Morning videos
Thursday, Sep 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve been working on a longer post, then looked up and noticed how late it’s getting. Sorry about that. Republican firebrand Congressman Joe Walsh was on “Chicago Tonight” last night and he did pretty well considering that the show is not exactly the best venue for a guy like him. Have a look… * Walsh did let loose at an event later in the evening, however…
* Mayor Rahm Emanuel was also on “Chicago Tonight” this week for an extended interview. A story of mine is mentioned about 26 or so minutes into the show… * More…
- JBilla - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 10:52 am:
I’m hopeful on this Jobs focus. It’s a little crazy that it has taken three years, but when you think about why the focus hasn’t been on jobs you look at the bailout, the health care debate, the debt ceiling, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and you kinda wonder when/where jobs would even come up in conversation.
I’m glad the focus is back there, but its gunna take something other than “build more highways.” I want to see a legitimate plan for corporate taxes coming in on the American side, and if that means lowering the Federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% I’m fine with that. If American Fortune 500 post losses in America and profits abroad, their American subsidiaries cannot get lines of credit to encourage VC to invest in small companies that could get bought some day. I’ve probably posted on this before, so if this is a repeat I apologize, but I haven’t heard it seriously addressed by anyone at the National level.
I’m very interested to see how this Kankakee/Chicago debate goes. Might be an interesting microcosm for the Federal Government and the States.
- Leroy - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 11:06 am:
I’m with Walsh on this one….
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 11:41 am:
Lost opportunity on jobs, which should have gone hand-in-hand with TARP, stimulus, GM, etc.
Healthcare was the cart before the horse. Now you have a GOP House….
- dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:16 pm:
Curious juxtaposition here. Obama to speak on jobs and “never let a crisis go to waste” Emanuel. They had their priorities wrong and guess who pays.
Frankly, Presidents and Governors should be required to know economics 101. Governments do not create real jobs, businesses do. Governments impede businesses/job creation with overreaching regulations and taxes.
We know that gov’ts will regulate to some extent and that is necessary, whether you agree to it or not. Businesses are sitting on alot of capitol right now but will keep same until the tax and regulatory situation is more clear and stable.
PQs waffling & flip flopping ain’t helping.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:17 pm:
===should be required to know economics 101===
You must not’ve paid much attention, either.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:33 pm:
Did you see the same interview? Walsh is full of crap. He stated he didn’t know the President earlier in the interview and then derided him for his anti-Israel stance, clearly pandering on a falsehood to appeal to his North Suburban Jewish base. Over 17 traffic violations? Congressional wages being garnered due to non-payment of child
support? Saving America for future generations from the likes of an out of touch President Obama? Educated people voted for this telegenic moron? What a hapless windbag…
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:44 pm:
– Governments do not create real jobs, businesses do. Governments impede businesses/job creation with overreaching regulations and taxes.–
LOL, who do you work for again, DD? Or is that not a real job?
Yeesh, it’s a little more complex than the bumper stickers, don’t you think?
- Anon III - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:59 pm:
I turned on the “Chicago Tonight” interview of Joe Walsh some where in the middle, and had to turn it off when my wife insisted that dinner was on the table. But I was amazed by what WTTW did.
I’m not carrying water for Joe Walsh, just for good manners. When a U.S. Congressman comes on your show for an interview, it seems that minimal respect and good manners would dictate that the TV station not superimpose a “Tea Party Provocateur” legend on the Congressman as he spoke.
If this is good TV, there are all sorts of possibilities for our Congresspersons: How about “Ex-Gang-Banger,” “Political Neanderthal,” “Machine Hack,” or “Reactionary Nut-Job?”
- A.B. - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:10 pm:
-Did you see the same interview? Walsh is full of crap. He stated he didn’t know the President earlier in the interview and then derided him for his anti-Israel stance, clearly pandering on a falsehood to appeal to his North Suburban Jewish base.-
I am NOT a fan of Walsh. As a matter of fact, I ‘can’t stand the guy. However, this isn’t a fair statement. The Jewish population in the old 8th Congressional District is very small, especially by comparison to the neighboring districts. That district simply does not have a suburban Jewish base of him to really pander to. If it were the old 10th, then you’d be right on track.
- shore - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:30 pm:
Loop lady, jews aren’t in walsh’s district, they are in the 10th and he’s said he won’t run there. They didn’t vote for him last year and aren’t a source of financial support for him. There are lots of conservative republicans who support israel. He’s one of them.
- perplexed & perterbed - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 1:38 pm:
A person will get in a position of authority and suddenly they believe they are an expert on all kinds of subjects. Politicians dabbling in economics is a perfect example of such quackery.
- The Captain - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 2:16 pm:
It’s not an easy one to spell, but you spelled Krishnamoorthi wrong, you’ve got a ‘p’ where a ‘t’ should go.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 2:35 pm:
Point taken…he’s still an hapless gasbag…
- globalguy - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 3:17 pm:
@Anon III - I wish the press were just a little more disrespectful ACROSS THE BOARD rather than pandering to their political favs while denigrating those they oppose.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 7:06 pm:
Joe Walsh is the posterboy for what is wrong with our government. An absolute mistake.
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Sep 2, 11 @ 7:34 am:
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 1, 11 @ 12:44 pm:
– Governments do not create real jobs, businesses do. Governments impede businesses/job creation with overreaching regulations and taxes.–
LOL, who do you work for again, DD? Or is that not a real job?
A more accurate statement would be that Government at best is inefficient at creating WEALTH, if it can create it at all.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 2, 11 @ 8:01 am:
–A more accurate statement would be that Government at best is inefficient at creating WEALTH, if it can create it at all.–
Sure, the wheels of commerce spin freely on their own. Roads, rails, harbors, airports, schools, environmental protection, food safety, public safety, rule of law, et. al. are such a burden on the creation of wealth.
Oh, for the good old days of minimal government and the freedom to make a buck any way you could. Like the Antebellum South. There was an advanced society. You only find that kind of unfettered economy in placid oasis like Mogadishu these days.