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Question of the day

Wednesday, Aug 24, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* On a scale of one to ten, with one being the worst and ten being the best, rate House Republican Leader Tom Cross’ job performance.

Take the poll and then please explain your answer in comments…


  1. - PaGo - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:51 am:

    Gave him a 4. Just don’t think he’s LED the way I think he could. I know it’s difficult, being at such a minority disadvantage. But he’s a stand up guy who I think can increase his number with some time.

  2. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:55 am:

    An okay guy, but nothing really accomplished, same as our other leaders. a four

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:56 am:

    6 for coming to the table, rolling up his sleeves and getting into the game with the new budget/approps process. He could have allowed his caucus to remain on the sidelines, but instead he helped lead the way in transforming the legislative budget process. Actions speak louder than words, and Cross finally took some action.

  4. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:06 pm:

    I gave him a 4. Look at the state of his caucus, and Republicans in general. Not good. I would have given him a 7 if he would have joined the Senate Republicans earlier in creating a framework to reduce spending in the budget. I would have given him a 9 if he and the Senate Republicans had generated an alternate budget to the Democrats, and pushed it to at least get some publicity. Just saying no is not a viable strategy in the current political environment.

  5. - 1776 - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:40 pm:

    2. Really lacks leadership and focus while having an absolutely brutal political operation. Alienated Senate Republicans so doesn’t have a natural ally to work with on issues.

    Led the lemmings off the cliff on Workmans Compensation and couldn’t deliver his caucus on pension reform which should be a GOP issue.

  6. - The Southern - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:40 pm:

    As I said yesterday:


    The state is in sad shape in three areas economcically, fiscally, and regulatory.

    The same faces collectively still have unfettered control.

    The “leaders” therefore earn a 0 individually and collectively. Since 0 is not an option, 1 is being generous.”

  7. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:44 pm:

    Rated 1 only because that’s as low as it goes.

    Come on, the guy was on the golf course on election day this past November. That summarizes as well as anything Cross’ complete irrelevance and total lack of seriousness.

    Sure, the HRO won back a few seats last year in the best GOP environment nationally in decades. But those were mostly seats that were drawn R ten yrs ago and that shouldn’t have been lost by Cross in the first place.

    Cross is the best leader the Democrats ever had.

  8. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:46 pm:


  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 12:54 pm:

    I gave Tom a 3.

    Tomm Cross is my State Rep., and Tom does a “passable” job for the district. However, with his leadership position, he does NOT vote consistently for the district as often as he votes consistently for whatever he is fighting Madigan on…

    that being said….

    Golfing on Election Day …

    The “Discipline” against Biggins and Bill Black and what “message” he was sending about retiring members versus the caucus ….

    HGOP Staff v. HDEM Staff in running races AND the recruitment of “able” candidates to WIN races … AND … allocations of any/all resources CORRECTLY ….

    And, let us not forget Cross’ role in governor’s race ( backing the former ILGOP Chair) and then not ensuring the ILGOP had all it needed for Bill Brady to save the map, which, by the way, is one of the main factors Tom Cross is, and will be, stuck as Minority Leader for the forseeable future.

    I am being generous with a 3, but let’s be quite clear; the map he has now is completely a result of a great Golf Day … and a complete lack of support for the “greater good” of a Bill Brady win, versus being petty (ala Lee A. Daniels) and the “cutting your nose to spite your face” leadership, only Daniels himself could love.

    The “coup” promised leadership … not perpetual Minority-ship!


  10. - mokenavince - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 1:26 pm:

    I gave him a 3 I just don’t think his leadership
    is there. Republicans pick of Brady was a disaster
    the primary showed big holes in Republican leadership.Cross, McKenna both have showen they also don’t have a clue how much Worker Comp is killing job’s in Illinois. For Godsake they let Quinn beat them.

  11. - shore - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 1:50 pm:

    I would give him an F, we read 0 about him in the papers and he seems like a total nonfactor at a time when other republican statehouse leaders around the region have been retaking legislatures and driving major agendas.

  12. - Ahoy - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:02 pm:

    Gave him a 2, I was feeling generous. I’m not sure what the guy actually does. He doesn’t help pass legislation, he doesn’t help get his people elected and I’m not sure why he’s even the minority leader. Can’t really see the Republican’s gaining much ground with him in charge.

    Oh, and ticking off Madigan in last year’s elections (billboards) while on the golf course was just plain stupid. If you’re going to make Madigan mad, you better defeat him.

  13. - railrat - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:04 pm:

    I gave Tom a 4 he really is a great guy a tremendous father but he has a Frat Boy mentality …and sometimes its just time to pass the batton

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:07 pm:

    I gave him a 4 primarily for participating with Madigan last session to keep spending down. Without that, it would be lower.

    2010 was a huge year for the GOP in state legislatures, but Illinois missed the boat. Given the GOP congressional success and Brady’s near-miss, you can’t argue that Illinois is too blue to make headway in the GA. Someone has to wear the jacket for the failure.

  15. - Its Just Me - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:14 pm:

    5- He has the impossible job of being the loyal opposition, as well as handle the Tea Party idiots and the moderate Republicans in his caucus, while all at the same time trying to solve real problems.

  16. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:20 pm:

    Cross was joined at the hip with former Minority-Leader-in-Perpetuity Lee A. Daniels, to the point that they were even housemates.

    Then Cross pulls off the coup. While I detested the Daniels/Tristano regime, I thought it brought up troubling aspects to Cross’ character. But then I decided that it had to be better. Tom promised big changes, but he seems to resemble Daniels more and more as time goes by.

    It’s amazing to me that key personnel from the Daniels days remain in the Cross political operation.

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:29 pm:

    I have to agree with OW’s comments. Partisanship is not the reason I gave all of the leaders and the Gov. a 1. They get a 1 because in spite of everything that has gone on they have done nothing.

    An income tax increase was a small step but without a real plan of what to do with that money, a solid bipartisan backed blueprint to show exactly where that money will be spent and a total moratorium on members initiatives until the fiscal state of the state is better, it is only a first step. Without those leaders acting together to get our state out of the whole THEY put us in, we have no future. And they don’t get that. So they get a one.

  18. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:30 pm:

    3. Actually cooperating, although I feel like Madigan made it too easy, was a nice display of how things should work. Other than that, I have nothing positive to say about the way Cross generally leads his caucus. I may have given a 4 if it weren’t for the ridiculous stance on borrowing to pay down overdue bills. From another angle, I almost wanted to give him a 10 for being so inept at beating the Dems that I don’t have to worry too much about the GOP taking over the house.

  19. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    A 3. I wanted to rank him higher because I think he’s personally likable (infinitely more so than MJM) and I appreciated his personal courage on the medical marijuana vote, but even on that he was so ineffective that he couldn’t even ensure enough of his members voted with him for that vote to carry the day.

  20. - titan - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    Wait…what?…There is a Republican left in Illinois?

    Who knew?

  21. - in the 'ville - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:43 pm:

    4 Proud member of the GOP but he needs to LEAD. I know the cards are stacked against him but he could do so much better if he would just provide better leadership in all areas!

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:52 pm:

    I forgot about medical marijuana, my college self gives him a 7 (he hasn’t said legalize it). My current self gives him a 3 for many of the above stated reasons.

  23. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 2:57 pm:

    Cross 3, Quinn 3, Cullerton 5, and Madigan an 8, but the polls were different. Earlier polls were specific to the last year. I gave Rahm a number too but the only number that matters for him is 79%. Someone should share those approval numbers with Quinn.

  24. - Tough Guy - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:03 pm:

    (3)Unfortunately by being in the minority he doesn’t have much of a chance to shine on any issues. While generalities might make for nice sound bites, he nor any of the Republicans have come up with significant detailed spending cuts.

  25. - Get Real - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:12 pm:

    I gave him a nine….not one House Republican voted for the tax increase-that is leadership.

  26. - Seriously??? - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:40 pm:

    Not voting for the tax increase isn’t leadership - it’s politics.

  27. - Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:42 pm:

    Not voting for the tax increase is standing by your principles. That’s leadership.

  28. - Seriously??? - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:52 pm:

    The standard GOP rallying cry of no new revenues is nothing but politics. And what’s worse, is most of those Republicans know it.

  29. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 3:54 pm:

    - Not voting for the tax increase is standing by your principles. That’s leadership. -

    Ok, why didn’t they refuse to agree to a budget that used proceeds from said tax increase? Shouldn’t they have refused any budget that didn’t refund the extra revenue if they really wanted to stand on principle?

  30. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:04 pm:

    i agree the tax vote was a sign of leadership…good or bad. A few of Cross’s members were open to the idea and he made sure to nix that. Although I am sure that wasn’t difficult, because as the previous commenters know TAXES ARE BAD, Republicans and things like freedom, liberty,the way things used to be and our founding fathers are good. Even inaccurate accounts of our founding fathers are now stump worthy.

  31. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:19 pm:

    Man, he got some harsh votes…

    I gave Tom a 5. He and his staff impressed me last year. Yes, it was a good GOP year downstate, but we still picked up 6 seats. That was a pretty good showing, especially considering the Senate GOP only picked up 2 seats and lost some winnable races. Tom recruited some good candidates.

    But I don’t see Tom as much of a “leader”. His caucus at times feels loosey-goosey and he doesn’t seem to inspire much fire (unintentional rhyme) in his caucus members’ bellies.

  32. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:47 pm:

    I gave him a 1. He is just as ineffective as Quinn is, so fair’s fair.

  33. - reformer - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 4:48 pm:

    Cross became leader as a reformer, adopting a voluntary term limit of ten years. That was quietly repealed a year or two ago.

    Cross played footsie with Gov. Blago, embracing the former governor’s huge gambling bill.

    Cross is steadily losing ground in the state’s largest county. Seats held by the GOP for generations went Democratic on his watch and aren’t going back. Think of Reps Crespo, Mussman, Biss & Farnham. Chances are Cross will lose more seats in Cook next year. Mathias is in jeopardy. How long can Mulligan hang on?

    The GOP gains last year will be short-term. Long-term prospects are grim. Cross gets an F.

  34. - Dirt Digger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:02 pm:

    The state has not yet descended into a Minnesota/federal-style gridlock (at least, because of Cross). Frankly if I didnt read this blog I wouldn’t even know he exists.

    So on the basis of him being not my party, but also that the best elected official is one who goes unnoticed, I give him a 5.

  35. - railrat - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:16 pm:

    LincolnLounger from 2:20 VERY ASTUTE ….. BINGO !!!!

  36. - Thoughts... - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 5:22 pm:

    I gave him a 4, but it was only that high because he actually worked with Dems on the budget.

    Past that, he’s been a poster boy for the Party of No. They’re really good at saying that, but not so good at offering real solutions or alternatives.

    Golf Day…ridiculous, of course…that alone should’ve resulted in him losing his leadership position. Somebody said picking up 6 seats was a good day for him. Maybe it was for him, but in that environment, any competent leader should’ve been able to actually challenge for the majority. Politically, Cross is guilty of gross malpractice.

  37. - Capital View - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 6:02 pm:

    I feel the very opposite of LincolnLounger.

    Cross recently appointed Scott Reimers his chief of staff. Reimers is the anti-Tristano. He has integrity, and the republicans in the Madigan dominated Democratic climate have to establish themselves as the honest brokers, the willing to compromise Republicans, and not succumb to the rants of the Tea Party far right conservatives who dominate the discussion in the weekly caucuses that Cross initiated.

    Show me the House Republican who could do a better job than Cross right now. Jack Franks (sic)?

  38. - Lefty - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 6:04 pm:

    Anonymous is too opinionated. That’s my opinion.

  39. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 7:16 pm:

    Attacking an income tax increase (that he of course really wanted) to try and score political points, while at the same time crowing about a budget deal that of course heavily relied upon that same tax increase that he wouldn’t put his name on, is about as opposite of leadership as you can get. It’s called being a complete phony, and incredibly dishonest.

  40. - Lance Stevens - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 7:22 pm:

    he won 6 seats with Brady at the head of the ticket… why isn’t anyone trying to wrestle leadership from him? total dysfunctional caucus and party.. I’m giving him a 9

  41. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 10:41 pm:

    =Anonymous is too opinionated. That’s my opinion.=

    lol. Which one? This one hasn’t even stated an opinion yet.

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