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Here we go again

Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First one out of the gate was Michael Sneed

Sneed is betting Bill Daley, who just resigned from life in the Washington cesspool, will eye a possible run for governor in Illinois in 2014.

◆ The flipside: “I doubt if it’s on his agenda right now,” said a Daley family source. “Bill would be 66 at the time of the election — and I don’t think he’d be happy doing it.”

◆ Back shot: Daley, who abruptly resigned as Obama’s White House chief of staff a few days ago, opted off the political fast track in Illinois twice after testing bids for a gubernatorial and U.S. Senate run in 2008 and 2009.

◆ Buckshot: It’s no secret top Dems feel populist Gov. Pat Quinn is an odd duck with a sorry approval rating. “It’s impossible to get anything done with him,” said a top Dem source. “He’s always getting sidetracked.”

* And then came Andy Shaw

Shaw thinks Daley will take a serious look at running for governor, but it remains unclear what he will do in 2014. It could be the right time for him, Shaw said; he’s got a lot of national political experience under his belt.

It was unresolved if there would be a primary challenge to Gov. Pat Quinn, but another name being floated as a possibility is Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

As of right now, Lisa Madigan is running for attorney general again. Only pundits are floating her name. I don’t see her running against Quinn.

But, Daley? Who knows? The guy has floated his name for governor more times than Gov. Pat Quinn has, um, “changed his mind.” What do you think?


  1. - Boone Logan Square - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 11:54 am:

    24 hours until Sneed floats Chris Kennedy’s name…

  2. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 11:54 am:

    I followed your link to the Sneed column.

    It’s like a grocery store tabloid, but with different players.

    That was the first and probably last time I will read a Sneed “column”.

  3. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    NO. Even I would vote Republican if Bill Daley is my other choice.

    Well, okay, depends on how nutty the GOP candidate is.

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 11:58 am:

    What, no Chris Kennedy running for something item? That must be next week, Sneedless to say.

    No, I think Daley will go back to making much monies. That’s a lot easier than the rough-and-tumble of taking on an incumbent in your own party.

    Besides, I don’t think you can run for governor anymore without showing your tax returns. And I don’t think he wants to do that.

  5. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 11:58 am:

    Who was that guy, the Chicago IG, who ran for Senate? Oh yeah, Hoffman. Watch for his name to surface soon. Sneedless to say!

  6. - mark walker - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:00 pm:

    I think Daley knows better.

  7. - Cassiopeia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:01 pm:

    The only question is which Democrat will replace Quinn after the 1214 primary, not if.

  8. - Curious - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:02 pm:

    If Lisa doesn’t get in it could be a wide-open primary field. Will the people that want Quinn out so bad be able to coalesce around one worthy and electable Dem?

  9. - Wensicia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:05 pm:

    I don’t think the Daley name is the powerful political draw it once was. And I think people are tired of political dynasties.

  10. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    I don’t see a Daley of the older generation running for Governor. Their father used to say, “Why should I run for Governor when I’m the Mayor of the best city in the world.” His influence is still very prevalent.

    Now, this doesnt’t rule out one of their children choosing to run for Governor someday. The one I think has a lot of political potential is Nora Daley Conroy.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    My thought on this are best posted “Sneed-style”

    Upshot - Would be great to have a primary on the Dem side for governor; Lisa, Quinn, whoever and Bill Daley.

    Downshot - Daley would probably like a clear field or One-on-One with Quinn, and that would also mean Lisa “stays”, Jesse “stays” and the building of a strong Dem ticket… AGAIN.

    Buckshot - While the Dems seem to have quite a few heavyweights “floating” their name for a shot at the Mansion, the GOP has an extremely weak bench for governor, let alone someone for AG against Lisa, and someone against Jesse for SOS… of for that matter, if either of those spots open up, …as of today.

    Sneedless to say, the ILGOP bench still looks weak to what the Dems “have in the wings.”

  12. - E tu? - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    I’m just confused as to why people think it will be cake walk to defeat Quinn in the primary. Dan Hynes was a formidable opponent, no? And he brought out all the cards.

  13. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:12 pm:

    Wait, I know, Edwin Eisendrath! Yeah, I said it.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:12 pm:


    Ald. Ed Burke and and his lovely wife Justice Anne Burke had dinner somewhere, with someone, and Me Thinks they were talking about something ….

  15. - Dave Dahl - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    And birthday wishes to Joe Frazier, Tim Horton, and Tom Ardolino.

  16. - The Captain - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:19 pm:

    I gave this a very long thought about a month ago and I ended with “I really have no idea what is going to happen”. I can’t remember the last time that so many outcomes were realistic possibilities.

  17. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:20 pm:

    LOL @ methinks

  18. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    William Daley. The Jim Edgar of Democratic Illinois politics!

  19. - northernIL - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:24 pm:

    === And I think people are tired of political dynasties. ===

    Not to beat up on you, but I hate it when people say that. It’s like saying “people are tired of negative attack ads.” Yes, people will always say they’re tired of it, but the truth is that we’ll never be tired of it. It’s the only reason Jeb has gotten any media attention over who he will endorse, the only reason Chelsea is getting media attention asking when she’ll go into politics (she has made small remarks indicating that she will soon run for something), and it’s the only reason Caroline Kennedy was able to make such a fuss when she was campaigning to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate.

    On the flip side, I’ll say that Lisa Madigan, no matter how she got her start and what ties were able to help that, really stands on her own two feet. It doesn’t hurt that her dad is the ruler of the Illinois world Speaker, but those things combined is why she will beat Quinn in the 2014 primary.

    Sneedless to say (I love that), I think she will run for guv in 2014, and I think she’ll do quite well.

  20. - northernIL - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:27 pm:

    I guess my strike out marks didn’t work around “ruler of the Illinois world”

  21. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:33 pm:

    At this time, I would like to formally announce that I am NOT running for Governor.

  22. - MOON - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:37 pm:

    Anybody with an ounce of brains would not want the governors job under current conditions. Its a ticket to nowhere.

    I happen to think both Daley and Lisa are smart enough to realize this fact. However, if the economy improves and the State gets their fiscal house in order than anything can happen.

  23. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:45 pm:

    Has Sneed mentioned Perry Como as a candidate?

  24. - amalia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 12:51 pm:

    glad the Sun Times is still publishing news, but not her stuff.

  25. - zatoichi - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:00 pm:

    If Sneed mentions enough possible names then eventually she’ll be correct and then will really be seen as someone with solid connections.

  26. - OneMan - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:05 pm:

    I think in ideal Sneed Column

    It would read

    Bill Daley for Governor methinks it could happen in 2014… If the Burkes have their say it might happen…

    If he runs it would be historic and perhaps Leslie Hindman could auction off the stuff. Sugar Rothbord would be on board..

    Get it, forget it…

    Time to have some yum-yum soup from Rosebud on Rush

  27. - OneMan - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:07 pm:

    Opps a late Sneed Happy Birthday to Rich Miller who is ageless, priceless…

  28. - amalia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:17 pm:

    but on to Kass……just posted….,0,770443.column

    Federal immigration official warns Preckwinkle about policy

  29. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:22 pm:

    Kass just called out Brown by name. Looks like we may have a war soon. Delightful.

  30. - MrJM - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    Wait a minute… Sneed’s still alive?!?

    – MrJM

  31. - northernIL - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    What html marks are allowed? Bold, but not strike out?


  32. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:35 pm:

    If Kass is going to match wits with Brown, Brown will have to leave half his wits at home to make it a fair fight.

  33. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:45 pm:

    The Bubbly Creek Hamlet will NOT run for Governor. Bill Daley doesn’t have the temperament to be a candidate. Now would he like to be Governor? Maybe, but it ain’t an appointive position.

    As for Sneed the ultimate Sneedless column would reference the Burkes, Ed Vdrolyak, Bill Daley, at least one other State Supreme Court Justice, two random socialites, her short time working for Jane Byrne, North Dakota and a big ass kiss to whoever owns the Sun Times at the moment the column is published.

  34. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:46 pm:

    Somewhere Danny Rutherford just stormed out of a room in a huff at the very idea!

    Pongee isn’t happy either.

  35. - justbabs - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:46 pm:

    One of Brown’s kids could handle Kass. Now sure how old they are now, but I’m sure they’ve always been better writers.

  36. - mokenavince - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    We have had it with Daleys,the news as per the Sun-Times is “Quinn finally admits it:Time for a
    pension fix” I certinaly hope so. Quinn after lo these many years is finnally getting it. Cut he spending nad fix pensions.

  37. - Fan of Cap Fax - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:01 pm:

    My hope is for Senate President John Cullerton to run for Governor in 2014. He’s excellent no matter where he serves.

  38. - reformer - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:13 pm:

    If Democrats renominate Quinn, that would have to be because they want to see a Republican governor propose a balanced budget without the tax hike.

  39. - NW - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    Not sure Daley will want to spend the time necessary visiting the downstate 96 counties … Kennedy would be great …

  40. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:20 pm:

    ==Looks like we may have a war soon==
    Duel of the dorks!

  41. - Original Rambler - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:21 pm:

    I have a hard time envisioning myself ever again voting for a Daley, whether it be a Thompson or Conroy name on the ballot.

    As to all the Sneed shots, LOL!

  42. - amalia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:37 pm:

    it’s fun to focus on a Kass Brown throw down, and I would certainly concur with opinions on that posted here, but there are actual policy implications for the smack down that the Fed chief put on the County Board President. serious criticism of Cook County.

  43. - Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:50 pm:

    I can accept Bill Daley as a candidate.
    I can accept Lisa Madigan as a candidate.
    I can even accept Edwin Eisendraft (h/t Bill) as a candidate.
    I cannot accept Scott Lee Cohen as a candidate.

  44. - Shore - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:50 pm:

    “looks like we might have a war soon”
    -no one cares that much about newspapers anymore

    “somewhere rutherford just stormed out of a room”
    -he’ll be lucky to finish 4th in that primary

    charlie rose speculated last night about a rahm for president 2016 run. If we are going to start speculating on the ridiculous can we get a package deal and do it all at once. Valerie Jarrett/chris kennedy/sheila simon wants to run against mark kirk, krisnamoorthi will run for every single office in 2014. Hyde Park Democrats excited for malia obama to run in 2028.

  45. - Fed up - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:52 pm:

    Wow Rich usually the voice of reason let’s his sun times loyalty override common sense. all Kass did was credit the Preckwinkle quote to the brown column. If Kass hadn’t you would of been all over him for stealing material. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with overestimating browns wits either which are about as numerous as his hair these days

  46. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===If Kass hadn’t you would of been all over him for stealing material.===

    Nah. What was interesting was that Brown was subtle with his dig. Kass straight up called Brown out.

  47. - PPHS - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 3:09 pm:

    Hizzoner said more than once, that being Governor of IL. was a step down from being mayor of Chicago. I don’t think that Bill Daley even needs a job.

  48. - OneMan - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 3:28 pm:

    Well for one thing, the legislature does not just rubber stamp everything the governor wants to do…

  49. - langhorne - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 3:32 pm:

    bill daley for ____________ (insert balloon). thats predictable sneed hype. he is a backroom, low profile kind of guy w a famous family name. he may be a competent executive, but he hasnt, to my knowledge, shown any desire for grassroots retail politics across the state.

  50. - amalia - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 4:08 pm:

    more on the fugitives over the border thing, Durbin’s meeting today had all the big kids at the table, re an article in the Trib, Justice Main, Fitzgerald, SAOs from several counties, Dart, no Lisa, no Preckwinkle. serious action right on target, Sen. Durbin!

  51. - Mr. Grassroots - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 4:12 pm:

    I have actually written about that some time ago and I now strongly disagree with myself. After becoming of age as the governor, I think Quinn is the nominee as long as he wants to be. There isn’t that anger toward him that you might expect. If he vetoes the speed cam bill, whew, what a hero he becomes. He gets more lovable by the day. But, if Bill Daley hasn’t run for something by now, I don’t think he ever will. No doubt Daley can do it, raise money, connect around the state. But at this point in his life, seriously. I say only if Quinn says I am not running again, then we have a huge crowd of Democrats.

  52. - Mr. Grassroots - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 4:14 pm:

    Just saw the Chris Kennedy thing. He just might. Then, he just might not. What about Kennedy for Lt. Gov. Wow! What a team! Daley and Kennedy. Just like 1960!

  53. - Spring - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 4:22 pm:

    Kass, Brown, Sneed, three examples of why newspapers are bankrupt. Once a blue moon they have a decent story, scoop, or opinion, but most of the time i’d rather read this blog.

  54. - Skeeter - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 4:38 pm:

    Bill Daley as an opponent would be about the only thing that would get me to vote for Quinn in a primary.

    When has Bill ever done anything well? I look at his record and other than on NAFTA I don’t see much real success.

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 5:52 pm:

    Has a sitting Illinois governor ever lost a primary?

    If Dan Hynes couldn’t beat Quinn, I don’t see how Bill Daley does it.

    Moreover, even if you beat Quinn, I don’t see how you win the General. Quinn’s core supporters are extremely loyal.


    I’m much more interested in the Schock-Rutherford race for Governor.

  56. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 5:55 pm:

    ===Has a sitting Illinois governor ever lost a primary?===

    Walker. The winner lost to JRT, whose election kicked off 26 straight years of GOP governors.

  57. - ExtraPita - Thursday, Jan 12, 12 @ 8:45 pm:

    Wait a Minute. Andy Shaw works for a 501(3)c organization, should not be talking politics or the BGA might lose it’s standing.

    Hey tough, honest, relentless reporters, (you too Rich,)…. get your blinders on. Protect your sources, and buddies. After you look the other way, take a moment to look back at yourself in the mirror.

    I know. It’s better for everyone, whether we know it or not.

  58. - wishbone - Friday, Jan 13, 12 @ 12:10 am:

    “Its a ticket to nowhere.”

    Why in the world does every job have to be a ticket to somewhere else? Blago was the governor of one of the biggest states in the union and he spent all of his time pining and plotting for something else. Well he got something else, and it is eight feet square.

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