*** UPDATE *** Federal laws, federal consent decrees, state laws, no big deal says a federal judge…
Illinois election officials today asked a panel of federal judges to avoid any delay in candidate filing for the 2012 Congressional election while the court considers a Republican challenge to the new boundaries for U.S. House districts.
But one of the three judges on the panel hearing the case in U.S. District Court said election authorities should be prepared to make changes to the filing schedule that is supposed to run from Nov. 28 to Dec. 5 and suggested the state legislature be on standby over the Thanksgiving holiday. […]
Chief among the state’s concerns is a Feb. 4 deadline for mailing absentee ballots to overseas and military voters. The date is “set in stone,” the state’s lawyers said, based on federal law and a federal consent decree.
But federal Appellate Justice John Tinder of Indiana questioned the state’s hardline position during the second day of trial for the Republican challenge of the new map. Tinder is sitting on a three-judge panel along with U.S. District Judges Joan Lefkow of Illinois and Robert Miller of Indiana.
[ *** End Of Update *** ]
* Because of redistricting, campaign season has been hot and heavy for months. Lately, though, I’ve been getting a lot of press releases sent as e-mail attachments. I say this every two years, and my hectoring has done some good, so I’ll repeat myself: Please,don’t do that. Attachments are needlessly time consuming, and if I’m not particularly interested in your race, or your headline isn’t all that appealing, I might not even download your doc-x or pdf file.
Just paste the text into the body of an e-mail message if you don’t have the technology to use html in your missives. I swear I won’t criticize you for plain text campaign e-mails. Promise. Word of honor.
* Meanwhile, I took a mild shot at Treasurer Dan Rutherford yesterday, mentioning that he might want to spend more time in the office after looking at his extensively detailed Twitter feed and noticing a recent news report about another administrative problem at his office. About seven o’clock last night, Rutherford sent out a string of Tweets…
Anyone that would not like to receive my Tweets should remove themselves as a Follower. Remember, you opted in!
There are obviously thousands that want to follow my Tweets because our Followers continue to grow.
Home after a few days at Chicago office and on the road with Cash Dash.
Scores of people found they had money coming from our Unclaimed Property program, even the Crystal Lake school district had $14,500!!!
First 9 months last year Treasurer returned $60 million to people, because of extra efforts in marketing we returned $72 million in 9 months
And then nothing since.
…Adding… Right on schedule, he started Tweeting again.
* Leave it to a Metro East trial lawyer to sue Facebook…
Illinois Facebook users won’t “like” that the social media website is keeping track of the websites they visit, according to a class-action lawsuit filed in federal court.
Edwardsville lawyer Mark Goldenberg alleges that Facebook violated Illinois’ Wiretap Act when it tracked, collected and stored users’ Internet browsing history, even when they weren’t logged onto Facebook. […]
“Facebook should reasonably anticipate being hauled into court in Illinois to answer for its unlawful acts,” the lawsuit stated. “Illinois has a strong interest in providing a forum for its residents aggrieved by violations of the law.”
The Facebook suit is filed on behalf of Dana Howard — who is also listed as the plaintiff’s on Goldenberg’s lawsuit against Morgan Stanley. That case settled.
* On to campaigns. Uh-oh…
The Hill reports that Thursday Americans for Prosperity held a press conference to announce targeting 40 Congress members who, AFP says, have indicated they could vote for a tax increase if the supercommittee recommends it happen. Among those listed is Congressman Robert Dold (IL-10).
Republican lawmakers on the supercommittee have put down a proposal that would raise at least $250 billion in new net tax revenues. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), the supercommittee chairman, said Wednesday he could go further if Democrats offered more on entitlement spending cuts.
* And the national media cannot let go of its silly fascination with a Rahm Emanuel presidential bid…
In an interview with Rock Center’s Harry Smith, Emanuel said he has no plans to be America’s first Jewish president.
“Not interested. Not going to do it. No. I’ll do it in Hebrew, Lo,” Emanuel told Smith with his famously blunt tongue.
When reminded of other politicians who vowed to avoid a presidential run only to run years later, Emanuel said, “I don’t care.”
When pressed by Smith, Emanuel said, “What part of it is [it] that I’m not getting across? Here, give me a piece of paper, I’ll sign it,” he said.
* Roundup…
* GOP U.S. House members blast Illinois’ new district map in court - Democrat-drawn plan under review by federal panel
* Republicans testify in redistricting lawsuit
* Key Senator Pushes “Nuclear Option” Against Central Bank
* During debate, 12th Congressional District candidates focus on job creation: Wiezer said he’s making attempts to lure businesses to the region, and as an example said he has asked Cracker Barrel to build a restaurant at the Lewis and Clark monument in Hartford.
* How Political Campaigns Can Turn Social Media Support Into Votes
* “Breaking The Internet”
* DOJ Wants ‘Terms Of Service’ Violations Criminalized
* Grassroots group “Illinois with Newt” forms
* The 5th Annual Mashable Awards
- wordslinger - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:18 pm:
–There are obviously thousands that want to follow my Tweets because our Followers continue to grow.–
Sounds Messianic. Seriously, capitalize “Followers?”
–Scores of people found they had money coming from our Unclaimed Property program, even the Crystal Lake school district had $14,500!!!–
After a certain age, use of exclamation points should be rare. And unless you’re an age-appropriate Justin Bieber fan, one will do.
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:40 pm:
- wordslinger - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:18 pm:
And unless you’re an age-appropriate Justin Bieber fan, one will do.
Maybe you’re on to something here, Word.
- just sayin' - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:42 pm:
By the way Rich, meant to say kudos on calling Rutherford out on that in a firm but fair way. Totally fair game. You had him dead to rights with all the back up.
Just when I sometimes thing you might be getting a little to comfy with some of the Springpatchers, you prove me wrong. Good job.
- cash dash - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:44 pm:
how much of the “people’s” money did you turn over to the government, dan!
- wordslinger - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 3:44 pm:
Cincy, I’m talking about nothing but writing style.
- bored now - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 4:30 pm:
did he happen to mention that he was going to offer the 36,000 people whose soc. security numbers he published id theft insurance/ protection? you know, like any business would if they had made that traumatic error?
or was the whole “run government like a business” thing just bull???
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 18, 11 @ 9:30 pm:
when I read those tweets and posted on the post you had yesterday … I was just shocked. Glad you noticed it too … Bru-Tal! (I added explanation points so I wasn’t left out).