STOP: The Misinformation Campaign
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] When the biggest utility in Illinois opposes competition and wants to protect billions in extra profits, they’ll gladly trample the truth if it gets in their way. They support a so-called coalition that will stop at nothing and say anything, even if it’s not true. STOP Claim: “Taylorville Energy Center electricity will cost SEVEN times market price.” The Truth: In a cynical attempt to manipulate lawmakers, STOP wants to compare a price that includes 30 YEARS OF INFLATION with today’s historically low market prices. It’s like comparing the price of gas at the pump today with what we’ll pay on average between now and 2041. STOP Claim: “Tenaska wants Illinois consumers to pay even if their plant produces no power.” The Truth: The legislation was changed six months ago at the request of ComEd so this remote possibility could never happen. Which part do STOP and ComEd not understand? STOP Claim: “We don’t need any new baseload. The speculation on the closure of baseload plants is just that, it’s speculation.” The Truth: 239 coal plants (40 GIGAWATTS) have already announced they will close because of the new EPA rules. Industry analysts expect Illinois to lose up to HALF of its coal plants, which currently provide 45% of Illinois electricity. AG Madigan, Senator Durbin, CUB and a diverse coalition from around the state know the truth which is why they’re supporting the Comprehensive Energy Efficiency and Investment Act, SB 678. Vote Yes!