaction part, but I don’t get how anyone can think this is acceptable behavior on the part of a State Senator at Darcy’s no less on the floor of the Senate.
This should not be ignored, regardless if McCarter had said no big deal. This is the floor of the State Senate, not a British boarding school. I think we as citizens should demand better behavior than that.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:09 pm:
===he’s got no problem cutting off the AG’s office and even the ICC Chair just to jam through ComEd’s top priority legislation===
Except the same thing happened in the House. I don’t dispute what you’re saying there, but this is a Statehouse problem, not just a Jacobs problem.
- Anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:23 pm:
How could Bivens and Lahood have “pulled” Jacobs away? They sit beside him. Jacobs was in front of Mccarter’s desk.
- dave - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:24 pm:
McCarter went after Jacobs’ dad in a floor diatribe.
No, he did not. McCarter went after Jacobs’ obvious conflict of interest. He didn’t go after his father.
Come on - Jacobs’ father basically shares an office with his Senator son. And he lobbies for ComEd. And Sen. Jacobs is the chief sponsor of a bill that will mean millions of dollars for ComEd.
It is absolutely not out of line to call into question such a conflict of interest.
- Rudy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:29 pm:
-What do you think about McCarter’s announced move?-
It’s another fight for relevance.
- Dan the Cubs Fan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:32 pm:
This is our tax dollars hard at work. Impeach all of them!!!!!!!
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:38 pm:
Hey, Dave. Conflict of Interest? No way. I would be shocked, shocked…
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:41 pm:
“*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Matt Murphy sits next to Bivins. Murphy told me he saw Jacobs “punch” McCarter. However, Murphy said, ‘I don’t know whether it was his open hand or a closed fist.’”
Or perhaps Jacobs tried this?
- Punley Dieter Finn - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:45 pm:
The Jacobs/McCarter brouhaha does suggest the need for a more complete review of all-time Legislative Fisticuffs, something beyond mere references to Senators Vadalabene, Knuppel, Hendon, Obama and Representatives Parke, Black, Tate, Kane.
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 12:59 pm:
Illinoisans feel beat up every time the Rs and Ds convene in Springfield so McCarter can just join the club.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:00 pm:
===does suggest the need for a more complete review of all-time Legislative Fisticuffs===
Don’t forget Willie Delgado vs. Susana Mendoza. I missed that one, but covered it.
- D - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:03 pm:
You are welcome. Lemke and Rhoades did have heated words during the debate on the map
proposal in 1981, but then Rhoades had heated words with a lot Democrats during that debate since he was the Republican spokesman on the Redistricting Committee.
While Senator Sam was short, Mark isn’t tall soIt wan’t much of a reach for Senator Sam to punch him.
with a lot of
- Tamale - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:03 pm:
-”I broke up a fight Tuesday night. Nobody called the cops.-” @11:14
Rich, I thought you were at the statehouse all Tuesday night (& maybe at the bbq). Were there more fisticuffs between some of our noble representatives or their staffers at some point?
Or was that just a “regular” Tuesday night rumble in downtown Springfield? Perhaps some annual tradition of private citizens chasing legislators out of town?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:08 pm:
Tamale, I left the Statehouse after about 2 am, but I’ve said all I’m gonna say.
- Tamale - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:09 pm:
“Guys, come quick!”
“What’s happening, Timmy the Intern?”
“Quinn’s got Madigan in a headlock on the front lawn! I think someone just got suplexed, too!”
-flashback to grade school-
- Tamale - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:10 pm:
haha! Thanks, Rich. For everything, especially the superb coverage and the new twitter feed idea.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:13 pm:
Perhaps we can have Wraslin’ day and everyone can get it out of their system.
Imagining someone doing a Macho Man impression… Oh Yeahh you think you are going to get a casino, think again…
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:17 pm:
Macho Man, RIP.
- Observation - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:20 pm:
I do not condone the behavior of either Senator, but really, these guys are lightweights. A poke or a prod? When Rep. Tim Johnson and Rep. Dwight Frederick went at it on the house floor in the early 80’s, there was a black eye, and a trip to the ER. Even so the next day both were back in session with an apology on the floor for behavior unbecoming a state representative. Both were also appropriately chastized by leadership for their behavior.
- too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:26 pm:
They need a place out back where they settle things like in ‘Cool Hand Luke.’ Put the gloves on and let them go at it.
- Downstate - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:30 pm:
“Sen. Bivins sits next to McCarter, however, so he probably had the better view. Syverson sits one row behind McCarter and to one side.”
Was anyone standing on the grassy knoll?
- JL - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:46 pm:
Murphy and Bivins need to stop snitchin’.
But in all seriousness,Jacobs and McCarter both look like circus clowns. By giving this more publicity it makes it much worse.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:52 pm:
@Cinci - 12:41 p.m.
Lol. I bet more people would pack the galleries if that stuff happened.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:30 pm:
So the Sergeant at Arms ASKED if McCarter wanted to file a complaint … AND … McCarter said NO …
This reminds me of the lil weasels who would tell the anyone involved in an event that they were fine.
Then they complain and bring a two-bit lawyer in, threating to bankrupt everyone, threaten jail for anyone involved, fire every employee that works at the location, and ask the state to take over every aspect of the business and investigate everyone.
Yea Senator McCarter!
- girlawyer - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:33 pm:
Technically, it will be up to the Sangamon County State’s Attorney’s Office to decide whether charges are filed. Despite the public perception to the contrary, victims don’t “press charges”.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:43 pm:
Next thing we know, Sen. McCarter will be tooling around in a wheelchair, with a neck brace, afraid of his shadow because to the “Post Traumatic Stress” he received….
but neglected to tell the Sgt. at Arms he wanted to file anything …
- Antiochian - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:04 pm:
I am totally amazed at the BS and lack of civility being shown in this whole scenario. Damn right Sen Jacobs should be charged.Just because they are Senators they should not be able to break the laws they pass. This was an assault on another human being, no more, no less. I dont know either gentleman, but I am sure the whole incident got out of control, but Jacobs crossed a major line when striking the other man. I dont care if it was close fist/ open fist, a slap or whatever, it is still defined as an assault.
All I have heard is lame excuses from the Senator, and no where do I find any apology. If this had been offered I am almost positive it would have not gotten to this point.
Show an example for the kids and press charges. This is not tolerable in our state government.
- Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:04 pm:
This is pretty funny. Instead of taking the opportunity to shrug this off and let Jacobs come off looking like an ignorant thug (and rightly so), McCarter apparently decides the smart political move is to file charges after initially declining to do so. So now Jacobs still just looks like a thug, but McCarter looks like a crybaby. These Illinois GOPers really need to take some lessons on how to seize the moment.
- Anonymouse - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:04 pm:
Mikey Jacobs doubled down on his idiocy when confronted by a TV crew in Chi. Man, ya doofus, if there was ever a time to be humble and contrite of spirit, that was it. Instead, he continued with his profanities and said that his victim wasn’t “fit to polish my shoes”. That’s stupid you just can’t fix. HE is soo out of there, next time he stands for election.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:06 pm:
Some of you may not quite understand why the SGOPs may be doing this. It shines a big, fat light on the Jacobs problem. I don’t really think this is all about the criminal charges in and of themselves.
===HE is soo out of there, next time he stands for election. ===
Yeah. OK. Who’s gonna beat him?
- Anony - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:12 pm:
Bill Albracht Announces
Candidacy for State Senate
Albracht: “I’m not going to sit back and watch career politicians destroy our state.”
MOLINE, IL–Retired Secret Service agent and decorated Vietnam veteran William “Bill” Albracht has declared his bid to run for Illinois State Senate in the Illinois 36th Senatorial District. Albracht will announce his candidacy tonight at the annual Mercer County Lincoln Day Dinner in Aledo, IL.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:16 pm:
127 comments? We might be the only people in Illinois talking about this little dust-up.
God I love this blog.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:19 pm:
If he’s a Republican, Anony, he can probably forget about it.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:20 pm:
===Yeah. OK. Who’s gonna beat him?===
Right On, Rich …
The reason I am dinging McCarter again is that taking the high road for 5 minutes and letting Jacobs blow his top all by himself without anyone’s help would have served McCarter well.
Why does McCarter find himself looking like a weasel, petty, and far less than sincere with his “outrage”, when McCarter could have asked the Sgt. at Arms for assistance and just say, “I have brought this to the attention of the Sgt. at Arms when he asked about it. It is up to the leadership of the Senate and the Sgt. at Arms to decide, I am, and have, moving on.” Dumb.
To keep with that political theme of this strategy, if it is the tactic of the SGOP to go down this road, then Cullerton sould have kept Radogno alone. If this is the leadership he would be facing. it can’t get dumber.
- East Sider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:28 pm:
–If you think McCarter was “acting like an adult” you obviously didn’t hear the nasty way McCarter was going after Jacobs’ dad and implying a corrupt relationship. Again, this was all on a bill that many of McCarter’s fellow R senators were backing just as strongly.–
I did hear what McCarter said. It was 100% appropriate and was shedding some much needed light on the situation. Every senator should be highlighting such conflicts of interest. I wish McCarter were my senator.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:33 pm:
–Next thing we know, Sen. McCarter will be tooling around in a wheelchair, with a neck brace, afraid of his shadow because to the “Post Traumatic Stress” he received….–
Willy, add the oxygen tank and I think you have a sweet workers comp claim, while the gettings good.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:44 pm:
===I did hear what McCarter said. It was 100% appropriate and was shedding some much needed light on the situation. Every senator should be highlighting such conflicts of interest. I wish McCarter were my senator.===
We can only hope McCarter will get over the “traumatic” attack he received, the attack that McCarter thought so much about that he told the Sgt. at Arms not to file a complaint.
word -
The oxygen tank is in the “special” wheelchair lift van McCarter got, with his “Senate” plate now affixed and parked in his reserved spot at the Capitol, after they drop him off. Going to be a hefty worker’s comp bill.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:53 pm:
–Show an example for the kids and press charges. This is not tolerable in our state government.–
What’s all this talk about “the kids,” anyway?
I have kids and they don’t pay any attention to me. I guarantee you they’re not paying any attention to the GA.
It sounds like Maude Flanders: “Think of the children, think of the children. Will someone think of the children?”
Cowboy up, Sen. McCarter.
A little advice: My old man told me, you don’t start a fight, but you end it. I told my kids the same.
That works.
- Just a Citizen - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:25 pm:
Agree with jeff who said, “For us working stiffs if you strike someone at work, you would be walked out the door. End of story.” The same thing would have happened where I worked and you would have lost your job. Any kind of violence in the work place is not appropriate behavior.
- tried of press - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:26 pm:
Of course he should not press charges. Why should the police, the courts and possibly probation or parole be involved in every single micro-conflict that takes place on U.S. soil. Can we not resolve anything without making sure someone has a criminal record?
Let them resolve it through other means (like apology, reconciliation, or just long-standing grudges). What additional good will come from prosecuting Jacobs? Does that matter to anyone?
In prison, people get years added to their sentence because they “assault” a guard when they just brush up against them. It is absurd.
- Shemp - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:31 pm:
Maybe it’s weak for pressing charges over one punch. Maybe. Either way, the comments here making McCarter appear as the bad guy in all of this are stunning to me. Regardless of the verbal jabs, the root of the story is one elected official punching another at the capitol. That’s where the ire belongs.
- Lil Enchilada - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:38 pm:
Seems to be conflicting statements from republican Senators on what happened. Seems odd Sen. McCarter didn’t wish to file a complaint with the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms. Wish there was video. This is going to be nothing but he said, she said.
- Newsclown - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 7:18 pm:
It is not acceptable to lay hands on a fellow senator.
It might wake the other senators.
Jacobs was out of line and should be censured.
Rich, if you could correct the record, and maybe give another side of what Hendon wrote about his altercation with Obama. I’m not sure I can take what Hendon wrote in his book as anything like “gospel”.
My knowledge of it is incomplete but what I *think* I know is that Hendon was hassling Obama at the bidding of Emil Jones, and took it too personal with a comment about Michelle, which overcame Obama’s normal cool, and Hendon had to scamper to give others time to break it up before anybody took a swing.
- Birdseed - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 7:22 pm:
They need to simply cordon off an area of the senate floor and let them figure it out….
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:26 pm:
After the disaster of the LaRouchies winning Dem primaries in 1986, I remember Cal Sutker putting a bear hug on Greg Zito to keep him from running back into the Statehouse Inn conference room to attack either/both Adlai or Madigan for the brilliant 1-2-3 Illinois Solidarity Party strategy.
After witnessing that, Sam Panyantovich, said “I need a drink.”
And many had many, down the street at “Play it Again, Sams.” Most of them on the state dime.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:33 pm:
–I approached Senator McCarter to inquire whether he wished to file a complaint. Senator McCarter responded that he did not.–
End of story, or should be.
- The Doubtful Retiree ? - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:37 pm:
Why doesn’t he just drop it ? Handled very poorly. The more McCarter pushes this thing I think the worse it will be for him politically. They both need to cool it. They’re elected members of the GA & need to act like it.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:01 pm:
Also in 1986, Fast Eddie thought he had a deal to trade O’Hare, Midway and Meigs to Pate and Lee Daniels to save Ed Kelly in the Park District from Harold.
Ronan brought down Larry Bullock, who was under indictment and had not been in Springfield all session, to be the crucial vote.
Madigan was in the chair all night. After all the procedurals, Bullock pretended to be asleep on the final, crucial vote.
Ronan and DeLeo ran down the aisles screaming at Bullock in some very coarse language. When Bullock tried to vote “yes,” Madigan slammed the gavel, stared at Ronan, shook his head and mouthed “no.”
The next day, Ronan good-naturedly admitted he got played.
“I made a deal with Bullock. What I didn’t know, is that he had a deal with Madigan for the last vote.”
During the conversation, Madigan was standing about 10 feet away. While we were talking, Ronan gave him a salute, and Madigan just smiled.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 10:00 pm:
This sad saga makes me wish we as taxpayers could levy personal conduct fines against legislators for bad behavior the same way the NFL or NBA does against players that get into trouble and disgrace their sports leagues and teams.
Clearly Jacobs was out of line, but McCarter wasting law enforcement resources (and taxpayer money) to try to get Jacobs criminally prosecuted here sounds just as ridiculous to me as Jacobs’ initial behavior.
I happen to agree with McCarter that Jacobs is acting unethically as the sponsor of legislation that his father is lobbying for and I have no problem with legislators pointing out conflicts of interest as they exist on the Senate floor.
And can someone explain to me how an open handed touch of the chest could be a punch and not a shove or a slap? I thought you needed a clenched fist to punch someone.
- Justsickofit - Friday, Jun 3, 11 @ 12:36 am:
The eye witnesses are differing on punch or shove or poke. To me, it’s an important point. A finger to the chest in a vociferous argument is just part of the passion — a shove or a punch is something different. “Men fight.” Yep, that’s the problem with the whole world.