Aaron Schock is my pick. He’s young, smart and a great campaigner (both in grassroots and fundraising). The sky is the limit. I fully expect to see him run for a statewide office in 2014 - perhaps even for U.S. Senate.
Walsh-say what you want about his personal baggage and there’s a lot to say, but in 11 months he’s gone from who? to national figure in the party. State AG for 9 years I don’t think madigan qualifies as rising anymore. Maybe 5 or 10 years ago.
Who is Illinois’ most promising rising political star?
Lisa Madigan.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise
I really like Debra Shore, but it’s hard to call her a rising star. She’s totally a star, but she really digs the job she has and isn’t spending her time clawing her way up the ladder.
Kwame Raoul is another. So is Don Harmon. either of them could hold the President’s gavel someday if they stay in the Senate. Brendan Reilly is another to keep an eye on, a future mayor maybe.
The Democrats have a decent bench, but there is room for more. I’d love to see Dave Keohler start grooming some downstate progressives and hopefully his campaign will attract more like-minded people to make this a career.
But if I had to buy a futures contract on any of these, Debra Shore has the biggest upside in my opinion. She’s the real deal.
Ooops. I forgot to explain. Quite honestly, I can’t identify too many rising stars (at least down here in these parts) … His “resilience” just seems to make him a perpetual rising star. Or a phoenix. Or a zombie. I mean, somehow he just keeps rising again.
Senator AJ Wilhelmi, hands down. He has carried some of the more complicated legal bills that fly under the press radar as the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is also a workhorse for legislation coming out of his district. In an age when civility across the aisle is waning, Wilhelmi is able to work with both House and Senate Republicans to get the job done. He leads a strong district staff that is attentive to the needs of constituents.
Sen M. Murphy, a master at messaging, manipulating the press, and avoiding any negatives sticking to him. Friend to both old line GOPers and Tea Party. Also both personable and ambitious. And attracts other peoples’ money. Watch out for him to rise beyond his competence.
I might have to say Aaron Schock. The guy is on Ways and Means and he’s only been in Congress for 3 years and he’s only 30 (a year older than Jason Plummer). I think he’s still rising, but he could top off just as easily. Wouldn’t be surprised to see his name batted about for Governor either, but it might be too soon.
While Lisa Madigan might be a good answer for the most admired or respected, I think she’s kind of topped off for now in the “rising star” category (and I don’t say it as a bad thing, she’s doing a great job where she is) although that could change if her ambitions change.
Susanna Mendoza. she’s nimble in interviews, smart and spunky, unafraid to mix it up when she disagrees with someone. but always upbeat. tries new ideas. taking a moribund office and actually making news in ways that don’t put one to sleep (see Miguel del Valle). you want someone in your fox hole? she knows how to fight. she was a college soccer player…knows how to play and win… and she is the one to watch.
Susanna Mendoza or Will Burns. Both are smart and tough. Both are personally good at campaigning. Both should be in Congress in ten years.
Regarding two others: It is tough to describe Lisa Madigan as rising. She’s been near the top for a while. On the other hand, Kwame Raoul just has not shown any drive to get beyond his current position. I like Kwame, but he’s not a leader.
That’s at least the second time someone said that. I disagree because that would eliminate anyone who’s been in office for a while. Tantamount to putting up a glass ceiling on the contest. And, besides, I never heard anyone defending her for her actions because “she’s been in office for a long” time. That alone should be a good sign that her star’s still rising.
Smart. Engaging speaker. Politically savvy. Capable of attracting a large swath of voters, demographically (i.e. appeals to both white and black voters alike).
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:01 pm:
I would say Sandi Jackson. I excluded Lisa Madigan as I see her as already being a political star Sandi is smart and savy, I would expect to see her rise through thepolitical levels.
Skeeter, not sure if your head was buried in the sand at the end of session, but I’m pretty sure it took some leadership to get workers’ comp through the Senate.
I say Rahm is most promising rising political star in terms of ability/desire/skill to use and amass more political power and clout in this state whether he uses the mayor’s office as a stepping stone for governor/president or wants to have the title of mayor of Chicago for even longer than the Daleys did in their reigns.
Rahm has already done an amazing job in consolidating power and clout in Chicago and think of the power/clout vacuum to come in Springfield whenever MJM leaves the political scene. I could see Rahm filling the void (albeit not in the title of House Speaker, but in terms of having a say in most everything in Springfield).
Kwame Raoul in this last session passed abolition of death penalty, workers comp reform and headed redistricting! Well respected by both sides of the aisle.
When it comes to Ds in the city and collar counties, it’s Will Burns. Has the talent, personality, and brains to go as far as he’d like.
Ds downstate - Andy Menar. Extremely smart, fair, and heck of a guy. He’s the one to watch.
For the Rs, Chris Nybo could be it. It’s a long shot, but if there’s a young gun who can beat Dillard, it’s this guy. The GOP establishment may not like him too much, but he knows how to appeal to both parties.
I think Sen. Mike Frerichs could rise to higher office someday. Watch for Lou Lang to replace Speaker Madman when he steps down. Lisa is a nice person, but has displayed none of the consensus skills held by het father. Hutchison is well positioned as well. As is Senator Mike jacpbs
I’d say Alan Nudo, while a Republican he’s a sane moderate on both civil unions and moderate on taxes knowing we need more revenue. Willing to stand up to the tea party who put a nutjob against him.
As 47th mentioned, D’s have a pretty good bench, though I’m a little surprised to see people put Mendoza in that category, maybe Burns too. I’ll say Lisa…she’s a star already, but I think she’s still rising. Two might be John Bradley and Emanuel, Harmon, Wilhelmi, and Reilly would all be good choices. I’ll throw a couple of dark horses in there too - Emily McAsey and Art Turner, the younger. May be a while, but they both have the tools.
Lisa Madigan because she is smart, personable and can appeal to a large variety of people
Dowstate Andy Menar. although some think downstate barely matters he’s been able to make peace out of chaos (Macoupin County Board). He’s smart and articulate while still remembering where he comes from
Patricia Watkins. She does need to get actually elected to something before that rocket to stardom can take off. But once she does, intellect, integrity, compassion, and charisma are going to carry her far. You read it here first.
- 26th Super Star - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:06 pm:
No one has mentioned Senator Duffy? Why is that? He knows he is a superstar!
Toni Preckwinkle, Chairman of the Cook County Board, is a rising star. She has rolled back the notorious Stroger sales tax hike, and she is cleaning out the Augean stables at the county.
Along with Rahm, Toni is starting to change the reputation of a Cook County Democrats to one of competence, accountability and reform from one of cronyism, patronage and graft.
If she continues to successfully restructure and streamline the sclerotic county government and to overcome the substantial deficit while cutting taxes, she’ll be a potential gubernatorial candidate, esp. if Quinn continues fumbling and bumbling for the next 3 years.
When the GOP’s definition of a rising star is Matt Murphy’s second place finish in the GOP lt. gov primary on Andy McKenna’s bankroll, whooo boy, that just about sums it up.
New MWRD comissioner Michael. I didn’t know much about him before he won but he definitely has ambition; he is he is smart and very motivated and knows how to make friends. Time will tell whether or not he can go anywhere.
I agree on Mendoza.
For the state senate what about Heather Steans? People in my neck of the woods say she is a rising star but that may just be home-town pride.
I’m amazing that there have been 50 comments and no one has mentioned Dan Kotowski yet. He is affable, smart, tireless, and completely focused on government efficiency. He comes from the provider communinity and has twice been elected in a suburban district. I can’t say enough good things about him. He will hold a higher office.
I’m also suprised to not to see John Bradley. He could be a future speaker.
Will Burns is also a great choice for all the reasons mentioned above.
Some others who qualify:
Mike Zalewski (old school background who really gets it)
Karen Yarbrough (Not necessarily new but definitely rising. She is the only African American in leadership, Democratic committeeman of a huge vote producing township, and a member of the State Central Committee. She will hold a higher office)
Mendoza, Hutchinson, Deb Shore, and Wilhelmi are all great. Bill Cunningham and Michelle Mussman are impressive.
Non-elected young Dems to watch:
Adam and Heather Vaught
Lindsay Anderson
Mike Ruemmler
Jason Barickman (He’s very talented and reasonable. Did a great job of quietly learning last year and has picked a great target to go after in Shane Cultra)
Joe Sosnowski (don’t know him that well but everyone in Springfield seems to like him)
I’d have to go with Joe Walsh. Anyone who has difficulty paying his child support, yet manages to get the family values vote is skilled. Moving from being a moderate Republican to a tea party radical, with very few people noticing, is a skill that will serve him well moving forward should he need to change his views to fit the times. His personal finances have been disasterous, yet he has used that as a selling point to relate to the common person. Many have found him believable as a preacher of the gospel of fiscal responsibility. The cable news channels love the man as a guest, and few have noticed his shortcomings. He is clearly skilled enough to be a politician on the national scene, and I think we will hear a lot more from him in the coming years.
Brendan Reilly — He’s got some hard to please constituents and has taken on some tough issues, but hasn’t looked bad yet. Most alderman seem to make the news for the wrong reasons, but not him.
- Because I say so - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 2:53 pm:
State Rep. Kelly Burke. She went up against Madigan in the primary and won. A great campaigner and smart legislator who communicates well with her consitituents. Easy going and likeable.
lots of good names out there and we do have lots of potential stars
I do believe that Lisa Madigan can move up to almost any higher office she chooses at almost any time she chooses, but given that she’s in her 3rd successful term as AG I would say she doesn’t quite fit the description of “rising”
Rahm Emanuel is my pick to click for brightest rising star. The guy is in constant motion, and it is in a positive direction. Moving things forward for his City, our country, his President, the House Democratic Caucus - you name it. Rahm is a force in motion and I don’t think he’s done rising.
I’ll simply second some of the previous nominations:
On the Dem side, keep an eye on the southside Irish in the House, Cunningham and Burke. Cunningham is most politically savvy of the big freshman class and Burke is a natural politician sure to be on a statewide or countywide ticket someday if she wants.
On the GOP side, Ed Sullivan strikes me as one of the brightest and most articulate members of the GA, if it wasn’t for his party’s minority status he’d be one of the most influential figures in town. And if Nybo can manage to knock off Dillard he’s gonna be on the top of a GOP ticket someday. He has the necessary conservative street cred but also give off the suburban-centrist feel Republicans need to win in Illinois.
One early rising star everyone should take notice to. Alderman Stephanie Kifowit of Aurora. At the age of 39 Alderman Kifowit has sat on the Aurora city council for 8 years. Her professional career includes time as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley and 4 years in the United State Marine Corp. A Democrat, Kifowit also has a long history of being union friendly. She was raised as kid in a union household and her husband is a professor and member of an IL union.
Democrat, Republican, Independent…everyone likes hearing of a female who can tough it out as a US Marine.
Kifowit is running for Illinois State House in the 84th District and has already lined up local & statewide support.
John Bradley is definitely one to watch. Would be a great AG if Lisa moves on, but it would be close to impossible for him to win a primary against a Chicago area candidate like Tom Dart. He might have a good shot at Speaker someday. The Dems need a high-profile downstater to keep the Simon-Durbin lineage going — Bradley’s the best bet.
- Way South of the Border - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 6:47 pm:
Sheila Simon has downstate roots, upstate appeal, good gov cred and can pick a banjo with the best of them. That is Clinton-esque and that is promising.
I have to laugh at Pink Girl; all politicians come off as shallow — welcome to the real world. It’s the ones that are crooked, like blago, that we need to be careful to avoid in the future.
- Never Write What ..... - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:05 pm:
For Statewide GOP, you’ve got to recognize that Schock will be moving up the ladder. He’s young, persuasive, and has never lost a race he’s been in.
For State House GOP, Mike Unes has been an extremely hardworking legislator, winning a tough campaign against a likable 16 year incumbent in an democrat district. He’s got a young attractive family and has shown an impressive ability to raise the funds needed to compete.
- gathersno - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:42 am:
Lisa Madigan. She has everything going for her personally, politically and image.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:45 am:
Aaron Schock is my pick. He’s young, smart and a great campaigner (both in grassroots and fundraising). The sky is the limit. I fully expect to see him run for a statewide office in 2014 - perhaps even for U.S. Senate.
- That Guy - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:45 am:
A J Wilhelmi. He’s bright, young, patient and a D which these days in Illinois makes a big difference.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:48 am:
If it’s for the RIGHT reasons, I have to agree with gathersno.
- DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:49 am:
Chris Nybo. Smart, logical, not beholden to any one party.
- Colossus - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:54 am:
I’m not sure which is funnier, that someone used a fake name to promote Plummer, or if it is the real Jason Plummer.
Either way, the keyboard’s soaked.
- Shore - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:58 am:
Walsh-say what you want about his personal baggage and there’s a lot to say, but in 11 months he’s gone from who? to national figure in the party. State AG for 9 years I don’t think madigan qualifies as rising anymore. Maybe 5 or 10 years ago.
- YNM - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:59 am:
Jim. Ober. Weis.
- MrJM - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:00 am:
Lisa Madigan.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise
– MrJM
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:01 am:
I really like Debra Shore, but it’s hard to call her a rising star. She’s totally a star, but she really digs the job she has and isn’t spending her time clawing her way up the ladder.
Kwame Raoul is another. So is Don Harmon. either of them could hold the President’s gavel someday if they stay in the Senate. Brendan Reilly is another to keep an eye on, a future mayor maybe.
The Democrats have a decent bench, but there is room for more. I’d love to see Dave Keohler start grooming some downstate progressives and hopefully his campaign will attract more like-minded people to make this a career.
But if I had to buy a futures contract on any of these, Debra Shore has the biggest upside in my opinion. She’s the real deal.
- YNM - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:01 am:
Ooops. I forgot to explain. Quite honestly, I can’t identify too many rising stars (at least down here in these parts) … His “resilience” just seems to make him a perpetual rising star. Or a phoenix. Or a zombie. I mean, somehow he just keeps rising again.
- Gentlemen, behold! - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:03 am:
Senator AJ Wilhelmi, hands down. He has carried some of the more complicated legal bills that fly under the press radar as the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is also a workhorse for legislation coming out of his district. In an age when civility across the aisle is waning, Wilhelmi is able to work with both House and Senate Republicans to get the job done. He leads a strong district staff that is attentive to the needs of constituents.
- Cassiopeia - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:03 am:
Lisa Madigan.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:04 am:
Mike Madigan
Because he’s not going anywhere anytime soon and until he does no one else really matters.
- South Suburbs - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:11 am:
Sen. Toi Hutchinson.
She’s going to have a lot of titles in this State before she’s through. She’s got Urban/Rural, Black/Hispanic/White crossover appeal too.
- Chester J. Lampwick - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:16 am:
Adam Kinzinger, especially if he makes it through the primary next March.
He’s a sane conservative and making friends in high places.
- walkinfool - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:17 am:
Sen M. Murphy, a master at messaging, manipulating the press, and avoiding any negatives sticking to him. Friend to both old line GOPers and Tea Party. Also both personable and ambitious. And attracts other peoples’ money. Watch out for him to rise beyond his competence.
- J - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:19 am:
Kwame Raoul, he’s going places once a Congressional seat opens up.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:21 am:
=…and making friends in high places.=
Uh, oh. Just sayin.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:29 am:
Emanuel. He’s clearly in a hurry. I have no doubt his ultimate goal is president, with perhaps a stop at governor along the way.
That’s probably why he and Quinn are getting along so well.
- Ahoy - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:29 am:
I might have to say Aaron Schock. The guy is on Ways and Means and he’s only been in Congress for 3 years and he’s only 30 (a year older than Jason Plummer). I think he’s still rising, but he could top off just as easily. Wouldn’t be surprised to see his name batted about for Governor either, but it might be too soon.
While Lisa Madigan might be a good answer for the most admired or respected, I think she’s kind of topped off for now in the “rising star” category (and I don’t say it as a bad thing, she’s doing a great job where she is) although that could change if her ambitions change.
- Obamas Puppy - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:31 am:
Jim Watson, great story and a moderate on the issues. Just the right combination to make him a factor statewide. Lis Madigan hasn’t she already risen?
- amalia - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:33 am:
Susanna Mendoza. she’s nimble in interviews, smart and spunky, unafraid to mix it up when she disagrees with someone. but always upbeat. tries new ideas. taking a moribund office and actually making news in ways that don’t put one to sleep (see Miguel del Valle). you want someone in your fox hole? she knows how to fight. she was a college soccer player…knows how to play and win… and she is the one to watch.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:42 am:
Susanna Mendoza or Will Burns. Both are smart and tough. Both are personally good at campaigning. Both should be in Congress in ten years.
Regarding two others: It is tough to describe Lisa Madigan as rising. She’s been near the top for a while. On the other hand, Kwame Raoul just has not shown any drive to get beyond his current position. I like Kwame, but he’s not a leader.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:44 am:
Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar of the 47th Ward. Beat the Machine, has shown an independent streak and is visible in the community.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:52 am:
=It is tough to describe Lisa Madigan as rising=
That’s at least the second time someone said that. I disagree because that would eliminate anyone who’s been in office for a while. Tantamount to putting up a glass ceiling on the contest. And, besides, I never heard anyone defending her for her actions because “she’s been in office for a long” time. That alone should be a good sign that her star’s still rising.
- JBilla - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:52 am:
Gov’s Office- Kate Tomford, Manny Flores
City Hall- Gabe Klein
Water Rec- Barbara Moore, Debra Shore
Alderman- Ameya Pawar
- Capone - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 11:57 am:
Will Burns.
Smart. Engaging speaker. Politically savvy. Capable of attracting a large swath of voters, demographically (i.e. appeals to both white and black voters alike).
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:01 pm:
State Senator Matt Murphy
- ChiefM - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:06 pm:
Will Burns
Tom Dart
Don Harmon
- Ghost - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:10 pm:
I would say Sandi Jackson. I excluded Lisa Madigan as I see her as already being a political star
Sandi is smart and savy, I would expect to see her rise through thepolitical levels.
- That Guy - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:11 pm:
Skeeter, not sure if your head was buried in the sand at the end of session, but I’m pretty sure it took some leadership to get workers’ comp through the Senate.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:12 pm:
I say Rahm is most promising rising political star in terms of ability/desire/skill to use and amass more political power and clout in this state whether he uses the mayor’s office as a stepping stone for governor/president or wants to have the title of mayor of Chicago for even longer than the Daleys did in their reigns.
Rahm has already done an amazing job in consolidating power and clout in Chicago and think of the power/clout vacuum to come in Springfield whenever MJM leaves the political scene. I could see Rahm filling the void (albeit not in the title of House Speaker, but in terms of having a say in most everything in Springfield).
- wow - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:13 pm:
Kwame Raoul in this last session passed abolition of death penalty, workers comp reform and headed redistricting! Well respected by both sides of the aisle.
- ugh - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:14 pm:
When it comes to Ds in the city and collar counties, it’s Will Burns. Has the talent, personality, and brains to go as far as he’d like.
Ds downstate - Andy Menar. Extremely smart, fair, and heck of a guy. He’s the one to watch.
For the Rs, Chris Nybo could be it. It’s a long shot, but if there’s a young gun who can beat Dillard, it’s this guy. The GOP establishment may not like him too much, but he knows how to appeal to both parties.
- DSch - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:15 pm:
Emannuel for President, Madigan for Mayor, Mendoza for County Board President, Atkinson for Senate, Wilhelmi, Hutchinsom, and Blustein for Congress
- just sayin' - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:16 pm:
I think the definitive answer is Rahm Emanuel, hands down.
I agree with whoever said Lisa Madigan has already risen too high and for too long to be eligible for this award.
On the GOP side hard to say. Most aren’t rising to any occassion. I would like to say Bobby Schilling but I fear he won’t be around long with remap.
- pappy - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:22 pm:
I think Sen. Mike Frerichs could rise to higher office someday. Watch for Lou Lang to replace Speaker Madman when he steps down. Lisa is a nice person, but has displayed none of the consensus skills held by het father. Hutchison is well positioned as well. As is Senator Mike jacpbs
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:22 pm:
And Emanuel is a “newbie”, right?
- moderate downstater - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:22 pm:
I’d say Alan Nudo, while a Republican he’s a sane moderate on both civil unions and moderate on taxes knowing we need more revenue. Willing to stand up to the tea party who put a nutjob against him.
- Thoughts... - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:25 pm:
As 47th mentioned, D’s have a pretty good bench, though I’m a little surprised to see people put Mendoza in that category, maybe Burns too. I’ll say Lisa…she’s a star already, but I think she’s still rising. Two might be John Bradley and Emanuel, Harmon, Wilhelmi, and Reilly would all be good choices. I’ll throw a couple of dark horses in there too - Emily McAsey and Art Turner, the younger. May be a while, but they both have the tools.
GOP - gotta be Schock and Kinzinger, right?
- Anony - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:25 pm:
Lisa Madigan will lead Illinois out of the political desert we are currently in, into the promised land.
She’s the prescription to Illinois’ ills. Who would say anything bad about her?
- Dutch - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:26 pm:
I like Mike Lapidus of Brookfield
- Thoughts... - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:27 pm:
Oops, explain…
LMM - Smarts, personality, accomplishments, political influence and may be the first woman to break the glass ceiling at the Gov’s office.
- Lulabell - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:31 pm:
Lisa Madigan because she is smart, personable and can appeal to a large variety of people
Dowstate Andy Menar. although some think downstate barely matters he’s been able to make peace out of chaos (Macoupin County Board). He’s smart and articulate while still remembering where he comes from
- CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:35 pm:
Mike Madigan
He just gets better as time goes by
- Lefty Lefty - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:43 pm:
Who was that Green Party guy that ran for governor? Yeah, that guy.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:46 pm:
Schock’s a good choice on the GOP side. Safe seat, in the majority on Ways and Means and very young. You can build a future with those advantages.
- central illinois - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:56 pm:
Andy Manar is climbing and will continue - he has his act together
- Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 12:57 pm:
Patricia Watkins. She does need to get actually elected to something before that rocket to stardom can take off. But once she does, intellect, integrity, compassion, and charisma are going to carry her far. You read it here first.
- 26th Super Star - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:06 pm:
No one has mentioned Senator Duffy? Why is that? He knows he is a superstar!
- Tommydanger - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:12 pm:
Two Words: Lisa Madigan. Not a stretch to see her becoming the first female President in say 2020 or 2024.
- Suburban Voter - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:24 pm:
So much talent out there…the future of Illinois really is bright!
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:27 pm:
God help us if the answer is Joe Walsh or Jason Plummer. Maybe Kinzinger?
- reformer - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:39 pm:
Toni Preckwinkle, Chairman of the Cook County Board, is a rising star. She has rolled back the notorious Stroger sales tax hike, and she is cleaning out the Augean stables at the county.
Along with Rahm, Toni is starting to change the reputation of a Cook County Democrats to one of competence, accountability and reform from one of cronyism, patronage and graft.
If she continues to successfully restructure and streamline the sclerotic county government and to overcome the substantial deficit while cutting taxes, she’ll be a potential gubernatorial candidate, esp. if Quinn continues fumbling and bumbling for the next 3 years.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:43 pm:
When the GOP’s definition of a rising star is Matt Murphy’s second place finish in the GOP lt. gov primary on Andy McKenna’s bankroll, whooo boy, that just about sums it up.
- Lakefront Liberal - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:45 pm:
New MWRD comissioner Michael. I didn’t know much about him before he won but he definitely has ambition; he is he is smart and very motivated and knows how to make friends. Time will tell whether or not he can go anywhere.
I agree on Mendoza.
For the state senate what about Heather Steans? People in my neck of the woods say she is a rising star but that may just be home-town pride.
- Lakefront Liberal - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:46 pm:
Sorry — meant to say MWRD Commissioner Michael Alvarez.
- NGfor3 - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 1:47 pm:
I’m amazing that there have been 50 comments and no one has mentioned Dan Kotowski yet. He is affable, smart, tireless, and completely focused on government efficiency. He comes from the provider communinity and has twice been elected in a suburban district. I can’t say enough good things about him. He will hold a higher office.
I’m also suprised to not to see John Bradley. He could be a future speaker.
Will Burns is also a great choice for all the reasons mentioned above.
Some others who qualify:
Mike Zalewski (old school background who really gets it)
Karen Yarbrough (Not necessarily new but definitely rising. She is the only African American in leadership, Democratic committeeman of a huge vote producing township, and a member of the State Central Committee. She will hold a higher office)
Mendoza, Hutchinson, Deb Shore, and Wilhelmi are all great. Bill Cunningham and Michelle Mussman are impressive.
Non-elected young Dems to watch:
Adam and Heather Vaught
Lindsay Anderson
Mike Ruemmler
Jason Barickman (He’s very talented and reasonable. Did a great job of quietly learning last year and has picked a great target to go after in Shane Cultra)
Joe Sosnowski (don’t know him that well but everyone in Springfield seems to like him)
Kent Gaffney (great talent)
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 2:02 pm:
Rod Blagojevich
Because today is an up day.
Because he’s sunk so low he has to be rising?
Because he’s made so many promises?
- AC - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 2:15 pm:
I’d have to go with Joe Walsh. Anyone who has difficulty paying his child support, yet manages to get the family values vote is skilled. Moving from being a moderate Republican to a tea party radical, with very few people noticing, is a skill that will serve him well moving forward should he need to change his views to fit the times. His personal finances have been disasterous, yet he has used that as a selling point to relate to the common person. Many have found him believable as a preacher of the gospel of fiscal responsibility. The cable news channels love the man as a guest, and few have noticed his shortcomings. He is clearly skilled enough to be a politician on the national scene, and I think we will hear a lot more from him in the coming years.
- Quizzical - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 2:28 pm:
Brendan Reilly — He’s got some hard to please constituents and has taken on some tough issues, but hasn’t looked bad yet. Most alderman seem to make the news for the wrong reasons, but not him.
- Because I say so - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 2:53 pm:
State Rep. Kelly Burke. She went up against Madigan in the primary and won. A great campaigner and smart legislator who communicates well with her consitituents. Easy going and likeable.
- LakeviewJ - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 3:10 pm:
Ann Williams is young, smart, and personable. I’ve been impressed with her so far and wouldn’t be surprised to see her as AG someday.
- Mountain Man - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 3:11 pm:
Kimberly Lightford - She has been extremely impressive negotiating and passing some very difficult and contentious issues.
- siriusly - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 3:32 pm:
lots of good names out there and we do have lots of potential stars
I do believe that Lisa Madigan can move up to almost any higher office she chooses at almost any time she chooses, but given that she’s in her 3rd successful term as AG I would say she doesn’t quite fit the description of “rising”
Rahm Emanuel is my pick to click for brightest rising star. The guy is in constant motion, and it is in a positive direction. Moving things forward for his City, our country, his President, the House Democratic Caucus - you name it. Rahm is a force in motion and I don’t think he’s done rising.
- JustMe - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 3:45 pm:
I still have hope that Barack Obama will achieve something.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 3:53 pm:
- DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:49 am:
“Chris Nybo. Smart, logical, not beholden to any one party.”
Kirk Dillard, our next Governor.
- FitzSki - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 4:18 pm:
I’ll simply second some of the previous nominations:
On the Dem side, keep an eye on the southside Irish in the House, Cunningham and Burke. Cunningham is most politically savvy of the big freshman class and Burke is a natural politician sure to be on a statewide or countywide ticket someday if she wants.
- FitzSki continued - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 4:30 pm:
On the GOP side, Ed Sullivan strikes me as one of the brightest and most articulate members of the GA, if it wasn’t for his party’s minority status he’d be one of the most influential figures in town. And if Nybo can manage to knock off Dillard he’s gonna be on the top of a GOP ticket someday. He has the necessary conservative street cred but also give off the suburban-centrist feel Republicans need to win in Illinois.
- Jackie K - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 4:39 pm:
Mike Frerichs
- Nick V. - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 5:18 pm:
One early rising star everyone should take notice to. Alderman Stephanie Kifowit of Aurora. At the age of 39 Alderman Kifowit has sat on the Aurora city council for 8 years. Her professional career includes time as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley and 4 years in the United State Marine Corp. A Democrat, Kifowit also has a long history of being union friendly. She was raised as kid in a union household and her husband is a professor and member of an IL union.
Democrat, Republican, Independent…everyone likes hearing of a female who can tough it out as a US Marine.
Kifowit is running for Illinois State House in the 84th District and has already lined up local & statewide support.
- reformer - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 5:47 pm:
Is your man Kirk going to do the kind of door-to-door campaigning Nybo will?
- SO IL M - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 5:56 pm:
A name many of you dont know, State Rep. John Bradley, D- Marion
- Frank - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 6:19 pm:
John Bradley is definitely one to watch. Would be a great AG if Lisa moves on, but it would be close to impossible for him to win a primary against a Chicago area candidate like Tom Dart. He might have a good shot at Speaker someday. The Dems need a high-profile downstater to keep the Simon-Durbin lineage going — Bradley’s the best bet.
- Way South of the Border - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 6:47 pm:
Sheila Simon has downstate roots, upstate appeal, good gov cred and can pick a banjo with the best of them. That is Clinton-esque and that is promising.
- wishbone - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 6:59 pm:
A twofer, Rham and Toni Preckwinkle. Dems can cut spending. Who knew?
- SO IL M - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 7:06 pm:
Frank, I am a R, and not in Bradleys District, but he has earned the respect of many down in this end, and upstate also.
- Pink Girl - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 9:04 pm:
@Nick V., I’ve met Stephanie, she’s a nice lady, but comes off as shallow and anyone can see through her.
- Paul S. - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 9:53 pm:
I have to laugh at Pink Girl; all politicians come off as shallow — welcome to the real world. It’s the ones that are crooked, like blago, that we need to be careful to avoid in the future.
- Never Write What ..... - Thursday, Sep 22, 11 @ 10:05 pm:
Stars you say…
Tier one…
Tier two…
Everybody else
John B
Aaron S
Jehan G
Mike U
Dan K
Don H
Chris N
Will B
Susan M
Toi H
Kelly B
- Hacks - Friday, Sep 23, 11 @ 1:11 am:
This question would be more fun if it was in the other direction.
- Peoria - Friday, Sep 23, 11 @ 1:14 am:
For Statewide GOP, you’ve got to recognize that Schock will be moving up the ladder. He’s young, persuasive, and has never lost a race he’s been in.
For State House GOP, Mike Unes has been an extremely hardworking legislator, winning a tough campaign against a likable 16 year incumbent in an democrat district. He’s got a young attractive family and has shown an impressive ability to raise the funds needed to compete.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 23, 11 @ 9:07 am:
–Kirk Dillard, our next Governor.–
The guy who couldn’t beat Brady to get to Quinn?