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Session day live blog

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

*The Senate’s live audio and video feeds are here, the House’s are here. BlackBerry users click here. Everybody else can just watch events unfold…


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The man who owns the “Giant Slide” at the Illinois State Fairgrounds is putting his possession up for sale

A guy can have only so much fun with a Giant Slide.

At least that’s how Dennis Herrington, who has been sole owner of the Giant Slide at the Illinois State Fairgrounds since 1995, sees it.

He’s now 57 years old, has had health problems and has no children at home to help him operate the iconic structure just inside the Main Gate of the fairgrounds.

So he’s hoping to sell it before this year’s fair starts in August.

The asking price is $175,000.

The slide…

* The Question: What would you do with the Giant Slide?


That’s nice, now what about a plan?

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A “goal” is one thing, a “plan” is something far different

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn says he has a goal when it comes to trade.

The Chicago Democrat says he wants to double the state’s exports by 2015. His office said the value of Illinois’ exports surpassed $49 billion last year.

Doubling that won’t be easy. But just talking about it won’t make it so.

* From Gov. Quinn’s press release…

llinois Export Week, which runs June 20-24, features a series of seminars designed to help educate business owners on export opportunities. The Illinois Export Awards recognize companies that have achieved excellence in exporting and organizations that have provided substantial export assistance to Illinois companies. Governor Quinn presented 17 companies and organizations with awards at a luncheon on Tuesday.

Illinois Export Week events feature top leaders from Illinois’s export business community. Caterpillar Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Doug Oberhelman was the keynote speaker.

“Last year Caterpillar exported more than $13.4 billion in products from the United States—more than a third of that is from Illinois — two figures that would have no doubt been higher had the U.S. fully embraced trade liberalization,” Oberhelman said. “Simply put, many of our 47,000 employees in the U.S. and 23,000 employees in Illinois depend on trade.”

* Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Rick Scott wrote a letter to CME Group’s chairman and the media feels the need to call it news

Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott is urging CME Group Inc. Chairman Terrence Duffy to move the Chicago-based futures exchange to his state after Mr. Duffy complained recently that this year’s hike in the Illinois corporate taxes may drive the company out.

“I will not rest until the business tax is completely phased out in our state so that both Florida and companies like CME Group can thrive,” Mr. Scott said in a June 16 letter to Mr. Duffy.

Mr. Duffy told shareholders at the company’s annual meeting earlier this month that CME was considering other locations because the state had increased the corporate tax rate to 7% from 4.8% and he was frustrated that some companies are avoiding the brunt of the increase through loopholes.

Scott is about the only US governor more unpopular than Pat Quinn.

* And this is rich

Florida is home to other financial services companies, including online stock and options brokerage firm Tradeking, the founders of which chose the state for its base of operations ahead of its launch in 2005. The increasingly electronic nature of trade made it feasible for the company to run from Florida as opposed to financial hubs in Chicago or New York, according to Don Montanaro, chief executive.

The company has 92 employees, and 40 of them are in Florida.

Read the full letter, which is pretty standard stuff, by clicking here.

* Other biz-related news…

* Madigan and other attorneys general meet with banks on foreclosure practices

* Banks Will Be Sued If Foreclosure Talks Collapse, Two States Say

* Al-Qaida member invested with local firm, U.S. says: An al-Qaida member with access to Osama bin Laden invested almost $27 million with a Chicago-based futures broker, an amount that has fallen to less than $7 million because of bad investment moves by an associate

* Lisa Madigan: An experiment too expensive for consumers

* White launches prepaid tuition plan inquiry

* Casino set to open in Des Plaines

* Campaign for Rockford casino begins Thursday

* Jury’s still out on Groupon’s benefits to businesses

* Home sales, prices in the Chicago area rose in May vs. April

* Illinois Soybean Association is Governors Export Promotion Agency of Year

* Tinley Park man to hit 60 years working at Ford Motor Co.


Illinois to be last state in the union without some form of concealed carry

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Once Wisconsin’s governor signs this bill into law, Illinois will be the only state without some form of concealed carry statute on the books

Supporters of the measure in Wisconsin said the fact that none of the 48 other states with similar laws have had to repeal them shows opponents’ fears about concealed carry are unwarranted. […]

Under the Wisconsin bill, people who obtain a permit and go through training will be allowed to carry concealed weapons in most public buildings, including the state Capitol and city halls, unless there is a sign posted saying they are not permitted. The weapons would be barred anywhere within 1,000 feet of school grounds, police stations, jails and prisons, courthouses, secure mental health facilities, and beyond airport security checkpoints.

Current law would be loosened when it comes to keeping guns in cars. Under the bill, permit holders could keep loaded, uncased guns in their cars. Guns are currently only allowed in cars if they are unloaded and in a case. […]

Carrying a gun without a permit would be a misdemeanor.

More info

Permit holders could carry guns in taverns and other places that sell alcohol, provided they were not drinking.

Under current law, guns are banned in schools, on school grounds and in school zones - the area 1,000 feet beyond school grounds. The bill would keep in place the ban on carrying guns in schools and on school grounds, but would allow permit holders to carry guns in areas just off school grounds.

Private businesses could post signs to keep guns out of their buildings. Signs could also be posted in government buildings, such as city halls and the state Capitol. But guns could not be banned from government-owned grounds, meaning they could be carried on the Capitol lawn or the Milwaukee Public Zoo. […]

State religious groups have said that the bill should have prohibited carrying concealed weapons in churches instead of requiring individual churches to post signs prohibiting concealed weapons. On May 24, the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, Wisconsin Council of Churches, Wisconsin Jewish Council and the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin sent a letter to lawmakers asking them to ban concealed weapons in churches.

* The state decided not to go with a “constitutional carry” bill, which would allow concealed carry without a permit. Four states allow that now. The “constitutional carry” bill apparently had some momentum, but Gov. Scott Walker signaled that he wouldn’t sign it. Still, the NRA is hoping to broaden the law in the future

Once a proponent of training and permitting concealed carriers, the NRA is now on a mission to get rid of those mandates, putting the group more in line with groups like the Gun Owners of America and Wisconsin Gun Owners, which has in the past blasted the NRA for being too willing to compromise.

Eradicating the training and permitting mandates, LaSorte says, “will certainly be an aspiration of ours down the road.”

* But since the bill allows concealed carry in their Statehouse, you gotta wonder how long this new policy will remain in effect

MADISON, Wis. — Authorities have removed metal detectors from the state Capitol’s entrances.

Capitol Police set up the detectors at three Capitol entrances and closed all the other ground floor doors after thousands of protesters descended on the building in February to demonstrate against Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to strip almost all public workers of their collective bargaining rights. […]

The metal detectors were in place Tuesday but were gone on Wednesday morning. Police allowed tourists and visitors to enter the building unimpeded.

* Background

Since 1986, the NRA has been able to increase from eight to 38 the number of states that “shall issue” concealed carry permits, meaning they will issue permits to anyone who passes the criteria set by law. The NRA is working to change laws in eight other “may issue” states, which give discretion to law enforcement regarding who can receive a permit.

Last year, Arizona passed one of the most permissive concealed carry reform bills in the nation, rolling back training requirements and making the state, along with Alaska and Vermont, the only “constitutional carry” states in the nation. Wyoming made the list earlier this year, and while eight states have turned back attempts to throw out their permit requirements this year, proposed constitutional carry legislation is still on the table in Iowa, Ohio, Georgia and New Hampshire. […]

• Indiana enacted a law that makes it illegal for local governments to prohibit firearms in public libraries, on public transit, in some hospitals and in most local government buildings.

• Florida has adopted a law that prohibits health care providers from asking about or recording information about firearm ownership or the presence of firearms in the home.

• North Dakota enacted a law prohibiting employers from asking if customers or employees are carrying a gun.

• Utah passed a law that allows concealed firearms in parks and stadiums being used for K-12 school activities.

• Both Utah and Arizona have also adopted official state guns.

* From the Illinois State Rifle Association

“By now, Illinois is used to coming in last place in nearly every form of endeavor,” said Pearson. “But one thing is for certain, Illinois comes in first place when it comes to placing politics before public safety.”

* A note to commenters: Bumper sticker slogans and quickie “drive by” comments are frowned upon here. Come up with an original thought, or don’t bother commenting. Thanks.


Pay politics

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some legislators won’t be happy about voting to cut their own income today, but furlough days were approved the last two years, and the tradition of 12 days with no pay may be around for awhile

The furloughs would cost each lawmaker more than $3,000. Legislative aides say the total savings is about $564,000.

The cuts reach $1.2 million when furloughs for other state officials are included.

This would be the third straight year lawmakers have cut their pay.

* More info

Senate Bill 266 requires lawmakers to forfeit a day of pay each month, and it blocks their annual cost-of-living allowances, which would have been 1.1 percent in the fiscal year that starts July 1, according to a spokesman for Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago.

The bill also blocks COLAs for the governor and the other statewide elected constitutional officers and others whose pay is recommended by the Compensation Review Board, and it freezes lawmakers’ per diems at $111, the same as this year but below the $140 they got two years ago. […]

But Sen. Sam McCann, R-Carlinville, believes more can be done. McCann supports taking furlough days but would also like to see a bill passed that would cut legislative pay by at least 10 percent.

“I would even entertain a 25 percent pay cut,” he said.

There’s always at least one in the bunch.

* Speaking of pay, this seems a bit much

Former Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis walked out with a $76,308 check for accrued vacation days when he resigned his $310,000-a-year job on March 1 — a lump-sum payment for 64 unused days that’s raising eyebrows at City Hall.

His former $168,438-a-year chief-of-staff Mike Masters left police headquarters with a check for $30,448. That’s the equivalent of 54 unused vacation days

Weis and Masters are among 1,026 city employees paid $7.4 million for their unused vacation days since September, 2010, in the transition from former Mayor Richard M. Daley to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, according to information released to the Chicago Sun-Times in response to a Freedom of Information request.

* And it’s easy to understand how this can be viewed as unfair

Newly installed Chicago School Board members Wednesday will be asked to approve six-figure salaries for new Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard and four other new top executives that represent raises over what their predecessors were paid.

The vote on whether to boost executive Chicago Public School salaries comes only a week after the same board members, in their first official action, found the deficit-ridden system did not have enough money to pay for 4 percent raises to teachers and other unionized school workers worth $100 million. […]

“It’s not a good way to start a new administration when you elevate the salary level of a lot of administrators and tell the teachers they cannot get raises without putting a plan on the table for higher performance,’’ said Andy Shaw, president of the Better Government Association.

“People who take over a struggling school system ought to implement some positive changes before they are paid higher salaries [than their predecessors]. You could argue previous salaries were too high because the performance level of the schools was dismal,’’ Shaw said.

“This will only further incense teachers.’’

* But should labor leaders’ salaries be public? I dunno

Is this a case of good for the goose, but not for the gander?

◆ Translation: Last month, Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis called for “transparency” about Chicago Schools chief Jean-Claude Brizard’s salary and threatened to file a Freedom of Information request to get it.

◆ The turn of the screw: So how come Lewis’ salary is so secret?

◆ Explanation: Sneed inquired last week about her salary and was told “I don’t know,” by top Lewis spokeswoman Liz Brown. Her salary is not publicly listed, and Sneed was told: “She doesn’t have to do so.”

* Unfunded pension liabilities are only a fraction of this debt, but you better believe that’s what will be the media’s focus

The average Chicago household now owes a staggering $63,525 to cover local government debt, according to Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas.

Suburbanites are deeply in the red, too, with the average household owing $32,901, according to the treasurer.

Among the biggest reasons: $25 billion in unfunded pension liability.

In comments after an appearance Tuesday before the Civic Federation, a watchdog group that has released somewhat similar numbers in recent years, Ms. Pappas said she was “stunned” to learn that county taxpayers on the whole owe more than $108 billion toward local debt.

* Related…

* Civic Federation: City should modernize vacation pay-out policy

* Teachers to picket meeting over denial of raises

* Report: City workers required to give cars back

* Police chief: I can’t pull Ald. Ed Burke’s security detail: In the past, Burke has cited Circuit Court Judge Joseph Wosik’s 1986 decision to block the city’s attempt to cut his bodyguard detail at the time from four officers to two. Wosik upheld Burke’s argument that he was a high-profile official subject to periodic threats and that a reduction in the number of bodyguards would have stifled his opposition to Washington.

* CPS may grant residency waiver for high-ranking official

* Officials play musical chairs with city jobs

* Editorial: Cook taxpayers are on the hook for $108 billion

* Elmwood Park Leaders Get Home Improvements on Village’s Time: Silvestri admits the work on his house was completed on village time, but said he told Martorana to do the work on his own time. Once the problem was discovered, Silvestri said, the village disciplined Martorana by dipping into his following year’s vacation to pay back the time. He said he also wrote two personal checks to Martorana for the work and materials used.

* Personal financial woes on file for Cook County recorder - Moore faces foreclosure, tax liens, diminished clout

* Reciprocal Act sweetens pension pot for former state legislators


All tied up

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The White Sox won last night, evening out the Crosstown Classic at one game apiece

It was Konerko leading the way again with another home run, his fifth in as many games.

Konerko led off the second inning against Matt Garza with the homer, his 21st of the season, giving the Sox a 1-0 lead. They had a 2-0 lead before Cubs first baseman Carlos Pena homered for a second straight game, off Mark Buehrle in the fifth, to make it 2-1 before the nearly two-hour rain delay.

The Cubs tied the score when play resumed. They had two men on in the sixth, and Reed Johnson scored from third on Aramis Ramirez’s sacrifice fly off Jesse Crain (3-2).

But the Sox went ahead for good in the seventh. Alexei Ramirez hit a double off Jeff Samardzija (5-3) and scored on a sacrifice fly by Brent Morel.

Trash talk time. Have at it.


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Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

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