States struggling to assess budget damage from federal debt ceiling deal
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * One benefit of my vacation was avoiding DC’s debt ceiling nonsense. But now that Congress and the President appear to have struck a deal, my main concern is how this will impact Illinois. There isn’t much out there about the impact on states at the moment. I received this statement from Gov. Pat Quinn’s budget office, which hopes to have more later today or tonight…
Yeah. Not much. * Most of the stories regarding the deal’s impact on the states are now outdated because they were filled with pure speculation. The deal itself was finally released to the public today and you can read the full text by clicking here. * There are hints, but the actual cuts apparently won’t be known for some time. From Bloomberg…
* CNN breaks it down…
States get money from those “discretionary programs,” but, again, there are no details as of yet. States did get one spot of good news, assuming this thing passes…
* Related…
More hubris, even at the brink of imprisonment
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rod Blagojevich’s sentencing hearing will start October 6th. The Sun-Times reports that Blagojevich plans to testify. For his sake, I certainly hope his lawyer’s comments are not a preview of that testimony…
Unrepentant testimony like that could add more years to his sentence. * This won’t help him much, either…
* The hearing could last two days…
That list of character witnesses can’t be very long. And since the disastrous fiscal impact of his gubernatorial reign will be felt for years to come, those who testify about his “accomplishments as governor” could be violating their oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Lauzen says he’s thinking about congressional bid
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Is he running for Congress or just paying off old debt? That’s the big question here…
Lauzen says he still has about $135K in old federal debt from his 2008 congressional bid…
It’s possible that Judy Biggert could run in the 11th, which would set up an interesting primary if Lauzen decides to get into the race. Lauzen, however, is also looking at running for Kane County Board Chairman. He says he’ll make his announcement at his annual fundraiser on August 13th. * Meanwhile, state Rep. Karen Yarbrough wants to be slated for countywide office…
* I was talking with a Republican last night about the paucity of potentially strong Democratic candidates to run against GOP Congressman Tim Johnson in the newly redrawn 13th District. That the DCCC is apparently recruiting a candidate from tiny Greene County seems a bit odd…
* A Washington Post blogger has christened Congressman Danny Davis’ new district as the “Beavis eating pizza” district… ![]() Heh. * Related…
Question of the day
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a Pantagraph editorial…
* The Question: Do you think gubernatorial appointments like Burke’s are corrupt, or is the media overreacting? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.
Stermer fined $500 for one tiny infraction
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Executive Ethics Commission has released its ruling on Gov. Pat Quinn’s former chief of staff Jerry Stermer…
One campaign e-mail that Stermer reported himself, not the three that Stermer initially believed. Stermer’s disclosure led to an eight-month investigation by the Office of Executive Inspector General, who looked at every e-mail the guy ever sent. Stermer resigned when the results of the investigation were apparently leaked by an inspector general who was about to be replaced. I sure hope the OIEG’s office has learned something from this ridiculous case.
CME Group: “Our tax situation is untenable”
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * This didn’t get a lot of play during my break, but CME Group sure seems to be sounding more serious about moving out of Illinois…
Caption contest!
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m blatantly stealing this idea from Illinois Review…. ![]() Winner gets nothing but recognition. I know I don’t have to say this, but keep it clean, people. Thanks.
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Monday, Aug 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller