Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Congressman wants ex-wife sanctioned, demands she pay his legal bills
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Congressman wants ex-wife sanctioned, demands she pay his legal bills

Thursday, Sep 8, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Check out the huge number of court filings in this divorce case over the years by clicking here.

As a friend of mind just told me, “This guy has supported his lawyer’s kids more than his own.”

He’s about right.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* As you already know, Congressman Joe Walsh allegedly owes his ex-wife over $100,000 in back child support payments. But Walsh has also been demanding a trove of financial documents from his ex-wife which he may not be entitled to. And since she hasn’t forked over everything he wants, he’s now asking the court to sanction her

Walsh’s attorneys sought the sanctions against Laura Walsh because they said she had not complied with their request in February to provide them voluminous documentation of her employment and salary records at pharmaceuticals manufacturer Eli Lilly as well as bank statements, tax returns and expense reports. […]

Laura Walsh’s attorney, Jack Coladarci, called that request “harassment” and said the issue was why Joe Walsh was not paying $117,000 of back child support and interest. Laura Walsh had no corresponding obligation to pay Joe Walsh any support, and so the extensive requests for documents were inappropriate, Coladarci said.

Child support payments can be modified based on the “financial resources and needs of the custodial parent,” but I have to figure she’d probably have to make a whole lot of money before a judge would reduce her child support payments.

* And check this out

The sanctions Joe Walsh’s attorneys asked in a filing file-stamped August 2 include asking Laura Walsh to pay Joe Walsh’s attorney’s fees.

* Jerry Clark will be running Congressman Randy Hultgren’s GOP primary campaign against Walsh. Jerry was born to run this race. Slash and burn all the way to March, baby. Perhaps he could suggest this remedy

If child support is not paid the state of Illinois can request to have the non-custodial parent’s passport denied.

That wouldn’t be good. No more trips to Israel to meet with a politician best known for “criticizing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from the right.”

* Meanwhile, kudos to Sen. Mark Kirk for this rebuke of his fellow Republican Walsh for refusing to watch the president’s speech before a joint session of Congress

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), asked what he thought about Walsh skipping the joint session, said Tuesday, “The joint session of Congress is in the Constitution. Even if you campaigned against [President Obama] you respect the office.”

This “boycott” is pretty goofy. Ronald Reagan spoke before two joint sessions about the economy, for instance.

* And speaking of silly publicity stunts

Raja Krishnamoorthi, Democratic candidate for the 8th congressional district, is challenging U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-8) to a debate on how to handle the jobs crisis. Krishnamoorthi says the debate can happen tomorrow night, directly after President Obama’s speech on the issue, at the jobs forum Walsh says he is attending in lieu of being in Washington. The candidate says he is also open to other dates, insisting that he is not only seeking the debate as a candidate, but is interested in the discussion as a constituent and small business owner as well.

* Related…

* Former county Dem chair to run in 14th


  1. - BelleAire - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:08 am:

    If the wife is correct and he has not been paying the court-mandated payments, he needs to be reprimanded, fined, and begin payment. Stop the drama and pay what you owe, dude.
    Kirk is correct, it doesn’t matter if you agree with Obama or not. He’s a jerk, has shown his true colors, and I doubt that he’ll be re-elected for multiple reasons. I would not be surprised if the GOP are the ones that are outing him. He’s an embarrassment to them.

  2. - Aldyth - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:22 am:

    Walsh continues to sink to new lows pretty much every time he opens his mouth. Why did this walking embarrassment have to be from Illinois?

  3. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:32 am:

    Back child support, asking the ex to pay legal fees — Walsh ain’t exactly the John Wayne type, is he?

  4. - Shore - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:44 am:

    Krishnamoorthi sounds like the dan seals of the cycle.

    still stunned bean couldn’t find that stuff out about walsh and use it to get the 300 votes she needed last fall.

  5. - jeff - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:49 am:

    Royko rule again. Never write about a divorce everybody is lying. No one will look good in the end. Including the writer.

    The ex-wife had a good reason not to say anything before the election. If he lost,does he have 2 nickels to pay her anything?

  6. - CoffeeParty - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:51 am:

    This sounds like a case for Jeffrey Leving.

  7. - Judge/Jury/Et Al - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:59 am:

    On behalf of all commenters here on Capitol Fax, we have inconsistently examined the evidence, haphazardly looked at the law and have unilaterally decided without the hassle of a hearing that Joe Walsh is guilty on all counts ever levied by an ex-wife.

  8. - Joanna Kramer - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:00 am:

    Sounds like diverging career paths with the Lily path being a bit wider and better paved.

    Been there.

  9. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:03 am:

    Judge: Sounds like your as big of jerk as Walsh is…I’m sure this guy is just being mis-characterized by the MSM…not…

  10. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:27 am:

    - we have inconsistently examined the evidence -

    That’s rich. Let’s all hold hands and cry for the treatment of poor Joe Walsh.

  11. - dave - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:29 am:

    **we have inconsistently examined the evidence, haphazardly looked at the law and have unilaterally decided without the hassle of a hearing that Joe Walsh is guilty on all counts ever levied by an ex-wife. **

    Walsh has yet to deny that he owes significant money in child support. Just saying…

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:31 am:

    I think Joe Walsh is an idiot loudmouth, but there is way too much rush to conclusion on his divorce financials. I have not seen anything reported anywhere (including here) substantiating his ex-wife’s accusations, and her financials should have been provided during the settlement proceedings just as his should have been to her; moreoever, it is standard for both parties to be able to request tax records annually.

    His being a jerk does not prove his ex-wife’s assertions correct.

  13. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:42 am:

    Walsh has never denied that he owes her money — the only question is the amount. Somehow, though he managed to find $35K to loan to his campaign.

    Between the name changes, foreclosures, checkered work history, unpaid staff, etc., it’s amazing to me that the Tea Partiers want to hang their stars on this guy.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:45 am:

    You must be getting a lot of negative comments based on your warning. I must say all negative comments are justified. Pay your child support loser!!!!

  15. - Esquire - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:48 am:

    Laura Walsh needs to proceed cautiously. If her ex-husband is toast in 2012, her likelihood of getting another support check anytime soon will evaporate. For the present, the child support can be withheld from Walsh’s Congressional salary.

  16. - Dirt Digger - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:56 am:

    Walsh has crossed into weird anti-hero territory. I’m going to start applauding him. Go Joe! Taking a brave stand for human garbage everywhere!

  17. - reformer - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:58 am:

    The Tribune also documented Walsh’s tax liens, 17 moving violations, and his two driver’s license suspensions in the past three years.

  18. - Ted Kramer - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:25 am:

    I just need to know something. Who put the ex-wife up to this?

  19. - OneMan - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:26 am:

    Waiting for Cini to blame Kirk for this somehow.

  20. - Watcher - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    “Walsh has never denied he owes her money-” Joe did deny it. In his DeKalb Town Hall he claimed he did not owe his wife any money in response to the first question he got.

  21. - Ted Kramer - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:31 am:

    Joanna, was it you?

  22. - Groll - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:40 am:

    At least Kirk and Walsh have their politically troublesome ex-wives in common.

  23. - dave - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 10:41 am:

    **Joe did deny it. In his DeKalb Town Hall he claimed he did not owe his wife any money in response to the first question he got. **

    Source? All I have seen Walsh say is that the story isn’t accurate, but not that he doesn’t owe money.

  24. - Harry Potter - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:01 am:

    Maybe “boycotting” the joint session rather than simply saying “can’t make it” is goofy.

    But what about holding a joint session to give a speech?

    Let congress watch it at home. Save some gas money.

  25. - Colonel Potter - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:04 am:

    There is something called “respect”.

    If you never experienced it, look it up in the dictionary.

  26. - Colonel Sanders - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:07 am:

    You don’t have to drive to support our economy.

  27. - Harry Potter - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:12 am:

    Whether members of congress get there by car, public transit, bike, foot, or broom isn’t even relevant.

    They could watch it at home and spend some quality time with their families……….or whomever.

  28. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:13 am:

    I am pretty sure Joe’s ex didn’t leak this info before his win because she wanted him to pay up. MOCs earn $176,000 a year and their benefits are very affordable. If Joe Walsh sleeps in his office, his take home pay is even greater. Even if she couldn’t recoup all of the money he allegedly owes, she could certainly hope that a judge would enjoin Mr. Walsh to pay a large sum each month until an agreed upon amount is paid.

    Joe Walsh is a clown. I don’t often say this about my GOP brethren, but I wish he had lost last year’s primary - let alone the general election. I knew enough of his campaign staffers and they didn’t even like him. That is saying something. And I realize there are political hacks who will work for anyone or any group that pays, but most campaign staffers truly like and will work hard for their respective candidates.

  29. - reformer - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:22 am:

    The Daily Herald has covered the story. Here’s one of Walsh’s denials:
    “I am not a deadbeat dad.” (Aug. 12)

    “Virtually everything in that Sun-Times piece was wildly inaccurate,” Walsh said, referring to the front-page newspaper article that led to days of national media coverage last week.

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:23 am:

    ===Waiting for Cini to blame Kirk for this somehow.===

    Might be a better idea not to feed the trolls–and Cinci on this topic, OneMan. Other than that, while I have some very strong opinions re: the Walsh situation, I’m not saying a word because when I let go on this one…oh boy.

  31. - train111 - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:52 am:

    A month or so, I read an article by an anthropologist in which he made the case that Americans are so gung ho in favor of balancing the federal budget because deep down they feel that if the nation can collectively balance its budget, then maybe they can singularly fix their own financial woes. At first I gave the opinion piece little stock. But, as ‘balance the budget at any price’ conservatives such as Joe Walsh and their financial woes come out of the woodwork, I’m starting to give the piece a little more credibility.


  32. - Fed Up - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:55 am:

    Take a look atwhatwe got. He fits right in.

    “Walsh continues to sink to new lows pretty much every time he opens his mouth. Why did this walking embarrassment have to be from Illinois? “

  33. - Bernie Sanders - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 11:57 am:

    I’d waste more gas going back home to watch Obama on TV than I would walking over to the capitol, but don’t know about the rest of the congress.

    Seems like most of them suck the oil straight out of the Alberta tar sands with a straw.

  34. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 12:07 pm:

    Since you couldn’t leave it alone, OneMan: Kirk–or one of his Dopey insiders acting on “Kirk’s behalf”–couldn’t keep their nose out of the 8th and put long-time Kirk supporter Maria Rodriguez (who also lived in the 10th) up to run against Beveridge. Someone also convinced the “tea partiers” that “they” were doing them a favor. And before someone says that we would have been better off with Rodriguez, consider that most voters in this District wanted Beveridge, who is also a conservative.

  35. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 12:09 pm:

    Just like many things some of Kirk’s dopey insiders do…TOTAL screw-up and managed to betray everyone involved. But that’s the need, right? Oh…such power to make up for those nasty insecurities. Tsk tsk.

  36. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 1:38 pm:

    this progressive Dem thanks Team Sleep for your opinion and assessment of this man…good citizens know a stinker when they see one despite the D or R behind their name…

  37. - MrJM - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 2:02 pm:

    Just when I thought my opinion of Joe Walsh couldn’t sink any lower.

    – MrJM

  38. - dave - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 4:47 pm:

    @Reformer - he didn’t deny that he owed his wife money for child support in that article.

    If you notice, he is very, very careful with how he talks about it. He claims the stories are inaccurate. He says it should be a private matter. He claims he isn’t a deadbeat dad. But he never denies that he owes child support.

  39. - Wensicia - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 4:48 pm:

    If even Kirk gives this guy a pass, he really doesn’t have much of a future. The Republicans can’t sink much lower in public opinion, it’s time more of them started backing off from the extremist right wing of the party.

  40. - AWhisper - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 8:44 pm:

    What people don’t understand is that if HE is correct about his wife making more than she is leading the court to believe and if he pays the support before finding out, by law he can’t ask for a refund. Some Democratic Senator came up with that law to appease feminist, it’s all about the redistribution of wealth before you ever heard about it.

  41. - Dist8Resident - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:55 pm:

    Walsh campaigned that he is a father to five children. Never mentioned that he never financially supported them. I believe one of the five may be in finishing school in Europe and another at West Point, but maybe he only supports those children, his current wife’s children? Not the younger ones still in high school, and need their tuition paid to a private school here(?), that are his biological children?

  42. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 8, 11 @ 9:56 pm:

    ===it’s all about the redistribution of wealth before you ever heard about it. ===

    Man, you people are really something. Goodbye.

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