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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Our first winner from yesterday’s nominations for Senate Democratic campaign staffer is Noe Chaimongkol. An anonymous commenter summed him up…

Never gets the credit he deserves, especially on the political side. Don’t let his quiet demeanor fool you. He knows strategy backwards and forwards and is a someone every candidate should want in their corner. And really - Linda Holmes, twice? That’s worth a horseshoe in itself.

* Runner-up is Bryen Johnson. Here’s “Sideline Watcher’s” nomination…

Bryen Johnson for many of the reasons listed above but mostly because in politics it can be very easy to get cynical and jaded. Bryen erases all that by being an absolutely genuine, hardworking, honest broker who plays to win. We need more people like him, especially in this environment.


“Michelle Flaherty” wanted a special playoff on this one, but it’s not to be…

How about a pay-per-view smack down between Bryen and Noe? It could be broadcast online to CapFax subscribers.

Winner gets the horseshoe.


* Our winner on the Senate Republican campaign staff is Jo Johnson

Jo Johnson does a swell job on the legal side of things. She’s quick-witted and direct.

She’s done a heckuva job during the petition phase as well.

* A whole lot of people nominated Ryan Cudney, but Ryan runs the operation, so I’ll give him an honorable mention here rather than a runner-up. There were also a ton of nominations for Magen Ryan, who runs the SDem operation, so she also gets an honorable mention.

But instead of pitting the top dogs against their own staff, I’ve decided that we need a new category this year: Best legislative campaign staff director

* Will Cousineau - House Democrats

* Kevin Artl - House Republicans

* Magen Ryan- Senate Democrats

* Ryan Cudney - Senate Republicans

Make extra sure to explain your nomination in comments, please. I’ll just ignore a simple name. I can’t stress enough that this contest is based far more on intensity than numbers.

And I know how competitive some of y’all are when it comes to partisan campaigns, so do your very best to avoid slamming somebody else. Just stick to the positive aspect of your own nomination, please. Any negativity will hurt your candidate.

…Adding… I’ve already nullified two votes because people are ignoring my insistence that they stay positive. It won’t be too many more of these and the candidate with the most negativity on his or her behalf will be disqualified. Final warning, people. Enough.


  1. - Yuck - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 9:48 am:

    I’m glad you added this category, but is there really a contest? Will Cousineau without a doubt. The guy you staved off the what should have been a massacre and saved the majority for the House democrats in a year where they should have lost control.

    Some were unsure how Will Cousineau would handle the pressure after Mike Thompson departed. After all, Thompson masterminded many mega pickups for the Dems and it was pretty clear the Speaker put his full trust in him. But Cousineau walked into the job, and in my opinion, has done a tremendous job and probably outshines all of Madigan’s prior political directors. The guy gives 200 percent to everything he does and you won’t find a person, other than the Speaker himself, who works harder to protect the members of the House democratic caucus. The man works non-stop. Hard working, dedicated, and a hell of a guy.

    You have to give it to Cousineau. Anyone else and I’d seriously question the integrity of the prestigious Golden Horseshoe Awards.

  2. - OneMan - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:00 am:

    And really - Linda Holmes, twice? That’s worth a horseshoe in itself.

    True that….

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:03 am:

    ===Anyone else and I’d seriously question the integrity of the prestigious Golden Horseshoe Awards. ===

    Your vote was just nullified.

  4. - 1776 - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:06 am:

    This should be the easiest election since Reagan beat Mondale. In that case, Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota but I’m not sure the three other candidates could win their “home state” in this election.

    Will Cousineau wins going away. He maintained control of the Illinois House in the worst election for Democrats in nearly two decades. Recruits good candidates, maintains a good staff, and is well respected by all. Quite and unassuming.

    Honorable mention goes to Ryan Cudney who has made the Senate GOP relevant again. Magen Ryan has done well but is relatively new in the post. I’ll compare Kevin Artl to Andy Reid - been around a long time, with a few wins, but can’t win the big games.

  5. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:15 am:

    1776, your vote was also disqualified.

    People, enough with the negativity.

  6. - Yuck - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:18 am:

    Rich, it was a joke. Sense of humor, man.

  7. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:19 am:

    That stuff can get outta hand if not nipped in the bud. So, I don’t care if it was a joke or not. Enough.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:26 am:

    Will Cousineau is my choice.

    When Madigan put YOU in the spot to keep HIS majority, operationally, that is a pressure cooker and Will has shined. There always seems to be a “chess” game plan, even if we don’t see it through our “checker” eyes.

    On that, if you can’t play “chess” the way the Speaker wants it played, you are going to have problems. All I see is Bobby Fisher running the Speaker’s “chess” board. The House Democratic Majority is in good “Operational” hands with Will Cousineau

  9. - no doubt - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:31 am:

    “and probably outshines all of Madigan’s prior political directors.”

    That’s a little much

  10. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:35 am:

    As a partisan Republican, I have to give my vote to Ms. Ryan. The Senate GOP only picked up two seats last year, where as the House GOP picked up six. Her and the Senate Dems defense of the seats held by Mike Noland, John Mulroe, A.J. Wilhelmi, Mike Frerichs, Dave Koehler and Toi Hutchison in what could’ve been a bad year for any incumbent and a possible bad loss by the two men at the top of the ticket was impressive. The only two losses they suffered (Michael Bond and Deanna Demuzio) were close. Granted, the Senate Dems may have benefited from less-than-stellar opponents in some of the key races I mentioned above, but as we saw in several national races in 2008 and 2010, anything is possible when a wave hits. Good job Magen. And kudos on the Koehler petitions.

  11. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:46 am:

    Will Cousineau: Calm, insightful, and master herder of cats. You can’t argue with his success in a tough political environment, and he usually gives the credit to his folks. Equally good at delivering good and bad news, and when he doesn’t know, he says it.

  12. - Gopstaff - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 11:02 am:

    I’d give it to Artl. He’s always outspent 2-1 (at least) and still manages to pull off some good wins. Not his fault he has to deal with Cook county.

  13. - Thoughts... - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 11:16 am:

    Gotta be Cous. Shoulda been a slaughter for the house dems last year but it wasn’t because of his thoughtful strategy and aggressive posture when necessary. Runs a tight ship and gets it done.

  14. - myvote - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 11:21 am:

    Jay Rowell? I know he is not listed as possible option but he was the Political Director as recently as June 2011 and I can not imagine him not being involved behind the scenes in the inner workings of the of Sen Dem political plan.

    What other Political Director was able to hold on to all but 2 SenateDem Seats in the middle of a hot republican/tea party wave with PQ running?

    If not him then- Brendan O’Sullivan should be considered for his double duty with the Senate Democrats and managing a highly competitive Judicial Race… as well as his work with Senator John Mulroe last year.

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 12:14 pm:

    Will Cousineau.

    All other things being equal, Daniel Biss, Keith Farnham, Fred Crespo, Michelle Mussman, Carol Sente and Emily McAsey wouldn’t be in the Illinois House.

    But all things aren’t equal, and while they are great lawmakers & campaigners, and have a great staff, credit goes to the team’s Player/Coach.

    Don’t let his boyish looks and calm demeanor fool you. Cousineau is a crocodile. Sharks swallow their prey whole, but crocs lurk in the shallows, grad you, spin you around in circles until you drown, take some bites, then stuff you under a dead log so they can come back to snack on you later.

  16. - Long Shot - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 12:19 pm:

    I agree with “myvote.” Maybe an honorable mention? Rowell needs some Golden Horseshoe love. But…since he’s not a candidate, Cousineau should get the nod. House Rs were closing in and he fought them off. Can’t overstate how brutal 2010 was.

  17. - Just Sayin' - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 12:57 pm:

    I worked with Will Cousineau pretty early in his DPI gig. He was as hard-working and conscientious as they come back then and this seems to have continued. He’s very effective, he works hard, he apparently has the trust of someone who doesn’t trust anyone easily, and he has the results to prove his effectiveness.

  18. - Its under 20,000. - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:13 pm:

    Will Cousineau - In 2010 when the Congressional Democrats were getting destroyed in the suburbs, Cousineau was able to hold off the Rebublican tidal wave, protecting incumbents with tough races (Farnham, Sente and Crespo)and winning two tough open seats(Mussman and Biss). Cousineau fared very well in these areas - if only the same could have been said of the Congressional races in these areas.

  19. - reformer - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:14 pm:

    The proof is in the pudding. Will Cousineau has successfully defended the majority, and with the new map, has ensured that majority through 2022. He’s in charge of the top team of legislative political staffers in the state. He has steadily encroached upon formerly GOP seats in Cook County. He’s a winner.

  20. - Tom - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:20 pm:

    Will Cousineau held the house when Tom Cross had more money then he has ever had in his life. Everyone bought into the House Republicans line of a win. Not to be–thanks to Will Cousineau.

  21. - Miss Marie - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:20 pm:

    My vote would probably be split between Magen Ryan and Anna Valencia. Anna did a great job last year, and I know Magen is new, but she did a great job with the Koehler situation. Both ladies have remained calm under stress and always seem to have a positive attitude.

  22. - 10th Indy - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:26 pm:

    Magen Ryan - for reasons mentioned above and because even though it’s better than it ever was, girls still have to work a little harder than the boys to be taken seriously.

  23. - non-staffer - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 2:59 pm:

    It’s nice to know Cudney won out as best campaign staffer since he is the only Sen GOP campaign staffer

  24. - Maximus - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 4:33 pm:

    Will Cousineau. He simply won’t allow himself or his staff to be outworked and the results show that. Was at the helm during what could have been a disastrous year (and was for Dems throughout the country). Instead, 2010 was a major success for the House Dems. Guy deserves some credit even though he doesn’t seek it out.

  25. - G. Willickers - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 6:36 pm:

    Magen Ryan hands down. Folks on both side of the aisle and in the media had their jaws on the floor in reaction to the quick turnaround and instant momentum resulting from her leadership on Koehler’s petitions. She showed chutzpah, organization, steadfastness and bravado — all the things you need in a “top dog.”

  26. - TwoFeetThick - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 7:25 pm:

    Sorry, but my nominee isn’t going to count since he no longer works for the Senate Democrats, but his accomplishments are extraordinary, and he’s never gotten the recognition he deserved. Perhaps an honorable mention is in order since this category didn’t exist when he would’ve qualified.

    As political director for the Senate Dems, Jim Rogal scored a super majority + 1. Twice. ‘Nuff said.

  27. - Long-Haired Hippie Person - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 8:27 pm:

    To echo others, my vote is for Will Cousineau. What the House Democrats accomplished in 2010 was remarkable, especially after Cross and other Repubs claimed for months they would be in the majority after November. Didn’t happen, and Cousineau is a big reason for it. He is a consistent leader whose only motivation is finishing in first place, just like his boss.

  28. - k3_Spfld_Chi - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 8:47 pm:

    I only know 3 of the 4 but of those 3, I have to go to Magen Ryan. She worked some serious majic with some of the wins in the last election.

    Everyone is correct that Will is good but when you consider his bankroll vs Artl, it is hard to pick who has the best game.

  29. - Gator - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 9:34 pm:

    They all rock but Meagan takes the cake. She has done a great job and sings some mean karaoke.

  30. - Bill Cousineau - Will's Father - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 10:26 pm:

    My vote is for my son, Will. There are many times that he can not be with us because of his dedication to his job. Other times he may be with us but always takes whatever time is necessary to stay connected to those who count on him at the state. He is dedicated, loyal, strategic and conscientious. I could not dream of a career that he would be more devoted to. You are fortunate to have a person like him in your court.

  31. - forthewin - Tuesday, Dec 13, 11 @ 11:44 pm:

    Anna Valencia clearly deserves to be the nominee for the SenateDemocrats. Magen Ryan is great but has only been part of the SenD’s since the Summer of 2011. Valencia worked hard through 2010 and lead the Senate Dems thru some serious field victories (such as Noland. She created and executed a field strategy unheard of in the State of IL.

    She did so well she was scooped up by Rahm Emmanuel and pulled the Mayor’s campaign off and avoided a run-off. Her field skills deserve to be recognized and are CLEARLY in a category of their own.

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