Like night and day
Thursday, Jul 14, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The differing reactions to the gaming expansion bill are like night and day, depending on where or who you are. For instance, Elgin already has a casino, so its city council has unanimously voted for a resolution condemning the gaming expansion bill…
The Elgin council’s resolution calls for the General Assembly to “introduce new gaming legislation with protections that will require such new gaming licenses to be issued in depressed economic areas of the state and in markets that are not adequately being served by an existing riverboat casino.”
It also opposes further gambling at horse-racing tracks, calling the introduction of slot machines at them at odds with the “overarching purpose of the Riverboat Gambling Act — to enhance the economically depressed regions of the State — but rather confers a substantial benefit on a discrete industry.” Elgin’s declaration also states that “Illinois cities and regions with riverboat casinos should not be subject to cannibalization of their markets by racetracks that have been long afforded the privilege of wagering by the State.”
However, “the City of Elgin is not opposed to the proposed gaming expansion within the city of Chicago, recognizing Chicago’s stature as a first level, ‘world’ city, and that the addition of gaming to Chicago’s diverse, international economy will enhance that city’s appeal in the global marketplace,” the document states. […]
Elgin primarily uses its share of Grand Victoria Casino money to fund capital projects and assist local nonprofits.
* Rockford currently has no casino, so almost its entire community leadership is now rallying behind the bill…
Leaders of the local arts community put their support behind a plan to build a casino in Rockford.
Rockford Area Arts Council, Coronado Performing Arts Center, Rockford Art Museum and local artists will speak at the Rockford Area Arts Council this afternoon to show their support.
* More…
“Money from gaming helps us offer arts programs, services and events to residents and visitors to ensure all facets of our community have access to art,” she said in anews release.
Several groups have already signed on to support the casino initiative, including the Rockford Park District, union laborers and the Rockford Area Visitors & Convention Bureau.
* Springfield would get several months of horse racing dates at the Illinois State Fairgrounds and some slot machines. Springfield Mayor Mike Houston is fully on board…
“I would support anything that is going to create activity and excitement at the Illinois State Fairgrounds,” Houston says, adding that “overall, it would be a good thing for the city.”
Houston rejects Bedell’s claim that proposed changes at the fairgrounds would be like putting a casino in Springfield. “We’re not talking about a full-fledged casino and I think that is an important distinguishing factor,” Houston says. “You have things other than slot machines at a casino.”
He also notes that some Springfield residents travel to riverboats like Par-A-Dice Casino, outside of Peoria, to gamble. “I think that if there are people who are having problems with gambling, they are having problems in the city of Springfield today. They are just using riverboats.”
It’s a sentiment echoed by agricultural interests, which expect to get millions of dollars in additional funding, should the measure become law in its current form.
* But Gaming Board Chairman Aaron Jaffe is continuing his mission to convince the governor to veto the legislation…
“It’s a bad bill,” Jaffe said of a casino expansion package that passed during the final days of the legislative session in May. “There are too many loopholes in that bill. I’ve said it before and I’ll tell you again: It’s 409 pages of garbage”
The board’s 215 staff members are trying to manage the implementation of video gaming, which lawmakers approved two years ago, while facing the potential of yet another expansion of casinos—unless Gov. Pat Quinn vetoes the bill.
“Yes, he should veto it,” said Jaffe, who met with Quinn last week. “We talked about the bill, and I told him exactly how I felt, and he listened very carefully.” […]
“There are 400 items put in that bill by special interests,” Jaffe told reporters Wednesday. “Do I have to spell that out for you? Special interests were involved in that bill. These are back room deals.”
The legislation, which would allow for a Chicago casino, four other new land-based gambling halls and the addition of slot machines at horse racing tracks, is filled with regulatory loopholes, Jaffe said.
“I’ve said before and I will tell you again, it’s 409 pages of garbage,” Jaffe said, later adding: “Use your imagination, and whatever evil thoughts come into your minds, it will probably be worse than that.”
- just sayin' - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 11:02 am:
I wonder how long it will be before Illinois gets a new gambling regulator.
- radio guy - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 11:03 am:
How could it possibly NOT contain loopholes?
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 11:22 am:
The horse racing industry has been leaving Illinois for the past 5 years. A lot of jobs along with it. They need the slots at the tracks to compete with New Jersey.
As far as additional casinos is this not good old fashon competition? The strong casinos will survive. I am sure you will see some legislators at the Fairgrounds during session either betting on the horses or on the slots.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 12:06 pm:
“It’s a bad bill,” Jaffe said of a casino expansion package that passed during the final days of the legislative session in May. “There are too many loopholes in that bill. I’ve said it before and I’ll tell you again: It’s 409 pages of garbage”
I highly doubt he has read the bill. Based on his agency performance in implementing the video gaming bill, I have little faith in his leadership and or opinions.
- Apple - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 12:16 pm:
Lang and Franks debated the issue on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg on Tuesday night,0,2049090.mp3file
- Left Out - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 1:01 pm:
The arts people in Rockford will be in for a shock if a casino comes to town. Most of the money from the casino will go to things other than the arts. Most towns and cities in Illinois that have casinos have spent almost all of the gambling money on existing day to day spending (for example salaries for police) in their towns or on capital expenditures (road repairs, new sewers, etc.). Only a small amount of the gambling money, often in the low single digits percentage wise, will be transfered from the City of Rockford to the arts if history is any guide.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 1:07 pm:
===often in the low single digits percentage wise===
That’s still a significant chunk of change.
- jerry 101 - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 1:46 pm:
left out - you know how much money arts organizations are getting from cities like Rockford now? It’d be pretty hard for any extra amount from gambling not to be a big improvement.
I generally oppose expanding gambling, but it woudl be nice if Mr. Jaffe could actually provide a few details beyond “its 409 pages of garbage”. Maybe he has provided details, and I missed ‘em?
- OneMan - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 1:54 pm:
If he is setting the table for Quinn to veto he is not being very subtle about it.
Also their work on video poker does not instill a ton of confidence, it’s not like a bunch of other states don’t have video poker. We are not the first ones to this rodeo, did they even talk to other states about how they deal with stuff.
Remember Kathuria? I would be less worried about activating communities and just getting voters to vote for you.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 1:54 pm:
Opps, wrong post for the comment…
- Crabby645 - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 2:53 pm:
Time to say “buh bye” to Mr. Jaffe!!!! Of course he thinks the bill garbage. Why would he want to support something that will take away business from his Elgin friends? If he is so against gambling why did he take the position anyway?? All he does is WHINE!!!
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 4:53 pm:
Jaffe can’t in good conscience do his job, he should resign. Not the end of the world.
- downhereforyears - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 5:04 pm:
Jaffe has read the bill. He’s probably read it more closely than anyone repsonding on this issue.
He’s absolutely right it’s full of special deals and favors for contributors. Just look at Lake County. The bill calls form the casino to be located in Park City. Park City already has an “exclusive” agreement with a developer. Under this bill the gaming board would have no option but to give it to that developer.
- The Captain - Thursday, Jul 14, 11 @ 7:53 pm:
Boy this A. Jaffe gets a lot of press. He must have a lot of free time.
- Mariel - Friday, Jul 15, 11 @ 2:56 pm:
[Deleted by Rich Miller.]
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 15, 11 @ 3:03 pm:
These back to work Illinois comments are little more than spam ads. So, either stop posting them or shell out the cash for a real ad, because starting now the spam will be deleted.