This just in… Rowell named IDES director
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 5:22 pm - From a press release…
Curiously, Quinn’s release didn’t mention that Jay runs the Senate Democrats’ political operation. Whatever the case, his nomination is obviously going to zoom through the Senate.
Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Session may be over (for now), but the road goes on forever and the party never ends… They got a hotel by the water and a quart of Bombay gin
This just in… Quinn signs state legislative redistricting bill
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:23 pm - Gov. Pat Quinn just signed the state legislative redistricting bill. From a press release…
* The congressional redistricting bill is still awaiting his signature. More on that topic…
This just in… McCarter issues another, rather weird statement
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:12 pm - Sen. Kyle McCarter has issued another statement about the ruckus on the Senate floor. It’s a bit weird. First, notice that his statement doesn’t use the word “punch”…
* Then Sen. McCarter blames Senate leadership for not stepping in quickly…
He doesn’t say whether he asked for such documentation and censure, however. * He also appears to contradict the Sergeant at Arms, who said yesterday that he asked McCarter if he wanted to file a complaint and McCarter refused…
Those are awfully lawyerly words, if you ask me. * And he even suggests an attempted cover-up…
Chicago schools cut $75 million, but state cuts Chicago schools $77 million
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Chicago is cutting school spending…
Trouble is, the new state budget approved by the General Assembly cuts Chicago schools by $77 million. So, Chicago didn’t even tread water with yesterday’s announcement. * And speaking of late payments…
* The budget news is not good for almost everyone…
* Well, not everybody…
* Mayors were spared as well…
* Related and a roundup…
Question of the day
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * As we discussed yesterday, there’s some dispute over whether Sen. Mike Jacobs punched Sen. Kyle McCarter with his fist or whether it was more of a poke or an open-handed whack during a Senate floor scuffle. Whatever the case, the matter has been referred to the state’s attorney’s office…
* The possible consequences…
* The Question: Should Sen. McCarter pursue charges against Sen. Mike Jacobs? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.
Homers love their casinos
Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * It really is amazing how local newspapers have bought into the contradictory spin on gaming expansion. For instance, Phil Luciano’s column…
So, the state should be working to create good jobs, but it absolutely should not mess with East Peoria’s admittedly evil jobs in the process by adding some competition far away? OK. And a Chicago casino will kill the Peoria-area’s facility, even though it’ll be 160 miles from there? Right. Even Luciano’s own newspaper thinks that last point is a bit much, although it still wrings its hands…
Gambling is the “easy and desperate path” except when it’s in our town! * And then there’s the St. Louis Post Dispatch…
Yes, more competition in an Illinois industry that’s been protected for decades would be just terrible, wouldn’t it? * On the flip side is Rockford, which doesn’t have a casino and really, really wants one…
Problems, schmoblems. We want us a casino, baby! * Even the Chicago Sun-Times is getting into the act…
The bill really sucks, but we need the money, so sign the darned thing.
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Friday, Jun 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller