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Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This man will never be replaced

Friends, colleagues and above all family remembered the late state Rep. Mark Beaubien of Barrington Hills on Friday, as a man of conscience and integrity whose embrace of people from backgrounds and mindsets very different from his own evolved over time.

“Before he was deified by you all for his tolerance, he was quite an Old Testament father,” Beaubien’s son Mark recalled, evoking a chuckle from those attending the funeral Mass at St. Anne Church in Barrington. […]

The younger Mark Beaubien said it was a wonder to watch his father evolve into a Republican legislator capable of lending support to such untraditional causes as same-sex civil unions and a woman’s right to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term.

A statement on the back of the funeral program said, “If asked why he was one of the few Republican supporters of the Civil Union Bill, he would respond with humility and simplicity that it was simply time and we should all ‘live our own lives and speak our own values.’”

The younger Beaubien said his father died as one of his best friends, describing him as “oppressively affable.”

* Many will remember Mark’s speech on the House floor after Rep. Deb Mell announced her engagement. “Live your own life, speak your own truth”

* The House chambers

* Frank will play us out

That’s how deep it goes - if it’s real

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Oh, please

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A recent Wall Street Journal editorial contains a horribly fatal flaw

llinois gained nationwide notoriety in January when Governor Pat Quinn signed into law a 67% hike in the personal income tax rate while lifting the corporate tax rate to 9.5%, the fourth highest in the nation. How is that working out?

The good news is that corporate tax receipts in Springfield are up by about $300 million amid the economic recovery—though the state comptroller’s office announced in April that the state still faces $8 billion in unpaid bills. The bad news is that, according to the state’s Department of Commerce, Illinois has already shelled out some $230 million in corporate subsidies to keep more than two dozen companies from fleeing the state. And more are on the way.

Illinois has most definitely not “already shelled out some $230 million in corporate subsidies” this year. Those subsidies will be handed out over time, as many as ten years in the case of Motorola Mobility. So subtracting a decade-long subsidy from five months of corporate tax receipts to make some sort of a point is just beyond ridiculous.

* Rod Blagojevich’s defense attorneys have filed yet another mistrial motion. My favorite line from the filing

The Court has not only made findings of fact, but it has effectively ruled that it does not believe certain aspects of the testimony of Blagojevich.

That’s a wise court. Of course he can’t be believed.

More background here.

* From a column written by then-Lt. Gov. Paul Simon on November 3, 1971

The Downstate Teachers’ Retirement System is funded only at 34%.

That means that we can get by this year and next year, but 10 years from now or 15 years from now there will be a great many teachers retiring and someone is going to suddenly say, “What happened to all that money?”

There’s almost nothing new at the Statehouse. And worries about imminent doom of the pension system go back decades before that column was written.

* Oy

Gov. Pat Quinn is withholding $52 million in transportation payments for Illinois’ cash-strapped schools so he can use that money instead to get the most out of federal Medicaid stimulus funds.

“After the buses are in the garage and the students are home for the summer, how’s a school district supposed to make a cut?” asked state Rep. Roger Eddy, R-Hutsonville, and Hutsonville School District superintendent. “Those expenses have been incurred. There is no way that we can do that. This is the most ridiculous proposal I’ve ever heard.”

As part of the 2009 stimulus plan, the federal government offered states more Medicaid money if they didn’t decrease Medicaid eligibility and followed certain guidelines. Illinois receives 60 cents from the federal government for every dollar it spends, but that will drop to the pre-stimulus amount of 50 cents for every dollar spent starting next month. So far, the state has received $3.6 billion from the federal government’s stimulus plan.

“We have to manage our resources right now in order to get that match. That’s worth maybe $100 (million) to $200 million to our state,” Quinn said at a news conference earlier this month. “I have to do everything necessary to get the most money that we can.”

Quinn said he is using school transportation funding, because the school districts have flexibility in how they spend their general state aid, or GSA. Schools can dip into their GSA to cover the lack of bus money over the summer and fall months, Quinn’s office said, until they are reimbursed for their transportation outlays.

Quinn’s office plans to pay the districts the $52 million by December for expenses incurred during the fourth quarter, which ends June 30.

* I really wanted to avoid this topic, but the NRCC apparently intends to make it an issue here

Republicans are beating the drums, asking if former Democratic Congressman Bill Foster of Batavia plans to return $1,000 in “tainted contributions” he received from disgraced New York Rep. Anthony Weiner. […]

“Will Bill Foster return his scandal-tainted Weiner money … or will he silently condone his former colleague’s unacceptable and potentially ethically-compromised behavior?” a GOP email blast asked. Foster, who plans to run again, has not replied to our request for comment.

“Scandal-tainted money?” Really? Was Weiner sending X-Rated Tweets to potential donors? C’mon.

Try your very best to keep your comments clean, people. Thanks.

*** UPDATE *** Sheesh. I can’t believe I forgot to do this. I mean, the whole point of writing this post was to show you this photo…

* Along with this story

On the average day, the man attends between five to ten events, meets dozens of people, has regularly scheduled media appearances, is responsible for $15 billion in investments, and manages a staff of close to two hundred employees. Meet Dan Rutherford, the banker for the State of Illinois. […]

Treasurer Rutherford recently announced the state’s purchase of $10 million worth of bonds from the State of Israel as a portion of the treasury’s sovereign bond holdings. “State of Israel bonds is a secure investment with an outstanding track record; they produce a strong rate of return and Israel has never defaulted on payments of principal or interest,” Rutherford said.

In praising the purchase, Israel Bonds president and CEO Joshua Matza noted, “The state of Illinois has been a loyal, consistent purchaser of Israel bonds. We are gratified by the state’s continued recognition of Israel bonds as dependable securities, as well as the fact that Israel bonds represent an investment in a sister democracy with shared values and ideals.”

Sounds like a decent idea, but apparently Illinois has been buying these bonds for years. Dude, could you make it any more obvious that you’re running for governor?

Just sayin’…


Question of the day

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More potentially bad news

On Thursday, it was the Chicago Board Options Exchange suggesting that higher corporate taxes in Illinois could cause it to take jobs out of state. The CBOE’s warning came a day after CME Group Inc. said the same thing. CME owns the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade.

* And some good news for a change. From a Gov. Pat Quinn press release

“Today’s announcement that United Airlines is bringing 1,300 jobs to Chicago is great news.

“The merger of United and Continental Airlines and their plan to continue making Chicago the nation’s hub for air transportation show that our efforts to boost Illinois’ businesses are paying off. This investment will have a major impact on our state as the company grows and its employees become part of our economic fabric.

“This once again demonstrates that Illinois is the premier state in the Midwest for businesses from around the world, and we’re committed to continuing to make it an even better place to live and work. I thank United Airlines for its continued commitment to the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago as we continue our economic recovery.”

…Adding… From Mayor Emanuel’s press office…

Mayor Emanuel made the announcement alongside United Airlines president and CEO Jeff Smisek, on the 10th floor of the Willis Tower, where many of the United Airlines employees will be working.

“As Chicago’s hometown airline, United is pleased to announce that we are bringing an additional 1,300 jobs downtown from locations throughout our system by the end of 2012,” said Smisek. “Mayor Emanuel recognizes the importance of keeping Chicago competitive with other cities and expanding job growth here, and we look forward to working together with him and his team.”

* The Question: Should Illinois’ corporate income tax hike be repealed - after finding a way to replace the revenue or cut the budget? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


Fear sells newspapers

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kudos to the Tribune editorial board for this piece about all the “wilding” stories

The test for Emanuel and his top cop is to shut down the violence — and the fear-mongering — fast.

* But, wait, wasn’t this Trib editorial yesterday part of the problem? Yep

It feels like a variation on “wilding,” in which roving gangs assault strangers, seemingly for sport. In 1989, five young men were charged with raping a jogger in New York’s Central Park. Police said the attack was a case of wilding — though in the end the convictions were vacated.

The violence hasn’t reached that level in Chicago. It needs to be stopped before it does.

* That was a totally stupid historical analogy

The [Central Park] convictions were vacated in 2003. Another man already jailed for other crimes confessed to the attack. DNA evidence supported his claim.

* More

On April 19, 1989, Meili was raped and nearly beaten to death while jogging in New York’s Central Park. She suffered numerous injuries, including skull fractures and lacerations and severe blood loss. The five young men who were ultimately indicted, tried and convicted say they were coerced into a confession. At the time, police attributed the crime to marauding gangs of teens who engaged in what was termed “wilding.” Those who committed such acts became known as “wolf packs.” Once again, as in other points in American history, associations between animals and black criminality became part of the public conscience.

In 1989, Donald Trump paid $85,000 for full-page ads in four of the New York-area newspapers. Under the headline “Bring Back the Death Penalty,” Trump wrote, “They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.”

Members of the Central Park Five believe that Trump’s call for the death penalty — for minors in a non-capital case — only served to create a hostile media environment before the teens went to trial. A new book on the case by New York Daily News staff writer Sarah Burns, called The Central Park Five: A Chronicle of a City Wilding, suggests that Trump’s incendiary rhetoric was one of numerous factors which resulted in injustice for the Central Park defendants.

Some innoccent people are gonna get railroaded if we go back to those bad old days. Guaranteed. The crime wave is real and serious. But we absolutely cannot let newspapers dictate the climate.


*** UPDATED x1 - He’s not interested *** Sneed: Brady vs. Schock?

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Nope. From Bill Brady’s spokesman Dan Egler…


Sorry to diminish the spectator sport here. Brady had some people suggest he should consider a Congressional run in the 18th or new 13th, but after the briefest of consideration told them his focus is on reelection to the Senate and continuing to work to fix Illinois’ problems.

(He hasn’t made any calls seeking support for any Congressional run, and you’ll recall he announced for re-election earlier this week.)

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Oh, man, I hope this is true for purely spectator reasons

Schock shock? Sneed hears state Sen. Bill Brady, the GOPer who came this/close to beating Gov. Pat Quinn, is making calls to explore running for Congress against Rep. Aaron “Mr. Abs” Schock.


* Roundup…

* From an e-mail: Word in Kane County is John Laesch is planning on running in the 11th District. Possible Foster/Laesch rematch. His website is down for “maintenance”

* Alderman Bustos considers run for 17th District: East Moline Ald. Cheri Bustos has added her name to the growing field of Democrats considering a 2012 run for the U.S. Congress from the newly-redrawn 17th District… Former, long-time Rock Island Mayor Mark Schwiebert said Thursday his hat is still in the ring. He said he’s also close to making a final decision.State Sen. Dave Koehler, D-Peoria, publicly has announced he’s running.

* Hultgren could face Walsh in 14th District

* Here’s why Illinois Hispanics say one seat in Congress may do for now

* Illinois Democrats, Republicans, clash over second Hispanic Congressional District

* Redistricting Journal: Dems look for big gains in Illinois

* War on Women Is Democratic Rallying Call Against Republicans: Emily’s List cited the Medicare plan as it singled out nine House Republican freshmen as its first targets next year, months earlier than in the last election. They are Paul Gosar of Arizona, Allen West of Florida, Robert Dold and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Chip Cravaack of Minnesota, Joe Heck of Nevada, Frank Guinta and Charlie Bass of New Hampshire and Steve Stivers of Ohio.

* GOP Freshmen Promise Cuts, Spend Big in First Quarter: GOP Freshmen Promise Cuts, Spend Big in First Quarter: Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger is the biggest freshman spender, dishing out $78,000 on “mass mailings and communication” to constituents, including a pamphlet explaining “some of the ways we can help” in government interaction

* Republican freshmen spend big bucks on cars, PRL: The biggest newly elected spender in this realm is Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who authorized spending $78,518 in taxpayer money on “mass mailings and communications” — just under $900 for every day he was in office during the first three months of his congressional career. Kinzinger sent a pamphlet to his constituents explaining “some of the ways we can help” in interactions with the government. Kinzinger also advertised the “state-of-the-art multimedia section” on his website. His office told POLITICO in a statement that it has no more plans for franked mail after it sent a mailing to 217,000 houses across the district.

* GOP freshman fundraising off new Congressional map: Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) is fundraising off the new Illinois congressional map. His campaign is urging supporters to “fight back” and “stop Chicago Democrats’ Illinois power grab.” The goal is to raise $20,000 by June 30, which marks the end of second quarter fundraising, according to his campaign website.

* A Letdown from Freshman GOP Congressmen: According to Politico, more than a dozen of these budget-conscious freshmen spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on these items. Including the biggest spender, Illinois’ Adam Kinzinger.

* Editorial: Let the races begin

* Johnson happy to represent Macon County; less happy about process

* Officials slow to sign rail minority hiring agreement

* Matthews Fails to Convince Dem Congresswoman that Bush Tax Cuts Were All Bad


I’m just sayin’… He’s guilty

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Sun-Times column is about the Rod Blagojevich defense

“He talked and he talked and that is all he did. . . . They want you to believe his talk is a crime. It’s not.”

That statement Thursday by Rod Blagojevich’s attorney Aaron Goldstein, as reported by the Sun-Times’ “Blago Blog,” pretty much sums up the former governor’s defense in his federal criminal trial:

“I’m not sayin’ . . . I’m just sayin’.”

Mind you, Rod wasn’t saying that he wanted to extract a bribe in exchange for appointing various people to fill Barack Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat. He was just tossing around ideas. He didn’t really mean it.

“He’s not perfect,” Goldstein said. “He likes to talk.”

Rod didn’t really want a bunch of billionaires to pony up cash to fund a nonprofit group in exchange for appointing Valerie Jarrett to the Senate seat. He was just talking about it. And the fact that he stopped talking about the scheme after Jarrett withdrew her name means nothing. He just has attention deficit disorder or something. He quickly moved along, and so should we. There’s really nothing to see here.

Um, OK. Hold on. What about when he told his brother to be careful about negotiating a huge cash payoff in exchange for appointing U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. to the Senate seat because the whole world would be listening?

“‘The whole world is listening’ is a phrase I use all the time,” Blagojevich said on the stand.

But, wait. When Blagojevich discovered soon after that his office was being bugged by the FBI, didn’t he then order an aide to “undo” the negotiations on the Jackson appointment?

All talk. No big deal. There wasn’t anything there to begin with.

Excuse me, but what about when he told an aide that he wanted to hit up the CEO of Children’s Memorial Hospital for a $50,000 campaign contribution while discussing a state grant for that hospital? Didn’t he also make a call to see if he could hold up the grant?

Nah, there’s nothing to that. He was just thinking out loud.

But the grant wasn’t actually released until after he left office, right?

Hey, he tried to have the money released after he was arrested by the FBI. So, see? It’s all just talk.

“Look at his actions,” Blagojevich’s lawyer said Thursday. That’s how you will know what was in his mind.

You see, Rod never actually came right out and told the hospital CEO, or a big tollway contractor, or Rep. Jackson or anybody else that he wanted a campaign contribution or a job or whatever in exchange for doing them a favor. Others he sent might have said some words to that effect, but they weren’t sayin’. They were just sayin’. Plus, how can Rod control what his own emissaries say? Not to mention that just asking for a contribution isn’t illegal. Never mind that he said privately that he wanted something in return. He didn’t really want anything. It was all just talk. There’s nothing to it.

“This case is about nothing,” Goldstein said. Blagojevich got nothing and he did nothing.

All Rod did was talk.

“I’m not sayin’ . . . I’m just sayin’.”

His lawyers are clearly hoping the jurors will buy into that line of bunk. But maybe they’ll think about it a bit differently. Maybe they’ll assume it’s what a bookie might say if you fall behind on your gambling debts.

“I’m not sayin’ I’ll break your legs if you don’t pay me tomorrow. I’m just sayin’ you might have trouble walking for a while.”

* Meanwhile, we can only hope that the Blagojevich jury decides the same

The time has come to put this boy away


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Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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