City remap could be very painful process
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Former Ald. Freddrenna Lyle has been hired by the Chicago City Council’s Black Caucus to handle legal duties for the remap. Her top priority is making sure African-Americans retain their 20 black-majority districts, despite the Census results which claimed a massive black population loss…
Needless to say, that’s not gonna be easy. The General Assembly’s map makers were able to compensate for the black population loss by spreading districts far into the suburbs. The city council can’t do that. * Meanwhile, a Galesburg reporter believes that Republican Congressman Bobby Schilling, elected with strong tea party support, is moving to the center, and for good reason…
* I’m gonna disagree with this…
I doubt the House Republicans will abandon one of their incumbent members in a general election next year. They didn’t support Walsh last year, but he’s now one of them, and he’s, simply put, a body who will vote for Boehner for Speaker. As far as the primary goes, since both voted against the debt ceiling bill, that pretty much cancels out the issue. * Andrew Sullivan makes an interesting point…
* Hultgren was recently asked about Walsh’s troubles…
* And here’s a different sort of fundraising appeal. If Daily Kos readers contribute $2,000 to Democrat Ilya Sheyman’s congressional campaign, they’ll be eligible to win a guitar signed by the group Green Day. * Roundup…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Many thanks to the readers of the Washington Post’s “The Fix” blog for naming this website the best state-based political blog in Illinois…
* The Question: What is your favorite non-political Illinois-based website or blog? Explain. *** UPDATE *** OK, not a lot of response. Apparently, y’all don’t read too many non-political blogs. So, let’s try an alternate question: What’s your favorite Illinois-based local politics blog?
This just in… Appellate court hands Quinn defeat
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:20 pm - An appeals court has ruled that the state can’t change health insurance contracts as long as a joint legislative commission disagrees…
* More…
The full decision is here. COGFA, meanwhile, has scheduled a hearing for August 16th to discuss extending the group health insurance contracts through the end of next June.
A second look at some news stories
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * This story got big play today…
Raw tape of the emotional press conference… But there’s a loophole…
* This story broke while I was on vacation…
Horrible, eh? Maybe not. The owner may not have told the truth…
Oops. * Meanwhile, what appears to have been a very nasty and quite expensive McHenry County witch hunt has finally ended… again…
The case has cost county taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and turned up nothing. Maybe somebody ought to investigate the investigators. * Roundup…
And it’s still overpriced
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * A penny? Who would pay that much?…
Even though most of us won’t ever forget him, the rest of the world is over it’s little Rod Blagojevich phase. His 15 minutes are up. Good riddance.
OK, we can’t pass this up
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yes, we’ve been doing a lot of caption contests lately. But, hey, it’s summer. We need a fun outlet. And this should do the trick. Here’s Gov. Pat Quinn wearing a Packers jersey and stocking groceries at a food pantry to settle his NFL Championship game bet with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker… ![]() * Roundup…
* Raw tape…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller