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Unsolicited advice

Thursday, Nov 17, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday

Officials with the state treasurer’s office say they’re taking steps to make sure no problems result from an error on a mailing to 36,000 people who participate in Illinois’ Bright Directions college savings program.

The Bright Directions account holders received a quarterly newsletter with their Social Security numbers printed on the outside.

Officials say the mistake was made by the bank that keeps records for the program.

* From Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford’s Twitter feed for the past few days

Having lunch in St. Charles at Salerno’s Restaurant on the Fox River.

Pictured With Carpentersville Village President Ed Ritter today at our #cashdash event.

With Algonquin Village Trustee Debby Sosine at #cashdash this morning.

Pictured speaking at Carpentersville #CashDash this morning.… Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford Completes Successful Cash Dash Event in Lake Zurich

Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford Completes Successful Cash Dash Event in Crystal Lake…

Join me tomorrow, Thursday, Nov 17, at 6:05am when I am live on @WGNradio 720. I’ll be speaking with Bill Moller. Hope you can tune in.

I hope you get a chance to come out Thurs, Nov 17, to see if the state has any of your unclaimed property. #cashdash

Thursday, Nov 17, we will have our last stop in St. Charles at City Hall (2 E. Main St). Ill be there from 1:30-2 with #cashdash from 1-3pm

Thursday, Nov 17, the next stop is Elgin. I’ll be at the Centre of Elgin (100 Symphony Way) from 11:30-12pm and our #CashDash is 11am-1pm.

On Thursday, Nov 17, I’ll be at the Carpentersville Village Hall (1200 LW Besigner Rd) from 10:30-11 and #cashdash will last from 10-12pm.

Thursday, Nov 17, I’ll begin in Algonquin at 2200 Harnish Dr and will be there at 9:30-10am. The #cashdash event is from 9-11.

At Crystal lake #CashDash with Mayor Shepley, Nick Kachiroubas City Clerk, State Rep Mike Tryon, and Gary Di Renzo.… Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford Completes Successful Cash Dash Event in Round Lake
21 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Pictured with Mayor Suzanne Branding and Police Chief Patrick Finlon of Lake Zurich at our #cashdash

With Mayor Mark Knigge of Wauconda at our #cashdash event.

Addressing Wauconda residents at our #cashdash event.… Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford Completes Successful Cash Dash Event in Grayslake

Pictured with Round Lake President Jim Deetz and Trustee Sonya Sandoval.

Pictured with Rep. Sandy Cole at the Grayslake #cashdash today.

At Grayslake #cashdash w/Mayor Taylor, Rep Sandy Cole, Chief McCutcheon, and village trustees Worfel and Waldenstrom.

In Libertyville at #cashdash with mayor Terry Weppler and township supervisor Kathleen O’Connor .

Pictures with Libertyville Mayor Terry Weppler at #cashdash this morning.

The last stop #cashdash stop Wednesday is Crystal Lake City Hall (100 W Woodstock St) from 2:30-4:30pm. I’ll be there from 3:30-4.

Wednesday I’ll be at Lake Zurich City Hall (70 E Main) for #cashdash from 2:20-2:50pm and the event runs from 2-4pm. Hope you can join us.

Wednesday I’ll also be in Wauconda at Village Hall (101 N Main St). #CashDash is from 1-3pm and I’ll be there from 1:30-2pm.

Wednesday I’ll be in Round Lake for #cashdash from 11:30-12 and the event will be from 10:30-12:30pm. We will be at 751 W Townline Rd.

Wednesday I’ll be in Grayslake for #cashdash at the Village Hall (10 S. Seymour) from 10:30-11am. The event is from 10am-12pm.

Wednesday I will be doing a #cashdash tour. First stop is Libertyville, @ Village Hall (118 W Cook) from 9-11 & I’ll be there from 9:30-10.

Donna Schaefer, McHenry township supervisor, contributed a box of paperclips at my #smartmoney Seminar today.

Chicago Office work before going to McHenry Township in Johnsburg for our Smart Money & IL Funds Seminars.

Im at the Illinois Funds Symposium in Johnsburg this afternoon.

Afternoon office discussing reorg of staff to be better customer service.

morn jog at fitness center, City Club of Chicago to hear friend & President of Chicago FOB Mike Shields; he did a very good job… State Treasurer Encourages Algonquin Residents to Collect Unclaimed Property, Money Next Week

In Pilsen, Chicago at my Smart Money Seminar. Enjoyed speaking to the group. #smartmoney

Last week’s schedule was much the same.

* Constitutional officers don’t have to sit in their offices all day. I totally get that they should be out there with the public. But that Social Security screwup isn’t the only problem Rutherford’s office has had in the past few months.

I’m no management expert by any means. I can barely manage myself, if that. But perhaps a little less travel and a little more hands-on management is in order here.


  1. - Senator Clay Davis - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:23 pm:

    What, no tweets about (or by) Rutherford’s car “Pongee”?

  2. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:27 pm:

    This man wants to be Governor, which will trigger someone to create a Twitter presence called DanRutherford’s (fill in the blank)

    Possibilities include:


    and the like…

  3. - Norseman - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:32 pm:

    Please someone take away his smartphone or disable his twitter account. Way too much boring info.

  4. - Siriusly - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:32 pm:


    This is the second major foul up he has made that I think is borderline criminal. Enough with the campaigning mr treasurer, get your office in order.

  5. - anonymice - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:42 pm:

    You’re assuming this foul up wasn’t the result of his actually being in the office one day. Maybe it’s safer for him to be out and about.

  6. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:44 pm:

    I know this program did not start under Rutherford and I actually happen to think it is a good program, but given the things that go on in Illinois government I have never liked the idea of a state government program being named “Cash Dash.”

  7. - amalia - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:48 pm:

    epic fail. can just imagine the next campaign commercials against him. if I were one of the people whose ssn was put out there I would be livid.

  8. - Dave Dahl - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:50 pm:

    I’ve been calling for a @FakePongee for some time.

  9. - Not a Surprise - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:50 pm:

    He really needs to get his act together. Bernie just had a piece about high-level defections in his office, he has had two Bright Start foul ups, he gave memebers of his staff up to a 50% pay raise and he got caught using state dollars to mail to his campaign donors. Its been a heck of a first year!

  10. - Look@itthisway - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:53 pm:

    Rutherford is a campaigner and he’s pretty good at the retail game in Illinois. It would be nice if Quinn would learn a lesson or two from him (ie. going out an meeting people South of I-80 at least once a month).

    That said, you’re 100% right Rich. That’s the whole problem with these guys (Rutherford & Quinn). When it comes to doing their jobs, they’d rather talk about the failures of others and instead try to get on the front page of the rural weekly after visiting the nursing home.

    Rutherford has flipped and flopped - criticized ways to pay vendors - threatened to call bond houses to tell them Illinois is a junk investment - then flipped back to whereever he was before - just to get another headline and seem relevant. He’s really a big deal in his own mind. But hasnt done much other gin up the PR machine.

    Whatever. If Rutherford is angling to be Governor, he’s got a shot to win - regardless of his management in the Treasurers office.

    But, he needs to understand, the dorkish approach to running Illinois gets you about a 29% approval rating.

    Cut the dung. Get serious Dan. Drop the hokey schtick (check out his birthday greeting on YouTube). Get to real work.

    Also, quit pretending you’re using Alexi’s old letterhead to save money. In the last year, I’d about bet your office prints more stuff with your name and title on it than Jesse White.

  11. - Wensicia - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:54 pm:

    What, he run all over Lake County and didn’t stop by Waukegan??

  12. - Wensicia - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 1:55 pm:

    “he can run” sorry

  13. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:00 pm:

    Twitter has its uses. But for too many folks its an endless stream of reporting on the contents of their navel.

  14. - Ahoy - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:15 pm:

    It’s hard to manage the Treasurer’s office when you’re preoccupied with campaigning for Governor… or calling banks to ask them to raise interest rates on Illinois taxpayers.

    Maybe it’s just too hard for him.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    I think it was called “the excruciating minutia of every, single daily event ” on Seinfeld. Of course, that was before twits were tweeting, so it’s even worse now.

  16. - cash dash - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:33 pm:

    this program is a ripoff anyway…some of these assets are deemed “unclaimed” after only a year. He ought to be in Springfield changing this confiscatory law, instead of promoting it.

  17. - Aldyth - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:38 pm:

    Printing social security numbers on mailing labels is inexcuseable. What kind of idiots are running things?

    Oh wait. We elected them, didn’t we?

  18. - adolfo - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:43 pm:

    Bravo, Rich. Well said.

  19. - Cooper - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:44 pm:

    @cash dash
    “this program is a ripoff anyway”

    Please explain…

  20. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:49 pm:

    Rutherford tweets, ad nauseum.

  21. - bored now - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 2:54 pm:

    blaming a bank for printing soc. security numbers is stupid. NO RESPONSIBLE BANK would do that. so either rutherford has screwed up by employing the most irresponsible financial institution on the planet (a contributor???) OR his office screwed up.

    i need not point out that we would not have had this problem had we elected a really manager (say, robin kelly). when rutherford promised to run the department like a business, i didn’t realize he meant the identification theft business…

  22. - cash dash - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 3:14 pm:

    state government wants to claim these private assets as fast as they can, the proceeds go into the state’s general fund . The legisalture keeps shortening the time by which the government can move on these assets. So even though Rutherford appears to be helping folks get their assets back, his silence on the larger issue of confiscation is aiding and abetting the government.

  23. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 3:36 pm:

    Looks like Dan’s on a statewide mission to find his management credibility. Here’s a tip: you won’t likely find much of that in the newsrooms you’re visiting.

  24. - Borealis - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 3:55 pm:

    Had the privilege of speaking to Dan several years ago at an insider holiday event and he said he was going to run for Sec’y of State and beat Jesse. I said good luck to you pal and avoided drinking what he was having for the rest of the night. Quite the empty suit.

  25. - Cooper - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 3:55 pm:

    @cash dash..Hilarious! show me where the state confiscates assets..

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 4:03 pm:

    Dear Treasurer Rutherford,

    Since you are “new” to this “statewide office” thing, there are a few things you need to know;

    Every “good” thing that comes from your office, you can take the credit. Shout it on the highest mounds of Cahokia if you like, but take the praise, make noise about the “good” ya do, and make some hay while you are at it.

    Every “bad” that comes from your office, ya gotta “eat it”. When a “staffer” sends an email about being first for a program, or printing social security numbers where they can be seen through the window envelope (why???), ya gotta “eat it”. I am telling you this as a constituent … your staff is LETTING YOU DOWN. Either you run a little rough-shot on senior staff to get their …acts … together, or make some changes. You, Treasurer Rutherford are responsible for the workers in your Office. Like it or not, you are. If you want to keep eating the “bad”, just keep everything “as is”

    Twitter and Facebook are great. Nothing like having, at your fingertips, the thoughts and moves of a “statewide official”. Ask the guy who lost his job about Facebook when he called in “sick” then posted on his Facebook, “Woo Hoo, Vegas here I come”. Treasurer Rutherford, you are telling us about “going to Waukegan, then Bloomington” every day, while your Office seems to have mishap after mishap. Sometimes. ..less is more …it is.

    Finally, You are Treasurer Dan Rutherford, not Treasurer Rutherford, candidate for ‘X’ … yet. I got great advice once, and I will pass it on to ya …the best way to get a better job, is to do YOUR job, best. If you think these “minor” hiccups won’t derail your march, then you are NOT the student of history I know you to be. Right now, you negatives are, “insiders paradise for programs” and “careless with the people of Illinois information so to get a PR shot out.” Please take a look internally at your “campaign” staff, and start thinking about a staff with your best interest at heart… today.

    I am sorry this “advice letter” is so long, but all the good will is starting to erode. The Press Releases and Twitters and Facebooks will sink you faster than emails and Social Security numbers. Do your job, get your head square and THEN think about 2014. Make no mistake, you are letting people downn, no matter how many “friends” you have on Facebook.

    Yours truly,

    Oswego Willy

  27. - heet101 - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 4:16 pm:

    Good God, maybe a little less tweeting and more governing.

  28. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 4:33 pm:

    A few weeks ago Topinka was promoting pet adoption on the plaza of the Thompson Center. With the state budget such a mess, I wish these two would focus on their core functions.

  29. - Unreal - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 7:47 pm:

    Rutherford had a fundraiser in Mchenry this morning. Using state dollars to fund his campaign events, maybe the Feds should look into this.

  30. - 1776 - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 9:45 pm:

    With due respect, the Treasurer is promoting a program vested by law in the Treasurer’s Office. The fact that he is technically savvy can create problems when used too much or inappropriately.

    Secondly, the Bright Start program’s contract with the bank predates his term in office. I get notices and beleve they are printed by the bank - not the state.

    He does have issues with senior staff. I sat in the Revenue Committee yesterday while Cory Jobe sat there. Amazingly, posts appeared on Jobe’s Facebook account regarding his political and aldermanic efforts at the same time he was sitting in committee and on the statte dime. That will get you in trouble Mr. Jobe.

  31. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Nov 17, 11 @ 10:26 pm:

    I think it is good for Rutherford to try Tweeting. There is a learning curve and making it work does take some time if you are committed.

    He isn’t there yet. Too many of his tweets are not worth the data. I hope he takes it down a notch because like any other communication, Tweeting can be a “wash” if it is done wrong.

    But keep going Dan. Just think about what you are Tweeting and ask yourself if the Tweet will advance some kind of goal.

  32. - bored now - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 9:28 am:

    1776: if the treasurer wasn’t responsible, then they can easily go to the bank and demand that they provide id theft insurance to all 36,000. after all, that’s what *any* business would do if *they* had made this mistake.

    i won’t hold my breathe, though. nor do i expect the treasurer to seriously run the office like a business and offer the victims of his malfeasance id theft insurance, either. rutherford’s mis-management of this state office is widely known, the departure of senior (non-political) managers illustrates that, and i have no doubt that rutherford will bring in patronage people to fill technical positions, which will be further evidence of his mismanagement. but this is illinois, so what can we expect?

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 12:48 pm:

    Treasurer Rutherford … you Tweeted the following:

    ===RutherfordDan Dan Rutherford
    Anyone that would not like to receive my Tweets should remove themselves as a Follower. Remember, you opted in!
    18 hours ago===


    === RutherfordDan Dan Rutherford
    There are obviously thousands that want to follow my Tweets because our Followers continue to grow.
    18 hours ago===

    Hubris … scary thing to have when Tweets can come back to haunt you …

    For 2 to 3 thousands “followers”, you are willing to look inept? …Hubris? …Hubris

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