Afternoon video
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Jerry Garcia passed away 16 years ago today. But, hey, the man lives forever, so let’s dance… Goin’ where the water tastes like wine
“There oughta be a law”
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m not generally a big fan of creating new laws designed to address a once in a millennia event. But, you had to figure that this was going to happen…
He got 400 e-mails? Sheesh. Let’s take a look at the bills, shall we? * HB3799 is a “Democratic” bill…
* HB3800 is a “Republican” bill, which has the same 24-hour reporting period but adds another offense: Failure to report the death of a child…
* HB3801, sponsored by Democrats, contains everything in both the above bills, but adds an exemption…
Question of the day
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * First Gov. Pat Quinn, then House Speaker Michael Madigan and now Mayor Rahm Emanuel. * The Question: On a scale of one to ten, with one being the worst and ten being the best, how would you rate Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s job performance since his inauguration? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
Spiraling back down?
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Late yesterday, I linked this story from the Sun-Times…
* That “speculation” appears to be coming from the governor’s budget office…
* Confusion was the order of the day yesterday…
* But, as subscribers know, S&P offered up a bit of clarity late last night…
The report said much more than that, and some of it certainly applied to states like Illinois which don’t have AAA ratings, but you’ll have to subscribe to find out what that was. * The biggest problem, however, is not so much the impact of the S&P federal rating on Illinois, but what happens with the economy. And the future ain’t too bright right now…
What we’ve got is a real conundrum, caused mainly by national partisan politics. The economists and business types I’ve been reading are saying that we need a short term stimulus to keep the country on track and long term cuts to prevent real problems down the road. This is from Terry Belton, the head of fixed income strategy for JP Morgan Chase…
What Belton (and loads of other like-minded folks) said makes a lot of sense, but it’s not easily sold in the excruciatingly loud and divisive DC echo chamber. “You want to spend more and cut more? Ridiculous!” Also, try cutting the long term growth of Medicare and see how far that gets you in politics. It ain’t just liberals who will beat you over the head. * And now a warning: Do not drag your goofy DC talking points into the comment section. I will not be kind to mindless rehashing. * Related…
Behind the hype
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Finally, somebody in the mainstream media caught on to some of the crazier hype about the gaming expansion bill. Kristen McQueary at the Chicago News Cooperative decided to take a look at what the bill actually says and then compared it to the fear-mongering…
There’s more, much more, so go read the whole thing. More like this, please. * In other news, the Tribune adds a little more to the Sun-Times scoop about the federal investigation of former legislator and current gaming lobbyist Bob Molaro…
* Other stuff…
A state rock song?
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Peoria newspaper columnist Phil Luciano is bummed out that Illinois has no state rock song. Luciano is planning to meet with the governor this week to talk about this hole in our state soul…
After running through several Illinois bands, Luciano chose “Surrender” by Rockfordians Cheap Trick…
It is definitely a great tune… Surrender, surrender, but don’t give yourself away * I’m more partial to “Misunderstood” by Illinois-based Wilco… You look honest when you’re telling a lie It seems more appropriate, although I could see where it might not work. You can find a good list of Illinois bands here. * Meanwhile…
The promoter is on the hook for the damages. North Grant Park… ![]()
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a big Statehouse roundup (For those who were mistakenly sent LAST WEEK’s password)
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a big Statehouse roundup
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller