Adventures in press releases
Thursday, Sep 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* He just won’t go away…
The following is a statement from Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois, on the free public transit rides for seniors program that ends at midnight.
“I’m really sad to see free public transportation being taking way from our seniors. I ruffled a lot of feathers to make this happen but I know it was the right thing to do. I wish I was in a position to do something about it.”
Please Note: Rod Blagojevich is NOT doing any interviews at this time.
“I wish I was in a position to do something about it.”
Yeah. OK. Perhaps you should’ve thought about that before deciding to become a criminal.
* This might’ve been a cute idea a month or two ago, but not so much now…
Prompted by several bill signings and announcements made by Governor Pat Quinn on Fridays so that they can be buried in the news cycle, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady has announced a contest to predict the next bill signed or other controversial action taken by Quinn on a Friday.
“While most of us are getting ready to spend time with our families for the weekend, Governor Quinn has been quietly signing legislation or making other announcements on Fridays that will affect most Illinoisans.” said Brady. “The problem is that these actions get little or no press coverage, and that’s no accident on the Governor’s part.”
Actions taken by Quinn on Fridays include signing Democrat drawn redistricting maps and legislation watering down the state’s Freedom of Information Act as well as revealing his support for an 87% tollway tax increase.
“The Governor is happy to have popular bill signing announcements in front of the TV cameras during the rest of the week,” said Brady. “But on Fridays, he likes to take action on more controversial items hoping no one will notice. This weekend – Labor Day Weekend – could be especially brutal so we wanted to put some sunshine on this practice.”
Trouble is, there’s only one bill currently on Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk: The ComEd bill, which Quinn has repeatedly said that he’ll veto. Quinn has either signed or vetoed everything the General Assembly sent him. Of course, they haven’t yet sent him the gaming bill.
Quinn may have some bad news to drop this Friday afternoon/evening, but signing a lousy bill just ain’t on the agenda.
Maybe the IL GOP can try this contest again next year.
Anyway, if you’d like to enter the contest, click here…
The first contestant to successfully predict a controversial Quinn Friday bill signing or action will receive a $25 gift card to T. G. I. Friday’s Restaurant. The gift card will be paid for personally by Chairman Pat Brady. Because they may have advanced warning of Quinn’s activities, state employees and members of the news media (and their families) are not eligible to play.
Bummer. No gift card for moi.
* The mayor’s public schedule is almost always packed, so this is a rarity…
There are no public events scheduled at this time.
* Emanuel will have a busy night, however…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is billed as the guest of honor Thursday night at a popular Chinatown restaurant for a political fundraiser where “gold sponsors” who throw down $2,000 will be able to greet him at a private reception.
But the event isn’t a fundraiser for Emanuel or even any of the 50 aldermen in the City Council. It’s for Laura Liu, a Cook County circuit judge running for election next year.
Emanuel also has offered his support to Supreme Court Justice Mary Jane Theis, who faces a potential Democratic primary fight in 2012. That backing also comes with the pledge of fundraising help from the new mayor, who has become one of the hottest tickets on the Democratic campaign circuit.
Liu is Mike Kasper’s wife. Subscribers already know about the Theis endorsement.
* Emanuel is also hosting a dinner tonight at Millennium Park for state legislators. All legislators have been invited. I gotta wonder if the governor will be slowly circling the park tonight trying to see who shows up to cavort with the enemy.
Just kidding.
- BlowTheWhistle - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:44 pm:
The big announcement this Friday will likely be the planned closing of a prison and a DJJ youth facility, and possibly even the layoff of parole officers…heard at the Capitol this morning.
- Boone Logan Square - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:45 pm:
Emanuel’s efforts lobbying the state legislature is the most fascinating development of his reign. How much time, money, and labor has he devoted to Springfield so far? (Do the figures already match what Daley did in 21 years?)
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:54 pm:
BTW, are you hearing any particular prison? Like the prison located in Dan Rutherford’s former district that Blago tried to close?
- One of the 35 - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:56 pm:
Who gives a rat’s #@%&* about what Rod thinks?
- OneMan - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:58 pm:
Why does the image of Pat Quinn with a bad fake beard and a fake French accent working as a valet at the restaurant Rahm is having his thing at come to mind.
- OneMan - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:00 pm:
Even if Pat was circling to see what legislators where there is have been illustrated he can’ see a legislator if they are two feet away
- Cassiopeia - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:04 pm:
Announcements tomorrow will be new Transportation Secretary and new Director of Budget.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:12 pm:
What another brilliant, party-building idea from “Chairman” Pat Brady. Must have taken a lot of beer bongs and another all-nighter at the Delta House, but it’s worth the results.
I’m sure potential GOP precinct workers for the vast stretches of uncovered city and suburban communities are volunteering by the droves after this latest PR masterstroke.
Free (and obvious) advice: the contrast that you want to make with Quinn is that you’re more serious and mature, not less.
- Dirty Red - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:39 pm:
Rich, do you think Take Out the Trash Day (Friday press dumpings) has an effect anymore now that there is a 24 hour news cycle and digital media that is not restricted by column inches?
My thinking is no. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. The press is still lazy, but PQ does seem to get away with more with the Friday announcements.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:55 pm:
===now that there is a 24 hour news cycle ===
That’s mostly national.
- just sayin' - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:55 pm:
Is the IL GOP chair like five yrs old?
No wonder Republicans didn’t get a seat at the map drawing table.
- zatoichi - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 2:13 pm:
In my life all news requiring immediate action comes on Friday at 4:00pm. Does not matter how much prep time came before. Nothing new here.
- walkinfool - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 2:24 pm:
Every time Pat Brady speaks, I struggle to restrain myself from ad hominem attacks. (oops)
- Leatherneck - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 6:53 pm:
Blow the Whistle,
Is that true what you heard, or is that speculation? If it’s true, any speculation what the affected prison/DJJ group home will be?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 10:59 pm:
Sneaking that $25 contribution box in before the fields for the “contest” is exactly the type of thing that’s really turning me off of the ILGOP lately. Tactics like that seem to announce “amateurishly” desperate for money.
- too obvious - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 11:19 pm:
Pat Brady makes Republicans miss Andy McKenna.