Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Campaign update and a police report
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Today is Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair, so let’s do a GOP-related question. The setup is a quote by Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady…
* The Question: Your reaction to this quote? Try to avoid ad hominem attacks, please. Focus on the quote.
Sponsor claims that gaming bill is “75 percent of the way toward a resolution”
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Are the gaming bill negotiations working? Maybe…
* But getting the governor to comment publicly about specifics has been nearly impossible. Yesterday, he told reporters that the Gaming Board had identified three regulatory problems with the bill, but he didn’t even say what those were. Considering that many or even most of the Board’s objections were shown to be without merit, maybe that’s why he wouldn’t elaborate. And Mayor Emanuel pointed out yesterday that he was for proper oversight…
* Until now, one of the few specific problems Quinn has cited is that he doesn’t want slots at the State Fair Grandstand, even though people bet on horses almost every day during the event…
But those slots will mean money for Downstate programs…
* Quinn did offer up something new yesterday. Apparently, the existing casinos have gotten to him…
Considering all that Illinois money going to Indiana’s casinos, however, this may not be as big a problem as it may appear. Also, Quinn has publicly dissed Danville’s bid to host a casino. Where the heck would they cannibalize from? * Watch Gov. Quinn discuss the gaming issue…
Quinn on the defensive in face of union protests
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn was more than a little defensive yesterday when asked by reporters about the union protesters outside the State Fair gates. The protesters were upset at Quinn’s decision to halt scheduled, contractual raises for unionized state employees…
* One of the Senate’s budget experts wasn’t so kind to the governor, however…
Very true. Also, if the governor hadn’t made himself so irrelevant in the budget process last spring, he might not be in this mess today. * But I’ll believe this when I see it…
* The governor claimed that he had the support of working people, if not union leaders…
* Yet there’s no doubt that union leaders have cranked up the rhetoric…
“Our secretary of state forever”
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White used Governor’s Day to announce he has officially changed his mind and decided to run for a fifth term…
* More…
State Fair videos and pics
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * As usual, I couldn’t get the official State Fair video to import to my computer, but, luckily for us, Illinois Statehouse News was also at yesterday’s “celebrity” harness race… Many congrats to Mica, who was more than a little nervous about her first time racing. Now, of course, she wants in every year. Patterson has been such a braggart about winning last year’s race that it was just a wee bit satisfying to see him out of the money this year… The winner’s circle… * Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon’s band played at the Miller Tent after the race…
A rare year leaves reporters struggling
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * We had some real controversies at the Illinois State Fair back in the days of Rod Blagojevich. In 2002, when he was first running for governor, Blagojevich slammed House Speaker Michael Madigan for a $300,000 grant to the International Livestock Exposition as a “misplaced priority” and a “product of arrogance.” On Democrat Day, Madigan shot back…
Several years later, during another Blagojevich vs. Madigan war, the governor brought in a busload of Chicagoans to heckle Madigan during the Speaker’s speech. There was actual news to cover during those State Fair experiences. * Not so much this year. There are no statewide elections in Illinois next year - the first summer this has happened since 1999. I even skipped the State Fair that year, heading to Europe for two months to cover the war in Kosovo and other stuff. Unfortunately, that meant missing Bob Dylan’s last State Fair performance. Oh, well. I was in Paris that week with my daughter. * Anyway, like in 1999, this year’s fair has been pretty boring, politically speaking. No statewide election means no flocks of candidates hauling down their legions of supporters. But reporters still have to find something to write about, so a large handful of union protesters, a few people supporting the gaming bill and the vacationing Speaker Madigan made due…
The union members were outside the fair’s gates and the people wearing orange T-shirts were polite and even cheered at times. This was nothing at all like the controversies of the Blagojevich days. More…
* And the off year sparked at least one prediction of doom and gloom…