Kinda goofy
Friday, Aug 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the SJ-R’s “In All Fairness” blog…
I’m not sure how the fair is going about selecting the “celebrities” for its annual celebrity harness race anymore, but [Wednesday’s] array of drivers hardly qualify, as far as I can tell. No offense intended to any of them.
Riding along with professional harness drivers in today’s race were Mica Matsoff, communications director for Gov. Pat Quinn; Rich Miller, owner and reporter at Capitol Fax; Steve Brown, spokesman for Speaker of the House Mike Madigan; and John Patterson, spokesman for Senate President John Cullerton. […]
But can we look at this for what it is and go back to having actual more fair celebrities in the race instead of elected officials’ employees?
No offense taken, other than the goofy errors in the piece.
First of all, to my knowledge the State Fair has nothing to do with choosing the “celebrities.” And I think it’s actually called a celebrity race because we are not licensed drivers and there’s no betting allowed on the event (well, no legal betting anyway).
And I may have missed it, but I don’t recall any Hollywood movie stars or rock and rollers participating in this race. Back in 2006, the year before I was asked to participate, the “celebrities” weren’t exactly nationally known names, either, nor were some of them “fair celebrities.” From a State Fair press release…
Celebrity Horse Racing entertains all
Celebrity harness horse racing excited Grandstand fans as local celebrities took part in a friendly competition this afternoon. State Fair manager Amy Bliefnick and driver Julie Miller dashed to an early lead. After the first quarter mile, though, WFMB Radio’s Sam Madonia and driver Andy Miller pulled ahead and kept the lead for most of the race until faltering on the homestretch. News Channel 20’s Sara Wojcicki, with driver Tom Simmons, and the Springfield State Journal Register’s Marcia Martinez, with driver Rick Schrock, were neck and neck the final quarter mile. In a photo finish, Channel 20’s Wojcicki won first place by a nose over the S J-R’s Martinez.
Yep. You just can’t beat that A-List of yore. No offense, of course.
* Look, I obviously enjoy being in that race. I publicize it here and it always draws a significant crowd, many of whom wouldn’t be there normally. If they want somebody else to race, that’s absolutely cool with me. Heck, if Mick Jagger or Leonardo DiCaprio want to take my spot they’re more than welcome. Imagine the crowd that would draw. But as long as the horsemen ask me to do it, I will. It’s just way too much fun to pass up.
- One of the 35 - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 9:20 am:
“Celebrity” is such a difficult word to define.
- MrJM - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 9:34 am:
Does the SJ-R want the celebrity harness race to be covered by TMZ?
‘Cause if Harvey Levin’s journo-parasites come to Springfield, I want them covering the statehouse.
No offense, State Journal-Register.
– MrJM
- Easy - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 9:37 am:
I’m glad the SJR had the courage of their convictions to go after Springfield’s media aristocracy.
- just sayin' - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 9:48 am:
Here’s how to get more people to the fair. Kick it up a notch. Go Roman on the thing. Ben-Hur set up with 4 horses per chariot. Then put the politicians out there. M. Madigan gets the chariot with the steel blades in the hub. Sit back. Enjoy.
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 9:49 am:
Knowing that you can never be too Springfield homerish in the SJR, perhaps this celebrity lineup would be more to their liking:
Rich Miller, Springfield resident and owner/publisher of one of the best-known, most-read online state government and political reports in Illinois.
Steve Brown, Central Illinois member of the Southern Illinois University Alumni Association Board and part-time Springfield resident, who also does some media work for the Illinois House.
Mica Matsoff, the director of communications for one of Springfield’s largest employers … Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.
And former WSEC-TV Capitol View Co-Host and Springfield resident John Patterson, who now dabbles in media and public relations for the Illinois Senate.
Let’s here it for this year’s great lineup of Springfield celebrities …
- Cindy Lou - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 10:03 am:
Meh, I thought the ‘celebrities’ were fitting for a special race on Governor’s Day. It represents some of our government leaders. Mica for Quinn, Brown for Madison, Patterson for Cullerton and our very own Rich who brings the IL political world to us day in day out up to the minute. I suppose they could ramp up the ‘thrill of competition’ by having the actual leaders race, it’d make a great ‘Caption This Photo’ of the day, but somehow I don’t think that’ll happen.
- Leave a Light on George - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 10:56 am:
=Heck, if Mick Jagger or Leonardo DiCaprio want to take my spot they’re more than welcome.=
The Cubs will win the pennant before this happens.
A little full of ourself aren’t we?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 10:57 am:
Dude, it’s supposed to be snark.
- Lulabell - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 11:39 am:
The SJ-R must have been low on news to whine about something like this
- Curious - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 11:41 am:
Yet another reason to avoid the sjr. I quit reading it in the early 90’s. I guess the writer is more of a celebrity than you and the others.??? Good ol’ hard hitting reporting.
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Aug 19, 11 @ 12:47 pm:
Rich would win this race every year but the wind resistance from his facial hair keeps slowing him down.
- sal-says - Saturday, Aug 20, 11 @ 3:42 pm:
Wonder what their definition of ‘fair celebrities’ is? Hot dog vendor?