Stop Older Worker Discrimination Now! – Repeal the Social Security Unemployment Offset
Tuesday, Nov 29, 2011 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] FACT: The Social Security Unemployment Offset reduces unemployment benefits for those receiving Social Security by an amount equal to half of the individual’s Social Security payment. This means that jobless Illinoisans suffer with denied or reduced unemployment benefits simply because of their age. FACT: Illinois is one of only two states in the nation that has not taken action to repeal the Social Security Unemployment Offset (Louisiana is the other). Illinois needs to get on board with the rest of the nation and repeal this discriminatory law. FACT: Employers pay fully into the unemployment fund for all their workers, regardless of age. All workers should receive their full unemployment benefit, regardless of age. FACT: Legislation to repeal the Offset has been introduced every year for the last decade in Illinois and consistently enjoys bipartisan support. However, the bill has never been heard in committee or on the floor. Illinois lawmakers must step up to the plate and allow a vote on this issue.