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Now that’s what I call a burn rate

Thursday, Jun 2, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The United Republican Fund issued a press release via the Illinois Review today

Since 1934 the URF has been known as the United Republican Fund: an organization dedicated to electing conservative Republicans to office. Run by a volunteer board of business and civic leaders, the URF has fairly and efficiently raised and distributed millions of dollars to countless candidates, organizations, and projects.

This year the URF board of directors reorganized and expanded into three entities:

United to Restore Freedom (URF): a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing conservative thought and ideas by educating and engaging policy makers, opinion leaders, and citizens on the URF LIFT principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and traditional values.

United to Restore Freedom-Action (URF Action): a 501c4 membership organization formed to mobilize those citizens who subscribe to the URF LIFT principles; and are dedicated to changing our culture through grassroots civic action.

United Republican Fund (URF PAC): a connected, political action committee dedicated to helping elect conservative candidates who espouse the URF LIFT principles. URF PAC provides qualified candidates direct financial support while working independently to mobilize voters on their behalf.

* The press release piqued my curiosity, so I went over to the State Board of Elections’ website and looked up the group’s financials. The URF raised an impressive $505K during the last six months of 2010.

But the group only contributed about $40K to candidates while it racked up $487,592 in expenditures. Of those expenditures, almost $150,000 went to consultants alone. Most of the rest went to expenses for staging the Right Nation 2010 conference, including $75K for speakers, $95K for “event production” and “event videos” and $105K to rent the Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates.


As of the end of March, the group had just $276.37 on hand and $40,250 in debt. They’ve since raised $19K.

* Back to the press release

Of course, the largest program run by URF is Right Nation. This year, they plan to take the event to new heights - building on last year’s unprecedented gathering, which drew nearly 6,000 attendees and coverage from over 50 media outlets. This year’s Right Nation 2011 celebrataion will take place over three days and will include a number of prominent national organizations and influential figures, including exciting activities never before seen at a political event in the Midwest.

I sure hope they learned some lessons from last year’s event. It looks like they spent way, way, way too much on overhead.


  1. - George - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 1:53 pm:

    …including exciting activities never before seen at a political event in the Midwest.

    This begs for a QOTD.

  2. - too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:04 pm:

    Hey now, it’s expensive for these conservative groups to push the mostly liberal Republicans like Mark Kirk.

  3. - too obvious - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:06 pm:

    And there were not close to 6,000 people at Right Nation last year.

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:14 pm:

    –United to Restore Freedom–

    It drives me nuts how easy it is for some Elmer Gantry snake-oil salesmen to disrespect their American freedoms in order to raise a buck — for “consulting” services, no less.

    Take a look around the world, take a look back in history, and then tell me why you need a contribution to “restore” freedom in the United States in 2011.

  5. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:25 pm:

    ===tell me why you need a contribution to “restore” freedom in the United States in 2011===

    Because we have a Kenyan Muslim Socialist in the White House, or haven’t you heard?

    Maybe some of the Tea Party folks who have legitimate concerns about debt and the direction of the country will see this as further evidence that they are being played for suckers. They are being manipulated and are paying for the privilege.

    Maybe the Tea Party should wake up and smell the coffee.

  6. - URF Watch - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    It seems as though Dennis LaComb, Fran Eaton, and Colin Corbett (IMO, why anyone would pay him $20K is beyond me) made off with a nice little payday for themselves. In December 2010 alone, LaComb (through his twentythree.five company) paid himself $70,000 alone, in $5,000 payments every few days!

    If you were a contributor to this organization, would you 1.) keep these people in charge of it, and 2.) ever give them money again?

    I know I wouldn’t.

    I find it ironic that they claim to be fiscal conservatives, while raiding their own piggy bank. At the same time, attacking the Democrats for being tax and spend liberals.

    Interesting, don’t you think?

  7. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:41 pm:

    –Restore Freedom–

    Just after Memorial Day, no less, with this ungrateful nonsense.

  8. - lincolnlover - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:45 pm:

    What?! They did NOT balance their budget?! All of their board directors should be fired!!! I demand term limits for the board!

  9. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 2:54 pm:

    - Take a look around the world, take a look back in history, and then tell me why you need a contribution to “restore” freedom in the United States in 2011. -

    Hey, they still have a way to go. After all, only recently was it decided that corporations were people and entitled to free speech. How did we live with such intolerable oppression before? And as a FOID card holder I live in fear every day that criminals are going to use Google maps to track me down and steal my shotgun from me. So until Michelle Obama gets away from my french, er, freedom fries, I say keep the money flowing.

  10. - anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:01 pm:

    I think if it was a saying it is safe to say-

    stupidity killed the cat

  11. - Bemused - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:02 pm:

    I think I could blow 200.00 at the River Boat and still feel I had put it to better use than sending it to this bunch.

  12. - walkinfool - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:10 pm:

    All show business, no substance. They should be ashamed for using the word Republican, which used to stand for accomplishing something.

  13. - been there - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:11 pm:

    Does the URF still have that elephant with its mouth wide open as its symbol? Could it be screaming in pain?

  14. - The Captain - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 3:54 pm:

    The real news here is that they’ve split up their PAC and a 501(c)4 so they can take advantage of the Citizens United decision. Now they can take unregulated money into the c4 and then move it over to the PAC and spend freely. I’m guessing someone has a fantasy of being the American Crossroads of the midwest. I’d bet dollars to donuts that the phrase “American Crossroads of the midwest” was mentioned about 100 times during the meeting where they decided this.

  15. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:03 pm:

    –They should be ashamed for using the word Republican, which used to stand for accomplishing something.–

    You’ve got that right. With the new maps, what do you have to lose? That’s a rumble that’s overdue.

    No more tail wagging the dog. Let the loudmouths form their own party — let the GOP grownups get that albatross off their necks.

    If the committed tea partiers can find a phone booth, I’m sure it will be plenty roomy.

  16. - Shore - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:04 pm:

    this sounds more like an employment program for operatives than an actual organization helping right of center efforts. Maybe I’m wrong, but the $500k that went to consultants and speakers could have gone a long way to helping brady and actual candidates rather than event production, glenn beck speaker fees and stadium rentals.

  17. - Johnston - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:25 pm:

    If you put them in charge in Springfield, they’d be a lot more responsible than the crew that is already there….

  18. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:26 pm:

    ==United to Restore Freedom (URF): a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing conservative thought and ideas by educating and engaging policy makers==

    I hope they realize the thin tightrope non-profits must walk…what URF calls “education” some others may call “lobbying.” Nah, with such excellent leaders at the helm I’m sure no one is worried…

  19. - Piedmont - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:31 pm:

    This is the problem with the Republican Party in Illinois, there aren’t any adults running the show. It’s a complete free-for-all. They need to get serious and keep the bright, experienced people, while bringing in some people in from outside Illinois. This is the only state I’ve ever been to that has about 4,000 GOP consultants and none of them have ever won a real race.

    That said, Colin Corbett doesn’t have the life experience to be a consultant, so I am not sure as to why he was paid as such. It shocks me as to why there’s all these 18 to 22 year old ‘consultants’ running around. Even worse, people actually hire them!

    It makes me want to become a Democrat, at least they get it.

  20. - Piedmont - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:33 pm:

    BTW, The Captain, great comment.

  21. - One to the Dome - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 4:56 pm:

    not too many victories from their list…

  22. - Lakefront Liberal - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:04 pm:

    Not to defend them but … if 6,000 people attended that conference and 275,000 was spent on it that is only $45 per person which doesn’t seem completely out of wack. And they do say in the quote Rich provided that this conference is their main activity, not funding candidates.

    Granted, some of these speaker fees and consulting fees are pretty out of wack, but personally I would love it if the state Dem party would put on some sort of annual conference promoting/discussing *progressive* values and encouraging *progressive* civic involvement. And no, Democrats Day at the state fair doesn’t count. :-)

  23. - Bubs - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:09 pm:

    Perfect point on what’s wrong with Republicans in Illinois. It’s the money flow:

    -Big money for the URF, an expensive show gets put on that accomplished nothing in terms of changing politics around here (but gave some people something to brag about); “consultants” and insiders get a big payday on donor money. . .

    -While the ILGOP is broke, the Cook County GOP is broke, and other GOP organizations are broke.

    Republicans will remain a joke until the money starts flowing back to the Party to rebuild and win elections, not to private entities to put on shows and pay their buddy consultants.

    But don’t hold your breath waiting for that. The new system of conservative money flow to private entities and “think tanks” is firmly in place. They have become big business!

  24. - Money Wasted - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:11 pm:

    Giving money hand over fist to consultants and out of town speakers is a terrible waste. 25K directly to half a dozen state rep candidates in the end for target mailings? That would flip the house. But the Eatons and LaCombs of the world are “professional conservatives.” They don’t win elections they just keep themselves afloat with projects like this that prey about well intentioned grassroots donors.

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:24 pm:

    “They need to get serious and keep the bright, experienced people, while bringing in some people in from outside Illinois.”

    Like, from DC, maybe?

  26. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:26 pm:

    ===this conference is their main activity, not funding candidates. ===

    As I recall, the whole idea for the conference was to raise money for candidates.

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:26 pm:

    Also, putting on a show is nice and all, but that still doesn’t explain all those hefty consultant fees.

  28. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:49 pm:

    ==but personally I would love it if the state Dem party would put on some sort of annual conference promoting/discussing *progressive* values and encouraging *progressive* civic involvement.==

    How many progressive Democrats do you think there are, Lakefront?

  29. - Bubs - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 5:51 pm:

    —”They don’t win elections they just keep themselves afloat with projects like this that prey about well intentioned grassroots donors.”

    Sadly, that shoe fits a lot of people in the Republican/Conservative world of Illinois.

  30. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 6:17 pm:

    Hmm seems my first attempt at commenting dissolved into the ether…


    Isn’t this the event that Mark Kirk skipped and Brady only attended after getting heat from the Tea Party? Wonder how many votes Brady got that Kirk didn’t by watching a $75,000 Glenn Beck speech attacking Michelle Obama for promoting carrots over french fries.

  31. - Come on man - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 7:09 pm:

    That is what you call good old fashion fiscal conservatism.

  32. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:17 pm:

    –If you put them in charge in Springfield, they’d be a lot more responsible than the crew that is already there….–

    Who would that be that would “put them in charge?”

    To paraphrase the great Frank Costello, in this country, you have to earn it. No one gives you nothing. Or anything, if you want to get all grammitcal about it.

    Unemployment’s going down, the economy is percolating, Osama’s whacked, the right-wing yabbos have overreached (gee, who saw that coming?)

    The Tea Party will go the way of the Michigan Militia and the Posse Comatitus.

    Good riddance. Get out of the way and let the grownups take care of business.

    Go cry about how bad you have it in Somalia or Nigeria. Ingrates.

  33. - Easy Rider - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 8:53 pm:

    Seems like it is only a story if a republican group does it. At least the ones who give the money have a choice, I have to pay the Union–guess what they spend on consultants!

  34. - chi - Thursday, Jun 2, 11 @ 9:31 pm:

    Easy Rider, you have choices too. You can attend your union meeting and complain, run for union office or back someone running against current leadership. You can also become a fair share member so none of your dues go towards politics. BTW, what does your union spend on consultants? Is it a real issue or are you just making it up to argue your point?

    And please point to a Democratic group that did something similar. IF they did, and it wasn’t talked about here, then you can make your silly point about bias against the GOP.

  35. - just sayin' - Friday, Jun 3, 11 @ 7:48 am:

    Is this really any worse than the State GOP gearing up to waste a lot of time and money on unsuccessfully fighting remap in court?

    The GOP in Illinois has gone so far downhill it’s now nothing but the party of frivolous litigation and whining. Talk about a waste of money. Only winners will be gop lawyers.

    Meanwhile, they don’t even have the first clue how to beat a guy who promised to raise taxes and who was the running mate of a now convicted felon.

    IL GOP should sue itself for malpractice.

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