Madigan and Boehner, sitting in a tree
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * People are certainly all atwitter about this Sun-Times story…
Madigan’s spokesman said he didn’t contribute to Boehner and was at the leadership fund event as a guest of Terry Duffy, who has repeatedly said that he’s considering moving part of CME’s operations out of Illinois. Speaker Madigan skipped Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair last week and was a no-show for President Obama’s Illinois visit the same day. But that was a week or so after Boehner’s event. By then, he was on vacation, as was US Sen. Dick Durbin, who was also a no-show for both events, but obviously didn’t go to Boehner’s shindig. Madigan is not a party builder, except when it comes to his own legislative chamber. He is perhaps the oddest Democratic chairman of any state. Then again if he did get more involved in local party building activites, he’d almost definitely get whacked for trying to extend his “evil tentacles.” * The Sun-Times found a hostile Democrat to comment on Madigan’s attendance…
So, the Speaker of the Illinois House meets the Speaker of the US House. Your thoughts?
- bored now - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:37 am:
there are people in illinois who swear that madigan is really a republican. not me (i’m from the south, where we know what a real conservative democrat is, but i have real difficulty identifying democrats by an ideology up here), although these appearances (or lack thereof) do nothing to tarnish that suggestion…
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:39 am:
Maybe Madigan is looking to do some charity work by becoming chair of the IL GOP. Republicans would finally have some competent leadership in Illinois.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:43 am:
“Speaker Madigan skipped Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair last week and was a no-show for President Obama’s Illinois visit the same day.”
Mike is a smart fella. He knew the golf course would be open when Obama was at the event.
- Louis Howe - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:43 am:
I remember the number Speaker Madigan did on Sen. Vince Demuzio back in the late 80s. Vince was making headway in establishing a viable Democratic Party and the competition didn’t sit well with the Speaker. Madigan has never been a “Party Guy”, in any sense of the word. I doubt whether Speaker Madigan has much respect for Obama, and I know he doesn’t for Quinn.
- 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:44 am:
Part of being a Politician is the Politics, and Madigan needs to be sure he is attending events he is expected to be at, especially when he’s attending events that he does not have to be at.
Madigan does not seem to be following the program too well here.
- walkinfool - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:45 am:
So CME Chairman Duffy has a pro-GOP agenda. Good to keep in mind when he criticizes Illinois. As for MJM, his mysteries never cease. Is he ascending into a post-party alternate reality?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:48 am:
The outrage over the Boehner meeting is beyond silly. Every politician wants the ear of the U.S. House Speaker, or should.
- Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:49 am:
If I were Boehner I’d be worried about the tea partiers finding out I was hanging with an Illinois Democrat. I don’t think Madigan is terribly worried about his image.
- PublicServant - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:50 am:
Madigan activated his Republican Sleeper Cell Self this previous session, and was just reporting into his keeper for further instructions.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:50 am:
“A post-party alternate reality?”
The Combine was always post-party. Were Jim Thompson and Speaker Hastert also there?
- Highland, IL - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:51 am:
I wish more politicians would follow the Speaker’s example of reaching across the aisle. The current hyper-partisian atmosphere has not served the common taxpayer well these last 10 years.
- Lawrence Curlymoe - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:52 am:
Who else was there? Does Duffy play whac-a-mole?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:52 am:
Reach across the aisle, yes. But attend a fundraiser for the national leader of the opposing party?
- Chevy owner/Ford County - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:55 am:
Mike Madigan….Illinois Democrats’ own little Joe Lieberman.
- Loop Lady - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:55 am:
Let’s see if anyone in IL Democratic Party leadership calls Mike out on this…I’ll bet no one does ‘cuz they’re all so afraid of the consequences…this man has way too much power and needs to lose his election after the remap…
he is quite the strategist and is probably angling for his post Speaker future…
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:00 am:
Did Boehner call out Madigan at the event Madigan was invited to? Oh, that would be Obama to Paul Ryan.
Boehner is the third highest elected official in the US. Madigan was smart to try a grip and grin with the guy.
- Flem Snopes - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:01 am:
No need for either Speaker to apologize to anyone. Some jobs are tough to do on your own and other jobs aren’t worth doin’.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:07 am:
I hate it when Ds and Rs speak to each other, and especially when they meet face to face. Our country works best when each side thinks the other is evil and refuses to cooperate. I also hate politicians who attend events with business people threatening to move jobs out of this State. Snark intended
- bored now - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:10 am:
Cincinnatus: your logic fails seeing that madigan wasn’t smart enough to “try a grip and grin with” the president. i’d lay money on speculation that there are a lot more people in illinois who stand with the president than who even know who is john boehner…
- Way Way Down Here - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:14 am:
Time and again, the Speaker has shown himself to be one shrewd dude. There is a play here no doubt; we just don’t know what it is yet.
- L.S. - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:16 am:
Yawn. This makes for an easy thing for his detractors to howl about but it’s much ado about nothing. They are both legislative leaders at the top of their profession, I’m sure they speak the same language and have things in common. People make too much of the partisan angle. It’s a big shot dinner, so big shots show up and hob nob. For what it’s worth, I’ve seen Madigan at more than one Dem members fundraiser in the past couple years.
What’s funnier to me is the “hostile Democrat” the paper finds is the same lightweight squawker they always find, one again yelling from the cheap seats about a job they could never themselves do as well as he has.
- Wilson Pickett - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:16 am:
Maybe they were simply old college friends from way back before either of them got too serious about partisan politics? Just think if Boehner had attended a fundraiser for Mike Madigan! Now, that would have really got tongues wagging. However, if I find out that Boehner later attends a fundraiser for Pat Quinn, then I will be begin to believe John Kass and his “tinfoil hat” theory about “the combine”.
- Hank - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:17 am:
Since MM is from Illinois he has never seen a real Republican in the flesh and took the opportunity to observe one
- Mr. Grassroots - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:19 am:
Yeah, Rich is right. Madigan is an odd sort. His focus is electing the House over and over again and he does do that. Probably needs or wants something from Boehner, although I can’t imagine what Boehner could give him in view of the political climate today. I hope Madigan had a nice time!
- too obvious - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:20 am:
If Boehner wanted some intelligent political conversation in Illinois, who is he supposed to talk to? One of the gop masters of disaster? Please.
- Alexander cut the knot. - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:22 am:
Being a Republican and Democrat should be about a given point of view on certain issues, not about a line in the sand “us vs them” attitued on all issues. So, Ok for Madigan. But if someone thinks it should be a a line in the sand, it is still ok because you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer still.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:24 am:
There really are two different issues here:
1. Was Madigan wrong to attend?
2. Has Madigan done enough for state Dems?
On the first, as long as he’s not writing a check, I’m glad to see Madigan attend. I think we need more of that sort of thing. Having a drink in the same room as the other side is a good thing. I don’t want him writing a check to the other side of course but filling a crowd and talking to the same people is a good idea.
2. Has he done enough? Of course not. We all know that he cares about his chamber only. That’s not what we want from a State Party Chair. The State Party is a party in name only. It does not function in any way as a state party. It provides no real support to anybody.
- John Houston - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:28 am:
Maybe the IL Speaker noticed someone uninvited in the barn and went to protect our interests, or somethin’ like that.
Would you turn away Speaker Madigan if he showed up at your home? If you’re of the same station, seems easier to act as if everything is goin’ as planned.
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:32 am:
So what? He didn’t buy the ticket. The more inter-action between the parties the better.
- Houston's Cow - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:34 am:
Boehner’s not that bad. It’s just dinner. It could lead to more, but nothing wrong with sharing some meal.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:34 am:
Funny the Capt Fax does not name the C team strategist…..
Funny it took the media two weeks to catch up to this Global exclusive….
Funny that there were more GOPers whining last week about why someone invited Madigan to take time away from their limited time to worship Speaker Boehner…..
Funny that Boehner was able to stuff $750K into his pockets, but the doomed remap suit filers could only get $150K when they used him as their celebrity
- 44 - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:35 am:
A lot of people are overlooking the obvious. Madigan didn’t attend this event because he really, really wanted to meet Boehner, he was there to get in a room full of people with a ton of money and an interest in donating large amounts of it to politicians. If you think that there weren’t people in that room who have a history (and future) of giving money to Democrats as well as Republicans, you don’t know the game very well. (Even if some of those attendees are raging, foam-at-the-mouth Tea Party partisans, having met Madigan might give them pause in 2012 when Tom Cross uses Madigan’s name to scare up donations.)
By meeting his opponents’ potential donors head on, Madigan is working from the same playbook that brought all that Stand for Children money for Dems in 2010.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:39 am:
First, I see nothing wrong in attending the Boehner event. It could be that Madigan wants to try and smooth over the lawsuit. Doubtful, but Madigan also didn’t go hard after the downstate House and Congressional caucus. Who knows? Maybe he wanted a free meal.
Second, if the IL Dems are so worried about it, they need to stand up to Madigan and depose him of his chairmanship and/or the House Dems need to prop someone up to run against him. Yes, Madigan controls the purse strings, but a lot of that is due to his Speakership. Pressure has sometimes worked at the national level. I can’t say a coup would work the same in Illinois but people either need to put up or shut up with it comes to Speaker Madigan.
- anon - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:40 am:
Was Cross there?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:41 am:
===Funny the Capt Fax does not name…===
Yeah, you’re right. Changed.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:44 am:
Boehner’s not that bad. It’s just dinner.
LOL! Reminds me of that dating service with all those radio ads.
- no more game4me - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:11 pm:
L.S. and 44 nailed it right on the head and I’ll add another observation:
If I’m not mistaken Terry Duffy is originally from Beverly and his family was very involved politically for years. Given the makeup of Beverly, this probably involved support for culturally conservative/organization Democrats back in the day.
Duffy also is the head of the CME. Despite consolidation with the Board of Trade and a major shift away from the traditional “open outcry” system (which has naturally been taking place around the world as tech improves) they are still a major employer not just for Chicago but associated industries throughout the state.
Duffy invites Madigan and, as much as the lefties want to deny it, MJM cares about retaining jobs in Illinois and as 44 said, I am certain there were many there who give to both sides.
So he goes - does not contribute. Somehow that is wrong? Am I missing something?
As to the hostile Democrat–as L.S. said, I laugh out loud each time she’s quoted. No issues there, of course. /snark
- MikeP - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:11 pm:
The folks who should be upset aren’t the Dems, the IL GOP leaders and the donors should be upset. I’d assume Duffy invited Madigan to show his “pull” and Madigan thought it was a way to 1) compliment Duffy (and keep the campaign cash flowing) 2) muddy the event for the IL GOP. I think MM is far passed having to prove that he is a real Dem.
However, it really put Pat Brady and Tom Cross in an awkward position, assuming they were there. Also, don’t you think that a few donors may have been a little uneasy? While they’ll appear on donor reports, having MM staring at you (knowing you shelled out a bunch of $$$) was likely an uncomfortable position for some of the donors.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:27 pm:
Madigan’s baiting the Rs…or, maybe not. Either way, the result will be the same: Kirk will get confused and show up at the next big Obama fundraiser, check in hand and press in tow.
- wow - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:34 pm:
Fact the speaker does not care about anything but keeping his majority and gaining a super majority in the House. Dems face it you elected a person as your chairmen who does not care about other Dems now get over this meeting! I mean Mayor Daley was close to GW Bush!!!
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:41 pm:
Thanks Capt Faxo for catching that little omission
Gotta laugh when Madigan is accused of not being for party building after electing Ds of all shapes and sizes in all regions of the state up and down the ballot. Just ask Daniels, Cross, Tristano, US Chamber of Commerce, Ed Murnane, et al. for a little comment
Sometimes it seems this mean Madigan does not want to spend campaign cash on candidates who are not work oriented, bring more baggage that a Samsonite sales team or are running in areas where demographics register kamakazi on the winnablity scale.
Perhaps Madigan put the death stare on Boehner and IL will send 18 Ds to Congress in the “Drive for 25″
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:43 pm:
===. Dems face it you elected a person as your chairmen who does not care about other Dems===
While I do not disagree, you’re forgetting something pretty important. Except for the congressional level last year, Democratic candidates tend to do fairly well in Illinois regardless of MJM’s involvement. And then, of course, MJM and Cullerton drew a new congressional map that is heavily partisan.
How much more do y’all want to control, anyway? Will you not be satisfied until places like Iroquois County turn “blue”? And is it Madigan’s fault that the county is so solidly Republican?
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:44 pm:
You know, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:50 pm:
“I mean Mayor Daley was close to GW Bush!!!”
Yeah…define “close”. If push came to shove at some point, I wonder whether the Bush family would rally to defend Daley. They’re a pretty loyal lot when it comes to their friends. What do you think…if push came to shove.
- Way Way Down Here - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:56 pm:
===Will you not be satisfied until places like Iroquois County turn “blue”?===
I’d be heading for the hills. That would be a “sign” of biblical significance.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 1:29 pm:
Am I the only partisan in Illinois not to get upset that the Speaker of the U.S. House and the Speaker of the IL House were present at the same event?
Why is everyone running for their cardiac medication?
I mean, was it a life changing moment for both men? Will MJM change his ways now that he met Boehner? Will Boehner change his ways now that he has met MJM?
- The Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:28 pm:
I tend to agree with the commenters who suggest that there was a pragmatic reason Madigan attended. Could be part of a play to keep CME in Chicago, could be related to Midway — but definitely a pragmatic reason. Madigan probably didn’t expect this to get press play, but then again he doesn’t really care what the press says about him.
- Poiktical Junkie - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:36 pm:
I dont know what the big deal is, maybe MJM was just in the mood for a good party and this was the one he ended up at. That is of course doubtful, but no matter his reason who cares its just a meal.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:38 pm:
Rich, I get your point about turning a place like Iriquois County blue, but Howard Dean was pilloried in 2005 for putting operatives in every state and the Dems won back the U.S. House and Senate in 2006. Granted, Bush’s presidency played a big role in that takeover, but having people and organizations in place were necessary for GOTV, local media buys, party building, etc. I grate when I hear my GOP “leaders” whine about Chicago. If we actually put more stock and assigned more folks to be there during non-election times, we might actually make some headway.
- bored now - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:39 pm:
a lot of heaving and hoeing here. first of all, there is nothing inherently wrong with what madigan did. but the optics suck. if madigan hadn’t thrown democrats overboard last year with the coordinated campaign, or basically turned the democratic party of illinois into an unofficial “build my house majority” committee, then there’d be little to complain about here. madigan’s supporters would be hard-pressed to convince anybody here that he tried to help alexi’s campaign (which, if he had, might have seen alexi’s election to the senate) or other democrats running for office in the last 12 years. i can understand the speaker’s distance from rod, but durbin (just to name one; we needn’t even mention his feelings about the president)??? come on, man!
but rich raises a valid point:
=== MJM and Cullerton drew a new congressional map that is heavily partisan ===
absolutely. and, as kwame and others would tell you, i’ve thanked everyone i know of who was involved in such a wonderful product (when i see them). since i don’t run into the speaker, i’ll thank him here: thanks! i certainly appreciate the map…
- Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:47 pm:
I just hope Madigan taught him a thing or two about being ruthless, and told him to never cry in public again.
- no more game4me - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:59 pm:
Bored — re: Alexi- that is what the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is for. And they ran many ads. So did many other 3rd party groups. Having more door knockers ask people to vote for Alexi would NOT have decided the election for Alexi.
Alexi lost because his credentials were in shambles after the family bank failed. This would have been bad enough, but was made worse due to the fact Alexi advertised and talked about that bank ad nauseum 4 years ago. Oops. It didn’t help that the same bank made loans to questionable figures.
The President even cut commercials for Alexi. I believe he came to Illinois for at least one appearance. Alexi still lost.
MJM’s efforts or lack thereof made 0 difference on the outcome. “Tried to help his campaign”? Alexi couldn’t help himself, and if you can’t help yourself in politics, no one else can.
I know the way left people in the party have a difficult time understanding this, but they need to stop blaming others and look at their own failings.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:04 pm:
No game,
I think part of the job of a good party chair is to attract good candidates and then see that they win primaries.
If Madigan had put muscle behind Hynes, then Hynes would have won comfortably in November as opposed to the squeaker that it was.
A good party chair would have seen that Alexi was damaged and found an alternative (although even with his screw ups, Kirk would have been tough to beat).
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:07 pm:
===If Madigan had put muscle behind Hynes===
Imagine the uproar if MJM backed Hynes against a sitting governor. And imagine the legislative consequences if Hynes then went on to lose the primary. One war a decade is enough, I think.
- Tough Guy - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:11 pm:
Maybe Madigan wanted to know what tanning bed is best?
- siriusly - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:12 pm:
So what I say. Sorry Ms. Kurth and the other whiny Demos, but part of governing is talking to the leaders in the other party.
Did Emil Jones, Madigan or Blago ever meet with Denny Hastert when he was the GOP Speaker of the House? What’s the difference?
Boehner probably spends very little time in IL and we know that Madigan is never in DC. Quinn is probably to afraid to talk to the orange face, so I commend Madigan for meeting with him.
Talking between the parties is part of the job. Sorry, but as a Democrat I see this as a non-issue. I get that its interesting, but I don’t see it as a problem.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:17 pm:
Rich, I think you assume that Madigan could not have made it a one horse race. Again, I think that is part of the job of somebody as party chair.
Sometimes a leader needs to lead. Convincing a sitting gov. that his former running mate is too much baggage is part of the job.
The bottom line is that we keep hearing how powerful the Speaker is. Outside the House though, I haven’t seen it. I would not want to run for the House without his blessing. Other than that, I wouldn’t give the Speaker much thought.
- bored now - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:20 pm:
no more game4me: i truly get a kick out of how the madigan boys are quick to say things like “they need to stop blaming others and look at their own failings.” who’s blaming madigan?
the irony here is that my introduction to cap fax was in 2005 where y’all (the madigan boys) took great delight in giving me crap because i helped organize canvassing in milwaukee where we knocked on more than 10,000 doors. why didn’t i bring those peeps down to peoria, i was repeatedly asked, as if saving some broadly disliked house incumbent was more important than taking back the white house.
i don’t need to blame mike madigan. his time as the unquestioned worst democratic party chair in the country speaks for itself. period. the fact that this doesn’t matter one iota to madigan’s peeps also speaks for itself. it’s almost like we are supposed to apologize for supporting (other) democrats…
- David Ormsby - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:06 pm:
The Speaker is from an era when Democrats and Republicans routinely dined together, a time in which a more civilized approach to the business was the norm and a dinner not news.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:25 pm:
Some might argue that today’s perception–true or not–is that the meals took place in “smoke-filled” back rooms, so they’d hardly call the approach “civilized”. True or false, good or bad, perception is perception–and it’s sometimes very difficult to turn a sow’s ear, no matter how big, into a silk purse.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:30 pm:
===perception is perception===
One of my top pet peeves.
- Kasich Walker, Jr. - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:34 pm:
Didn’t anyone have a camera and mic?
I wanna know when and where the paparazzi pass out free passes.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:37 pm:
I understand, but tell me that you believe Illinois, and specifically Chicago, voters think of “civilized’ dining experiences among politicians when they look at recent history–and not smoke-filled back rooms.
- Kasich Walker, Jr. - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:38 pm:
Raise revenue with smoked filled rooms and commercialization of marijuana.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:48 pm:
Bored now knocked on doors in Milwaukee….lame. signed Madigan boy
- Steve - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:49 pm:
Why was Madigan there? Only Madigan knows the real answer but here’s two guestimates. 1) The CME just might move out of state , so sucking up to Duffy and cutting a deal might be an important goal for Madigan. 2) The public pension problem in Illinois could be even worse than what’s reported. Mike Madigan would know. What if the Republicans control the White House and Congress after 2013? Are they going to want to bailout Chicago and Illinois’ pensions? Establishing a relationship with Boehner might make things a little more easier as Illinois declines.
- dave - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:09 pm:
Are they going to want to bailout Chicago and Illinois’ pensions? Establishing a relationship with Boehner might make things a little more easier as Illinois declines.
LOL… so because Madigan might have some kind of relationship with Boehner, they are all of a sudden going to magically bail out IL’s pension systems?
- bored now - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:11 pm:
David Ormsby: while i certainly would love to see us return to the days of more civil debate, i don’t see madigan or boehner exemplifying that.
Steve: imagining that john boehner is going to bail out chicago (or illinois) or even any state’s public pensions shows a profound naivete of today’s gop in washington. one would hope that the speaker isn’t that naive. i’d actually be shocked if he even entertained the thought…
- Responsa - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:12 pm:
This is one of the most eye-opening comment sections ever on CapFax. Comments suggesting inside baseball intrigue and double dealings. Comments stoked by slights, hurt feelings and old grudges. Hey, how ’bout maybe Speaker Madigan just likes chicken dinners and enjoys rubbing elbows in a relaxed social setting with other pols and influential Illinoisans.
It’s nice, though, to see Iroquois County get some attention in print.
- Dirt Digger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:14 pm:
Speaking as a Democratic consultant I am deeply disappointed that the Kurth quote was the best professional whack at Madigan the Sun-Times could find. Not even a joke about mixing apples with orange? Nothing?
They should call me next time, I’ll at least go for humor.
- fan of 'Bored Now' - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:21 pm:
While I believe Speaker Madigan had several motives for attending. Often he is too shrewd, intelligent, and sophicated for me and others to fully comprehend. I don’t blame the MJM for meeting with the other Speaker.
However, I suspect MJM and Obama do not care for one another either professionally and or personally. Obama ran in the Senate, not the House. Obama was Emil’s protoge. (We know the relationship Jones and Madigan had.) You are the Illinois Democratic Chairman and the US President, who is an Illinois Democrat, comes to your state and you can’t be seen with him publically - what does that say.
It’s no secret who runs the show in Illinois. My fellow Democrats, just relax, because as much as we gripe about MJM, we all know he makes the laws and controls the puppet strings. If you, or I, or an organizations, want to help out a Democrat in the Illinois House or SENATE, just remember that any donation over $2500 must go through Mike Madigan’s hands first - and it can be redirected.
- Kitty Kurth - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:29 pm:
I have been called many things - bossy, opinionated, partisan (most deservedly) but whiny or hostile? Seriously? Clearly we have never met. But for any one who thinks I am whiny or hostile, drop me a line. Come out from hiding behind the fake names and I will buy you a beer and we can talk it out.
BTW, the issue is that Mr. Madigan is the State Democratic Party Chair. In 49 other states that means that the Chariman supports Democrats. Goes to Democratic events (like those held by a Democratic President and Democratic Governor) and builds the Democratic party. That is the job description of State Democratic Party Chair, not my interpretation.