*** All-Day ScribbleLive News Updates ***
Friday, Nov 18, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * After yesterday’s successful test, it’s time to roll this out on a daily basis. I quietly killed off our daily Morning Shorts posts about a year ago, and I’ve been thinking about how to replace the feature ever since, without all the drudgery of link gathering and bother. The ScribbleLive software is a huge improvement over Morning Shorts. Not only do you get links to stuff we may not discuss elsewhere on the blog, ScribbleLive offers us instantaneous updates from numerous selected news feeds. You can literally watch the day’s events as they happen by simply monitoring this post throughout the day. It’s kind of like 24-hour news radio without the audio or the ads (yet). And you don’t even need to refresh your screen. * BlackBerry users click here, iPad and iPhone users remember to use the “two-finger” scrolling method. Enjoy…
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 1:34 am:
I’ve been fairly sympathetic to the Occupy folks to this point, but even I really didn’t get their action to sit on the LaSalle Street bridge tonight.
How was that taking a stand against corporate greed or government corruption? Do the occupiers think Rahm or any of the aldermen were inconvenienced? To me, it just seemed to make the commute a lot more difficult downtown last night for all Chicagoans. Thus, I can’t imagine how it won them more support.
At least the Chicago PD handled everything professionally just ticketing everyone instead of creating a confrontation situation as has happened in other cities. Unfortunately, I fear Chicago PD will wind up paying the price for mistakes made by less professional police forces in other cities when all the protesters from across the country are likely to converge on the city next May for NATOG8.
I hope Rahm and Madigan and Quinn can take a break soon from figuring out how much taxpayer money they can hand out to extortionist employers in this state to figure out a plan to preserve order and safety when that circus comes to town.
- amalia - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 7:51 am:
Is Chris Melvin a woman? otherwise, the three City appointments to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority are all men. and that would be sad. not only are there an increasing number of women who are into sports at all levels, but it is money and a stadium the group handles, so why not a woman appointed too? ok, and to dream, as a Sox fan, I care. hoping Chris is a woman….
- OneMan - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 8:02 am:
Working not to far from the site of Haymarket square I can tell you I am not looking forward to NATOG8.
- Just Observing - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 12:11 pm:
I still miss Morning Shots
- amalia - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 1:27 pm:
so is the water attack real or not? Springfield, you are up on the top lines over at Drudge.
- Barton Lorimor - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 1:27 pm: