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Tuesday, Jun 7, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you already know, Senate President John Cullerton filed a motion to reconsider on the gaming expansion bill. The motion keeps the legislation out of Gov. Pat Quinn’s hands until people can calm Quinn down a bit. Then, there’s the fight over the capital/road approp bill. But Cullerton also filed a motion to reconsider the ComEd/Ameren bill

Senate President John Cullerton is employing a legislative tactic to keep the recently passed measure from reaching Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk. The governor has pledged to veto the bill, which would increase electricity rates over the next five years in return for $2.6 billion in power-grid upgrades, including installation of “smart meters” in homes and businesses.

Mr. Cullerton filed a motion to reconsider the bill, which could keep it out of the governor’s hands for up to 60 days. The bill didn’t garner sufficient enough majorities in the House or Senate to override a veto. But a delay would give ComEd and other supporters time to line up additional votes or negotiate changes that would win over Mr. Quinn.

“The motion to reconsider gives the governor and lawmakers more time to consider the legislation and possible future action,” a spokeswoman for Mr. Cullerton wrote in an email.

* Speaking of the ComEd/Ameren bill, Sen. Kyle McCarter continues to post links on his Facebook page about the scuffle with Sen. Mike Jacobs, including the caption to this photo

The caption

with Little Miss Mowequa Pow Wow Days at parade this morning. Heard all kinds of comments about “the punch”. Keep fighting for us, thanks for standing up to that bully, etc.

* I didn’t see a link to this op-ed, however, which was written by retired circuit court judge John Donald O’Shea of Moline

Sen. Jacobs did more than vote on the matter. His vote may well have been immaterial. But he sponsored the bill and took the floor to urge his colleagues to support a bill that his dad has been paid to lobby through the Legislature.

I have always liked Denny Jacobs. And I don’t deny his right to act as a paid lobbyist. But if Denny Jacobs is going to lobby for passage of a bill, Sen. Mike Jacobs should abstain entirely on the matter. Otherwise there is an appearance that if you hire Denny you might also be getting the senator as well. If Mike Jacobs wants to be seen as having integrity, he must avoid the appearances of impropriety. He can’t do something which, in the words of The Dispatch/Argus editorial, is “a conflict by nearly everyone’s standards.” And if this is “a conflict by nearly everyone’s standards,” is it not time for the Illinois Legislature to pass a Code of Legislative Conduct comparable to the to the Code of Judicial Conduct, with comparable sanctions?

* Sen. McCarter, by the way, owns and operates a company called Custom Coating Innovations, which makes products for - wait for it - electric utility companies. McCarter voted against the ComEd/Ameren bill, of course. But there was a potential conflict of interest there as well.

An additional irony of this whole mess is that Sen. Jacobs was the only Democrat in the chamber to vote for McCarter’s workers’ compensation reform bill.


  1. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:16 am:

    And every legislator makes money (if nothing else, their ILGA salary), so there is a conflict of interest when they vote on tax hikes.

    In fact, since every legislator lives in Illinois, and thus has skin in the game for any law passed, it is time we have ethics legislation that prohibits Illinois legislators from voting on laws that take effect in Illinois.


  2. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:17 am:

    The silence of the Democrat leadership on the Jacobs/McCarter episode is deafening.

  3. - Do Nothing? - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:22 am:

    Where is Cullerton on all of this??? If one of his caucus members had been punched by a member on the opposite side of the aisle I am sure he would have taken action. Great article by Kurt Erickson in the Decatur H&R Today. “State’s issues go deeper than punch.” Cullerton has invited questions as to how he runs his chamber. If I were McCarter and could get no redress, I would have filed charges too.

  4. - anon - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:35 am:

    The fact this is still news proves McCarter is just trying to stay in the press… he needs all the name id he can get since he has now been drawn into a new district.

    He needs to realize it is far more effective to be in the news for actual legislative accomplishments than being a victim of a little pushing match.

  5. - Bones - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:40 am:

    Wow. This McCarter is a huge piece of work. First, he makes a huge issue about someone poking him in the chest and now I find out he makes parts for companies like Com Ed. I have also heard word that Com Ed refused to buy McCarters product……now it comes full circle. Sounds like its time for McCarter to do some explaining as well. Strange , sounds like sour grapes to me. I have to side w Jacobs on this one..

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:40 am:

    ===The fact this is still news proves McCarter is just trying to stay in the press… he needs all the name id he can get since he has now been drawn into a new district.===

    But, do you want to be known as a Weasel, or as a Statesman, taking the high road, and literally move on, and let others handle the fallout instead of issuing odd Friday afternoon press releases pertaining to session AND then calling out the Sgt. at Arms… I mean, aren’t you better than THIS?


  7. - Jackie O - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:44 am:

    Sounds like McCarter had a little conflict of interest himself. Owning a company that makes parts for the company he is voting on. Wow… we see the real McCarter.

  8. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:45 am:

    Has it ever crossed Jacob’s mind to call and apologize for his actions? Then, maybe they could put this all behind them and move on to real business. This is what is wrong with Illinois. I agree with the Judge from Moline, we do need a Legislative Code of Conduct so that people can start to believe in the process a little more. At least it would be a start.

  9. - Jimbo - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:46 am:

    Is this guy exploiting this little girl for his own gain. Boo on you McCarter

  10. - Lil Enchilada - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:48 am:

    The way McCarter is going, if Jacobs called him he’d scream harrassment.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:51 am:

    McCarter, “Wait, you’re taking a picture for Facebook …let me get my neck brace and arm sling … ”

    McCarter should apologize to the Sgt. at Arms, or, he and his colleagues who “saw” this happen and say the Sgt. at Arms did nothing, should then ask for the resignation of the Sgt. at Arms as part of the conspiracy against McCarter. THEN use THAT resignation as part of the package given to the Sangamon County State’s Attorney …

    If you are going to go down this road, McCarter, then GO … otherwise leave the Sgt. at Arms out of it, admit you were offered an option by the Sgt. at Arms and admit you turned it down…Or I want to see you ask for the Sgt. at Arms resignation and see if you get someone to respond to that weasel move…

  12. - anon - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:53 am:

    How do we know Jacobs hasn’t called this man and the man hasn’t refused the call or told no one. This McCarter chounds character sounds like he loves controversy.

  13. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 10:59 am:

    “This matter is best resolved internally by the Illinois Senate and not in the criminal courts,” Milhiser said in a news release. I guess Cullerton will have to do something now, eh???

  14. - Sue - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 11:18 am:

    There are no charges against Jacobs
    The true fact that McCarter broke Senate rule by verbally abusing Sen Jacobs and his family on the Senate floor. A rooky mistake that I am sure he will not do again.
    By the way McCarter’s company sells products that local utilities may not buy from McCarters company. He may hate these companies for all we know.

  15. - heet101 - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 11:19 am:

    He voted NO. That eliminates his conflict of interest. If anything it ought to show that the REAL McCarter isn’t as interested in fattening his own pockets as he is protecting over-a-barrel electric customers.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 11:21 am:

    ===That eliminates his conflict of interest.===

    No, it doesn’t.

  17. - heet101 - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 11:22 am:

    How? Can you explain that please?

  18. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 11:26 am:

    A conflict is a conflict, regardless of how one votes. They are not required to disclose a conflict, but it’s still a conflict.

  19. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 12:07 pm:

    === That eliminates his conflict of interest ===

    It brings his conflict of interest fully to the front if his company has been denied or is seeking business with ComEd or Ameren.

    === Where is Cullerton on all of this??? If one of his caucus members had been punched by a member on the opposite side of the aisle I am sure he would have taken action. ===

    I don’t know about Cullerton, but I think its a safe bet that Emil wouldn’t have been dragged into it.

    For that matter, I haven’t heard much of anything from Radogno either.

    If McCarter has a problem with Jacobs, he should stop tweeting about it and settle it like a man.

  20. - Robert - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 12:10 pm:

    just curious - are McCarter and Jacobs of similar size or is one much bigger than the other?

  21. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 1:12 pm:

    Better caption:

    “Pictured here a little girl together with Little Miss Mowequa Pow Wow Days”

    But in all seriousness, if we’re going to talk about conflicts of interest, why doesn’t McCarter talk about all of his gop colleagues who voted yes on the rate increase and who have taken big contributions from ComEd and/or Ameren? Because this was always about politics and not principle for McCarter that’s why.

  22. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 2:16 pm:

    Leave the kids out of it, dude. Settle it yourself or get over it.

    Geez, not exactly John Wayne’s America here.

  23. - Been There - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 3:00 pm:

    Conflicts of interest are a funny thing depending on which side of the coin you are on. Our competitors hired the spouse of a legislator to work against a bill we were for. So the legislator said he was conflicted and would vote present. In effect that is the same as a no vote. My boss asked why didnt we hire the person before they did. I had to explain that would be like paying our competitors invoice since the legislator would still have to vote present.

  24. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 7, 11 @ 4:57 pm:

    You know calling out the guy who sponsored the bill with the father who is the ComEd lobbyist may play fairly well.

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