* If you want to be a candidate for public office, wouldn’t it be a good idea to state on your campaign website which office you’re seeking?
A guy named Bill Sullivan Tweeted about the ComEd bill today, which led me to his website. He’s apparently running for something…
Thank you for visiting my website. I invite you to learn more about my campaign and then get involved.
We need your time, talent and treasure to win in March 2012.
I hope to see you soon on the campaign trail. Mention you saw my website and tell me what you think.
Warm Regards,
Bill, I am now mentioning that I saw your website and I am totally befuddled. What office are you seeking, man?
* Sullivan’s blog isn’t helpful, either…
Why? That is the question people ask when I tell them about this new chapter in my life.
For me my life has always been about giving back by serving others and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I can talk proudly about what I have accomplished in my career, especially with my two sons and that makes all the difference.
Now as I throw my hat into the ring for elected office, it remains about giving back by serving others. Instilling in my sons and all who will listen, that politics is a noble vocation.
* According to Sullivan’s Facebook page, he’s running for the “General Assembly.” Which chamber? He doesn’t say. Check out his favorite books…
The House at Pooh Corner
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Prince
Stickin’: The Case For Loyalty
The “House at Pooh Corner” and “The Prince?” I don’t think I’ve ever seen that combo before. Anywhere.
* Sorry. I know I shouldn’t be picking on this guy, and this is obviously not the most important post I’ve ever created, but his goofy website is driving me a wee bit crazy because I can’t figure out who this Bill Sullivan person is. I called and left a message. I sent an e-mail. Nothing yet. I asked a few people in the area (Palos Park) if they’d heard of him. One person did know him. Rep. Bill Cunningham (D-Chicago) said that Sullivan volunteered on his campaign last year, but he hasn’t seen or heard from him since election day. Cunningham didn’t know what office Sullivan wanted, but said he was a “nice guy.”
Perhaps I should Tweet him. Yeah. I think I’ll do that right now.
* Anyway, I think I’d better lay off the caffeine for the rest of the day.
*** UPDATE *** From an e-mail…
Apparently there are some glitches in our email system. I apologize.
I am seriously considering a run for the Illinois General Assembly. I won’t make a final decision until the incumbents announce their decisions regarding running for re-election. I can say that I’m not running against Bill Cunningham, who is one of the bright stars of the legislature.
I’ve created the website to provide friends and family opportunities to volunteer and donate. It’s a work in progress.
Love the headline in your blog. Clearly, your a bit a Pooh fan yourself.
Let’s keep in touch.
Bill Sullivan
* Here’s a campaign roundup…
* Speaker Madigan on Obama: At the DNC meeting held in President Barack Obama’s hometown, Madigan told the nation’s top Democratic leaders that the president’s proposed job-creation plan was important for the incumbent and the party heading into the 2012 elections. “What’s important is that all of us, however possible in a public way, demonstrate our firm support for the president’s policy,” Madigan said. “It’s important for the nation. It’s important for the American people. It’s critical for the Democratic Party in the general election in 2012,” he said. “Let’s think in terms of going to the polls today. We’d be in trouble. We’d be in serious trouble. So we have a window of opportunity between now and November 2012 to right the ship.”
* Burke and Emanuel square off again over Illinois Supreme Court seat: Mr. Emanuel won’t comment, but there’s no doubt he’s behind Justice Theis… Mr. Burke, in turn, is said to back another candidate, Appellate Court Justice Joy Cunningham. Cunningham campaign adviser Dana Houle says he’s “not sure” about Mr. Burke, but “a lot of folks are looking around” for a candidate to back.
* African-American groups seek to defend Democratic map in court: The coalition “is of the belief that the resulting map, which is now being challenged, satisfies the applicable voting rights laws, specifically allowing African Americans statewide to elect candidates of their choice, and to have the real ability to influence the outcomes of elections even in districts where African Americans do not constitute a numerical majority,” according to the request filed Friday.
* Republicans sue to get Democrats’ details on congressional map: As part of the discovery process, the Republican group made 21 requests for information from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for documents involving the DCCC’s role in producing the map, including election and voter data and software.
* Kirk rallies Wheeling Township GOP faithful
* John Sullivan, Bobby Shilling speak to Farmer’s Breakfast
Also, in case you’re wondering, an “expotition” is “a sort of boat, which might not be exactly right, but we shall have to wait and see.”
*** UPDATED x1 *** Governor vetoes ComEd bill
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
[Comments opened and one story added and bumped up to the top because of the update]
*** UPDATE - 10:49 am *** Gov. Pat Quinn is speaking now about his veto of the ComEd bill. Click here to watch the feed. Blackberry users should click here. Others can just kick back and watch the live blog…
…Adding… The presser is over. I’ll post stories, Tweets, etc. to the live-blog thingy as they come in…
* The ComEd bill is the only piece of legislation currently sitting on the governor’s desk awaiting action…
08/29/2011 Senate Sent to the Governor
Mike Jacobs
(Kevin A. McCarthy)
* So, it’s pretty obvious what this press conference will be about tomorrow…
**Monday, September 12, 2011**
CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn will take legislative action.
WHEN: 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: James R. Thompson Center
15th Floor - Blue Room
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, 60601
* Meanwhile, one aspect of Gov. Quinn’s energy policy is being undermined by a major gas utility…
Peoples Gas is refusing to buy synthetic gas from a pair of politically favored plants on the drawing board for Chicago and Downstate Illinois, jeopardizing the multibillion-dollar projects.
Crain’s has learned the Chicago gas utility and its corporate sibling, North Shore Gas, told state officials Friday they won’t sign long-term purchase contracts with the coal-to-gas plants. State legislation enacted this summer cleared the way for the plants and sought to pressure large natural gas utilities into buying the facilities’ output.
Chicago and Downstate lawmakers, along with coal companies and labor unions, pushed for the plants, which are expected to buy large quantities of Illinois coal and employ hundreds of union workers.
But Peoples and others opposed the legislation on the grounds that gas from the plants would be too expensive, driving up household heating bills.
* Recent related news…
* ComEd eyeing concessions to stave off likely Quinn veto: Ideas on the table include having the utility set up a $50 million fund to help elderly and poor consumers pay their electricity bills, devote $150 million to better insulate the utility’s power grid from weather-related outages and cap ComEd’s annual profits to less than 10 percent during the next three years.
* ComEd officials ‘promise to do better in the future’
* Editorial: ComEd bill needs more consumer protections
* Illinois Town Wants More Precise Smart Energy Language
* ComEd takes more heat, lays out improvement plan at Glenview meeting
Question of the day
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The President and CEO of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce Doug Whitley was quoted saying something interesting the other day…
Whitley said one of the problems facing Illinois is that “Cook County people are out of touch with the pain of the people of downstate Illinois.”
* The Question: Do you agree with Whitley? Take the poll and then tell us why or why not. Also, please tell us which Illinois region you call home. Thanks.
CME closer to Illinois deal?
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* CME Group is still talking to several other states about moving its headquarters out of Chicago, but there is reportedly some progress here in Illinois…
CME Group Inc. is making progress in talks with Illinois officials about a tax deal to keep its headquarters in Chicago, even as it expects to receive concrete proposals this week from five states seeking to lure the futures exchange operator away, people familiar with the conversations tell Crain’s.
CME Executive Chairman Terry Duffy met with Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn recently to discuss a new way to tax the company based on where its futures market transactions occur, the sources said.
Currently, the tax is tied to the floor trading, even though most of the company’s business is conducted electronically worldwide. The difficulty in tying the tax to those transactions is in linking them to a particular place and doing so despite confidentiality concerns.
CME Group claims to pay more corporate income taxes than anyone else in Illinois. The problem with our corporate tax is the same as our sales tax. It’s too narrowly targeted, so increases have to be high to generate revenues.
* Speaking of a narrow tax base…
About 10 pages into [Comptroller Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka’s quarterly report on the state’s finances] was a snippet that caught my eye. It was the annual “Illinois Tax Expenditures” report. Essentially, this is an annual review of how much the state gives up in tax revenue by providing tax breaks to individuals, corporations and other organizations throughout the state.
The most recent report shows the state could have collected $6.6 billion more in revenue if it didn’t offer tax breaks. That money would pay off the state’s massive pile of unpaid bills and give Quinn enough cash to avert layoffs and facility closures.
Of course, killing off these tax breaks is just about politically impossible.
The biggest tax break is a reduction in the amount of sales tax charged on certain food, beverages and medical appliances. In fiscal year 2010, not collecting the full tax meant the state didn’t reap $1.5 billion in revenue.
In second place on the tax break list is the state’s decision to not collect income tax from retirement income. That cost the state $1 billion in potential revenue in fiscal year 2010. This figure is only bound to grow as baby boomers head into retirement.
* Meanwhile, this is a legitimate concern…
Lawmakers who will play pivotal roles in setting up Illinois’ health-benefits exchange — an entity designed to make health insurance more affordable for consumers and small businesses — are among the top recipients of cash from the insurance industry.
One consumer group says campaign contributions make it likely the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Legislative Study Committee will issue recommendations later this month that benefit the insurance industry at the expense of consumers. […]
Democrats Frank Mautino and William Haine and Republicans JoAnn Osmond and Bill Brady are co-chairpersons of the study committee, which is expected to make recommendations to the General Assembly by Sept. 30 on how the exchange should be governed and funded.
The four have served on insurance committees in the Illinois House and Senate and have received a combined total of $70,800 from the insurance industry so far this year.
You cannot be blamed for believing that this is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse.
* Another fox at the henhouse door? That’s what this lawsuit claims…
Noted Knoxville attorney Gordon Ball is co-lead counsel on a blockbuster case filed in the Illinois Supreme Court involving State Farm, a $1 billion class action lawsuit, and an allegedly corrupt judge. Former Senator Fred Thompson, who recently led an effort to block “tort reform” liability limits in Tennessee, is co-counsel.
According to the lawsuit, State Farm and its lawyers got an Illinois Supreme Court Justice elected by pumping $2.5 to $4 million into his campaign through PACs, and six months later the judge cast a deciding vote to reverse on appeal a $1.05 billion class action consumer fraud judgment against State Farm involving bogus replacement parts for wrecked cars.
The plaintiffs seek to have the reversal vacated and the original judgement restored to “correct a judgment obtained through fraud and concealment.” They allege that “State Farm’s extraordinary financial and political support for Justice Karmeier’s 2004 campaign created a constitutionally-unacceptable risk of bias such that his participation and vote to reverse the $1.05 billion judgment deprived Petitioners of their due process rights.” They had previously requested the judge to recuse himself from the case but he refused.
The case introduces new evidence from an investigation into the campaign contributions by retired former FBI Special Agent Daniel Reece, a Knoxville native who spent his 28-year career investigating public corruption and fraud in California, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Illinois.
The full complaint is here.
* Related…
* House Republicans suggest eliminating state-supported Amtrak trains: According to an Amtrak news release issued Thursday evening, the FY 2012 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee budget proposal offered by the GOP would prohibit the use of federal money to help pay for any operating costs of state-supported trains.
* State Challenging Hospitals’ Tax Exemptions: All three of the hospitals the state is focusing on provided free and discounted medical care that ranged from 0.96 percent to 1.85 percent of patient-care revenue, according to the revenue department. The state also said that each one had been operating as a “for profit” business when the state’s Constitution says that “only charities are entitled to a tax exemption.”
* Hold banks to account for their role in crisis: It’s critical that the banks not be given an unlimited pass for past transgressions – to ensure that the truth of what happened to our country is revealed and justice is not short-circuited by financial power. To date, front-line public officials appear to be holding firm. For example, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, a leader in pursuing cases to help homeowners harmed by bank abuses, recently made it clear that any settlement with the attorneys general will not include the broad waivers the banks are seeking.
* Groupon sued over unpaid overtime
* Aurora mom pickets smokeshop selling synthetic pot
* New takes on loyalty programs look to end dependence on incentives - Mobile apps, social media harnessed by startups to let merchants stay in close contact with frequent customers
* Amazon Wins Reprieve Over Charging Sales Tax: For the time being, mega-online-merchant of everything Amazon.com has gotten its way, somewhat. On Friday night, California lawmakers approved a compromise bill granting Amazon.com a one-year reprieve from charging sales tax to its customers in the state. Amazon, which has deemed the compromise bill “win-win legislation,” is to start collecting sales tax on September 15, 2012, provided there is no federal legislation passed that sets a national standard.
Madigan won’t agree to any spending increase
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Speaker Madigan says he’ll work with Gov. Pat Quinn to find money to avert facility closures. But there’s a catch. There cannot be any next spending increase…
On Saturday, Madigan indicated that despite the governor’s harsh words about lawmakers, Quinn already had told him about plans to ask the General Assembly to increase spending in some areas coupled with cuts in other areas as part of the fall session next month. Quinn lacks the power to shift money around.
“(Quinn’s) representation to us is that where he proposes new spending, he would have commensurate reductions elsewhere. Now, he hasn’t given us the reductions. But I’ve shared with him that if there are changes in the budget they’ll be revenue neutral,” Madigan said after addressing the fall meeting of the Democratic National Committee at a Loop hotel.
State law requires Quinn to go through a formal facility closure process. But given Quinn’s discussions with Madigan, it raises questions why the governor sought such a public platform to chastise lawmakers and give them what he called “a rendezvous with reality.”
“Well, the governor’s engaged in a certain amount of rhetoric relative to the legislature. I’ve come to expect it from the governor,” Madigan said. “I’m not going to get into a difference of opinion with the governor on something like that. I prefer to devote my time and resources toward working with that budget because that’s where the money is being spent. But again, the House is resolved, we are not going above the lid that we put on spending.”
* Moving money around won’t be easy, either…
Quinn suggested Thursday that the legislature simply sustain most of his $376 million in line-item veto reductions of spending in the budget. Lawmakers could then reallocate those funds to avert the $55 million in cuts he outlined this week, $76 million in pay raises for state workers that Quinn canceled that are now the subject of several lawsuits, and $183 million in other unspecified cuts Quinn says he will have to make in the future.
But Mautino said downstate was particularly hard hit in both Quinn’s line-item vetoes and his proposed cuts on Thursday. All but one of the seven facilities targeted for closure are downstate. It will be hard for the region’s lawmakers to sustain Quinn’s line-item vetoes and re-allocate those funds because the vetoes were for services that downstate lawmakers believe are vital, such as regional superintendents and school transportation, Mautino said.
* Also, it’s going to cost money to save money…
According to state officials, it will take at least $3.8 million to retrofit existing mental health centers in preparation for taking on residents from the shuttered facilities.
Under a plan announced by the governor Thursday, which is subject to action by the General Assembly, Chester Mental Health Center will be closed along with Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford and the Tinley Park Mental Health Center in Chicago’s south suburbs. […]
The facility in Chester, however, is unlike others in the state. It serves as a maximum-security facility for potentially violent individuals who have been deemed unfit to stand trial, not guilty by reason of insanity or unfit to remain in regional mental hospitals because of violent behavior. […]
DHS spokeswoman Januari Smith said the agency will spend the $3.8 million not just on modifications at Alton, but on upgrades to facilities in Elgin and Springfield.
The governor’s serious credibility gap
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
* My weekly syndicated newspaper column is essentially a rewrite of a subscribers-only story from Friday morning. Over the weekend, just about every Statehouse journalist who also has a column or who published anything about Gov. Pat Quinn’s shutdown and layoff threats wrote that the governor has a troubled history of making threats and not following up.
To be clear, I’m not taking any credit for this. What I am saying is that if all of us are essentially on the same page, then it’s high time that the Chicago journalists (who are the only ones given access to the governor these days) start pressing this issue as well.
First up, my piece…
I began to reminisce during Gov. Pat Quinn’s Chicago news conference last week. Quinn had called the media together to announce he was closing seven state facilities and laying off almost 2,000 state employees because the General Assembly had passed an inadequate budget.
Wait, I thought, haven’t I already seen this movie?
Back in May 2009, Quinn warned that if the General Assembly didn’t pass his proposed income tax increase within two weeks he’d have to implement a “doomsday budget” and lay off more than 14,000 teachers, cancel preschool for 100,000 children, cut 400,000 students off of college aid, kick 650,000 people off of health care rolls, eliminate all funding for public transit, slash a billion dollars to local governments, lay off 1,000 state troopers and release 6,000 inmates from prison early.
Two months later, Quinn threatened to lay off 2,600 state workers because the Legislature’s budget was inadequate.
Two weeks after that, Quinn had pared down the total threatened cuts to a billion dollars, including $225 million for college student aid, and said there was no way the government could operate through the end of the fiscal year without a tax hike.
Almost none of that happened, even though Quinn didn’t get his tax hike until almost two years later.
But, come the following spring, Quinn was back with the same playbook. Quinn said he’d have to cut education by $1.3 billion if a tax hike wasn’t approved.
That didn’t happen, either.
This year, Quinn repeatedly threatened huge cuts to human service providers, then somehow found the money to prevent the tragedy. He also warned in late spring that the bipartisan budget being prepared in the Illinois House was full of “radical” cuts and repeatedly vowed to stop it, then signed the bill into law.
And then last week he once again blamed the General Assembly for forcing him to close those facilities and lay off those state employees — all in order to save a paltry $55 million.
Quinn’s playbook is, by now, pretty darned clear: Blame the General Assembly for causing Armageddon, announce horrifically draconian countermeasures, then eventually find a way to somehow prevent the pending disaster.
He’s like an arsonist firefighter. And, frankly, this is really starting to get old, and it’s more than a little disturbing.
Can the governor comprehend what even the threat of a facility closure does to a small downstate town? Fear spreads like wildfire. People immediately stop spending money. The local economy instantly shuts down.
Yet just about everything Quinn has done since the end of the spring session has been aimed directly at downstate.
His reduction veto of the Medicaid budget spared inner-city hospitals. His vetoes of $100 million in school transportation funding and regional superintendents operations left Cook County virtually untouched. Last week’s layoff and closure announcement included just one Chicago-area facility. Every other state facility on his list was in a downstate Senate Republican district.
“Let me know when ‘Good Pat’ rides in on his white horse, wouldya?” cracked an otherwise quite worried state Sen. Tim Bivins (R-Dixon) last week. The Mabley Developmental Center is in Bivins’ district and it’s on Quinn’s closure list. Bivins’ wisecrack referred to a recent Chicago Sun-Times column of mine about how “Bad Pat” will deliberately create a crisis so that “Good Pat” can swoop in and solve it.
Yes, there is a budget problem. I get it. I’ve written about it many times. Anyone who doesn’t get it is a fool. But if the governor had done the hard work of governing, rather than just hold a splashy Chicago news conference announcing the end of the world, all of this could have been prevented.
Quinn’s budget staff met with legislative staff a few times over the past several days to lay out the situation. Trouble is, the Quinnsters had a different explanation for how much money they needed to free up at every meeting. A memo handed out to staff late last month, for instance, had the budget hole at $180 million, which is a far cry from last week’s claim of a $313 million hole. It’s no wonder that the House Democrats have said they aren’t willing to adjust their revenue estimates to help Quinn out.
People’s lives are not fun little Chicago news conference games, governor. And you’ve been messing with those lives almost from the moment since you were elevated to your position. Grow the heck up, man.
* And here’s Doug Finke…
The problem is that since he became governor, Quinn has issued a series of dire warnings about budget cuts and closures and whatever if lawmakers didn’t do his bidding. Lawmakers didn’t, and the dire consequences didn’t materialize.
The danger now is lawmakers will call Quinn’s bluff, thinking he will once again back down. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t.
Of course, that doesn’t help those 2,000 people who don’t know if they will or won’t have jobs in a couple of months. Nor does it help residents of the mental health facilities or their families who don’t know if they are going to be uprooted because the facilities are closing.
They’re just the pawns in this exercise.
* Kurt Erickson…
Those potential roadblocks and Quinn’s penchant for backing down from his own threats left many lawmakers figuring the governor’s announcement was just a big bluff.
* Ray Long and Monique Garcia…
In the last two-plus years, the Democratic governor repeatedly has issued drastic threats, including cuts in social services, only to back away. […]
Just weeks after taking office in early 2009, Quinn said then-U.S. Sen. Roland Burris should give up his appointed seat within two weeks or risk facing a special election to remove him. But Quinn abandoned that effort within days, saying it was time to “move on.”
When Quinn faced his first budget showdown in summer 2009, agencies under his control sent letters to thousands of social service agencies warning their subsidies would be cut or eliminated because of budget choices by state lawmakers. It didn’t get that bad as the state borrowed to stay afloat.
Later that summer, Quinn said he would fire two University of Illinois trustees who refused his demands to resign amid an admissions scandal. He later relented on the grounds that he did not want to risk a legal fight.
* Chris Wetterich…
Sen. John Sullivan, D-Rushville, said a long process remains before any of the cuts or closures happen, including a review and non-binding recommendation by the legislature’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.
“He can lay it out … but it’s going to be a process to make that happen,” Sullivan said. “It seems to me like this is an overreaction, a knee-jerk reaction rather than sitting down and thinking this thing through.”
Asked if Quinn’s plan will actually be the reality come March 31, 2012, when the administration says the last of the facility closures would take place, Sullivan said, “I think that would be hard to do.”
Quinn budget spokesman Kelly Kraft said Friday the governor is serious – but that he also remains open to discussing options with lawmakers.
…Adding… Scott Reeder…
Just consider:
– When he ran for office, he said he wouldn’t support an income tax hike greater than 33 percent. A few weeks after taking office, he signed a tax hike for double that.
– He ran supporting the death penalty but quickly abandoned that position, after getting elected. With one sweep of his pen, capital punishment was abolished in Illinois.
His campaign stances on these issues almost certainly resulted in his razor-thin electoral victory over Republican Bill Brady. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised when politicians shed their campaign positions. But how can a voter cast an informed vote if a candidate refuses to keep his word?
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Quinn, Emanuel meet the press
Monday, Sep 12, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
[Bumped up for visibility from Friday evening, slightly edited, comments opened and stories added.]
* Here’s the raw audio of Friday’s Q&A with US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Gov. Pat Quinn…
…Adding… Emanuel said he didn’t want to get into the claim by CTU President Karen Lewis that during a meeting Emanuel “exploded, used profanity, pointed his finger in my face and yelled.” But, he did say that the two hugged at the end of the meeting.
...Adding More… Gov. Quinn said “it’s very clear that I did not” decide which state facilities to close based on partisanship. He didn’t explain, however, why it’s so “very clear.”
The governor reacted harshly when asked about the Chicago city council voting this week to urge him to sign the gaming bill. “It would be nice if they read the bill,” Quinn said acidly, pointing out that this was the “same city council that approved a parking meter proposal” which he called a “disaster.”
Quinn was also asked about Emanuel’s previous statements that Quinn’s concerns about gaming regulation were easily dealt with. “C’mon,” Quinn sneered. “Chicago? Gambling? Easily dealt with?”
Emanuel had left the room before Quinn took questions, by the way.
…Adding… Tribune…
Gov. Pat Quinn took a little shot today at Chicago aldermen who passed a resolution urging him to sign into law a major gambling expansion that would net the city a casino.
“This is the same City Council that approved a parking meter proposal. . .I don’t think my neighbors or folks in my neighborhood are very happy with the 75-year parking meter disaster,” Quinn said. […]
“To do things in a hasty, ill-considered way is the wrong way and I don’t do it that way,” Quinn added.
The governor’s comments came after the City Council on Thursday backed Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s push to get Quinn to sign the bill. They argued that a Chicago casino would bring new jobs and generate roughly $20 million a month. Emanuel has pledged to use the revenue to rebuild the city.
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is denying Republican claims that partisanship played a role his decision to take steps to close seven state facilities and lay off more than 1,900 workers.
Quinn said Friday “it’s very clear” he didn’t target facilities in Republican areas. Illinois House Republican leader Tom Cross has accused Quinn of targeting “Republican facilities and Republican jobs.”
Five of the seven facilities Quinn targeted to close have both a Republican state senator and representative. A sixth has Democrats and a seventh is split with a Republican senator and Democratic representative.
* And Lynn Sweet indicates that President Obama is fine with a Chicago casino…
When President Barack Obama dropped in at Chief of Staff Bill Daley’s office on Friday, the conversation with visiting Chicagoans — including former Mayor Richard Daley and his son, Patrick — turned to how Mayor Rahm Emanuel was doing, why Chicago doesn’t have casino gambling and Obama’s own immigration record.
That’s the report I got from Ald. Danny Solis (25th) […]
“Obama could never understand why Indiana and the other states” had casinos and Chicago did not, Solis said.
One thing, I guess, led to another and Obama offered up, Solis said, that his mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, “goes once or twice a year to Vegas and really enjoys it.”
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