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Will wonders never cease?

Tuesday, Jul 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The same Chicago Tribune editorial board which dismisses contract rights specifically embedded in the Illinois Constitution for state employees and pensioners now says that breaking a union contract is a bad idea

We don’t see a lasting way for Quinn to enforce cutting the [AFSCME contract] raises, if that’s genuinely his game here. Breaking contract promises is perilous business — even if the promise in question was made by another governor, one Rod Blagojevich, during his reckless reign over state finances. Blagojevich showered pay increases on AFSCME, and Quinn inherited the task of paying for them. […]

If Quinn felt the need to break a promise, he should have broken the foolish promise he made in 2010 to insulate his then-friends at AFSCME from every economic reality that might come along. Instead he has unilaterally broken a labor contract.

I’m almost speechless. Probably because I agree.

* Meanwhile, AFSCME plans to set up informational picket lines all over the state today

In response to Gov. Pat Quinn’s decision to freeze state worker pay, the American Federation of State and City Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 will be setting up statewide picket lines tomorrow at more than 75 locations “in defense of collective bargaining.”

The picket list is here.

* And don’t expect JCAR to take any action today on Gov. Quinn’s proposed emergency rules

A bipartisan panel of state lawmakers will put off a decision tomorrow on a request by Gov. Pat Quinn to block scheduled 2 percent pay increases for 30,000 unionized state workers, the co-chair of the committee says.

The workers’ union filed a federal lawsuit Friday in Springfield asking a judge to order the administration to pay the wage hikes that were scheduled to start July 1. The union has accused Quinn of violating terms of its labor contracts.

In light of the lawsuit, the co-chairman of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules decided to keep lawmakers out of the legal fight, at least for now.

State Rep. Angelo “Skip” Saviano, R-Elmwood Park, said after talking to various panel members, he felt it was prudent to defer action on the pay-raise issue. Saviano also said the 376-page proposed emergency rule was not on the panel’s agenda. The committee, however, may have to take up the matter at its scheduled mid-August meeting, barring any court ruling, Saviano said.

* Speaking of unions

McCormick Place [yesterday] lost a second court battle to keep sweeping labor changes intact while it appeals a federal court ruling against new work rules.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit denied a request by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority to keep the exhibitor-friendly labor changes, designed to keep trade shows in Chicago, in effect temporarily. It’s the third legal blow to the organization that oversees McCormick Place.

In June, a federal judge denied the Authority’s initial attempt to stay an injunction on the labor rules.

* Roundup…

* Money Missing From Education Reform Bill: Lawmakers stripped more than $500,000 from Quinn’s proposed budget that would have helped implement Senate Bill 7, a sweeping education reform bill lauded as a national model, partly because it eases the process of dumping poorly rated teachers. The money would have paid for a contract with a private firm to handle training to revamp teacher and principal evaluations.

* Quinn to sign Aurora charter school bill Wednesday

* Quinn veto decision means big hit for school district

* Fed funds flow to six Southland towns

* Anti-airport group meets Quinn in Tinley Park

* Kadner: Quinn’s Southland promises lack action


  1. - Nice kid - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 7:05 am:

    I had the thoughts of hypocrisy when I read the Tribune editorial today. However, the Trib isn’t exactly famous for it’s intellectual honesty.

  2. - Bill - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 7:12 am:

    So SB7 turns out to be just another unfunded mandate imposed on school districts. Maybe Jonah Edelman can pop for the $500k. He seems to have unlimited funds. Maybe he can get Cindy Pritker to pay it. Anyway he and his band of carpetbaggers are probably off to cause chaos in some other state by now.

  3. - Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 8:07 am:

    A hypocritical newspaper editorializing about a hypocritical governor is not actually a new thing.

    Our expectations unfortunately need to be lowered to reflect the new reality.

  4. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 8:47 am:

    AFSCME picket chant test 1:
    Hey, Hey PQ, I want my raise. 2 and 2

    AFSCME picket chant test 2:
    Hey, Hey, Governor Quinn, Did you forget? We helped you win

  5. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 8:50 am:

    The Aurora Charter thing is cool (since I live the the Oswego district and my youngest might qualify for the school)

    But how are they going to do the transportation? If it is parent pickup and delivery (the East district has no busing) it’s going to end up a school for kids from the West Aurora district and kids who have a parent who does not work outside the home.

  6. - Robert - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 9:13 am:

    ==So SB7 turns out to be just another unfunded mandate imposed on school districts. Maybe Jonah Edelman can pop for the $500k.==

    I do think you raise a good point, but I don’t think the legislature would implement it even with that donation. Also, you want to look for unlimited funds, look no further than how much money the teachers union donates to legislators–why do you think that $500k was deleted from the budget?

  7. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 9:46 am:

    Afscme will get it’s raises eventually…I still think Pat is trying to drag the GA through the mud on budgetary issues…I also think the the GA deserves it…picket away folks!

  8. - JBilla - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 9:46 am:

    Picketing a broke state over an arbitration is dumb. Especially considering they all still have their jobs at current salary. The best thing to do here is decriminalize to prevent the overcrowding in the first place. And I don’t think prison guards can walk off the job, am I missing something?

  9. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 10:00 am:

    ==look no further than how much money the teachers union donates to legislators==

    Teacher contributions are dwarfed by business contributions.

  10. - lincolnlover - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 10:33 am:

    An informational picket is quite different from a strike picket . And “they still have their jobs at their current salaries” is no excuse to break a contract.
    The Trib editorial implies that Quinn should have laid workers off instead of refusing pay hikes. All that lay-offs would do is cost the state more in overtime. At some point, you have to be realistic about how much you can push your workers. How many jobs can one employee do? At my workplace we are all doing the jobs of at least 2 people, sometimes 3. My agency does not pay overtime, we get time and a half off. But, if you are working overtime because there aren’t enough of you to do the job, when are you supposed to be able to take the accumulated time off? Give us the raises - its cheaper in the long run.

  11. - mokenavince - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 10:50 am:

    The pain seems to fall on the small business and the non-union workers. If your in a state union
    or better yet a politican your doing ok. The pols by far have the best of both worlds, who else has a full pension,medical,on what is supposed to be a partime job. The only guys doing better than the pols are lawyers and lobbyist. AKA former pols.

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 11:25 am:

    If it is possible to make oppressive summer heat we think the Capt Fax has done it with this topic
    who really cares if the workforce is on the picket line
    Anyone wanna bet if comments fall off dramatically today :)

  13. - Happy Returns - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 11:30 am:

    Picket chant 3:

    Hey, QUINN! Why give US lesser?
    We left YOUR money on the DRESSER!

  14. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 11:45 am:

    AFSCME is putting on a show at Willard Ice. Do you think the Labor leaders will knock a few bucks off of dues until this ‘crisis’ has passed?

  15. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 11:45 am:

    So what will be resolved by having 75 informational picket lines around the state? I am sure the lines in Marion will be huge and be the final straw that forces Quinn to change his mind. Locally, this topic gets a huge ‘whatever’ shrug, followed by a ‘my last raise was (pick a number) years ago, but I got a steady, paying job’ statement. While the union is doing what they should for their members, the local support is pretty minimal.

  16. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 1:53 pm:

    AFSCME chant 4

    Hey Pat don’t you understand
    The AFSCME contract is the law of the land

  17. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 1:54 pm:

    JBilla @9:46am wrote:

    =Picketing a broke state over an arbitration is dumb. Especially considering they all still have their jobs at current salary. The best thing to do here is decriminalize to prevent the overcrowding in the first place. And I don’t think prison guards can walk off the job, am I missing something?=

    Turning this issue into a discussion about legalizing, presumably, marijuana? Really?

    Ok, so we make pot legal and the state’s money woes are addressed ala “the best thing to do”.

    Oh, Prunella.

  18. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 6:29 pm:

    I’m not sure if Quinn has an end-game here. Honking off the unions to make the GA look bad for not appropriating more money is not an end-game.

  19. - sal-says - Tuesday, Jul 12, 11 @ 7:13 pm:

    Amazing how the Trib can jump from position to editorial position whenever it suits them. And folks accuse Quinn of Jello.

  20. - ben tej - Wednesday, Jul 13, 11 @ 7:02 am:

    “Teacher contributions are dwarfed by business contributions.”

    Not quite. Nice try, though.

  21. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jul 13, 11 @ 7:18 am:

    @Ben - Do the math bud

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