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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve seen this debate played out all over the state since the new maps were unveiled

Proponents say newly drawn U.S. congressional districts give Rockford the opportunity to have two representatives pulling for the city’s interests.

Critics say it does the opposite. […]

“When you lump in 75 percent of Rockford in with Freeport, part of Peoria and the entire Illinois side of the Quad Cities … optimistically, I would hope that Rockford will still, so to speak, have a seat at the table, but practically speaking we’re lost in that district,” said Jim Thompson of the Winnebago County Republican Central Committee. “If there’s going to be any focus, it’s going to be the Quad Cities from a geographic standpoint and population standpoint.”

* More

Can less equal more when it comes to the number of people speaking for Springfield residents in the U.S. House? Mayor Mike Houston says yes.

“I think, generally speaking, that we are better off having two congressmen representing the area as opposed to three,” Houston said, reacting to a congressional map passed by the Democratic-controlled Illinois General Assembly. […]

Johnson’s current district, the 15th, does not come into Sangamon County. But he lives in the proposed new 13th. If he were to run there and win, he would represent most of Springfield, including downtown.

“I think he could more than adequately represent Springfield,” said Johnson spokesman Phil Bloomer. “He’s familiar with the area.” Johnson spent 24 years in the General Assembly in Springfield.

* The Question: Do you think it’s better to have one congresscritter representing a Downstate or suburban town or more than one? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.


Roads and power… both kinds

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is not fully true

Although the capital program was approved in 2009, a reappropriation bill was used as the vehicle for adding $430 million in operational funds for education, human services and other budget add-ons. The Senate approved HB 2189, but the House rejected it — leaving ongoing construction projects in limbo.

Rep. Jim Watson, R-Jacksonville, blames Quinn and the Senate Democrats for playing games with the budget.

“The way the budget was crafted in the House, was based on the amount of money that we thought we would have,” Watson said.

When the Senate wanted to boost spending, the capital program was used without identifying new revenue.

As subscribers already know, the Senate did, indeed, provide for $270 million in funding for their programs. And they’ve backed away from $150 million of the $430 million in add-ons. So, the “new spending” actually comes in under the House’s spending limit. I’m really not sure why the proponents of this spending have not bothered to explain their plan, and I’m still wondering why the media hasn’t bothered to figure this out yet. It’s really not all that complicated. All you gotta do is pick up the phone and ask. That’s what I did last week.

* However, the other problem here - and it’s a big one - is that the leaders all agreed two years ago not to mess with the capital plan. An attempt by Gov. Pat Quinn at the time to mix the budget negotiations with the capital bill was roundly shouted down by everyone, including the Senate Democrats. Leader agreements are supposed to be inviolate. Senate President John Cullerton has told me this move wasn’t a violation, but I can’t see how it isn’t. He’s opened the door to further games on the capital plan, and that should not be allowed to happen. So, I can’t disagree with this part of a Pantagraph editorial

These projects aren’t a pie-in-the-sky proposal to put people to work; they are putting people to work.

An estimated 52,000 people would be out of work if these state-funded projects are shut down. Illinois doesn’t needs that now. […]

Topinka said in a statement, “My message to fellow leaders is simple: Do not play games with capital projects and the jobs they bring to Illinois.”

So let’s see some leadership — from all sides. Resolve these questions before June 17 — and don’t hold the construction program hostage in an attempt to get action on unrelated matters.

* Meanwhile, in other news, ComEd made its case before the Sun-Times editorial board yesterday and outlined how its bill had improved

†ComEd will go before the Illinois Commerce Commission every year, instead of every two to four years, so that the ICC can review how ComEd is spending the money.

†If the average residential rate increase is more than 2.5 percent by 2014, the entire program, including infrastructure investments and smart-meter installations, is terminated. Critics argue that ComEd will never hit the rate cap because energy-generation prices are dropping, and utility profits will continue to increase regardless of the consumer rates.

†ComEd’s profit margin is set at 10.25 percent rather than the initial requested 10.75 percent. ComEd says the 10.25 percent is less than the 10-year national average.

The Sierra Club, Environment Illinois and the National Resources Defense Council say the changes will create up to 5,000 new jobs in renewable energy by allowing urban rooftop owners to install solar and wind power on their roofs and creating new markets for small renewable energy generators.

The Citizens Utility Board says the bill has improved significantly, but still includes worrisome items such as a rate-hike cap that’s taken away after the first two years.

As usual with big utilities, ComEd introduced legislation that was so out of line that it had no chance of passing. By the time it made its changes, the die had been cast in public and legislative opinion. The company thought the changes would net it big, veto-proof majorities in both chambers. Instead, it managed just minimal majorities, all but inviting a gubernatorial veto.

Gov. Pat Quinn has already publicly brandished his veto stamp, but the Sun-Times wants more changes instead

If Quinn does reject the bill, which already reflects a good deal of last-minute compromise on ComEd’s part, we urge him to do so with an amendatory veto that resolves the remaining issues in dispute. Protecting ratepayers shouldn’t come at the cost of missing out on a digital-era upgrade that could benefit consumers and businesses by making the entire electrical grid more efficient […]

By the time the Legislature’s fall veto session rolls around, the results of a smart grid pilot project should be in, giving a clearer indication of just how much money such a modernization might save.

By then, perhaps, both sides will have found a way to end the gridlock over the grid.

The Smart Grid is a fantastic idea. I first suggested to company executives seven years ago that they consider updating their technology to provide cable and Internet services. That probably couldn’t pass, either, because the cable and phone companies are way too powerful. That’s really too bad, because they have the biggest pipes of anybody and would bring some much-needed competition to the market. Either way, though, I cannot disagree with their push to upgrade their delivery system, but the top brass should’ve introduced a much better bill to begin with.

* Related and a roundup…

* “Game of chicken” puts local road projects in jeopardy: Though Koehler initially supported linking the capital projects to increased spending for human services and education in the ordinary state budget, he acknowledges that because the House wouldn’t go along it’s now time to drop the gambit. “We played the game of chicken and now we have to blink because we don’t want to see these projects stop or see people thrown out of work,” he said.

* Budget battle puts Brisbin Road project at risk

* Roeder: Dixie Square ruins remain untouched

* Editorial: ComEd smart grid bill isn’t a wise idea right now: In fact, there’s lots of evidence the ComEd plan is not ready for launch and would benefit from the inspection the ICC would give. A May 30 Crain’s Chicago Business report said ComEd’s test of the new technology in the Chicago area “did not connect very well with consumers.”

* Illinois takes slow approach on health exchange

* Letter seeks suspension of new hospital approvals: Three Chicago-area hospitals say a state board should wait to approve any new hospitals until Illinois establishes a Center for Comprehensive Health Planning called for in legislation.

* Area legislators holding meeting on insurance

* ADDED: Heritage Manor employees protest cuts to nursing home payments

* Gov. Quinn Names Gery Chico Head of Illinois State Board of Education

* New law would change rules on teacher tenure

* District claims family lives out of town, sues for $30K in tuition: The Carters say it is frustrating because they pay property taxes — money that underwrites the local school system — on the Oak Park condo they continue to call home. They say they showed district officials the tax paperwork and phone bills to prove they live there. But their children were still shown the door. Property records show Terri Shaw Carter is listed as the owner of the Oak Park residence.

* Felon, fired cop land sweet school jobs in Cicero and Berwyn district


Blagojevich trial live-blog

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The prosecution finished its cross-examination of Rod Blagojevich yesterday and the defense intends to put a couple witnesses on the stand today. The prosecution may also offer closing arguments today and jury deliberations may begin tomorrow. BlackBerry users click here, everybody else can just kick back and watch the festivities…


Chicago police chief wants to bring gun debate “back to the center”

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The problem with finding a “middle ground” on hot-button issues is that both well-funded sides of those issues are usually so radicalized that any attempt at compromise is seen as a complete surrender of principles. So, I wouldn’t hold out too much hope for compromise here

Jody Weis wasn’t the only ex-city official that new police chief Garry McCarthy attempted to distance himself from on Monday. He also signaled a distaste for the gun control policies of former Mayor Richard M. Daley.

“My goal is to bring the gun debate back to the center,” McCarthy told aldermen. “I think that we have abolitionists on one side and I think that we have NRA and those kind of folks on the other side, and frankly it’s too polarizing a debate, and 95 percent of the country is somewhere in between.”

That is not something that would have been uttered by a Chicago public official a month ago. Daley was a relentless advocate of tough gun control laws—one of the “abolitionists” McCarthy referred to—and he tolerated no open dissent in city government. […]

“I think that we can protect the Second Amendment rights of people to bear firearms while at the same time preventing the illegal flow of firearms into our urban centers and killing our children,” he said. “That’s a pretty wide gap, and there’s someplace in between that we can come as a country.”

McCarthy noted that he’s the chairman of a policy committee on gun control for the Major Cities Chiefs Association. “That’s one of the things I’m committed to. And with a platform like Chicago, Illinois, I think we can bring attention to the matter and get something done.”

* And with cutbacks in the 311 program, I’m not sure how successful this will be, either

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s choice to run Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications vowed Tuesday to usher in a “cultural change” in 911 dispatching to free police officers to respond to the most serious crimes.

At his City Council confirmation hearing, Gary Schenkel said it’s high time that Chicago alter an outdated dispatch policy that sends police officers to respond to 70 percent of 911 calls, compared to 30 percent in other major cities.

Schenkel acknowledged it won’t be easy to wean Chicagoans of the habit of dialing 911 at every turn, calling the emergency number even for minor matters. It will require a major public relations campaign to divert lower priority calls to 311 or convince crime victims to file their reports online, Schenkel said. […]

“If we start with the hard-fact data — the actual emergency responses that require a body, a car, an engine, an ambulance — that’s our starting point,” Schenkel said.

“Then, we look at the other end of the spectrum and say, `These are the types of calls we’re getting. Where’s my car? I think it was stolen. No, it was booted. No, it was hooked. I don’t know.’ Then, we start pushing those over gradually. We have to start that public information campaign.”

Former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s administration talked for years about altering dispatch policy but didn’t amid fears of a political backlash.

* Meanwhile, the fear of violence is increasing exponentially in the city…

* Mobs Attack on City Buses: Police - Gang of teens storm bus, attack victims and run off with their belongings, police say

* 3 arrested in another apparent mob attack

* Editorial: Mag Mile mobs - Chicago police need to target violent flash mobs

* But these buried nuggets in a Sun-Times story suggest that at least some of the problems are not real

Mary L. McCarthy, a Gold Coast resident who is not related to the new chief, said flash mobs are giving her second thoughts about venturing out at night for the first time in the 13 years she’s lived in a high-rise in the 1400 block of North State Parkway. On Friday night, a crowd of about 20 youths gathered outside her building, she said. She claimed the youths pulled people out of cars and taxicabs, leading the doorman to lock the doors to her building.

“We need a bigger police presence. I don’t know, maybe bringing horses back would help. A show of force would stop this nonsense. This does not portend well for the summer,” she said.

Police Near North District commander Kenneth Angarone, however, said police responded to the scene at North State Parkway but did not find a “bona fide incident.’’

Several officers have also told the Sun-Times they were recently warned by superiors to tell family members not to ride their bikes on the lakefront because of incidents of mobs pushing people off their bikes — and sometimes pushing cyclists into the lake.

But Angarone said police also investigated those claims and could not determine the incidents were bona fide.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a campaign roundup

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* New Hampshire ain't what it used to be
* Question of the day
* RETAIL: Strengthening Communities Across Illinois
* Annual survey: Illinois educator shortage eases, but staffing pipeline challenges continue
* It’s just a bill
* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Foster care services in jeopardy: 'We can't let that happen'
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Live coverage
* Yesterday's stories

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