Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Gov. Quinn’s office says Mayor Emanuel didn’t tell the truth
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Gov. Quinn’s office says Mayor Emanuel didn’t tell the truth

Monday, Aug 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that Gov. Pat Quinn told him to lay out his plans for using the money from a Chicago casino

Earlier this week, Emanuel ticked off the wish list of projects he intends to build with casino cash. It includes: 40 miles of roads and water mains; 25 new schools; 45 renovated CTA stations; 20 miles of new rail; 150 buildings to be made more energy efficient.

The mayor also talked about the other side of the equation: the steady “withdrawal” of state and federal funding that has created the infrastructure crisis.

The pressure tactic didn’t work with Quinn, who accused the mayor of “putting the cart before the horse” and spending casino cash he doesn’t have.

On Thursday, the mayor fired back on that point, too. Emanuel argued that he had shared the wish list with Quinn — and it was the governor who encouraged City Hall to make it public.

“I told him beforehand that this was how I was gonna use the money, and he asked me to lay it out specifically, which I’ve done,” the mayor said.

* But the Tribune reports that the governor’s office is saying they never asked the mayor to do any such thing

Quinn’s office denied the mayor’s contention that the governor had asked Emanuel to release a spending list for gambling proceeds.

* Heck, the two offices can’t even agree on how many times they’ve met this summer

Since the Legislature adjourned at the end of May, Emanuel has met with Quinn as few as three times or as many as five, depending upon which side is counting. The controversial casino legislation passed by lawmakers this spring has come up during each meeting, both sides acknowledge.

* And the mayor’s office was apparently not pleased with this Quinn comment, either

The governor’s office also pushed back by saying Quinn wouldn’t make a “rush to judgment” and approve the [casino] measure in light of the “parking-meter fiasco,” a reference to Daley’s unpopular long-term lease of the city meters.

The reference to the parking-meter controversy was viewed unfavorably in the new mayor’s shop. A frustrated Emanuel said he “will not allow Chicago’s future to be held hostage because the state obviously has other financial issues and their resources have been drying up over the years.”

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  1. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:32 am:

    As it stands right now, Rahm has a better record than Quinn on truth telling (c.f. Tax Increases, Union Agreements).

  2. - Irish - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:35 am:

    If you watch real close you can see the strings going from Ed Burke’s hands to PQ’s arms and legs.

  3. - Niles Township - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:36 am:

    Quinn’s only card right now is the casino bill, and he is fully playing his hand. Once this deal is done, the Emanuel/Cullerton with a occasional Madigan axis will fully come into play. Gaming will get done with a beefed up gaming commission and no slots at the airports.

  4. - Cassiopeia - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:36 am:

    I am inclined to believe the mayor. The Governor has great difficulty with the truth. It has gotten to the point were you could almost say that he is a serial liar.

  5. - ZC - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:39 am:


    What does Ed Burke get out of stalling the casino negotiations, in your opinion? Making Emanuel look bad? Extracting … what, as a concession?

    That’s an interesting angle you’ve got there, but what did your comment mean?

  6. - G Whiz - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:44 am:

    They’re both Chicago politicians, right? Nobody really expects either one of them to tell the truth.

  7. - Leroy - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:45 am:

    Wow…this casino thing is turning into something Bleeping Golden for Pat Quinn..

    Of course, if PQ swings any deals before signing the bill into law, he’s violating the law just like Blago did with the racetrack bills, right?

  8. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:47 am:

    At this point is this just Pat trying to set himself up as ‘having stood up to Chicago’ to improve his standing downstate?

  9. - Stooges - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 10:50 am:

    Leroy - if this were Blago he’d be asking horse track owners and casino wannabe owners for campaign contributions before he’d sign it. Blago wanted something for him personally for every official action he took. Quinn can make deals on changes in language, revisions to the bill, etc, that’s hardly illegal.

  10. - Aldyth - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 11:06 am:

    We actually have an elected official stating exactly what he would do with money in way that lends itself to accountability? Is Quinn trying to discourage accountability?

    Never mind. I answered my own question.


  11. - Dirt Digger - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 11:34 am:

    I think I speak for all observers when I say no one is accusing Quinn of rushing. Or judgment.

  12. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 11:47 am:

    This is typical Quinn, so I’m surprised Emanuel would react so aggressively. Either way, this kind of childish back and forth doesn’t help either side.

  13. - Leroy - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 12:04 pm:

    “Leroy - if this were Blago he’d be asking horse track owners and casino wannabe owners for campaign contributions before he’d sign it.”

    How do we PQ is not doing the same thing? Do we have his phone tapped?

  14. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 12:35 pm:

    Quinn is a bumbler and hem-and-haw specialist but to say he is controlled by Ed Burke is the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.

  15. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 2:15 pm:

    I’m pretty sure that Quinn’s strings are all knotted…

  16. - mokenavince - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 6:59 pm:

    Quinn dithers while Illinois burns,what ever he touches turns to salt. Only 3 long years of this kind of leadership. After this Rahm,John and Mike
    will be doing the dealing. Quinn is truly the Gov
    as in Blazing Saddles.Work Work Work !

  17. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Aug 22, 11 @ 7:52 pm:

    Hey you two–I hate to sound like your Mothers but–get on the same page on this thing already and bring in the darn Casino–nobody’s benefiting from this back n’ forth playground, adolescent-type banter–you both insist you want to create good jobs for Illinoisans and Chicagoans while generating more revenue to help a LOT of folks out who are still hurting due to this near-Depression we’ve been dealing with since 2009–for the sake of all of us, cut the “one-upmanship” stuff already and work it out! And Governor–most everyone I’ve talked to (I know, who am I?)–don’t necessarily like it (you know, morally, etc.) but does want at least the CHICAGO Casino, if not a COUPLE more of ‘em in Illinois to GIVE PEOPLE WORK! Let’s do it already!!!

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